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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 24 KB, 480x480, 9849F38D-C1DA-400C-B1EE-DDC12DA43ECA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14375032 No.14375032 [Reply] [Original]

skinny is pretty edition
>post thinspo
>stay hydr8d

Previous thread >>14362781


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Fasting Resources:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.14375051
File: 656 KB, 2000x1337, gronk-gq-0616-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourselves

>> No.14375052
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>> No.14375054

I've been fasting for two weeks to 1 day and was able to do it.

3 days on prescribed ritalin (5mg) and I'm hungry. What gives?

>> No.14375055
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>> No.14375063
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>> No.14375068 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14375071

have sex

>> No.14375074
File: 26 KB, 466x700, F342634C-208D-4D56-B4B0-9CF4F4872BA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol why is this man so triggered

>> No.14375075

Have kids

>> No.14375077
File: 46 KB, 736x736, B99848A0-4135-4C66-BA3A-0AADE0D27E7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ran out of insults manlet?

>> No.14375079
File: 150 KB, 602x1024, A7FBAAF0-8F07-4439-8743-2C53472772EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a life

>> No.14375091
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>> No.14375101
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I'm still kinda struggling to finding the right jeans size.
Pic related is what i'm currently wearing (28" 32"). Should i go up 1 size?

>> No.14375105

You look like a Robert.

>> No.14375113

this image is so cute

>> No.14375357

Dropping the last 8lbs feels like it's gonna take forever.

>> No.14375380
File: 55 KB, 516x1024, 1558010080070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking stop this, pic related is what every women should look like

>> No.14375425

Yeah, that's about as good as it gets.

>> No.14375524

looks alright to me. why would you go up one size?

>> No.14375605

nothing more aesthetic than a thinspo girl

>> No.14375656


Her farts are strong enough to kill large animals

>> No.14375787

Looks good to me.

>> No.14375795
File: 2.55 MB, 320x240, Thinspo spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is everyone holding up? Are you guys making progress on your goals?

>> No.14375883

i look thinner but every time i lose weight i just want to lose more

>> No.14375899

Careful not to lose too much weight that it becomes unhealthy.

>> No.14375905

wow brilliant insight

>> No.14375912

the problem probably isn't the weight then

>> No.14375940
File: 53 KB, 155x202, AE0A2033-8BAA-42A5-8B2B-9B3F34F7E906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you honestly think that these specific guys in your pic would look any better by being thin? lmao
You are retarded.

>> No.14375946

>you honestly think that these specific guys in your pic would look any better by being thin?
yeah maybe

>> No.14375949


>> No.14375998

lost 2 lbs since my last weigh in :)

>> No.14376004

Anorexia isn't pretty. Anorexia kills. Anorexia is a disorder that needs treatment. no body size is worth your life

>> No.14376012

Most of us aren't advocating for anorexia. Skinny doesn't mean=anorexic.

>> No.14376025

nobody cares about your opinion here

>> No.14376113

Fuck off and let me die in peace

>> No.14376413

how do you guys do it, im fucking starving right now, fruit doesnt fill shit i could eat 1 million apples and still be hungry

>> No.14376427

anorexia is just the retards route to thinspo. If you have half a brain you'll know it doesn't help, it's just a slingshot backwards shortcut. Anyone who tries most likely WILL "relapse" or fail their
>only eating 3 PEANUTS today :'(
diet within 3-7 days I guarantee.
But if you're this stupid to begin with maybe you shouldn't be hot, thin & starving your braincells for Alzheimers.
Real tips though, just eat within a 4-8 hour window, lost 40 lbs myself.

>> No.14376434

Sorry, but I'm not a chubby chaser.

>> No.14376449

fruit is dumb as fuck EAT BROCCOLI AND TUNA

>> No.14376455

calories in

calories out

>> No.14376458

As for calories if you try eating less than 800 a day you're probably just fucking yourself and will either end up fatter than you started or lose weight so fast you'll end up like a hallowed out potato sack.
Not to mention how stupid and starved your brain will be.
Taking it slow, learning the good habits/restrictions, your stomach will actually shrink and you'll crave less. If you can't keep up the daily routine you likely won't lose the weight.
fruit has like 1 calorie of course it you're hungry eat some chicken idk. Also "They" don't do it, I swear it's mostly fatties in here thinking their 3 days of starvation will undo their months of binging so they post their unreachable goals here to cope.
Stomach shrinking takes balance, consistency and gradualness. Short cuts turn you into a hairless cat with teeth falling out.

>> No.14376505

or just fast

>> No.14376521

losing weight slowly is like trying to gain muscle without steroids

who has the discipline and patience for that?

>> No.14376554

gaining muscle without steroids is like trying to keep balloons with leaks inflated

>> No.14376570

i dont think you know what youre talking about

>> No.14376668

my tdee is 1500. should i eat 1000 to lose 1lb a week or is that too low

>> No.14376706

How much you lose a week might be up to your current weight/fitness/metabolism. Even when counting calories it can end up being inaccurate (so I usually exaggerate 100-300 calories). 1000 sounds low but it might end up being actually 1400. Experiment a little each week to find what's right for you. But mainly I warn against going very low because it raises the likelihood you'll give up, or put your body into starvation mode. What's true in all diets though is consistency no matter what. Even a cheat day can be fine, as long as it's the same day and only day.

>> No.14376708

Watch out for predators guys and gals

>> No.14376717

>who has the discipline and patience for that?
skinny ppl

>> No.14376946


>> No.14377187
File: 111 KB, 720x1073, B622EB3E-2D60-4312-895F-0AF2FAA49A87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay hydrated /fa/

>> No.14377475
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x853, F00D4BAD-109D-4AF2-A952-3FD0A4BCD19E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i woke up feeling not that hungry so I'll eat under 500 cal

my meal:
2 slice bread
3 eggs
one cup coffee

which come out to approximately 395 calories

>> No.14377487

welcome to 4chan faggot

>> No.14377499

>Eats bread
Im sorry to tell you so but you are never

>> No.14377502
File: 61 KB, 750x739, 28CFB4EC-112A-43A4-A27A-7A143777E76A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys back to /fit/ ketard
CICO works

>> No.14377510
File: 66 KB, 937x1171, Azzedine Alaia SS 1990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some inspo from Azzedine Alaia SS 1990 runway

>> No.14377515
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>> No.14377520


I get wanting to look slim but why do you guys want to look like prepubescent 12 year olds?

>> No.14377530

Not many of us here have a choice. I havent left 50 kg at 175cm in 8 years at least and dont feel like filling myself up only to gain 1-2 kilos max

>> No.14377534

>filling myself up

Your stomach adapts to excess food by stretching out so what will fill you up today won't if you eat extra for a few days

>> No.14377537

overindulgence and gluttony

>> No.14377539

lift weights

>> No.14377546

>overindulgence and gluttony
>wanting to be a healthier more appealing weight is overindulgence and gluttony

you are delusional. see a therapist

>> No.14377560
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 68593B50-A1AE-41A6-BFDB-544DA58E3B33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ok retard

keep eating until youre full for every meal

>> No.14377564

watch out for a stiff breeze twig

>> No.14377653
File: 263 KB, 508x675, 42000_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I go /ridemode/? I've started eating two high protein meals a day (1000 cals roughly). Is calisthenics and cardio enough? I'm 18 6'3" 155 pounds, I'm assuming I'd need to drop to something like 145 to get that low a bf.

>> No.14377843


>> No.14377863

i got scared bread will make me fat but it's so dumb to think like that because your plan is less calories than what i eat instead

>> No.14377887

Do sit ups, push ups and triceps dips every morning. Cardio if your diet is shit and you keep on going back to the skinny fat mode.

>> No.14377919

Being skinny isn't even that hard just stop eating junk food and beetus. I don't even bother counting calories

>> No.14377982
File: 77 KB, 927x380, rattle bones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing that anapo is just as retarded and ugly as fatspo

>> No.14378001

i dont care i want to be skinny

>> No.14378115

There are tons, TONS of us that find very skinny very beautiful, like, you know, THE WHOLE FASHION INDUSTRY
You can’t say the same for fatties

>> No.14378134
File: 31 KB, 500x438, 5CAA768E-C65B-4438-8623-B92848201B0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to recover from an eating disorder without getting fat? I’ve never seen it happen before, but I want off this ride without going back to my original weight (overweight).

>> No.14378143
File: 134 KB, 1371x1267, 1559474939893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you probably could? Sticking to a very disciplined eating regiment would work. But you'd have to be as consistent as you could to build up the habit. Like very consistent.

>> No.14378210


>> No.14378225

no, once you give up anorexia you'll develop binge eating disorder

>> No.14378245

I maintained a BMI of 17.6-18.5 for many years after I recovered, but that was my pre-anorexia weight. Gained a bit recently due to med change and my husband always wanting to eat out, and I will probably end up relapsing, but I’m still technically far from “overweight” (though I may as well be I hate my body so much). Unless you were naturally slim pre-ED most ED dietitians will want to weight restore you to at least your “ideal weight” calculated by your height and age. For me at 5’2” that was 110. They tried to get me there and my body wouldn’t maintain at that high which is why I got away with a lower BMI. Never heard of a treatment team *intentionally* restoring someone to an overweight size but it does tend to happen because of the long term damage eating disorders can have on your body and metabolism.

>> No.14378248

One on the left isn't overweight btw

>> No.14378333

yeah but she looks like shit

>> No.14378543

>hey look its the same question again

help me /thinspo/ im stuck. My body is so outta proportion. 23 M 5ft 11 155lb. my arms are so thin (6in wrist) and i have twiggy legs but im skinny fat everywhere else. My chest and stomach and face are all doughy. How can i get leaner without building muscles in my arms and legs

>> No.14378551

How do I recover from a disgusting binge? Just keep cutting like normal?

>> No.14378555
File: 254 KB, 1561x1228, fkpyyQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14378567

How is your diet? It sound like you are consuming a lot of sugar and fat.

>> No.14378578


To be honest, it isn't great. I normally eat one proper meal a day and drink a lot of coffee with a few snacks through the day. I also don't do much exercise either if im honest. I know that I need to improve but i'm not too sure how to do it. I have a treadmill and rowing machine at home but I don't really know if they'll help

>> No.14378594
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>> No.14378597
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>> No.14378600
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>> No.14378603
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what clothes would look good on me /fa/ :-)
also i can help anyone with your diet if you want

>> No.14378608

continue losing weight

>> No.14378626
File: 9 KB, 247x247, 1559062750205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fastingn on a big deficit while keeping electrolytes and protein in check but cant get rid of love handles and belly. What do? I workout ppl with abs, traps, forearms included. 5km run with HIIT sprints on restdays. Either I am gaining muscle while losing fat, hence minor changes on the scale. Cant get my abs to pop out.

Pic unrelated

>> No.14378654

keep going
dont starve too much and make sure to get the enough nutrients. You can't target fat loss so you just have to wait til it's gradually done, but never quit :)

>> No.14378688

not that guy but face fat is one of the last spots to go aswell, right?

>> No.14378692
File: 21 KB, 473x409, 25A2A002-ED20-4831-A7C5-A3C8BA959284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 600lb life stories really make me want to vomit

>> No.14378799

24 hour fast

>> No.14378832

depends on the person
for me i get a bit more fat in the legs

>> No.14378838

thats too extreme. If i were you I'd get your daily vitamins and minerals at least with fruits, nuts and a bit of vegetables and maybe a bit of protein

>> No.14378853
File: 48 KB, 600x450, 08466087-D332-4D0D-BD94-106FC50EF15E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too extreme
oof youre in the wrong general. Maybe try these boards >>>/fit/fat >>>/fit/fast

>> No.14378879
File: 32 KB, 478x480, 6A9F2595-0C6F-489F-B440-36F5B6C1D9A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14378884
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>> No.14378888
File: 31 KB, 480x480, D910DE47-E4B8-4C14-B625-8E4CC765DF90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14378898

I want to fast but then I say to myself I won’t see weight lost until after awhile. So what’s the point? Then I end up eating something. Also when I’m bored I eat even when I’m not hungry.

>> No.14378908

Dumb Instagram normies

>> No.14378914
File: 34 KB, 592x512, 0D1D4DAA-0442-466D-90F6-1293DE9DB704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can lose 2+ pounds a week

weigh yourself in the morning and evening, you can really see the difference on the scale.

if fasting 24 hours is too much for you eat a very small amount (under 500 or so)

>> No.14378931

Thats fucking disgusting but at least you got quads

>> No.14378935

Last time I was able to fast for 4 days while drinking water. I always give up the next week though.

Let’s say in one week I fast 3-4 days. Do I eat the rest of the week? Some people say to fast as long as you can but idk if that’s dangerous.

>> No.14378936

do you count calories?

>> No.14378948
File: 192 KB, 740x640, DE2392F5-0B8F-4788-A1B9-84CBF822FD7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird, for me i think beauty, and goals

>> No.14378996

yesterday i was coming down off a bad trip and was disgustingly dehydrated but my cheekbones looked great

just gotta get back to that point w/o killing myself

>> No.14379000

No I don’t.

>> No.14379002

How would you know if your squandering your progress or not?

>> No.14379004

looks like an animal carcass

>> No.14379009

I guess I assume calories but never actually count. But I know what I eat is fattening.

>> No.14379111
File: 305 KB, 1536x2048, 1558473543809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate 4 slices of pizza last night, before that I hadn't eaten since 1pm the day before. How fucked am I?

Currently sitting on 250 calories today.

>> No.14379140

bout tree fiddy

>> No.14379344

Are you 10 years old or what?

>> No.14379780

stop taking ritalin

>> No.14379797

what bmi is this

>> No.14379804

how the fuck do i eat so im not binging at night time. Ive tried fasting till 5 and i end up overloading later that night and i try balancing out calories and carbs through the day and same thing.

>> No.14379812

go to sleep at night

>> No.14379816

sleep at 9 pm?

>> No.14379864
File: 3.89 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20190603_060416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel both too thin and too fat at the same time
177cm tall and around 60-63kg

>> No.14379874

Skinnyfat, yeah. Hit the gym, brochacho.

>> No.14379900
File: 49 KB, 486x419, F797AEC4-60AF-4281-9DBC-5DB2E501C3F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14379916

I did for a while but I felt I was just getting fat even though I gained a bit of muscle. But I got busy and lost all the weight because if I don't force myself, I don't really eat anything

>> No.14379952

Drink calorie-free liquids and have willpower. Try ignoring it until it goes away. Try going to sleep earlier.

>> No.14380095

Hardest day of a 7 day fast?

>> No.14380096

After having plateaued for a while, I lost 1 kg in less than a week. How come? I didn't do anything special.

>> No.14380160
File: 1.67 MB, 1944x2592, 2015-07-28 13.47.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14380204

works for me

>> No.14380231

>go to bed at 9 when fasting
>don’t sleep until 12
>wake up at 4am

what is this joke? I’m tired too but can’t fall asleep

>> No.14380282

Is it bad that I really covert this look?

>> No.14380304

the issues are in 90% of those pictures with face and height, which can't be aided by being skinny

>> No.14380353

Dont eat, lift weights, do cardio.
Youll lose it quick dont be retarded.
Its not hard you just suck.

>> No.14380388
File: 117 KB, 736x1183, FE4E0E8F-879E-4F6F-A8D1-5257FB733ECB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i disagree
if they were to really be starved then maybe they could reverse what steroids has done to them

>> No.14380473
File: 101 KB, 728x1142, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
Male, 22, 6ft4 or 6ft5, 95.5kg

>tdee and your deficit
not sure
>highest and lowest weight
96.2 highest. 83.4 lowest.
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
Dieting, soft home exercises e.g. calisthenics.
>aesthetic you are going for
athletic but not too bulky.
>pic related

I need your help /thinspo/, I really want to lose weight, I feel like I'm fat but I may actually have body image issues, as people I know who when I tell them Im fat or want to diet or lose weight they say I'm either: Fine, skinny or dont need to diet.

I feel like my interest in fashion has made me want to become a bit thinner and try improve my looks as much as possible as well as watching "muh kpoop" and seeing how athletic these niggas are while being of a desirable body size (imo).

What ways would you recommend to cut down and any advice, tips and help you could give? I do need to cut on junk food and ordering crap all the time and considering taking up dance.

Am I just being delusional, especially considering my height? But I feel like I'm still quite fat imo.

>> No.14380488

Not really been actively fasting but my huge appetite has been waning. My breakfasts have been getting smaller and often I don't eat lunch anymore because I'm just not hungry. Already had to punch 3 extra holes in my belt. When I weighed myself I was down to 86 kgs from 100 kgs. We're all getting there.

>> No.14380570

>going for an ugly husk of a body look instead thin and athletic ottermode look

>> No.14380609

can i lift heavy weights and still go skinny mode ?

>> No.14380713

Post a pic I'll tell you if you're fat

>> No.14380740
File: 626 KB, 1440x2392, skny 1541943708792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you're legit mentally ill
being 400lbs would be healthier than being that skinny, and almost as grotesque

if you're skinnier than pic related, you really need to stop

>> No.14380751
File: 62 KB, 370x300, 4A579CDB-C69C-49E8-B652-E25CB520DF6A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to weigh myself so bad but my father is here and i dont want him to think i have an eating disorder: he'll hear the scale beep and here it as i lay it on the bathroom floor

dang it why are fat people so bothersome

>> No.14380764
File: 39 KB, 735x636, AFD9802E-D48B-46F9-8585-879C1220CF10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double oof and a yike from me chief
another fatty from /fit/ thinks their garbage opinion matters.

hiding your post btw

>> No.14380767

All of them, honestly.

>> No.14380774

My doctors are super sketch about getting me addicted to meds and so I'm starting off low and slow with ritalin. Ultimately I'd love to be on vyvanse but in the meantime this is what I got to work with.

Why is ritalin bad?

>> No.14380783
File: 326 KB, 544x565, 1558456297376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, same.

Everytime I mention eating healthy, my mom starts telling me not to lose weight and that I'm "skinny" (aka not a ham planet like her) and starts panicking that I'm gonna starve myself to death.

It doesn't help that she guilts me into eating fast food by coming home with it without asking me if I even want it, because she KNOWS that I can't turn down anything anyone spent money on. I'm convinced she's aiming to sabotage my progress. I used to be fat, the healthier I've gotten the more she tried to feed me. She's probably afraid of losing me, because my love and social lives have improved significantly since I stopped stuffing my face.

Then my jealous fat brother starts mocking me for eating well and trying to convince himself he likes being fat. And whenever I feel like rewarding myself with some McNuggets after months of cutting he starts mocking me again, "I thought you were dieting," "ha, I knew you'd give up," "Ha now you're gonna get fat again" and other condescending things despite the fact that I've gotten to the point where my old wardrobe literally falls off me.

My family convinced me that fat people on average are stupider than regular people. No one but fat people have given me shit for changing my life.

>> No.14380839

yup, i know that feel

>> No.14380844


it's not about fatness they're just mocking behavior that's different from theirs and it's not about 'being afraid of losing you' that's down's syndrome tier reasoning with a selfish kernel to it your mom will be throating fast food till the day she dies whether you're there or not it's literally just habitual behavior and lifestyle

>> No.14380845

that sucks. i guess moving out would solve a lot of this mess

>> No.14380850
File: 57 KB, 750x919, 1558489747501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently an intern for a position I learned I hate, might be a while before I leave
That too

>> No.14380871

A couple of years ago I lost all the weight I wanted. I became lighter than I was at 14.

Problem is, because I was too fat as a kid, it's hard to lose without being always hungry.

You see, according to studies fat cells multiply if you manage to get fat as a kid for long.

>> No.14380876

so you gained it all back?

>> No.14380899
File: 60 KB, 640x480, Barbara-Dunkelman-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the cure for skinnyfat mode more cutting?

>> No.14381010

poor excuses.

>> No.14381018
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How to cut while being a poorfag??

>> No.14381042
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>friends concerned I have an eating disorder
I eat once a day, maybe once every day and a half too; is that bad?

>> No.14381051

How to cope with being fat?
I went from 83 kg to 73 and I got much skinnier but I feel like shit.
I still feel fat even though I lost a lot and people point it out too, and I no more have a big gut, but in my eyes my body didn’t change at all. I constantly look at how ugly and fat I am and feel like shit looking at people on the street mogging me. I know this is cringe but I can’t share this problem with anyone so please help.

I know you’ll say keep losing weight fatass, but shit, other fat fucks are confident in their body, why can’t I? Im a male 181 cm

>> No.14381072

Do you exercise at all? Maybe putting on some muscle will help. But if you wanna be really skinny, you still got weight to lose.

>> No.14381081
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>other fat fucks are confident in their body, why can’t I?
Body confidence =/= liking your body

Confidence just means you don't give other people the power to hurt you with your own being.

Also I'm in the same boat. People constantly tell me I'm skinny, that I've lost a lot of weight and that I shouldn't be ashamed to go to McDonalds but either I'm good at hiding my skinnyfat or I have some serious body dysphoria that's telling me I'm fatter than I am.

Then again, my current BMI is exactly 25 (the exact line between what is medically considered overweight). I got 5 more to go, maybe 7 or 8 depending on how I feel at 20.

>> No.14381089
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Opinions on cigs for appetite control?

I find that a cig when I'm hungry solves my binging problem, only downside is I smell yucky for a while and I'm getting cancer

>> No.14381107

unironically vape, faggot

>> No.14381142


>> No.14381173
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Only girls can do /thinspo/ and look good. If you are a guy and do it then you might as well start sucking cocks.

>> No.14381176


>> No.14381193
File: 296 KB, 1213x2156, IMG_20190421_024315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf im 177cm and 67kg, how did you achieve looking this fat with that weight

>> No.14381196
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>> No.14381247
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Anyone know who lefty is?

>> No.14381528


>> No.14381585
File: 2.69 MB, 750x1334, B8CEB906-83B8-4A98-9541-5D3A53FEEDA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly 6’2 and 155lbs.

Highest weight: 72kg
Lowest weight 60kg.

Goal weight: not sure
preferred method of losing weight: cardio
Aethethic: shredded body and chiseled jaw.

>> No.14381596

Btw, can anyone give me tips to reach my goal? I've recently started mewing and chewing gums but I'm not sure if it's the best way to train the muscles.

>> No.14381603

What do you fags plan to do against the stady radicalization of thinspo threads and the infiltration of proanas?

>> No.14381610

you have to develop some sort of eating disorder or body dysmorphia to start and stick with weightloss + exercise

>> No.14381613

Gimme a bit

>> No.14381615
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Very nice and sensible. I rate.

Now, to all of you stick insects, stop. I speak from personal experience. Anorexia isn't pretty, it looks like absolute shit. There'll come a point where your tshirts and short sleeved shirts will stop looking good on you because of the size of your arms. It does not look good at all.

Get buff like >>14381585, stop starving yourselves unless you're going for an African baby aesthetic.

>> No.14381620

Retards like you are exactly why kids shouldnt be allowed to browse the internet unsupervised at young ages.

Deluded lost faggots.

>> No.14381627

>my current BMI is exactly 25
No you're just fat q

>> No.14381635

you must 18 to browse this site

>> No.14381645

jesus are these "thinspo" faggots really trying to cope this hard?

>> No.14381728

hes a vegetarian so just do that i guess

>> No.14381746
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>> No.14382038

I am afraid I will never be thin. I want to lose about 10lbs but I always worry of gaining it back. I don't have problems maintaining my current weight but will it be much harder to maintain at 10lbs lower?

>> No.14382045

yeah you'll have to eat less the lower you go

>> No.14382061
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is that thing male or female

>> No.14382082

does it matter?

>> No.14382088

I have to know whether or not I can fap to it...

>> No.14382104

whens the best time to take an EC dose? With or without food?

>> No.14382110

it's male then, isn't it? fuuck

>> No.14382117
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eugenia recovered

>> No.14382168


>> No.14382174
File: 425 KB, 980x652, skny 1543047967390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost all the people on thinspo are fags, regardless of sex or orientation
it's really the whole point

>> No.14382185
File: 904 KB, 1242x1405, 3C00A1AA-AA65-463E-84EF-ACA84A22E7F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow why is this so funny to me lol

>> No.14382195

Are you a girl? Skinny /fa/ girls who smoke are fucking hot.

>> No.14382196

You are dying. It's not gonna be funny to your family.

>> No.14382429
File: 2.76 MB, 500x380, 72C15BDF-DFBE-4788-A611-54C69F1126CA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all going to die someday

>> No.14382471

She looks great, she even looks younger, like 18
Good for her

>> No.14382539

I thought I left /pol/

>> No.14382594

Fasting is definitely the best way to lose weight if you’re not the type to binge afterwards.

>> No.14382623

There are weeby and feminine females too you know, where do you think the tranny's stole the fashion from.

>> No.14382626

No matter how thin, your body will still look like shit unless you're part of the 1% with good genetics. Basic bitches like you might as well just get it over with and overdose on oxygen, because you will never look good. Small stocky frames will never, ever look good. You're like basic bitches who decides to get a titjob instead of fixing your face first.

>> No.14382633

>Approximately 39.3 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer of any site at some point during their lifetime.
It doesn't matter if you smoke, everything around us is giving us cancer. Chemicals seep off the walls, the carpet, it's sprayed on the food, additives, preservatives, car exhaust fumes, plastics, cooking on non-stick, the chemicals on your clothing, etc etc etc. Also the sun is a ball of cancer.

>> No.14382849

my guess is 13

>> No.14382859

Fat get rid of your beer gut

>> No.14382862

No it’s fine. But u should eat more frequently with smaller portion

>> No.14382864
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Jesus Christ, you know what Im not even gonna complain.
Some of you will die from this shit so there'll be less retards in this world. Skinny is healthy, sure
But there is a "too much" for everything.
And I thought skeletons were cool

>> No.14382875

Eating more than once a day is honestly a bad meme.

>> No.14382892

Looking good

>> No.14382896

Should you eat a maintainace level of calories or even excess calories if you get sick? I am having a hard time fighting a cold right now.

>> No.14382938

im not trying to loose weightbor wtv but never hungry today my calories were 6 beers

>> No.14382965

Lel, that toilet is so symbolic.

>> No.14383015

less brain cells because of malnourision

>> No.14383034

Focus on running every day. Going to the gym is very good, but you arent burning calories like you are when youre running

Switch to keto and intermittent fasting as well. 6 hour window

>> No.14383038

no its working out

>> No.14383051

Do normal or thin girls actually like skinny boys? I'm thin from running long distance, and the only type of girls I seem to attract are chubby and fat girls.

>> No.14383052

I swim because my joins hurt when running
Do you think it has the same benefits?

>> No.14383088

It's not poor excuses because you can't really live long term by being always hungry. It's not even technically that healthy.

No, it did not gain it all back because my diet is relatively optimal. I just stay at a point that I'm chubby unless I'm hungry.

PS. Generally it's hell if you were very fat as a kid. If you were never fat as a kid, you hit the jackpot if the diet is good.

>> No.14383106

just eat less, being poor should help you with that desu

>> No.14383110

like big boys, itty bitty boys
Mississippi boys, inner city boys
I like the pretty boys with the bow tie
Get your nails did, let it blow dry
I like a big beard, I like a clean face
I don't discriminate, come and get a taste
From the playboys to the gay boys
Go and slay, boys, you my fave boys

>> No.14383128


>> No.14383135

anecdotal but am thin male, got thin gf with preference for thinner guys

>> No.14383140

anecdotal but am thin male with preference for thinner guys

>> No.14383149
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>> No.14383152

fyi - sexy is when a girl enjoys herself and likes to fuck


>> No.14383154
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>> No.14383155
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>> No.14383161
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>> No.14383165
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>> No.14383166

how do you guys fast for longer than 20 hours
this shits hard as fuck

>> No.14383168

Go to sleep at night

>> No.14383171

ive slept for 6 hours
currently on hour 18

>> No.14383181

Anorexic faggots, the only ones who think this thinspo shit actually is desirable are mentally ill teens

>> No.14383185

who cares

i want to be skinny

>> No.14383186
File: 158 KB, 719x1280, C3D04F09-F3A0-4BD3-B31D-EB14549DFD58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they so nosey?

>> No.14383188

the op is a good resource for weight loss though

>> No.14383209

every time I open the MFP app it asks me to change my mind about not giving them my location. fucking cunts.

>> No.14383220
File: 68 KB, 900x900, E2A10296-CC72-4DA0-9B56-9A96025D0B09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom bought me mcdonalds and a bag of chips in such a small time frame. I didnt eat them ofcourse. I think shes trying to figure out whether i have an or not.

>> No.14383223
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imagine "ED" between "an & "or"

For todays meal:
chunk light tuna
small red apple

comes out to approximately 725 calories

>> No.14383286

Can you be skinny with body hair? None of the thinspo models ever have any

>> No.14383291

body hair is disgusting

>> No.14383293

Don't do this. I lost so much weight now I can't buy trousers that fit me. Everything looks dumb on me, like potato sacks.

>> No.14383297


>> No.14383503

Would still fuck that hard.

>> No.14383623

Dude I was also a very chubby kid but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t lose a fuckton of weight, and more importantly overcome the meme that is hunger. Keep trying, hunger gets easier to manage with practice... although, if you are yoyo dieting then I guess there are other problems you must fix first!

>> No.14383786
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>yes, i will definitiely stop losing weight because one schizo faggot on an anonymous image board told me he/she has a slightly harder time finding new clothes

>> No.14383804

It's difficult and you'll never find trousers to fit your waist. Guaranteed

>> No.14383817
File: 76 KB, 653x590, 1559594114032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking, fat niggi.

>> No.14383842

I'm an athletic guy, how would i go if i wanted to be less chunky and more slim without losing all of my athleticism?

>> No.14383848

You guys are digusting. Getting abused as kids are COPING by controlling the one thing in your life that you can control - your weight. Find something healthy you can control. Maybe start by being a big boy and working a big boy job that you like?

G E T - - - T H E R A P Y

>> No.14383849


kino reverse thinspo

>> No.14383855
File: 48 KB, 470x604, E8DF7F3E-B8FD-4B51-A5F0-55A3F9CB61F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt get abused as a kid, I just want to be skinny

>> No.14383862
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i want a thigh gap (male)

>> No.14383864


Stop coping. You clearly have thoughts about your appearance that youy hate. You probably have self-esteem at suicide watch low levels.

Maybe yoiu should get therapy and find out why you feel this way. Some people decide to kill themselves. Some people decide to cut themselves to cope, some lose weight to cope

Find out why youre coping, fix the problem rather than letting it manifest profoundly

>> No.14383888
File: 273 KB, 359x480, F3F7D04E-DA2F-41FF-ABEF-2CAFF5085AFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anorexia is a good thing, rather be skinny than super morbidly obese and miserable

>> No.14383901
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I'm more interested in what fucked you up to the point where you lash out at people trying to lose weight and keep it off lol

Seriously, who hurt you?
It's hard to take you seriously when you're yelling at clouds.

You're acting like you know we're fucked up, but something's clearly twisted in your tiny brain if you're getting this heated over literally nothing.


Thin =/= eating disorder
Desire to be thin =/= eating disorder

Yes, there are those with eating disorders here but ITT we keep it thin, not boney. So chill out, tubby.

>> No.14383904

What’s the ideal bmi for males and females? Ideal height?

>> No.14383907


Most pics on this board are clearly anorexia eating disorder inspo.

I know that ano's struggle with reality so I can understand why you're so annoyed at someone claiming you''re mentally ill.

I get it, its a control disorder. Find something better to control befoire you get heart failure and die, ya?

>> No.14383909

Use a BMI calculator, there's too many factors for there to be a single BMI standard.

Your healthy BMI may not be ours

>> No.14383914
File: 7 KB, 203x44, 0F5AA88D-4177-43C1-A632-89A2ACD7DE05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideal bmi for males and females is <18.5

>> No.14383917

how about you stop stuffing your face before you get heart failure

>> No.14383922


I have a body fat percentage of less than 15%. Im athletic. But yeah thanks for affirming how insecure you are. You need therapy :)

>> No.14383927

Post body with timestamp, Adonis.

I don't care that you don't like /thinspo/, I just wanna make sure you're not some chubby loser trying to feel better about eating that fifth pizza pocket

>> No.14383930

>anorexia is a good thing
please go to an actual psychologist

>> No.14383933

weight and height?

>> No.14383935


>I have an eating disorder
>Someone tells me its bad

Ah yes, the words of someone who is thinking rationally. Nevermind I concede, anorexia is healthy and good :) Very nice lifespan estimate :) Lots of old anorexics about

>> No.14383936

Sorry Anon, no one in this thread who isn't also anorexic will agree with you.

>> No.14383941

Okay, so you're dumb as well, because I don't have an eating disorder nor did I imply I have one, unless your definition of an eating disorder is "not eating til you're stuffed"

Considering you're too scared to post that timestamp, I'm gonna assume you're just a fat faggot trying to get a rise out of people ITT by lying about your body and pretending everyone here is anorexic. Here's your last (you) from me, use it wisely.

>> No.14383958

then why are you here? go back to psuedo/fit/ness board

>> No.14383961

Medium weights (don't stop lifting faggot) but no powerlifting

Non-Meat based protein

That's all I got, someone tap in.

>> No.14383962
File: 9 KB, 248x203, inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No I concede, thinspo and anorexia is healthy.

I'll contribute some inspo for you

>> No.14383964
File: 10 KB, 195x259, inspoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fellas had such a good figure. How did they do it? I'm envious.

>> No.14383966
File: 11 KB, 331x152, thinspo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny is pretty!!

Goal weight: Gulag KG

>> No.14383970

this or calisthenics. why non-meat protein though?

>> No.14383971
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>> No.14383978

Trap memes aside, meat has testosterone which will increase your muscle mass. Plant based protein won't give you that extra 'boost' of muscle mass without sacrificing protein, which you need to properly heal/get stronger after your workouts while going lean.

You can stay strong without being muscular - keep that in mind. No man should be weak.

>> No.14383987

have sex

>> No.14383988

She cu...
>shoes indoors

>> No.14384029
File: 41 KB, 468x480, 5C566B96-DED7-4027-8980-CE86B87DC034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it about skinny people that just sends hambeasts into a SEETHING rage?

>> No.14384036

i used to be like that when i was fat

>> No.14384043
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>> No.14384050

Thats omad and a lot of athletes do it. Its not really and eating disorder as long as you eat what you need for a day.

>> No.14384056
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She pulling off the gulag look effortlessly. Nice!

>> No.14384059
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They can't handle that being fat is objectively a worse lifestyle

They claim they enjoy being fat because they can stuff their faces all they want. They say this to cope. They don't want to admit that they know their existence is disgusting.

Everywhere they go, they occupy the space of three 25BMI humans.

Everywhere they go, people look at them with disgust

Everywhere they go - hot or cold - they will sweat, and sweat a lot.

Every time they eat, they spend $15+ on pure garbage, constantly desiring more, while normal people spend less and are satisfied with a chicken sandwich and a small water.

They pretend that skinny is somehow worse than being fat, but last time I checked skinny people don't need to buy two seats on a plane or take the elevator out of necessity.

Fat people are, on average, dumber than normal people. If they weren't stupid, they'd know not to eat 3k calories per meal and that a Diet Dr. Sprite isn't the same as drinking water.

There's a reason fat kids are picked on at school: They ARE inferior to us normal sized people.

The worst part is, they have control over their weight. But since they're so dumb and lazy, they can't take an afternoon to Google how to lose weight and spend a few months, maybe a year, shredding it off.

No one has ever been happier while fatter. No one. If you are fat, your life would be better at a normal weight.

Don't even get me started of Fat Acceptance.

>> No.14384060


Nobody likes fat people here. This is a fashion board

We do however, hate mentally ill people masquerading as healthy people.

Beiung slim is ok. Being gulag slim is as mentally ill as schizos

>> No.14384062


>> No.14384065

Peak performance
If only it was sustainable
after a year you look disgusting at such a low weigh

>> No.14384067

>No one replied to your bait
>Still going strong, pretending everyone ITT is anorexic
Have sex

>> No.14384070

I think it depends more on your face/height from what Ive seen, but I may be wrong.

>> No.14384072


>after a year or two

Literally everybody that lays eyes on that girl will feel sorry for her. More so than the homeless people that eat their own shit and piss themselves. It's a prime example of somebody that has lost the way. Destined to die unless they see the light (which most anorexics dont). Completely gone. It's sad.

>> No.14384074

People like different things, Anon. I knew a body builder bro who was really into obese chicks.

Yes, his wife is obese.

>> No.14384076

Is porridge a good option to eat while fasting?

>> No.14384091
File: 27 KB, 639x479, 1559597076535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat while fasting

>> No.14384095

C'mon is it or not, I need to eat something bc I exercise

>> No.14384099

its not fasting if you eat something

>> No.14384101

>need to eat something

>> No.14384104

Do you know what a fast is?

>> No.14384109

What do you even think fasting is?

>> No.14384112
File: 245 KB, 900x1271, I+love+sushi+too_fa12f3_5879475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's when you eat all your daily calories really, really fast (:

>> No.14384116


migrate whenever ⊂◉◉つ

>> No.14384122

Well if you ask me it looks good but is very harmful in the long run and if you put your body through it while knowing risks you need to be hospitalized for your own safety

>> No.14384126


>> No.14384179

I have no muscle bro, that's the problem. Usually people have a little bit of muscle giving them that extra weight. I only have bones and fat.

>> No.14384186


>> No.14384192


>> No.14384361

I want to be thinspo but I'm not attracted to skinny guys. I think they look good aesthetically but I'm not attracted to them

>> No.14384675

How do you know?

>> No.14385870 [DELETED] 

If you just chubby it's different, I meant very fat as a kid. It's not a meme either; there are scientific studies that prove only if you become an adult fat cells don't increase in total number anymore.

My diet is not yo-yo, it's generally optimal. I currently plan to improve it more with some tricks I have in mind.

PS. In general good diet can make a gigantic kid or adult be generally chubby and healthy, but to be very thin it's extremely hard to impossible if you were a planet as a kid (because of specific medical reasons having to do with multiplied total fat cell in number).

>> No.14386211


>> No.14386811

Mirin dude, that's my goal body (skinny fat now, recently lost 45 pounds)
WHat did you do for that?

>> No.14386815

found it tumblr under malespo tag

>> No.14387319

You think there's something wrong with others having different aesthetic views than yours but you see nothing wrong in mocking people who were abused as children? I used to feel bad for mentally ill /fit/cels but you're all a bunch of disgusting manchildren and deserve to be alone.

>> No.14387470

our culture idolizes childish bodies desu

>> No.14387962

Its baby meth. Just do speed like adults. I love ritalin tho, not sure what the other anons are on. 5mg is quite a lot too

>> No.14387965

Cmon dont fall for the shitpost anon at <500 kcals a day you shouldnt be worried about getting fat, you should worry about not fucking dying. 1500 is sustainable(for months, even years), 500 is crazy.

>> No.14387968

Not skinny like the pics your posting. Nobody in the industry looks like a fucking skelly anymore. They are slim but not that slim.

>> No.14387972

Are you serious anon, left is still fucking underweight. God damn it i hate these threads so much, such a fucking crab bucket...

>> No.14387973

Its better.

>> No.14387975


>> No.14387976

You are sick anon, get hellp..

>> No.14387982


>> No.14388290

have sex

>> No.14388292
File: 48 KB, 259x224, AC79D51B-EAD3-4760-8873-9DF10EFEAB59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasnt a shitpost anon