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14375170 No.14375170 [Reply] [Original]

Why dont more males grow their hair out? imho short hair is very ugly

>> No.14375181

It’s harder to pull off long hair than it is short hair.

>> No.14375183

just be skinny

ofcourse on fatties it wont work (sometimes)

>> No.14375186

short hair is more masculine and low maintenance

>> No.14375190

anon its 2019
only incels care about masculinity

>> No.14375196

Because after a while it’s a pain.

Which is the reason mines getting cut off soon

>> No.14375209

Taking care of long hair is fucking annoying
Looks like shit on most people
And normalfags won't respect guys with long hair

>> No.14375217

Because girls literally hate long hair on guys.


>> No.14375232

Not the girls I’ve met

>> No.14375282

because I’m not a girl

>> No.14375283

Here in New York City long hair is sort of a plus if you can pull it off. I’ve lost my virginity because a girl really liked my hair.

>> No.14375314

People will thank that you are a
>a) fag
>b) metalhead (same as a fag)

>> No.14375428


>literally listening to what a girl says she likes

You fucking retard. Women go for narcissist assholes and say they want nice guys, and rape fantasy is very popular among them. You are an idiot if you listen to a girl saying what she wants.

>> No.14375456

haha faggot

>> No.14375466

I'm too bald

>> No.14375467

and women

>> No.14375485
File: 2.11 MB, 1372x1372, B0FF1A18-F1F3-41A3-93CC-E8955BAFB5D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking the long hair pill, growing mine out. So far it can reach the bottom of my face, waiting to grow it long enough to put it into a bun

>> No.14375506

The slave caste don't need such adornment.

>> No.14375624

had long hair a year ago or so but My head shape didnt fit the hairstyle and im thinning on my sides like crazy. Going to cut the sides short today

>> No.14375635

I tried it. Too much work.

>> No.14375645

Good for you but she sounds like a slut

>> No.14375650

In this day and time men are almost dressed up and act like a woman. Now you want them to get long hair too? Might as well start taking female hormones

>> No.14375943


>> No.14375955

nobody cares about your opinion though

>> No.14375978

>hey this girl says she prefers short hair on men except for this one very attractive guy
>this means ALL girls HATE long hair!

>> No.14376002
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If you are in shape and act like a man long hair is not faggy at all.

>> No.14376028

on the contrary I had very long hair, but got more girls with shorter, more styled hair. But maybe I didn't pull off long hair well.

>> No.14376068

Men only starting cutting their hair around the same time they started mutilating their dicks, maybe its time to change that. Maybe stop shaving your womanly face buddy its pretty feminine desu if you have no hair on your face and you arent asian.

>> No.14376071

Sweat and dust

>> No.14376120

Lmao what
I am 200% more attracted to guys with long hair.
You are an idiot if that’s what you think we want, good luck getting anyone of value to touch your peen with that mindset.
Eh not really desu
Manbuns are so sexy. Do it.

>> No.14376163

don't tie it into a bun it looks disgusting just make it a ponytail

>> No.14376165
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I had long hair (down to my waist) it got to be a hassle to keep up with. That and being mistaken for a lady is annoying.

>> No.14376170

Guy here. My hair is over three feet long.

There are many very cool looking things you can do with long hair; infinitely more variety than short.
I get a lot of compliments for it from women, which makes hooking up very easy (though it's always been easy for me for other reasons)

Takes literal years of dedication to grow it long in the first place
Extremely time consuming to care for and make look good
Extremely high maintenance in general
Gets. Fucking. Everywhere.
Tangles if you don't comb it constantly; I could start a pillow stuffing service with how much hair I comb out on a regular basis.
Have to put it up all the time to do normal things or it gets in the way constantly.
It often gets caught on things and pinches your head if you're wearing it down and not paying attention.

You'll probably get mistaken for a woman frequently if you're a young twink ala OP pic, though maybe you actually are a twink and this is good for you. I've never been mistaken for a woman, personally.

You can see why most men prefer to keep it short.

>> No.14376177

This is no long hair dude.

>> No.14376184

OP is a faggot, imho.

>> No.14376194

>You are an idiot if that’s what you think we want
missing the point, brainlette. we already know it's not what you say you want, but what you actually respond positively to time and time again in practice.

you don't ask a fish how to catch itself.

>> No.14376267

Yeah, you’re still wrong.

>> No.14376275


My face is wide as a plate, it wouldn't suit me at all. And there's a lot of people like me. You really got to have a certain face shape for it to work well

>> No.14376285
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>> No.14376372

sure we are, sweetie. your roastie cunt is probably dripping just from the thought of arguing with others on the internet and being told how stupid your opinions are.

>> No.14376392

High matienance. Plus my ugly sister literately looks like OP's pic.

>> No.14376412

Only if you can pull it up, not if you're ugly as sin/look like a literal woman in a bad sense.

>> No.14376414

Jfc yikes

>> No.14376502

listening to this gremlin

>> No.14376512

>have long hair in high school
>girls would pet and smell it and comment on how soft it was
>become neet for 8 years, incredibly anti-social, leave the house 5 times a year
>hair is longer than it's ever been, still well-kempt
>a few weeks ago, dentist lady has to handle my hair during an x-ray
>comments on how soft and nice it is
i think her one comment has broken my desire to stay in neet-dom. despite everything thats happened to me during these 8 years, im still at least a little desirable

>> No.14376525

most men aren't faggots, anon

>> No.14376527
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My hair looks like this when I let it grow long

>> No.14376545

get that radiology pussy
they make bank

>> No.14376566
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Depends on the era and culture

>> No.14376576

Too much work. Long hair requires dedication with a set routine, and/ or money on hair products.
Men aren't as societally pressured to have long hair like girls are, so many realize it's not worth the effort.
Also, most guys don't know shit about taking care of hair so it usually ends up looking like shit anyway. Thus, short hair seems like the best option.

>> No.14376577

>every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered[long hair], dishonoureth his head. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.

The Apostle Paul makes it perfectly clear that men should not have long hair. As Christ's holy servant, we should heed his advice.

Long hair is vanity.

>> No.14376612

Too much work and only dudes like Fabio can pull it off. OP pic looks like a fag

>> No.14377236
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>> No.14377263

I had shoulder length hair before but maintenance is a lot, the same goes for short hair though seeing as you're having to constantly cut and style it. I'm going grow my hair out again because I'm absolutely sick of short hair and having to make it work

>> No.14377285

Not him but fuck off with this yikes shit. Its not cute, it's not original, your about a year too late. U need 2 go back

>> No.14377323

>bun is disgusting but ponytail is not
u wot
provide evidence to back this up because i do not believe you

based reasonableposter

any particular reason you went all the way to three feet instead of something more moderate like 1 foot or less? that sounds extreme

does not look good imo

>> No.14377327

Then fuck off with this “Stupid roasties don’t know what they want!!!” shit, it’s not cute or original or even edgy anymore, just obnoxious.

>> No.14377429


>> No.14377431

oof yike

>> No.14377440

honestly as a dude with really long hair (longer than most of the women I know too) I don't recommend it at all
my hair is well down to my chest/nipples & although I pull it off it is def not comfy, requires maintenance, gets you looks (good or bad) and doesn't look good at all on most people imo
I lucked out with having the right head shape and type of hair for it, as well as a shaved head
desu I'm excited for the day I decide to tattoo my head and shave it all off

>> No.14377466
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>> No.14377591

For men, this qualifies as long hair.

>> No.14377602

Society expects men to have short hair. Men don't really care about what is forced upon them (they will frequently dress like shit).
But women do, they want a man they perceive as masculine.

So men cut their hair to get women attention.

>> No.14377611
File: 170 KB, 713x713, 6E046564-343D-451B-9FD2-068812D6EC2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet you dont have a gf virgin

>> No.14377625

Length is not a gendered issue. Either it is long or it isn't, gender has no part in it.

>> No.14377627 [DELETED] 

I have a wife my guy, so you're right, no gf.

I cut my hair maybe once every year and every woman I know gives me compliments when I do so. Literally everyone I interact with, friends, coworkers etc.

Women have much more of a herd mentality than men, and the herd dictates that short hair is the norm for males.

>> No.14377644


>> No.14377649
