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14313180 No.14313180 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Effay celebs, I'll start

>> No.14313201

fuck off riley

>> No.14313230


>> No.14313238


>> No.14313247


>> No.14313249

It comforts me that she’s into this type of guy, not the macho wacho type. It just, gives me validation to be myself. It’s also relieving that she’s not some dumb normie type who listens to mainstream pop music.

I feel like, I could also be her bf. It’s a feasible thing.

>> No.14313259

She left him for obi wan kenobi bro

>> No.14313353

he had his whole redemption arc though

>> No.14313373


>> No.14313389

She cheated on this cuck for years

>> No.14313422

Just, why do women do this? She could have just leave him, but did she have to cheat on him? Is he rich? She’s rich too. So it can’t be the “betabux” thing. I feel like, no matter how hard I try to be /fit/ and /pol/, there will always be better guys out there and my woman will cheat on me. Relationship are not worth it. If they treat us as just sex toys then we should too. Let’s just fuck em and leave em.

>> No.14313448

if you don't have a stable foundation, no matter your fitness or financial level, they will always leave you anon.

find Christ, let him be the rock, and you will be a beacon in the darkness to someone who will never leave you.

>> No.14313474
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>> No.14313479

Not saying this doesn't happen a lot outside hollywood too, but actors are all mentally ill bpd psychos. She was probably playing a character that cheated on her boyfriend and ended up doing it in real life after that

>> No.14313502


>> No.14313504


>> No.14313520
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>tfw no kaia gf

>> No.14313524

Mary Elizabeth Winstead and her now ex husband

>> No.14313528


>> No.14313535

He's richer than her, actors make less than directors. Especially serial actors.... she's def not a list so could be as little as 500k/year and low net worth

>> No.14313544
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>> No.14313564

idk who that is but nice shirt and hot girl

>> No.14313568

no u

>> No.14313571
File: 259 KB, 878x576, ASAP-Rocky-Wearing-CK-and-Balenciaga[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rocky :D

>> No.14313575
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i don't like brockhampton's music but ifw their style

>> No.14313579
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>> No.14313582

fuck off

>> No.14313810

i would leave my gf for ewan mcgregor 2bh

>> No.14313819

literally who

>> No.14313880
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>> No.14313881
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>> No.14313883
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>> No.14313886
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>> No.14313950

this looks so bad

>> No.14313958

His brother River was more /fa/

>> No.14313979

OP's picture looks so awful it makes me feel like I'm at a Neutral Milk Hotel concert

>> No.14314006


go away

>> No.14314007

Holy based. When was this? How does he lose and gain weight so fast?

>> No.14314185

holy fuck never knew they were actually brothers. why do they look so different?

>> No.14314206

this looks pretty good

your judgment is questionable

>> No.14314224
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>> No.14314228

I find it more common that women will have another man in line to be with, if the relationship ends and they just hop into the next one. Slightly better than cheating outright, but still pretty bad.

>> No.14314245

do you need a hug

>> No.14314386

>cable on earbuds
smells like poorfag in here

>> No.14314409

damn this nigga swagging out of control

>> No.14314490

>I feel like, no matter how hard I try to be /fit/ and /pol/
kek, being /pol/ is considered a positive attribute?

>> No.14314942
File: 105 KB, 658x1000, 030acfee226a33a8a2f6ecf7a7919ab9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

winona forever

>> No.14314968

>dude 90/00's/matrix core lmao
bravo, looks great

>> No.14315133

it is.

>> No.14315413
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>> No.14315439

Only to some, like most attributes.

>> No.14315440
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>> No.14315871

>No dick outline
Nick is such a fucking loser

>> No.14315892

Woman are like this cuz they have the same mentality too. They figure, "all men are cheaters, they'll just pump and dump, even the nice ones." So they then start acting slutty and careless because they don't want to get their heart broken

>> No.14315895


>> No.14315980

You should commit suicide

>> No.14315988

>shoes with no socks

>> No.14316032

>I try to be /pol/
just take the suicide pill and get it over with, you clearly don't deserve to live

>> No.14316819

some attributes are positives to most, like being tall in men.

>> No.14316864

I do actually.

And a bigger penis please

>> No.14317468

>I feel like, no matter how hard I try to be /fit/ and /pol/
ah yes the muscular racist, the dream of every woman. please tell her and her friends all the crime statistics when youre out for a drink, they love that.

>> No.14317562

>citing statistics is racism
i've encountered a living meme. better snap a pic before it gets scared!

>> No.14317601
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its not women. its people in general
i mean you're asking somebody to be and stable and commit to you until you die or some shit. people panic and realize whatever fantasy that had for you in their head isn't coming true. they move on to somebody who fits that.
you can either date multiple people so you never stay lonely for long periods of time.
or go the Kierkegaard route and have blind faith.
love the person with all your might but do it because you actually love them and don't expect them to do the same to you

>> No.14318212
File: 36 KB, 496x633, 47037d12f1aa38a9cea3e400d43fa730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're comparing a fat and old Joaquin Phoenix to an early 20s River Phoenix.

>> No.14318230

There are plenty of women who will not cheat on you. They're all just taken and do not hookup, because the likelihood of cheating on your partner directly correlates negatively with relationship stability and positively with the amount of lifetime sexual partners. Women who won't cheat on you generally are virgins or had maybe one or two long-term partners in their life before meeting you.

>> No.14318619

>its not women. its people in general
its literally only women and gay men so yes, you are right by saying "people"

>> No.14318697
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>> No.14318732

Based Christ poster

>> No.14318734


>> No.14318927

Is that Chris chan?

>> No.14318968

I find it worse to be honest, might as well be honest and cheat. Keeping spares and reserves speaks to a bigger personal fault than wanting to fuck around

>> No.14318983

I got cheated on 3 relationships in a row and then started dating an adult virgin and she's a genuinely honest and trustful person. You just gotta find someone with the same ideals as you anon.

>> No.14319044
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>> No.14319198 [DELETED] 

get a fucking grip you brainlet, who do all you morons choose to ignore the man who she cheated with, he was likely in a relationship but that's all ignored to confirm your idiotic world view

this is an actually thoughtful response, how rare

thanks for demonstrating you can't read, anon is saying no one want's to go out with someone who is a racist and seeks to justify it with by constantly crime stats like its a personality

>> No.14319199

get a fucking grip you brainlet, who do all you morons choose to ignore the man who she cheated with, he was likely in a relationship but that's all ignored to confirm your idiotic world view

this is an actually thoughtful response, how rare

thanks for demonstrating you can't read, anon is saying no one want's to go out with someone who is a racist and seeks to justify it with by constantly reeling off crime stats like its a substitute for a personality

>> No.14319326

Congrats on conflating facts with racism, i don't know what else I can tell you.

>> No.14319470

I never said citing statistics is racism, I stated that anon said no one, especially women, want to be around some moron citing statistics constantly to justify their racism. The statistics might justify your racism, but people generally don't want to be around racists

>> No.14319569

Holy shit, mate. Statistics are statistics - that's all. They're not "justifying racism", they're just numbers.

>> No.14319916

>Just, why do women do this? She could have just leave him, but did she have to cheat on him? Is he rich? She’s rich too. So it can’t be the “betabux” thing. I feel like, no matter how hard I try to be /fit/ and /pol/, there will always be better guys out there and my woman will cheat on me. Relationship are not worth it. If they treat us as just sex toys then we should too. Let’s just fuck em and leave em.

if you find a statistic says x race commit higher levels of crime, and you use it to justify your racist beliefs as established by anon stating he tries to be /fit/ and /pol/ where people constantly spout nonsense about x race being inferior to y. People aren't going want to be around a brainlet who believe that bs. What are you struggling to understand about this concept?

anyone who believes that their partners will inevitably cheat on them with someone slightly above them in looks or success is an absolute idiot, and this idiocy is demonstrated by the belief that anon thinks that /fit/ and /pol/ are going to be helpful in fostering a successful relationship with a partner

>> No.14320398

I'm struggling to understand as to why you presume someone is a racist due to their knowledge of statistics.
>use it to justify your racism
he's a racist just cause he goes to /pol/? what kind of a cretinous argument is that?

>> No.14320414

Yo hol' up look at those home-painted kicks

>> No.14320436

Why are you even trying lol. People like him are hopeless. He's just gonna stay a virgin the rest of his life, nothing you can do to help weirdos.

>> No.14320449

based and cuckpilled

>> No.14320453
File: 202 KB, 1080x1080, 43061921_200283780870258_2803416966932189741_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by far

>> No.14320493
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w2c pants or similar?

>> No.14320497 [DELETED] 

>science fiction fantasy

>> No.14320544
File: 2.52 MB, 3663x2060, Baker Skateboards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14320546
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Dis nigga duh

>> No.14320555

>I try to be /fit/ and /pol/
can't you read, anon is clearly admitting to trying to embody the /pol/ philosophy, whatever that may be is up for debate, but it's filled with 'white' men who think they are superior to others. The other anon replying mentioned statistics saying that no one wants to hang out with anyone who reels off statistics about x race to justify their prejedice against x race. Statistics are just statistics.

>> No.14320564
File: 106 KB, 523x785, Ye 27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14320598

based "i can't argue therefore you're a virgin" poster
>who think they are superior to others.
if you say so

>> No.14320607

cool i'll remember that next time they tell me how many unarmed black men are shot by cops

>> No.14320613

dont forget to buy drinks for your girl and her boyfriend so they'll let you do a little clean up afterwards

>> No.14320625

>Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Ivy Aura

>> No.14320655

wireless earbuds look retarded 8/10 times, white wires always look good against plain black clothes

>> No.14320699

why does he look like he wants you to test drive the new mercidez

>> No.14320991

OP said celebs, not bugs

>> No.14321109

favorite part if that tutorial was him spraying the paint directly on the carpet in his living room.

>> No.14321358
File: 138 KB, 1080x1350, 42003243_743573262677174_8687283334328008669_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respect the king

>> No.14321383

remember how many armed black men shoot cops too since white people are raised not to do the same

>> No.14321677

this man has center written all over him

>> No.14321690

Who is this dude and what happened to his waifu

>> No.14322516

yep. totally fucked Dan the Automator when they made that album.

>> No.14322817


>> No.14323274
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