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14395759 No.14395759 [Reply] [Original]

Skin care basics:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.14395763

Cringe pic, kek.

>> No.14395823
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How do I get rid of my deep indented acne scars? Does laser do anything? Any personal experiences?

>> No.14395915

Heard dermarolling can help but I don't have any personal experince with them. I beilieve a larger needle is used for scaring.

>> No.14396139

Throw some bondo on that shit.

>> No.14396154
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dermarolling AKA microneedling

>> No.14396298

How do you get rid of blackheads?

>> No.14396300

In the morning i wash with cold water and a MUJI face gel, i then use light toning water and if theres any sun, a sunscreen.

In the night i only wash with water and apply a light toning water.

Some days of the week i use exfo masks.

The problems is the following:
During my day, my face tend to be oily in the nose zone. I should use something to clean it until night?

also, when i shave i usually get pimples, what should a i do?

>> No.14396346

What are you shaving with?

>> No.14397411
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>> No.14397434

Going to the doctor tomorrow for my acne, as I'e tried benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid without much success. Gonna try to get Acnatac (tretinoin and clindamycin) or differin. Anyone with experience or recommendations?

I get dark/red marks which acnatac seems to help fade, which is why I want it

>> No.14397449

What products do you recommend for evening on skin tone in acne prone skin?

>> No.14397807
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am routine:

>cerave gentle cleanser
very gentle, doesn't dry out my skin like soap, but you shouldn't use soap in the first place on your face
>the ordinary's niacinamide + zinc serum*
is proven to be anti aging when it comes to lines/wrinkles and also helps when you have oily skin and sebaceous filaments on your nose
>the ordinary's natural moisturizing factors
best moisturizer i've ever used, sinks in quickly, feels light and makes your skin look and feel soft
>la roche posay's shaka fluide 50spf
best uv b and a protection, doesn't leave a white cast, lotion-like substance, very expensive outside of europe though
you don't just need good uv b protection (sun burns), but if you're looking to age gracefully, what you also need is very good uv a protection
uva rays actually go deeper into your skin than uv b rays, and cause your skin to get wrinkles/spots/age faster
when it comes to uv a protection, look at the pa rating (pa ++++ is what you need but even when there are four pluses, there's still a big difference between a 'good' pa ++++ sunscreen and a 'bad' one) and/or the ppd rating
the la roche posay sunscreen i'm using has a ppd rating of 46 which is ridiculously high, especially considering it's so cosmetically elegant

pm routine:

>cerave gentle cleanser
>the ordinary's niacinamide + zinc serum*
>the ordinary's natural moisturizing factors
>the ordinary's rosehip oil
also has anti aging properties, added hydration, locks in all products i've used

once or twice week:
>the ordinary's aha 30% + bha 2% peeling solution
once you read your mid-twenties, it's good to exfoliate once or twice a week to get rid of the dead skin cells
also helps to fade away spots from acne/hypterpigmentation, etc. quicker
i'd recommend against using physical exfoliators like scrubs and brushes and stuff because your skin is delicate and you're only tearing it apart that way

*there is more science behind niacinamide (vitamin b) than there is behind vitamin c, i believe

>> No.14397814

>During my day, my face tend to be oily in the nose zone. I should use something to clean it until night?

this may seem counterproductive, but if you have oily skin, then an oil cleanser could actually work
drying out your face with harsher cleansers (no idea how harsh your face gel is) will actually cause your face to produce more oil during the day so that's absolutely not an option
have you tried oil cleansers?

and you can also try niacinamide (for example: the ordinary's niacinamide)

also: you should ALWAYS use sunscreen anon
uv a rays always there even if it's very cloudy
uv a rays cause tons of skin damage (wrinkles, dark spots, etc.)


you can use several products: vitamin c, vitamin b (niacinamide) or retinols
for me personally, niacinamide has worked the best, but it depends on so many factors
maybe vitamin c works better for you

>> No.14397954


>> No.14397971

Why use a peel versus a lower percentage acid more often?

>> No.14398002
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>there are people who eat and drink whatever they want, don't waste their time applying various skin care products, don't get autistic over keeping everything their touch as clean as possible, their first thoughts in the morning and throughout the day aren't about checking on your skin hoping you didn't get any breakouts and they still have perfectly clear skin
it's just not fair bros

>> No.14398007

Why does Cerave have so many bad reviews on Amazon for the facial cleanser.
Was going to buy some but idk.

>> No.14398049

Their skin will still age as any other or even worse if they don't protect it.

>> No.14398114

Who else /nosun?

>> No.14398151

why do i get acne immediately when i use moisturize with sunscreen? what am i doing wrong?

>> No.14398163
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How many people do you know who actually care for their skin?
In my experience they usually either don't do anything besides washing their face with water (mostly men), or use basic cheap skincare products by mainstream brands

>> No.14398173

Something in the ingredient list may be breaking you out. Check for that in cosdna.com or just post the name here so we could take a look.

>> No.14398197

Bost favorite skincare brands. Mine:
>Jan Marini
>Truly Organic

>> No.14398221


>> No.14398227


why would you want to use acids more often?
i dunno, i want to put as less stress on my skin as possible
i don't really see the point in overdoing it t b h

>> No.14398230


i don't know anyone who uses sunscreen
there's a woman at work who is the same age as i am (we're both 30), but her skin makes her look 38
pretty sure the majority of people don't take proper care of their skin

>> No.14399418

Only women, but at most they just moisturize

>> No.14399421

TonyMoly's lemon mask is okay but the rest of it kinda blows imo

>> No.14399781

help /fa/
last couple of weeks ive been doing the cleanse+tone+moisturize on my face in the morning and at night
the last couple of days during the late morning, probably 2-3 hours after doing the routine, my skin gets extremely red and hot and looks like ive been sunburnt. it then goes away after 30min
is this an allergic reaction?

>> No.14399820

How do chinks achieve perfect skin?

>> No.14400082

/fa/ pleb core

>> No.14400206
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How do I remove hypertrophic acne scars? I have tons on my shoulders, back and chest from my acne days in puberty. Acne is gone now but these remain. They look like milia but they are not.
Derm gave me creams but they didn't do anything.

>> No.14400827
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what the FUCK am I supposed to about the 2d acne? ive had acne in those same exact spots for over a year now. i went to a dermatologist and she prescribed me some custom acne mixture with rose water and alcohol but it didnt do much. any ideas?

>> No.14400934

Could be a lot of things. I'd suggest to try dropping one of the products and see how that goes for you. Start by not using the toner, then the moisturizer and finally the cleanser. Also check the ingredients at cosdna, maybe you can find something particularly irritating.
Gooks rely on religious sunscreen use and sun avoidance and over the top moisturization. They also have thicker skin than cumskins and facial bone structure is more flat so visible signs of ageing don't show up as fast. Makeup helps as well. Check this out.
There's loads of routine videos on youtube from various models and celebrities, it's somewhat fun to watch.
I read somewhere that less harsh acid exfoliation done more often is better than strong peels as the latter simply have more side effects and the recovery time is considerably longer. Maybe the 30% glycolic acid isn't all that bad but the various TCA peels that I've seen fuck up the skin for the next week or so after application.

>> No.14400944

is cerave better than cetaphil for cleansing?

>> No.14401223

All pleb except the sunscreen. Too much alcohol though

>> No.14401255

Is lip balm worth adding to my routine??

>> No.14401320
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Do these actually get rid of blackheads?

>> No.14401340

>Check this out.
Jesus Christ. That must take at least 40mins

>> No.14401514

does sunscreen work 2hrs universally or 2hrs worth of sun exposure

>> No.14401555

I prefer it over Cetaphil, feels higher quality. Their moisturizer with SPF is great too, even for acne prone skin

>> No.14401574

Yes bro

>> No.14401579

That's scarring. You'd have to get a chemical peel or laser treatment. In the meantime, cleanse then moisturize every morning and every night. Don't use products with alcohol in them on your face. Your dermatologist sucks.

>> No.14401590

What do you guys think of waxing? Have you done it? At home, or professionally? How often do you have to do it?

>> No.14401598

Massage with Vaseline or something. It'll take a really long time, like a few hours per week, but it'll help.

t. had hypertrophic scars from surgery when I was a kid

>> No.14402015

Damn, for how much did you cop thst skinceuticals ce ferulic? Is it worth it?

>> No.14402039



>> No.14402052

Am I missing any crucial tips for better skin?

>wash your pillowcase at least 1x week
>drink lots of water
>wash,tone, moisturize in the morning and at night
>avoid touching your face
>exfoliate 2-3x week
>use sunscreen or a moisturizer with spf in it
>avoid products with alcohol
>get a good amount of sleep
>don't eat like shit/drink all the time

>> No.14402066
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>eat total garbage like sugary drinks and greasy fried food (not fat, just bad diet)
>literally never wash my face
>go months without changing my pillowcase
>forget to take makeup off half the time
>get complimented on my clear and soft skin a lot
>haven't gotten a zit in literally years
do i have superior genetics? will this get me into the ethnostate?

>> No.14402249

>I read somewhere that less harsh acid exfoliation done more often is better than strong peels as the latter simply have more side effects and the recovery time is considerably longer.

thanks for the tip
i'll look into it anon

>>wash your pillowcase at least 1x week

also: make sure your detergent is suitable for sensitive skin and doesn't contain dyes or perfumes
that can break your skin out too

>> No.14402362

i had no idea. thanks anon

>> No.14402580

Around $135, for me I could definitely see differences within a couple of weeks using it, most notably the wrinkles on my forehead are now barely visible

>> No.14402776

What is a good sunscreen and face moisturizer I can get in Europe that doesn't cost an obscene amount?
I have sensitive oily skin and been struggling to find something decent.

>> No.14403020

Sun exposure. The protection degrades due to UV exposure.

>> No.14403023


>> No.14403035

Are eye gel cooling masks like in American Psycho a meme or will they help with the slight dark circles eye cream can't get rid of?

>> No.14403128

what's the best sunscreen product that I can get in europe?

>> No.14403475

got a source on that? not that I doubt you (since that was my theory to) I just wanna take comfort in knowing absolutely.

>> No.14403479

I have weird bumps along the area inbetween my nose and eyes (not my forehead lol) it isn't acne since it isn't red but it has this weird texture. Am I an alien?

>> No.14403493

what is an obscene amount to you?

20-30 dollars for something you will use for 3+ months every day doesnt seem like an obscene amount when you think about how else you spend your money on.

>> No.14403497

no many people have those, benzoyl peroxide worked for me along with keeping the area clean of oil, just go extremely light and dont get it near your eye corners

>> No.14403510

thanks anon, but it's for acne and these bumps are rough in their texture. will it work for that?

>> No.14403534

i know what they are and have had them you cant eliminate them but you can suppress them so they arent inflated

>> No.14404070

Whats a good, cheap chemical exfoliator for beginners?

>> No.14404076

the ordinary 7%

>> No.14404104

Is it strong?
My skin can be kinda dodgy sometimes and I've never really used acids before.

>> No.14404116

its one of the weakest available but still works if you havent used any exfoliaters before, it takes a week or more for you to notice anything and a couple months of consistent use for it to actually work, just make sure you use sunscreen or a moisturizer with spf because it makes you more sensitive to sun burns

>> No.14404191
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would a windbreaker jacket and a hat and spf70 get me through this unharmed?

>> No.14404243

I want to do mirconeedling for hyperpigmentation but I heard it's bad for aging, is this true?

>> No.14404248

what is BHA?

>> No.14404391

a chemical exfoliant

>> No.14404397

So I have had periods of pretty irritating back, neck & hairline acne for the last ten years. It's was never too bad in my teens, I think it's actually got worse in last 5 years in my mid 20s.

It seemed like collars on shirts - formal or flannel - could cause a red lump. I eventually went to a doctor last summer and he told me its cystic acne and I took some Minocycline and it got a little better so I never went back. Then a few months later it came back worse than ever and I more Minocycline and took some for another couple weeks but didn't continue and go back. I also got Differin but I haven't used it.

I forgot I had the Differin to be honest because I moved house but its still before its Expiry Date. I went back to doctor today and got Adapalene/BP cream and some more Minocycline. She didnt ask me about the Differin, should I have told her I didn't use it?

Should I just get the Adapalene/BP cream and use that? Doctor mentioned today if this doesn't work then its best to consider Accutane but I've heard its horrible on the body and potential to have serious side effects.

Thing is my acne comes in bursts, I'll go a month(s) with virtually no spots or cysts then suddenly its bad for a month. But my neck and shoulders are pretty red and scared now.

>> No.14404405
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>> No.14404413

thank fucking god. i'm too lazy to re-apply it during the typical work day

>> No.14404425

An obscene amount is 50+ since that's how the prices are around here (Scandinavia).

>> No.14404519

they aint got any oil. they dont break out but they will crack earlier.

>> No.14404534

damages ur pores tho

>> No.14404550

how so?

>> No.14404563


idk what part of scandinavia but thats around 30 euros and theres cheaper options, one bottle should be enough to last you the summer and spf 30 is more than enough for scandi sunshine

>> No.14404931
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la roche posay's shaka fluid is what i've been using
it's cosmetically elegant
it's very light and has a lotion-like consistency
it sinks into your skin quickly
and it doesn't leave a white cast

it's fairly cheap, costs around 15 euros
make sure you get the shaka fluid and not the tinted version because the latter contains perfume i believe

for something so cosmetically elegant, it also has ridiculously high protection
not just 50spf, but also ppd 46 which is high protection regarding uva rays
remember: uvb rays (which spf ptorects against) will burn your skin when you're out in the hot sun for too long, but uva rays (they're there even when it's cloudy) will actually penetrate much deeper into your skin and give you fine lines and wrinkles and dark spots, so ALWAYS use sunscreen when you go outside

you can read more about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/axc010/sun_care_review_comparison_of_la_roche_posays/

>> No.14404937

Is there a medical procedure to get rid of moles? Don't know if it's the correct term, I mean flat, little moles, not those big bulge ones. I have many all over my body and I hate them. I also have freckles on my shoulders

>> No.14404944

Are Nivea products any good? It's the brand you easily find here in every supermarket and they're cheap.

>> No.14404946


i'm pretty sure you can get them lasered
look into dermatologists who use the pico laser

>> No.14405465


>> No.14405492

Ordinary offers other acids that are not as strong as glycolic, their molecure structure is larger which doesn't allow them to penetrate as deep. By strength lactic acid comes second after glycolic, mandelic follows after lactic. Glycolic is incredibly cheap for the amount, so I'd advise to try it first, if it doesn't work with your skin making it red or it stings then go for the weaker acids. Regardless of which you choose the best way to start out is by applying it once a week and then slowly working up the rate over a period of 1-2 months. And don't forget to use a sunscreen!

>> No.14405596
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i get a lot of clogs on my nose and i think its made my pours stretched? ive tried pore strips and vit e cream but it doesnt make a difference. ideas?

>> No.14405600

skip the toner

>> No.14405637

does minoxidil cause dark eye circles?

>> No.14405675

hows that gonna help for skin? dont even bother with minox, just do fin

>> No.14405686

Well I never heard of that but treating pigmentation with it seems a little bit too harsh. For PIH (hyperpigmentation) you actually want melanin inhibitors, like hydroquinone, arbutin, vitamin C. Sunscreen application is also important so the area doesn't darken. But there are also other types of pigmentation so identifying what you have should be done first. PIE (eythema) is best treated with niacinamide, vitaminc C can account for that as well. While PIH is caused by overproduction of melanin in the affected area which due to UV exposure darkens, PIE on the other hand is caused by increased blood flow as a result of inflammation. Presence of PIE can be checked by pushing the pigmented area and upon release seeing if it's even in tone and only then darkens which would indicate disrupted blood supply coming back. PIH-affected area should stay dark however. Check out this video for more suggestions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtmmIacZGkY
As the following anon said, it's an exfoliant. It exfoliates the inner lining of the pores removing dead cells and regulating sebum production. Usually it's salicylic acid, any blackhead-removal pads will include it, but there are toners as well which are more appropriate for daily use.
Here's a study comparing different sunscreens and their photostability (degradation):
Not all sunscreens work the same, some go to shit quite fast, others last longer. Generally, physical UV blockers, namely zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, don't seem to degrade as fast.
Yeah this is good. Articles from PC don't do bullshit.
I'd advise to look up product formulation at cosdna before buying or applying anything from them. If there are any acne irritants then stay away. I made the mistake of buying a moisturizer that had a one exceptionally bad ingredient and broke out horribly. Their cleanser also proved way too drying for my skin.

>> No.14405699
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Checked out the ingredients list and it includes myristate, a potent acne irritant. Are you not breaking out?

>> No.14405768

Im asking if its a side effect
also minox works well enough for me

>> No.14405786


nothing so far
i have sensitive skin and when i break out, i break out around my temples
but i've been using it for two konths now and i've luckily had zero side effects
can't beat it especially for the price imo

>> No.14405790

how long is the 50 ml bottle supposed to last if you just use it on your face, it looks unreasonably small for the 20+ dollar price tag in canada

>> No.14405794

if it works i guess. i cant use it because its super toxic to cats

>> No.14405805

I was like you from age 17-24. Eventually you'll see it, trust me.

>> No.14405889
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Thinking of using these as my skincare routine. Any critique or suggestions? I'm a guy if that matters. I don't have acne but I do have bad pores and some blemishes and minor acne scarring.

>> No.14405895

Is there such a thing as over moisturizing? I apply some after cleansing my face but my skin still feels tight and I think dry not too long after. I have oily skin, do I wait it out or should I be applying more?

>> No.14405897

if you dont have acne stick with the AHA and 30% is way too fucking high unless you are gonna use it like once a week and moisturize like crazy afterwards

>> No.14405911

What should I use as an exfoliator if not that?

>> No.14405960

Don't fuckin jump into skincare like that. First thing find a moisturizer that works for your skin, next comes the cleanser. Give each product a minimum of 2-3 weeks to see if they don't break you out or don't cause allergies. If you go all in like that you won't know what product is causing what making it ridiculously hard to determine what product to drop. Anti ageing treatments can wait until you actually have a stable routine you are confident in. Part of initial skincare is to get an understanding of your skin.

>> No.14405971

why skip the toner?

>> No.14406095
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Which face mist would you recommend for an oily and dry skin? Also, I'm going to try other moisturizers as well. I work at night, so anything that's light that you guys and girls can suggest? I sweat easily due to anxiety, so pretty much everything gets removed. So once I'm at work, it'll get dry then become oily. This doesn't happen when I'm just at home, relaxed and everything. Thanks anons.
Pretty sure, no. It'll just feel thick and might feel uncomfortable. With regards to your dry and oily skin, you might want to try other moisturizers, I guess that's for both?

>> No.14406133

I have some really bad acne scarring on my back and shoulders. Whats the best way to get rid of this? They are like dark purple spots.

>> No.14406162

just use AHA but not fucking 30%

>> No.14406422

Any good suggestions for a good body lotion for someone that swims a lot ?

>> No.14406505
File: 33 KB, 570x479, il_570xN.1542488968_2u9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shop doesn't have AC and I spend 6-10 hours a day in it. I've been washing my face (cleanse and moisturize) about twice a day while I'm at the shop. I'm also washing my face each morning and night. Is there a side effect of doing this even if you're adding moisture back to your skin? I'm doing it this much btw because I have acne prone skin and it's basically a sauna. My skin looks great, I just don't want to be fucking up something in the long run

>> No.14406542

As long as you put oil back into your face I don't see why would it affect you.

>> No.14408021

Here's a mega tip if you're buying foreign products with leaflets in a language you don't understand, say Korean or Japanese. You can use Google's online OCR tool to read the scans and then use the text generated in their translator. I find it easiest to get the OCRd text from the JSON.
Whenever the leaflet scan looks shitty I use noteshrink to improve the contrast. It helps to get the OCR behave correctly.

>> No.14408091

Thst fucking moisturiser breaks me out even through benzoyl peroxide

>> No.14408188

Get the small bottle made specifically for your face. It doesn't break me out at all and I have acne prone skin

>> No.14408195

Aren't they all the same? I have the tub.

>> No.14408208
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I think this one is lighter than the one you posted about. I've never tried that one on my face. But give this one a shot really, I have shitty skin and everything breaks me out and it works for me

>> No.14408420

not being a mongrel whitoid you cuck

>> No.14408502

I finally got my benzoyl peroxide. The instructions say to apply thinly and even though it's white in consistency when applied thinly it leaves no cast whatsoever. However I read of accounts of having to apply it in the evening because it's too bleaching for the day, making me think that maybe I'm not applying a thick enough layer. Does anyone have more prolonged experience with this? I only applied it to a few spots that have pimples for now.

>> No.14408517

Will try

>> No.14408522

If its your first time do a very thin layer. What % you got? My face was red and flaky the first time even though I have oily skin normally. I use it like 2-3 times a week now , just take it slow.

>> No.14408543

it will bleach fabric like towels and pillow cases, so be careful.
it can be photoreactive so don't apply it if you're going to be in the sun.
i wear a small dab on problem areas (oily and pimply) only when they are erupting and it usually cures them in a day and can keep skin clear for about a week but i'm not that oily, it helps reduce the amount of oil produced so don't use it on dry or flaky skin

use it sparingly
like i said i only use it about once a week

>> No.14408550

5%. I just checked after waiting half an hour. One of the areas has a slight white cast, others seem normal skin coloured. There's a very slight sensation in the area with the white cast, but others don't feel anything.

>> No.14408655

If its still okay the following day, you're probably good and lucky..

>> No.14408804

To anyone this may concern, I know of a website that posts a UV index. It's accurate mostly.


But I don't know if it works for EU people.

>> No.14409663

Can I get away with using eye cream only in the evenings, since it is expensive for how short the bottle lasts using twice daily

>> No.14409941

So I have very fair skin. For years I've had acne problems and 7 years ago I started getting cystic acne. After dealing with over a year of painful cystic acne, I decided to go on birth control and my cystic acne magically went away. I still get occassional breakouts on my cheeks and chin, but I've been cyst free for at least 5 years.

My cheeks and chin are all still red from past pimples and they tend to look inflamed whenever I wash my face. Is there anyway to treat the redness?

>> No.14409943

Why do i still have acne despite being 26? I thought that puberty was over 10 years ago.

>> No.14409945

You have rosacea, which is different from adolescent acne. I didn't get acne til I hit 20. My dad is 56 and still gets pimples from time to time.

>> No.14409947

I'm almost 30 and still get acne.

>> No.14409951

Is it bad to exfoliate your skin everyday? I use a facial scrub and my skin always feels flaky the next day.

>> No.14409957

Yes. It's completely unnecessary. You are damaging your skin

>> No.14409959
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Does this look like rosacea?

>> No.14409964
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Here's a pic

>> No.14409968
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Closeup of cheek

>> No.14410101

The skin seems fine after a day. I'll try repeating same spots and one more because there's a pimple deep down.
Well with most products when used less often they tend to take longer to change skin behaviour, e.g. anti pigments would take longer to depigment the skin but they would still reach that point. This probably depends on the formula though and if it actually alters the way skin behaves.
A more economic option would be to dilute actives by mixing them with a basic moisturizer. Here's a video by a derm recommending to go this route and explaining why it works:

>> No.14410530

The last few days were quite hot and my tube of Aquaphor has went liquidy. This happened in a days time. After putting it in the fridge the consistency has gone back to normal. Should I be worried it may have expired or does a miniscule change in temperature really have such an impact on the texture?

>> No.14411801


>> No.14412220
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many people don't know his but the weather app on ios also shows the uv index when you scroll down
either way: ALWAYS wear sunscreen, no matter how bright or dim the sun shines

>> No.14412301

Accutine+Retina A+Laser Resurfacing

>> No.14412447
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help my face

>> No.14412559

>light acne, nothing dramatic
>made worse by my autistic obsessive habit of rubbing, popping and otherwise agitating any impurities on my face
holy fuck, it's amazing just how hard it's to stop.
If I know my hands are clean, they always end up near my face. Feel like I need one of those dog cone collars

>> No.14412571

What's a good affordable sunscreen

>> No.14412580 [DELETED] 

Any UK man in?
I've been using this cleanser and the equivalent moisturiser for years now.
My skin is alright but nothing special. I still have periods where I get pretty nasty spots and whiteheads and shit.
Is it worth trying something else?

>> No.14412603
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Any UK man in?
I've been using this cleanser and the equivalent moisturiser for years now.
My skin is alright but nothing special. I still have periods where I get pretty nasty spots and whiteheads and shit.
Is it worth trying something else?

>> No.14413228

hydrocolloid patches helped me with that. I'll still touch my face a lot but at least I won't pick at my pimples

>> No.14413269

>wish my face skin with salicylic acid 2 times per day.
does this help with acne?

>> No.14413329

>hydrocolloid patches
that's a solid plan.
I've given up on undoing my hardwired compulsive behavior at this point.

>> No.14413345

sebderm fag here anyone suffering from weird redness or blotchy yellowish parts of your face its worth trying nizoral shampoo as a face wash a couple times to see if its actually a fungal thing that sometimes happens around the nose crevices, eyebrows, beside ears, etc. Just foam up a fingertip amount of shampoo and use it like a cleanser leaving it on for 5-10 minutes then washing off, then use vaseline/jelly as a moisturizer afterwards(yes im aware it clogs pores) but it doesnt feed fungus.

the reason i suggest it is if its a fungal thing any kind of good non acne causing moisturizer/oil will only make things worse and you might have the redness/blotches/etc no matter how much you cleanse, clean, moisturize, etc. Try it a couple times to see if it works if nothing else helps you.

>> No.14413493

My current routine is Simple cleanser and Simple moisturiser in AM and PM.

I want to implement an exfoliant and sunscreen into my routine.

I'm not completely sure what kind of skin I have to be honest, but I think it's combination? I don't have bad acne but every once in a while I'll get some nasty spots, usually on my t zone but fairly occasionally on my cheeks as well. My chin has these tiny little bumps on it as well.

You guys reckon I'd want a BHA or AHA? Currently looking at The Ordinary.

And have you got any sunscreen recommendations? Currently looking at Biore, La Roche Posay (kinda pricey though unless the bottle is huge), Altruist, Nivea, and cheap Superdrug/Boots brands. I'm half black so my skin is kinda dark so I don't want something that's gonna make my face proper white. Also my skin's kinda sensitive so don't want something that could easily break me out.

>> No.14413645

is there hope for my skin if it starts getting discolored (it's early stages, im still pale af) or rough? Or am I just gonna have to protect what little color I do have?

>> No.14413710

im no expert but from what i have read if your priority is acne and keeping pimples away go BHA, if its to smooth out blemishes/hyperpigmentation/etc go for AHA

you could alternate but i think that might be too much for skin, give it a try and see what works, since you arent pale then spf 30 should be enough unless you are outside in the sun for 6+ hours a day. La roche posay anthelios lotion is nice and absorbs well without leaving a white film but its expensive, you will have to pay up for sunscreens that prioritize not leaving a whitish mask but if a 50ml bottle is enough to last you a summer its worth it, to start off get a bottle of cerava AM its a good daily moisturizer for like 10-15 bucks and spf 30 rated and has zinc oxide as one of its ingredients so its quality.

>> No.14413854

I think I'm leaning towards AHA because I definitely wouldn't say I have an acne problem, overall I think my skin is quite nice, but I genuinely don't know what my skin type is.
If I don't moisturise regularly or if its cold out it gets dry and flaky and feels tight as fuck but sometimes my forehead and shit can feel a bit greasy and oily so I don't know.
Yeah the Cerave could be a shout actually, hadn't thought of that. Would I use it as both a moisturiser and sunscreen or would I use it after applying moisturiser?

>> No.14413882

what sunscreen can I get that doesn't leave your skin sticky

>> No.14414005
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Acne scars can look dope if you're a guy.

>> No.14414028

you can use it as your moisturizer after applying whatever toner you go with without additional sunscreen, it has spf 30 protection so you wouldnt need additional sunscreen unless you live near the equator or like i said are gonna be in direct sunlight for hours and hours. My skin is similar, forehead no acne or dryness or flaking but my cheeks are dry and flake often, not all your skin is going to be the exact same.

>> No.14414073

bad reviews because it doesn't have pretty smelling but useless additives like the others
plebs gonna pleb

>> No.14414081

yes, but a good all-over mask done 2x/wk will do the same.

It's fun to do every once in a while, but you want to be preventing new blackheads in the first place.

>> No.14414086

bumping for this.
I get these as well, but on my cheeks to the sides of my nose

trying to figure out how to clean out the pores, then shrink said pores

>> No.14414089

Pic not rel

>> No.14414152

I use 10 different products.

I'm an incel shut in.

>> No.14414166

Are you transgender?
Or do you just suffer from OCD?

>> No.14414188

Why the fuck has my acne dissapeared for the last 6 months

I havent done anything differently, just cleansing and moisturizing every morning

Mom says because im no longer stressed since i finished college but i think thats bs

>> No.14414223

She's right.
Stress hormones (including cortisol) break down into androgens (like testosterone) and this increases your sebum production which is the food that the bacteria on your skin eat.

>> No.14414593

how do i use vitamin e cream? do i leave it on perma? wash off fter 10 mins? the container had no instructions

>> No.14414600

why would you wash it off?

>> No.14414608
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i discovered two cool things
1) use a silicon toungue scraper.if you hold an electric toothbrush behind it (or a vibrator lol) you can make a ghetto version of this
2)just buy this (next photo)

>> No.14414609
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>> No.14414612

idk, maybe its like soap or something. im probs putting too much on as well lol.

>> No.14414651

do you know what soap is?
in what way does vitamin e resemble soap?

>> No.14414662

both are the same consistency, geez man chill out

>> No.14414687

Thoughts about Dr Dray youtube channel?

>> No.14414693

Is SPF 50 enough? (I live in central Europe, if it's important)
It's almost impossible to find stronger filter in my country, even in pharmacies.

>> No.14414706

i was about to call you out but apparently global sunscreen ratings are a bit different. if its true spf50 then your golden. in australia ive never seen anything over "spf50+" and thats for a country with uv that gets to 16

>> No.14414716

gets pretty high in east asian too

>> No.14414728


>> No.14414746

Oh I meant the SPF ratings, not uv lol. You can find stuff higher than spf50 in east asia
I think there are regulations against it in the US and australia.

>> No.14414808

lol, had me confused. yeah iirc the ones over 50 are only in fringe cases and not uva protectant or something like that. 50+ is already 98% efficient or so

>> No.14414989


you can try the ordinary's natural moisturizing factors cream
super light
sinks in quickly
contains no perfume or other crap
and very cheap

>> No.14415190

Thanks. Though I live in a 3rd world shithole so I'd be ordering this online. Any thing I should look out for?

>> No.14415218

Recommend me the best skincare set for not very expensive. My issue is I have combination skin and large pores issues.

>> No.14415356


anything like...? other products you mean?

>> No.14415358


>> No.14415625

>yes im aware it clogs pores
So suggest Aquaphor or Cerave's Healing ointment. Both are occlusives but don't block pores and allow the skin to breath. Healing ointment should have a lighter texture.

>> No.14415980


>> No.14415982

for everyday general use 30-35 is fine.

>> No.14415985

what the fuck do you guys have to say about organic sunscreens? there are studies that imply that they cause endocrine disruption; I haven't read the literature, but I'm not using that shit until I find out what's what.

>> No.14416366

imo a wide brim hat and avoiding the sun is a better option

>> No.14416380

Anything over 30 is enough.
Do you mean what seems like a very light red patch on the cheek or the more visible multiple dark spots?

>> No.14416382

more about multiple visible dark (red) spots.

>> No.14417052

I mean for fakes and other stuff I should be aware of, aside from the usual(one with the most orders, reviews, etc.).

>> No.14417065

whats wrong with normal sunscreens? You can get pure mineral sunscreens with no chemical additives if you care about environmental impact a lot that are just zinc/titanium with moisturizers and silicones.

>> No.14417249

they're fucking expensive; i've got devita and it's 30 bucks for a 2 oz bottle. god damn i hate the cosmetics industry so much.

>> No.14417257

So speaking with my skincare expert, you actually only need SPF 20+ however it needs to be properly applied and thoroughly covered

>> No.14417284

quality sunscreens are often expensive, it sucks but shit think about how much dumb shit you spend money on, it looks decent and 19% zinc oxide is a quality amount on top of you pay a premium for vegan/oragnic shit. Thats honestly a pretty decent price for a quality sunscreen

>> No.14417922

Are Sisley Paris products worth the price? What do you suggest for an oily young skin?

>> No.14418112

Is the skin balancing pore-reducing toner by PC any good? I hate my huge pores and reviews online generally say it’s pretty good, I also use their bha exfoliate ever other day or so and it does wonders for my pores

>> No.14418132


And it's not snake oil either. I've had two treatments so far and all I can say is holy unbelievable shit is microneedling ever effective! Conservatively speaking, I've probably seen a 25-30% improvement in the appearance of my acne scars. Keep in mind that this is after only two treatments and that the skin will continue to repair itself and produce collagen for many more months. In other words, I haven't seen the treatment's full effects yet.

But I've got to be realistic. Even after a third treatment and after enough time has passed, I'll probably hit "only" 40% or 50% improvement. "Only" (in quotes) because even 40% improvement is fucking massive. Especially considering 3 sessions of microneedling should cost you no more than $1,000. It's a no-brainer.

>> No.14418849

I think I've made a breakthrough discorvery.
No matter what routine I do, or don't, my acne neither imroves nor worsens.
So I started keeping track of what I eat and how I break out, and it's always after the starchy foods.
I can get quite bloated but everyone just tells me it's normal. Doesn't feel normal to me.

I researched a bit and found some people claiming antibiotics to treat ear infections can ruin your good gut bacteria and cause whatever is bad to grow over. Especially Zithromax, and I remember taking that when I was younger. I also had several ear infections.

I will try oregano oil and frankincense capsules, those sound promising. Apparently they can break down the biofilms that bad bacteria put up for protection. And then a probiotic to get the good bacteria in.
Some people swear on raw milk, not sure about that.
And of course, reduce/eliminate the fiber.

Is there anyone here with similar problems?

>> No.14419583


>> No.14419913

Maybe by abusing your skin it has been conditioned to be healthier. Like how children raised around dogs and farm animals end up with fewer allergies due to being exposed to more by their surroundings.

>> No.14419953
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pic rel

>> No.14419992

So my part of my daily routine while showering is to shave my face and use a cleanser. Does it matter what order i do it in? Should I be cleansing only after shaving?

>> No.14420001
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>tfw you accidentally pop your pimples while washing your face, causing bleeding and inevitable scarring

>sometimes a pimples will pop on their own without touching them
>its usually at the worse time, like out to dinner.
>remember one time I was out on a date and the waitress pointed out my face was bleeding
>apparently a pimple burst on it's own oozing bloody pus

What did I do to deserve this curse on my life?

>> No.14420005

How the fuck can I stop breaking out? I've tried everything.

Why is there still no exact cause of acne? Is the cosmetic industry a lie? Is acne really just an incurable condition some people get, like diabetes?

>> No.14420171

I believe acne can be caused by many different things, some easier and some harder to treat.
- Bacteria/Fungus, this is the easiest to cure, wash and apply propolis, urea, sulfur to kill them.
- Hormone Imbalance, especially in women the cycle can be a bitch, also going off the pill is a nightmare, better never get on in
- Food Intolerances, many people swear cutting out dairy or wheat has cured their acne. It's worth a try for a couple months.
- Damaged Gut, Leaky Gut, Candida, SIBO, Low Stomach Acid, causing indegestion or the wrong stuff to enter your system.

There's probably a lot more still. If you have persistent acne well over your 20s I'd exclude the first option.

>> No.14420184

uhhh you should probably cleanse before shaving
this gets gunk off your face to make shaving easier
and the alternative might end up stripping your skin that's already sensitive from shaving

>> No.14420185

what have you tried?
i did the whole r/SCA routine and then branched to korean shit and even tried prescription stuff but nothing fixed me until accutane

>> No.14420609


just get it from their official site theordinary.com
pretty sure they ship world wide

>> No.14420656

>going off the pill is a nightmare, better never get on in

Going on the pill is what helped fixed my acne. Growing up I had just normal acne. Then when I was around 23-24 I started developing cystic acne. I had to go to a dermatologist to pop that shit. She gave me some oral medicine to take along with retinoid cream, but I was still breaking out.

She then suggested Accutane but that I had to go on birth control. I got on birth control and miraculously my cystic acne went away. I still get breakouts on my chin but I've been cyst-free for 5 years. I decided to just stay on birth control and not go on accutane.

My only fear now is if I ever go off the pill, my cysts will come back

>> No.14420827

My skincare for my face has a good routine that works for me.
However I still get the odd bit of bacne and my skin on my body doesn't feel as nice as it could.
Would body scrubs/tea tree shower gel help much? Alongside exfoliating once a week?

>> No.14420986

is your bacne actually something anyone would notice or care about? or are you paying too much attention to it?
make sure you're not picking it
tea tree may or may not help
if you use a body scrubber in the shower, maybe try going without it or using it more lightly
change your sheets and towels more often
moisturize at night where you're feeling dry

>> No.14421277

I have an ance scar on my forehead, from popping a bump wrong. How can I get rid of it, it's very noticable since it's in the middle of my head. It's a slightly darker patch of skin right there.
I've gotten rid of a similar ance sscar on my head before, but I don't remember what I did to remove it. Any advice?