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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 170 KB, 1265x853, B07C71DE-C013-4CA1-8127-63FA045A95E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14372242 No.14372242 [Reply] [Original]

How skinny are you anon?

>> No.14372247

simple answer. im not.

>> No.14372249

im 112 lbs, 5'8 and look fat as shit

>> No.14372250
File: 46 KB, 480x336, travis-fimmel-then-and-now-1525773847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a queer

>> No.14372253

Is this image a new epic meme

>> No.14372256

>>>/fit/ is this way
if you arent rail thin you look horrible in clothes

>> No.14372262
File: 58 KB, 850x400, 3048F214-B69F-4ECA-AAF2-36CEF492EEE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn’t be more wrong, newfag

>> No.14372266

wheres proof?

>> No.14372380

how? i'm the same height as you, 126lbs, and i look pretty thin, do you just have horrible distribution?

>> No.14372391

6' 135lbs can I pull off Hedi?

>> No.14372426

Depends, what is your main form of body mass, fat or muscle?

>> No.14372431


>> No.14372463

5'8" 156 16% of and decent muscle. Kind of twinky but with a pump I'm respectable.

>> No.14372468
File: 97 KB, 560x591, 1974blackcustom_BEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'11 130 right now. Was a little skinnyfat b4, dropped to 125 from 140, lost all fat just skinny, now trying to gain a little muscle working out getting to maybe 135 before i cut to 130 again. Should be skinnyripped af by then

>> No.14372474

Not a whole lot of either. Probably more muscle though.

>> No.14372582

im 5'6 and 40kgs

>> No.14372597

Not everybody is a goblin twink zoomer that dress in your hypebeast meme clothes, anon

>> No.14372598

> 119lb
> 5.75" wrist
> 35" chest
> 30" waist
> 20% body fat
I'm basically a skeleton with a gut and love handles.

But, here's my previous stats from Feburary
> 140lb
> 35" waist
> 30% body fat

So I've lost 21lb, through only carefully journalled and counted calorie restriction over the course of 3 months (with 2 weeks of solid relapse in that time) Or 2lb pr week. I don't know if I should post a weight loss thread here, or on /fit. I've had a fat belly since I was 14, and this is the thinned I've ever been in my life. I'm so damned happy.

The big takeaway is that pop culture, bro logic, gym rat logic, general optimism, and powering through tough times is solid bullshit.
It took science, mental health introspection, and a scheduled goal to did loose weight.

>> No.14372600

6'2 130 lbs

>> No.14372609

>you cant be fit and thin
nobody wants to be skinnyfat ((except trans ppl))

>> No.14372612

5'10 ish at 120 lbs

>> No.14372687

5'3 83 lbs

>> No.14372694

17.5 BMI. No muscle.

>> No.14372773

Almost exactly the same
5’8’ and 114lb
Maybe you need to replace the fat with muscle
If you don’t have muscle you’ll always look skinnyfat

>> No.14372777

163 cm X 44 kg
BMI <17

Not counting calories anymore, I went down to 41 kg but it was too far...

>> No.14372778

No, too fat. a 6'2 model in Hedi Celine is 128

>> No.14372783

187cm, 59kg
male, been skinny af all my life, trying to gain weight

>> No.14372784


>> No.14372792

178 cm, 54 kg
really skinny, lost a lot of weight after I quit soda and sweets

>> No.14372814
File: 1.63 MB, 1596x5664, 730E01CE-D379-42AE-9632-6DC29D945D5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post body in your best outfit

retards who gymmax end up looking like pic related

>> No.14372870

Really? Which one?

>> No.14372893


>> No.14372993

>30" waist
>> 20% body fat
workout, try to replace fat with muscle, I'm at your height and weigh the same as you but with a 26" waist and well defined

>> No.14372999

6 feet
30" waist

>> No.14373003

181 cm
~60 kg
30 inch waist

>> No.14373012

please date me queen

>> No.14373182

187 cm
63 kg
29 waist
idk bout bf%

>> No.14373282

I'm 6ft used to be skinny and nice but then went to UNI got fucking skinny fat ended up at 85kg but said enough is enough, my slp jeans can't look good like this...so went on OMAD and picked up boxing again...in 2 months I became 68kg and now start to feel good again

>> No.14373827

28-30 inch waist
14% bf

>> No.14373840

How to avoid the skinny fat?

>> No.14373843
File: 9 KB, 312x161, aragorn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno about waist and bf%

>> No.14373847
File: 84 KB, 788x200, Screenshot_2019-05-31 viggo mortensen height weight - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound liek a scrawny faggot

>> No.14373854

I'm 19 years old,male,1.78 m/5"10' and 58 kg/128 lbs.
I actually gained 4 kilos in the last three and a half months and I feel really good about it.

>> No.14373941
File: 37 KB, 708x480, 1554708342141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6ft even, and 180lbs
>40 slim for jackets
>34 for pants

>> No.14373942

I don't believe this. I'm 5'7 130lbs and I'm not rail thin, but thinner than most people.

>> No.14374012
File: 62 KB, 600x734, 1554149633722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like an Auschwitz survivor and I hate it. I eat as mush as I can bit I can't gain weight. I just want to be bara.

>> No.14374022

youre skinny fat

>> No.14374034

No I'm just skinny

>> No.14374041

6'2" 155 lbs ~15 percent body fat. I probably gotta start lifting or something bc my bf percentage stays the same even when I lose weight

>> No.14374054

post body

>> No.14374080
File: 31 KB, 639x634, cat_fury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14374096

garbage tier bodyfat, so still a lardass
people around me say i'm "normal" and "healthy" which we all know is code for fatter than you should be
i've lost 15 lbs in the past 22 days though from fasting / psmf and hours of exercise which is decent since i started out at a bmi of 23.5

>> No.14374106

178cm long, 53kgs
aka 5'10" and 116lbs

>> No.14374125
File: 91 KB, 734x729, eda_hvat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feet and kg

>> No.14374310

28" waist

>> No.14374522

Post my fucking copypasta that goes with this

>> No.14374525

lol @ all the skeletors posting

being bones skinny is never a good look for 5’10” and under

being bones skinny for 5’10” and above requires proper proportions otherwise you just look like an emaciated teenager

post some bod pics and lets see if you skeletors are fa or look like adderall addicted incels

>> No.14374530
File: 338 KB, 1145x858, 20190531_202021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10" 145lbs so pretty skinny

>> No.14374560

5’10 126

>> No.14374568

routine plx

>> No.14374573

26" waist

I'm weighed myself for the first time in about a month and a half today and while im definitely heavier than I'd like to be, I'm so relieved to have only gained 2 or 3 pounds since my last weigh in. Thinking about trying to lose some weight this summer, maybe get to 115-120 again

>> No.14374592

26" waist

>> No.14374619

College wrestling 6 days a week, I don't lift much.

>> No.14374729

the UK are always the ones to be like "hurr durr Americans and shit units of measurement" but they randomly use feet and miles and use stones mixed with lbs instead of kilos???

>> No.14374746

>tfw 27 years old and 5'9" 135 lbs
>not even fashionable, not even doing it to be like a model or anything like you guys, just been a miserable worthless depressed piece of shit my entire life

>> No.14374772

28" waist

>> No.14374789

5'7 115 lbs 28yo guy
27" waist

>> No.14374800

good luck, I'm in the same spot and its rough getting muscles

>> No.14374802

5'10 and 115

>> No.14374822

Yeah im like still paranoid im skinnyfat i dont know how much is in my head since everyone tells me im already really skinny. I have like zero muscle mass tho. i probably gave myself body dysmorphia lmao. Im just trying to cut again now

>> No.14375006

((except *mtf trans people))
for ftms skinnyfat is a nightmare, which is why so many of us are /fit/

>> No.14375383

>so many of us
How does it feel to live your whole life larping as a man?

>> No.14375562

amazing, I've never felt more my myself in my entire life, thank you for asking

>> No.14375567

175 cm
working on getting more toned

>> No.14375572

Post your body let's see how /fit/ you are

>> No.14375583

5'9.5 and 142 lbs. Trying to get down to 135.

>> No.14375742
File: 297 KB, 722x962, tboy61915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still in skelly mode so here's a pic of an ftm

>> No.14375828

Thanks for the picture of not you

>> No.14376172


>> No.14376189

enough to pull off SLIM FIT meme

>> No.14376195
File: 21 KB, 234x432, sdfghj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so skinny that my friends say it somehow makes me look taller.

>> No.14376264
File: 31 KB, 360x480, 129632_P1060603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you arent rail thin you look horrible in clothes
Cope. Almost all skinny men look horrible with and without clothes. Same with fat people

>> No.14376294

145 lb. 5'8. All muscle baby.

>> No.14376296

Eat something for fuck sake

>> No.14376489

im the same weight and height but am skinnyfat. should i lose fat or build muscle first?

>> No.14376548

6'4" 160lb

>> No.14376813
File: 810 KB, 2293x1734, avte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 5 inch wrists

>> No.14376866

Tfw not even ftm, just vaguely butch lesbian
>165 lb
>27 inch waist
>no boobs
>often go out in baggy men's S hoodie that somehow makes you look like a skinnyish dude even when not wearing a bra

>> No.14376876

ID on cigarette brand?

>> No.14376879

im six feet and 148 pounds - how do i stop having man boobs /fa/

>> No.14376893

i have bad news for you

I'm 114 lbs and 6 feet and still have doughy chest. it's not gyno either -- its just that im all fat and no muscle

best bet might be to lift ironically

>> No.14376897

140 6' and I'm all bones and muscles (in that order).
get a job that involves lots of physical work and don't eat

>> No.14376899


>> No.14376900

I'm 163 lbs, 6'0 and currently skinnyfat

Having trouble deciding whether to bulk and try to gain muscle from here or keep cutting until I look lean, but it's hard to say when that'll be

Really I just want a defined jawline

>> No.14376901

at 160 you're just fat

>> No.14376907
File: 44 KB, 552x928, guTSi3i-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I weigh 10 lb more since this picture, trying to lose bodyfat again

>> No.14376960
File: 10 KB, 227x222, 1481704495078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

108 kg / 238 lb

can the fat people get into /fa/? is there something that looks good on us that doesnt on anyone else?

>> No.14376999

>something that looks good on us that doesnt on anyone else?
well not really anyone else but:
gym clothes, while in a gym. It means that you're at least vaguely trying to become fit (or just like... not fat)

>> No.14377204

5'7'', 125lb
173cm, 56kg

sucks being short but w/e

>> No.14377360

93 kg 189 cm.
I am big boy for you.

>> No.14377544

How about I eat you raaawwr xoxo uwu x333

>> No.14377549

182cm, 100kg

Wear overcoats, it will make your look slimer, otherwise go full sleaze

>> No.14377668

65 kg for 1.8 meters tall. Not skelly nor skinnyfat.

>> No.14377732

6'1'' 130 lbs

>> No.14377735

I weighed myself yesterday and came in at 121 lbs, 54 kg, 8 stone

>> No.14378089


>> No.14378102
File: 605 KB, 1162x2516, 550BAFE8-5B65-4A09-958D-83E9197328D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too fat rn.
Used to be 5’2” 75 lbs when anorexic (pic related)
I miss it.

>> No.14378117

Start counting your calories. You're 100% not eating as much as you think.

>> No.14378167

oh it's the attention whore migrating from the thinspo thread.

>> No.14378185

6'3" 141 lbs

>> No.14378193

show dick,you twink

>> No.14378218

As if I’m the only one

I don’t have one, sorry

>> No.14378226

5'10 115 lbs

>> No.14378230

Same i try, months on end... relapsed and just drank 9 beers
> idgaf

>> No.14378231

182 (5.97) and 57 kg (125 lbs ish)

>> No.14378308
File: 129 KB, 540x720, 20190602_133513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10" 180. Gotta lose a few

>> No.14378535
File: 1.77 MB, 1748x2975, 20190602_150317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6' normally 145

>> No.14378545

50kg at 5 5...

i swear i eat a lot but i can't gain weight :(

>> No.14378554

Fuck off cunt. You eat like a bird. You think you violate thermodynamics?

>> No.14378560
File: 62 KB, 679x239, 1510786923683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6' / 182cm
71kg / 156lbs

Only lean muscle, very little fat. I'm trying to get to 75kg / 165lbs by next year, but clean bulking is real fucking hard.

>> No.14378605

i actually eat a lot but eating a lot isn't the only factor to get weight retard

>> No.14378638

hi bb wanna fucc?

>> No.14378640

Fucking faggot. What other factors are there? What, do you run a marathon a day? I bulked up from 120 to 180, theres no trick to it but eating more.

>> No.14378655
File: 1.03 MB, 1027x2515, IMG_2412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'8, 113lb

>> No.14378712

>eating a lot isnt the only factor for weight gain
It literally is though

>> No.14378719

tfw 5'8" but 140

>> No.14378721

50 at 160. I'm skinny-thicc

>> No.14378781

It’s not though
They tried to weight restore me in ED treatment, dietitian had me on a massive meal plan and still couldn’t get my body to gain above a BMI 19 lol I plateaued and then started losing weight
Keep in mind I did 0 exercise whatsoever during this time period

>> No.14378789

No and I don’t look like this anymore I recovered and got fat

>> No.14378792

you're just delusional

>> No.14378805

Still waiting to hear these other factors lol. I walk everywhere, box twice a week, am naturally skinny and i still gain weight because i eat enough. Even if you had a thyroid problem you would burn an extra 300 cals a day tops. I have no appetite either, i drink a 1500 cal shake for breakfast because i need to hit 3100 a day with my job. Get the fuck over yourself, you're not special

>> No.14378822


>> No.14378839

skinnier than you mohammed

>> No.14378846

I didn’t say I was special at all. Some people don’t gain weight easily and others do. The way my dietitian explained it was my metabolism is just very adaptive to the amount of calories I eat. Slows down when I eat less and speeds up quite a bit when I eat more. She used the analogy of a furnace - it burns more with more “fuel” added to it (the heat produced being your metabolism).

>> No.14378869

Again, metabolism can vary but not by much, at most about 300 cals which is nothing. You are saying you're special, every other person on the planet can gain weight if they eat enough but i guess youre the exception lol. Look it up for yourself if you want. Download myfitnesspal and eat 3000 cals a day. Youll gain weight in no time. But you won't do it because youre a pussy and would rather believe a comforting lie than face the fact that you failed.

>> No.14378919

6'2 68kg with size 30 pants, trying to get down to 60 kg if possible

>> No.14378941

180cm 65kg girl

>> No.14378961

>metabolism has no variance related to how much you eat
>t. never had an eating disorder

>> No.14378962

are you single?

>> No.14379065

Not what he said at all retard. He said he can't gain weight because of a fast metabolism

>> No.14379075

No eating disorder makes it impossible to gain weight. Metabolisms vary only a little bit, like i said three fucking times. An eating disorder is a mental disorder, it doesnt change how your body processes food.

>> No.14379090

you should find me if you're in NJ to go dancing.

>> No.14379128

god bless tall girls

>> No.14379268

There's this thing called a metabolism. the main source of weight loss. working out can only get you so far w/o calorie deficit.

>> No.14379306

You are retarded and didnt read the post i was replying to. Metabolism doesnt vary that much even with medical problems. Gaining weight is always possible by eating enough. The anon above was blaming his inability to gain weight on his "fast metabolism" which is bullshit

>> No.14379327

I ate way more than 3000 cals a day when I was weight restoring in ED treatment. My weight and meal plan was closely monitored by a dietitian. I did gain weight initially (I went in at BMI 13.5) but only got to about BMI 19.5 and then no matter how much we increased my meal plan it would not go higher than that and I hit a plateau. It’s called set point theory. If you don’t believe me, take it up with literally every ED I’ve ever worked with throughout the years, which is at least 5 different ones.
And I’m not special. Anyone naturally thin probably has a responsive metabolism like this.

>> No.14379355

This was inpatient treatment btw they literally plate your meals for you and supervise you while you eat them. 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. You’re required to finish everything, and if you don’t, you have to either supplement the calories with ensure/boost or you get literally forcibly tube fed. You have to wear a pedometer at all times so they know you aren’t exercising.They also monitor you in the bathroom, do daily urine tests and weekly bloodwork so it’s basically impossible to “cheat”, if you aren’t eating enough they will know. I ate 100% of my meal plan *designed to make me gain weight* and literally stopped gaining after a certain point. She then reviewed my medical records and growth charts and determined that my body just didn’t want to go there. This is a thing that people deal with, as well as the other way around (where they eat everything according to their meal plan and still gain above their target weight).

>> No.14379365

I like boys tho

>> No.14379382
File: 52 KB, 500x339, 1494711287027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19 male/ 6'2 and 145lbs

pretty similar build to pic, considering modelling

>> No.14379383
File: 1.78 MB, 2730x2048, PhotoGrid_1559522259693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for being a cunt, never had an ED but im sure its rough. Having said that i cant find any actual evidence for set point theory besides BuzzFeed articles and the like. Ive helped plenty of skinny guys put on weight over the years and all of them had small appetites and gained when they ate more. I attached a pic of me from 23 to 27. Theres no evidence of anyone being unable to put on weight no matter how much they ate that i can find. Not trying to be a dick, show me if you have any info, im interested

>> No.14379397

if you're "considering" modeling you have never been approached so stop considering and accept you're ugly

>> No.14379400

25 inch waist

>> No.14379412

hey man I live in a small town so scouting here is unlikely, you probably right tho. Lots of my friends and girls I meet tell me I should send in photos to agencies tho so idk

>> No.14379435

Goddamn, way to ruin a perfect boi

>> No.14379448

Post pics

>> No.14379455
File: 110 KB, 640x800, IMG_1589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14379472

Sorry anon

>> No.14379942

186cm/6'1 and 67kg/148lbs. Probs around 11-12% body fat. Trying to get to 10-11% and build muscle to get dat ottermode.

>> No.14379945

Based Rick I never knew he said that

>> No.14379965
File: 69 KB, 646x687, 1550951973590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14379969
File: 20 KB, 336x188, 1551654026021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you would die if u got facefucked from skullfracture, semen isn't a fruit go eat something!!!

>> No.14379984
File: 87 KB, 380x734, ~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1,85m 75kg / 6'1 165lbs
would like to gain some mass

>> No.14380015

6' and 108lbs, I think.

>> No.14380135

>41 kg
>25" waist

>> No.14380163


>> No.14380177

We could be related. What's your ethnic background?

>> No.14381417

this is b8, you can't be serious

>> No.14381423

im a hedi model go figure

>> No.14381427

lose weight

>> No.14381641

Those crooked legs aaayyy

>> No.14382364

I know, I'm just a lil guy :(

>> No.14383056

stop eating fatso

>> No.14383355

wear a shower curtain

>> No.14383362

5'7" 102 lb 28" waist

>> No.14383408

5'11, 171 lbs kek

>> No.14384055

looking like a malnourished neurotic Holocaust victim will surely get me laid

>> No.14384082

5'11, 180lbs, 18% bodyfat
Not skinny

>> No.14384523

it does for me. Incel

>> No.14384654

I'm 5 9 and 125 lbs, I can see my ribs a little bit and but i dont have a defined jawline. Is there any way the problem is my bodyfat?

>> No.14384965

Shalom. My great father had the same weight as you when the russians freed Auschwitz

>> No.14384971

Fucking dead animals doesnt count faggot

>> No.14385280

not b8, pls no h8, i just wanted honest opinions :^/

>> No.14385368

would prefer to be bigger but don't care enough to diet/bulk.

>> No.14385529

6' 3 155 been tryna bulk a little so there's more definition when I get skelly again

>> No.14386145

1.74m tall
mfw fucking people dont use the metric system

>> No.14387008

end me

>> No.14387279
File: 42 KB, 540x960, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'8 around 57 kilos, i think that's about 120 pounds?
i wish i was slightly heavier/more muscular just because girls always make fun of me for being skinny, feels bad man

>> No.14387323

5ft 100lb rn :( on track to lose atleast 15 though.\

>> No.14387328

dude we have the exact same height and weight

>> No.14387367

Same height and 50 lbs on you and i still wanna be more muscular lol. Eat more

>> No.14387563

5,11 107lb

fast metabolism idc im also pale a shit but at least im pretty

>> No.14387571

male btw also

>> No.14387611

Fast metabolism doesn't exist, you just dont eat

>> No.14387745

fuck same height and I'm 18 lbs up. very jealous. at my lowest 107 was my next goal but only ever got to 112.
making me feel like a failing fatty

>> No.14387754

178 cm
74 kgs

shoulders too broad fml

>> No.14387776

What the fuck is wrong with this board

>> No.14387819

Hey you inspired me to gain muscle mass. I'm 21 113lb have any tips?

>> No.14387832

Work out and eat, that's it. I track calories because i have no appetite. Apps like myfitnesspal will give you estimate calorie goals to gain weight, if that doesn't work than increase until it does.
Exercise programs don't really matter that much as long as you work hard. I do bodyweight workouts at home.
Any other questions ask away

>> No.14387856

How would you split it. Push pull, bro spilt ? How long you work out and ho many exercise in one work session?

>> No.14387858

Bruh I don't understand. I'm 5 9 190 and looked yakked as hell

>> No.14387872

hes not wearing the right clothes

>> No.14387877
File: 286 KB, 1366x2048, A341D657-766C-4EC3-8D47-D8C5EFE6B560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cope incel

>> No.14388050

u dont look like valter and slp is a poorly aged 2012 look cope harder u anorexic fag

>> No.14388061

same here, 195 and 72 kg. Getting weight is hard af, and wouldn't really want to bulk for summer :/

>> No.14388154

169cm/51kg. It's such a struggle to gain weight, can't eat too much because of stomach problems. At least I don't weigh 46kg anymore like I used to

>> No.14388454

Doesn't really matter imo, pick a program. I use alphadestinys full body twice a week, not a fanboy just like his program

>> No.14388494

i'm overweight and i hate it, anons. i'm 198cm and probably around 120kg at this time.

>> No.14388497

post recent pic

>> No.14388525

I am 100lbs and 5' 7".
Lithe figure with a small waist.

-arguably like a corpse...

>> No.14388780

I want to suck a fart out of your bunghole while you make yourself throw up

>> No.14388818

This is definitly celinman!

>> No.14388863

28/29 waist
big thighs
look fat
no clue whats going on

>> No.14389476
File: 18 KB, 600x600, 1553273331649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14389501

Anorexics don’t puke that’s bulimia

>> No.14389958


>> No.14390058

today I had a bowl of ice cubes for breakfast