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14327459 No.14327459 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know what to do with scaly scaby scalp? Idk it's like flakey dandruff and scabs, dunno if pic related or no but kinda like that

>> No.14327477

stop picking on it and nizoral

>> No.14327496

comb and/or brush more often to stimulate the oil glands and spread the oil around

>> No.14327506

Get some mild sandpaper sand it off then apply moisturiser 3 times a day

>> No.14327544

I actually have hair

>> No.14327548

Comes back after a while when I stopped using it

>> No.14327552

Get a ketoconazole shampoo and apply MCT oil to dry areas.

>> No.14327556

How is your diet?

>> No.14327608

Mostly chicken and rice

>> No.14327676

Buy this: "Kérastase Specifique Bain Anti-Pelliculaire"
I had a dandruff problem and this is the only thing that worked.
I shampoo every 2-3 days and this is just a godsend, it will clear you right up in the span of 2 weeks tops. Just make sure you work it on the scalp by lightly massaging it with your fingers

>> No.14327687

Buzzcut and do it

>> No.14327942

Crush a shitload of aspirin pills and add the powder to shampoo. When you shower, let it sit on your head for a few minutes instead of rinsing immediately. The salicylic acid in aspirin kills bacteria and fungi that cause skin conditions

I had terminal dandruff until I started doing this

>> No.14327964

Sounds like a great way to go bald.

>> No.14327988

It works, my man

>> No.14328366

yep it's safe and actually beneficial to eat it several times a day but don't get it on your skin

>> No.14328386

I heard prolonged fasting cures it. Idk it’s worth a try

>> No.14328405

Most dandruff type conditions are in relation to a fungal infection. Even dermatologists often neglect or misdiagnose this aspect. I would definitely recommend using nizoral shampoo as a first measure. (can do no harm) Let it sit for 5 mins or so, then rinse and make sure to blow dry your hair/scalp until it is fully dried. Fungi love warm and moist environments protected from light, so the scalp is an ideal breeding ground. Keep it airy and dry.

Also: see a dermatologist.

>> No.14328418

>Fungi love warm and moist environments protected from light
Would you recommend holding my hair underwater to suffocate the fungi? Maybe mites?

>> No.14328542

It could be sun damage.

>> No.14328838
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try pic related

>> No.14330390

>Would you recommend holding my hair underwater to suffocate the fungi?
I have to assume you're either trolling or you're incredibly uneducated. For latter case: No. You have to get a chemical remedy that hinders the fungus to multiply on a cellular level (which is what most anti-fungals do) + they live deep inside the skin layers and can completely re-infect your scalp if even a few of their cells are still present. You need medication and support it by keeping the scalp dry and exposed to air. Retard.

>Maybe mites?
It's a possibility but very unlikely.

Go see a dermatologist. Retard.

>> No.14330504

Seborrheic dermatitis. Baking soda works wonders. I'm on my 6th year.

>> No.14330726

Are you a babby?

>> No.14330733

Stop calling me a retard.
But wow that sucks. Medication, huh?
Mine was all bloody today. Really sick of this bullshit. But I also don't want to get medication because of (((them))). Fungi hates light though so maybe I'll infra-red my head.

>> No.14330804

neutrogena t gel

>> No.14330934


You are fucked. Get on meds or grow your hair long.

>> No.14330936

I had this shit for over 15 years. I can kind of manage it with diet, but I'm at wits end. I even have psoriatic arthritis, which is suicide tier. Topical solutions and creams don't do shit, your immune system is malfunctioning. Your skin inflammation is just a symptom of a deepr problem. Sorry bro, I've been putting off medication for over a decade, but my spirit finally broke and I'll probably get on it in a couple of months when I next see my rheumatologist :/

Definitely avoid sugar and heavy carbs, chances are that will make it worse, same with eggs and dairy. I basically eat 100% meat and sometimes oatmeal and the fucker still flares up.

>> No.14330954

My daughter had this for the first couple months of her life, I used a silicone face scrub to eventually work it off ;)

>> No.14330967

its psoriasis, ive been handling it for about 2 years now. first dont scratch and dont take showers everyday. try to let some air in your scalp by bringing it up and whatever you do DONT PICK THE SCABS you will only lose hair.

also dont worry about going bald it has nothing to do with that

>> No.14331728

Mt dermatologist recommended OTC hydrocortizone 1% ointment. I cut my hair relatively short, 2-3 in. at most. It's easier to pull back the hair to apply directly to scalp. You don't rub it into your hair, apply directly to scalp. It's a hassle, but we gonna see how it works. Been doing it about a week now.

>> No.14331759

thats a baby head u monkeys

>> No.14331764

>your immune system is malfunctioning
I know. I get sick easily. My mother is into those hippy scientists and constantly drops pills in all my food and the water supply and it FUCKED ME UP, man.
If it's moisture that's the problem, then I shoudln't have any issue throughout the day but I sweat like a bitch at night. SUcks man. Even eating a bunch of niggertoes didn't do much. Saline baths help a lot but they make me crusty and it always comes back. I just don't want to give any money to (((them))) since I was raised not to give into BIG PHARMA.

>> No.14332009
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Hey everyone op here I used the crushed aspirin with shampoo idea it mostly cleared it still a littlel there but doesn't itch anymore, but my hair is ruined it's like hay now so that's that

>> No.14332641

thats just cradle cap OP

>> No.14333043

Yeah bro, all the shampoos and topical medication fuck you shit up, senpai. I don't even bother using my meds my doctor gave me ,they don't even work anymore on my skin. If you completely avoid sugar, alcohol, smoking, and eat almost no carbs or starches you'll probably get the itching under control, although if you are like me you will still have a red flaky scalp. Psoriasis is a bitch, and made me lose faith in a just universe.