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File: 46 KB, 656x579, 1560808967108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14417005 No.14417005 [Reply] [Original]

Do people like this really exist

>> No.14417008

Yes. Just about every girl I accidently match with on tinder is a fat art hoe.

>> No.14417011

Have you ever been on twitter?

>> No.14417014

yes go to college

>> No.14417292

Almost everyone born with/wanting to have a vagina after 1991 in Nova Scotia.

>> No.14417709
File: 234 KB, 1080x1350, 25016524_140577196582607_7982567860624949248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes

>> No.14417711
File: 386 KB, 1536x2048, art hoe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have my photo saved?

>> No.14417721


>> No.14417923


>> No.14417935

Yeah, I just spam the heart button until I can't anymore and remove the ugly matches

>> No.14417936

I hope not

>> No.14418034

I had a classmate in uni that unironically dressed like a housewife from the 1930s with cat-eye glasses and pastel-colored clothes.

>> No.14418057
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>> No.14418082

yes and they giv really good secss

>> No.14418228

This. I go to a university and there are plenty of them.

>> No.14418236


>> No.14418271

Man I'm in Tokyo atm and the women here are lovely, natural and feminine.
Thanks for reminding me that these monsters exist and that I'll have to go back to them soon

>> No.14418279

make photos please

>> No.14418289

based retard

>> No.14418295

All I'll say is that 80% of them wear dresses/skirts, have their natural hair color and act like women, nit women trying to act like men.
I must move here.

>> No.14418301
File: 35 KB, 480x360, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you leave Utopia?

>> No.14418728

Just go to any place that has
>anything “vintage”
>anything “scene”
>anything “indie”
There, you’re surrounded by these creatures.

>> No.14418732

Yes. They are absolutely everywhere. Do you ever go outside?

>> No.14418769
File: 1.69 MB, 1084x1330, Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-18 um 20.16.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaah i wanna fuck an arthoeeeeee

>> No.14418826
File: 690 KB, 1080x1100, 20190618_133751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14418839

this picture pisses me

>> No.14418854

You'd know the answer if you left your room you should've been aborted NEET fuck.

>> No.14418985

breaking up with my girlfriend in a few months as soon as i get a full time job.

Can't wait to dive head first into art hoes on tinder

>> No.14419004

way too skinny, still, I wanna grab her by the hips and pull her over and smell her and play with her pussy

>> No.14419011


>> No.14419221

W..whomsvt ????

>> No.14419227

Don’t waste her time and break up now u giant piece of shit

>> No.14419313

Heilune on insta

>> No.14419387

ahhhh, my penis!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14419392
File: 46 KB, 512x494, 1555616488022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I used to sleep with one
she wore unflattering clothes, smelled bad, and gave me an STD.
trad normies are much better

>> No.14419421

It's abnormal to not dye your hair in metro Japan. Japanese women go gray really young and even middle schoolers start dying their hair various shades of brown - if you see anything other than black or grey hair in Japan, it's dyed.

Did you think it was just a genetic thing that 90% of men had black hair but not women?

>> No.14419424

I knew a Japanese kid in 4th grade who had grey hair lmao

>> No.14419558

They present themselves as symbols of fantasy fulfillment to play on young men, using anime, movies and so forth as ins to market themselves, glomming onto that stuff.\

The truth is they're really bad at sex and usually sexually broken people, which makes them useless because that's all they put themselves out to be was sex objects.

The reality is that tall, athletic women with high confidence and self worth are the best at sex and the best partners, and only shy and weak men actually prefer the broken "art-hoe" type after realizing how many problems actually come along with that sort of woman.

>> No.14419570

You lost me at tall, but I agree otherwise. I don't mind using art hoes for sex, but I will only date athletic go-getter type women. Dating one art hoe for a month was enough for me.

>> No.14419716

Anyone else have the opposite problem? I wanna fuck anything but an arthoe, but I take what I can get.

>> No.14419724

I know a few that look IDENTICAL to that, just with added piercings.

>> No.14419729

Yes, they're awful. Awful. Good looking art hoes are a dime a dozen. Usually they're chubby and greasy. Even the hot ones are insufferable and completely daffy.

>> No.14419766

Damn that looks like my ex

>> No.14419781

If you ever see a skinny art hoe, they're larping. Every art hoe is literally fat and smells like dry sweat.

>> No.14419787

Nah man. My ex was an arthoe and had anorexia. Literal skin and bones

>> No.14419796
File: 54 KB, 455x534, 2587841294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14419808

loser. tall women are the most attractive. and evey guy doesn't have the frame to be dominate around them because of the height thing. even if she's taller then you or your size your still the man. simple.

>> No.14419809

you guys are living sad and down bad. get out the house more. what even is a arthoe?

>> No.14419815
File: 1.32 MB, 2528x1141, Oranutang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video proof

>> No.14419820

>Get out of the house more
>What even is a(n) arthoe?
You conflicted yourself, and have no self awareness. You need to talk to people more. It takes more than just walking out of the door.

>> No.14419848


I like her music but I hate every le ironic depression memes zoomer girl who listens to her.

>> No.14419860

It looks like clown make up and I'm not even joking

>> No.14419897
File: 397 KB, 541x905, Screenshot_20190619-035807~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, in fact you posted the exact one who was in my class when I went to art college

>> No.14419941

>Posting 00s indie girls in an art hoe thread

Lol fuck off flyover boomer

>> No.14419944

That's a scene girl zoomie.
>T. Flyover millennial

>> No.14419962

Scene is the most flyover boomer shit there is.

>> No.14419967

That sentence doesn't mean anything

>> No.14419971

for you

>> No.14419972

it's the overdrawn lipstick

>> No.14419974

Which words do you need help with, anon?

>> No.14419999

i want a less-edgy korean girl
but i only get dyke filipinos and white girls who don't shave

>> No.14420007
File: 97 KB, 900x900, 5343c96c7dfd869af4df20e7bcd735d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they make my pp hard

>> No.14420037

It's the nose for me

>> No.14420041

s-source? Who is this semen demon?

>> No.14420089



>> No.14420095
File: 42 KB, 428x371, 1560785356666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not as fun as you're imagining it is, believe me.

>> No.14420105

>and only shy and weak men actually prefer the broken "art-hoe" type after realizing how many problems actually come along with that sort of woman
based and sex-pilled

>> No.14420602
File: 51 KB, 639x372, art hoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be an US thing, i dont see them here in yurop

>> No.14420772

I been in Seoul for the past year, I think you hit it on the head. The women are just so diffrent.

>> No.14420784


>> No.14420785
File: 31 KB, 400x500, tumblr_p979p2SPfG1skshmno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14420787

have you not been outside in the past 4 years?

>> No.14420790
File: 65 KB, 759x797, df74534d7522b572b065626d626cff84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14420794
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>> No.14420802
File: 175 KB, 720x960, 85bf99339c8e8f2ff976d728b4765c96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the style is really not as prevalent as the internet makes it seem

outside of the "trendy" areas of metropolitan cities and college campuses people still mostly dress normally

"art hoe" as a style is still somewhat vague and new and not well defined. It still hasn't really come into its own as yet

>> No.14420977

art hoes are good at sex just be careful they get raw fucked by everyone

>> No.14420982

Still hasn’t come into its own? Nigga this shit died 2 years ago

>> No.14421129

>outside of the "trendy" areas of metropolitan cities and college campuses
>metropolitan cities and college campuses
a.k.a the only places people dress trendy to begin with...

>> No.14421188

>not realizing you get shadow banned doing this
>not swiping a max of 5 times a day to get your profile at the front of others feed

>> No.14421261

>SUNY Purchase
shit is everywhere

>> No.14421283

> Americans

>> No.14421323

>Shadow banned
Dude I've been doing this since tinder first came out lol

>> No.14421334
File: 31 KB, 638x716, 6234232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that they make me diamonds

you did this to me /fa/

>> No.14421345

>being this desperate for a hookup you study the tinder algorythm

>> No.14421347

literally just open up instagram

>> No.14421362

i mean the algorithm is what determines your matches its not that stupid to spend half an hour learning a little about how it works

>> No.14421368

>Nigga this shit died 2 years ago

If you're a Brooklyn or LA faggot who hangs out with contrarian artfags maybe.

>> No.14421403

>S. Korea

>> No.14421408
File: 21 KB, 580x548, ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14421409
File: 985 KB, 960x720, squad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14421456


>> No.14421460

is this still Heilune or my ex???

>> No.14421530

Alice Pagani

>> No.14421643

Ok I am an LA fag but still. It’s branched off into SoundCloud goth fishnet girls or cowgirl grandma girls. To fuck one just dress like the male version of either they’ll love that you’re ahead of the trend. And btw the nest thing after that is girls dressing like cyberpunk anime characters and being ironically racist

>> No.14421711


>> No.14421712

>socks with those shoes

What wasted potential.

>> No.14421803

Pretty much

>> No.14421909
File: 37 KB, 480x442, 2 genders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew what was coming to me when I dipped engineering to go to film school. But God dammit it is full of those cancerous whores here, the worst thing is they think they are intellectuals when in 95% of the cases of the ones I knew were only into the faux-intellectual dudes who can only barf some obscure references that no one cares about anyway.
Avoid them at all cost, may give you an std and if psycho enough more trouble than a quick fuc with a chub qt is worth.

>> No.14421918 [DELETED] 

To bad chinks are ugly

>> No.14421926

Too bad chinks are ugly

>> No.14421959

How long before zoomers advance their nostalgia fetish to the 2000's and try bringing Scene kids back?

>> No.14421976
File: 104 KB, 960x932, 13413557_1311561588858628_3750006363630179741_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about it's been a meme for years now. It's just 90's club/goth fashion worn by zoomers who would have been 2000's hipsters but were too young. Do you think that it's just a coincidence that someone started an art hoe thread anc a collective of random starngers on the internet all posted examples of essentially the same thing?

>> No.14422065

Modern rappers already dress just as gaudy, and Lil Uzi (SoundCloud rap in general) is clearly inspired by that era of music. It's only a matter of time. I can't wait to make fun of them.

>> No.14422070

Some faggot boomer keeps trying to push it the last couple of weeks with surprisingly low pushback. I've quietly watched a lot of dumb trends on this site over the years, but I will fight that one.

>> No.14422074

No shit. Pretty sure scene gayness was 90% mutt, and it was entirely relegated to the suburbs and cities you would never choose to visit.

>> No.14422169

>dude you know how things work lmao that's so cringey
go fuck yourself

>> No.14422262


>> No.14422263


>> No.14422360
File: 2.10 MB, 1457x1763, Screenshot_20190619-214805~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14423430
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>> No.14423441

scandinavia has them
i don't really mind, some of them look good

>> No.14423520

imagine the smell

>> No.14423529

Overdrawn lipstick is a sign of poverty (among other things).

>> No.14423587

The best part of dating these girls is that you can physically and emotionally abuse them and they just let you get away with it if you pretend its a sex thing becuase they want to seem cool like they actually do that stuff

>> No.14423588


>> No.14423608

circular glasses seems to be their uniform

>> No.14423633

spain is full of them

>> No.14423656

Can confirm.
Arthoes dig mental and physical abuse.

>> No.14423671


>> No.14423921

sure thing mongrel whitoid cuck.Have fun with your filthy mongrel thot

>> No.14423925

purple hair is cute

>> No.14424317

yes, my uni is connected with the humanities uni and I see tons of them
I'm in an eastern eu country for ref

>> No.14424330

Could you use any more buzzwords?

>> No.14424790

dial 8

>> No.14425141

Russia is full of them

>> No.14425144

I sure hope so, I need to make one my girlfriend

>> No.14425146

That picture you posted is in the UK

>> No.14425155

8 > 7 > Foreground 4 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 3 > Background 4

>> No.14425187

I ended up fucking one, except she wasn't fat.

Body hair wasn't even attempted to be trimmed, no deoderant, etc. The stories you hear about hygiene are true. Baby's first feminist posters and quotes on her walls/bumper stickers on her car. Had a variety of "interests" that all remained at a surface level, nothing deeper.

Ultimately the most boring girl I ever got to know/have sex with. Felt like fucking a sandbag. She then went on afterwards to explain to me all of her sexual/romantic traumas, etc.

I got out of there the next morning and never got back to her. Yikes.

>> No.14425211

True, people who hedge their bets are scum

>> No.14425293
File: 64 KB, 228x228, 1546446034429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to california state school
>no alt girls, or white girls to begin with
I regret not finding a way to go to school out of state deeply and sincerely

>> No.14425325
File: 166 KB, 970x542, 1546759459956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come with me to arthoe-mecca, brother. We're all gonna make it

>> No.14425348
File: 616 KB, 894x678, 87536547568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14425354

Where would that be?

>> No.14425365
File: 191 KB, 920x1177, 1508183228470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oregon my friend, I hear Seattle is good hunting a well. Whenever theres an art hoe thread a month from now I'll let you fellas know how it works out for me.
"at least this will make a good greentext" is how I plan to steel myself for the coming rejections

>> No.14425599

All over Ireland too

>> No.14425733

Yes they do. Irl they appear slow, like somewhat retarded.

>> No.14425808

I caught a whiff of a cute art hoe one day at work, stale sweat was overpowering but it made me rock hard, I just wanted to ram that smelly bitch

>> No.14425830


Art hoe aesthetic is simply Red Light district covert whore aesthetic. Prove me wrong

>> No.14425874

In college I knew a girl kukw this, same hair color and everything

>> No.14426691


up the ra

>> No.14426745
File: 532 KB, 476x442, wchho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just scrolling through my IG feed and I had to come back here and post this

>> No.14426871

i want to know the smell of their assholes after they fart PLZ this turns me on very much I just want to jerk off right now.

>> No.14426984
File: 1.00 MB, 1440x2205, 20190607_195102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14427181

Hahahah literally spot on. LA fag here. Thinking of going to heav3n tonight but not sure if i want to pay 10$ to stare at art hoes

>> No.14427186


>> No.14427189

not only do they exist
they make my life insufferable

>> No.14427191


>> No.14427200

Thank god.

>> No.14427233

Can confirm it’s more trouble than it’s worth

>> No.14427491
File: 88 KB, 1080x2027, jyrkiainen_62113211_343278599698319_4980388971756186409_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is a whore IG @jyrkiainen

>> No.14427498

The thing that blows my mind is that they're not only like that but they actually have interests and hobbies, the last JP girl I messed with was into collecting old religious texts. It was bizarre, it was like she was a real human being and I've been living in a land of zombies my whole life.

>> No.14427506

pretty cute

>> No.14427662

Art hoes are dangerous, as are all girls going through heavy makeup and "aesthetic" phases. 90% of them physically peak at 20 and will look like a gargoyle by 27, you will not notice because you were attracted to their style and not their genes.

>> No.14427676

>do art hoes exist
imagine how separate from reality you have to be to not know the answer to this

>> No.14427681
File: 338 KB, 667x667, fullsizeoutput_3c76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes OP.....

>> No.14427694
File: 20 KB, 849x464, t2asmw44bag01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a world were arent whos were cute and likeable, acting like japanse girls and werent disgusting feminists

>> No.14427701

>acting like japanese

>> No.14427775

seen them around art uni in Poland

>> No.14427788
File: 115 KB, 1280x850, винишко.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in russia we call them винишкo, wine drinkers

>> No.14428570

Are most art hoes just larping to get dick and instagram likes?

>> No.14428572

because they drink the cum of rich guys?

>> No.14428588

These look like ig thots not arthoes

>> No.14428606

Mainstream Zara-tier styles get you far more

>> No.14428624

>we call them wine drinkers

>> No.14428648

no he's just a based retard yellowfag

>> No.14428730
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>> No.14428783
File: 18 KB, 300x300, ee84-fe31-4325-9fe7-ff759d16eca9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hengameh Yaghoobifarah, Alman-Iranian "Journalist" for feminist magazines

>> No.14428786
File: 33 KB, 540x300, Hengameh-540x300-byPeimanehYaghoobifarah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she really looks like OP

>> No.14429241

Why is college filled with arthoes now? You're not cool for having a pulp fiction tee.

>> No.14430046

Why? Art hoes are just thots that think they're intellectuals. They're awful to date too.

>> No.14430048
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is that I bet she wasn't even aware that she dressed like her.

>> No.14431411

It's been a very common style for girls in Slavic countries.I live in Ukraine and I have no choice.Or that,or some stupid girlrobot13762 with no style at all.(Actually it's because this style is very cheap)