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File: 627 KB, 936x1049, asmrdarling2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14266940 No.14266940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14266945

Looks like she just gained weight

>> No.14266946

both look like shit

>> No.14266953

Gained weight less tan no glasses different hair

>> No.14266955

AKA aged like SHIT

>> No.14266961

*white women age like milk

>> No.14266962

Non white women already look like shit though (literally)

>> No.14266965

Who cares what they look like? They’re all shallow cheaters. Just fuck em and leave em.

>> No.14266967

You have no taste. That’s like saying Pollock’s paintings look like kids painting. You have no intellectuality.

>> No.14266972


Her face looks legit bigger though.

>> No.14266978

She's closer to the camera

>> No.14266979

That’s called weight gain you fucking idiot

>> No.14266980

both look garbo both would get the dick at least one time, wouldnt save number tho

>> No.14266982

what part of "gained weight" do you not understand? plus she's closer to the camera, as well as a different framing and probably different lens focal length in the bottom pic

>> No.14266984
File: 19 KB, 500x449, nline_ntyeffGATP1rjoc8q_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still look 19-21 while women my age are already developing crow's feet, wrinkles, and overall looking like they're in their 30s

>> No.14266987

>he likes pollock
develop some taste, you fucking queer

>> No.14266989

Most 24-year-old women look young you unbelievable attention whore retard

>> No.14266991
File: 156 KB, 1078x1360, 1554861957786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That’s like saying Pollock’s paintings look like kids painting. You have no intellectuality.

>> No.14266993

women don't take care of themselves because they're children mentally


>> No.14266997

t. never seen a pollock in person

i bet you hate rothko, too, faggot pleb

>> No.14266998

get off my board, becky

>> No.14267004

i like rothko, i also like soulages, but pollock is irredeemable trash, dumbass

>> No.14267007

>you may have thought the jpg of random paint splatters was really awful, but wait till you see the irl version with a little museum plaque that tells you why you should stomach that vomit coming up and actually find artistic merit in it


>> No.14267017

>still get carded
>even though been balding for 2 years now

>> No.14267023

thanks for confirming you've never seen one in person. it's an overwhelming, vertiginous experience

>> No.14267027

Just admit it that you don’t like art and you’re not intelligent. That’s what dumb people also say “it looks like shit” usually they have rotten teeth as well.

>> No.14267028

>it's an overwhelming, vertiginous experience
I think you should leave the house more often

>> No.14267043

The dumbest motherfuckers in the artistic world are the ones who feel obliged to defend the legitimacy of painters like pollock and insist you can only find his and similar work revolting if you're a brainlet who lacks the proper conceptual understand of their work.

A whole host of modern art is oriented to pretentious fops who delight in insisting that emperor is in fact wearing the finest clothes.

>> No.14267082


How disappointing it must be to know you'll never get to live your fantasy of getting pegged by Peggy Guggenheim.

>> No.14267102

>le emperor wears no clothes meme
opinion discarded

>> No.14267114
File: 22 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women age like milk while men age like fine wine.

>> No.14267130

all mayos age like shit

>> No.14267143

its all things that have no correlation to aging

>> No.14267145

we get it, you're racist too

>> No.14267159

lol just lol

>> No.14267165

Wait do people actually use this as an insult? Fucking lol how weak

>> No.14267171

You’re just homosexual. You adore men so much you look at manly men and fantasize about being like them lol.

>> No.14267192
File: 11 KB, 229x220, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14267200

This, they always look like shit no matter their age, at least white women have their time.

>> No.14267202

daily reminder that pollock is a psyop

>> No.14267207

>people still parrot this retarded meme
this shitposting is reaching holocaust-denial levels of stupidity

>> No.14267223
File: 129 KB, 750x1043, dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unironcally think men look better than females, but have no intention of getting dicked
you sound really insecure about your sexuality lmao

>> No.14267224

>holocaust-denial levels of stupidity
oy vey

>> No.14267233

This thread made me google jackson pollock. Shit was breath taking. I think paintercore is effay.

>> No.14267238

>but have no intention of getting dicked
That’s what we all said when we first started

>you sound really insecure about your sexuality lmao
I’m not. I’m bisexual, there I said it.

>> No.14267317
File: 157 KB, 1838x2048, ED0BBE13-8697-4E5B-9AF7-A5D7CF7017EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14267322

there’s no difference here, maybe slightly pudgier. is OP literally retarded?

>> No.14267397

ur rly not helping urself here bud

>> No.14267646

I think she looks cuter in the second.

>> No.14267673

Rent free

>> No.14267711

jackson pollock is good
btw women generally have terrible fashion sense

>> No.14267720

>That’s like saying Pollock’s paintings look like kids painting
so not wrong?
>You have no intellectuality
Dude, like art but don't be a faggot. There's nothing intellectual about it. To claim otherwise is just being pretentious.

>> No.14267735

I like milfs.

>> No.14267761


>> No.14267764

thats why i only date teens

>> No.14267770

Gained a bit of weight, no glasses different camera lens.
Yep, you have Autism.

>> No.14267780
File: 296 KB, 711x682, SmartSelect_20190417-094014_Firefox Nightly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*white women

>> No.14267791
File: 1.23 MB, 280x280, Oh-my-reaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat fake eye brows

>> No.14267810

she just got fat, which is only indirectly related to aging.

>> No.14267842
File: 14 KB, 220x293, 220px-_Hidden_Figures__Screening_at_the_White_House_(NHQ201612150008)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts 1 pic of a good looking 50y/o dark skinned woman
>as if its a template for all none white women
wow how did i do dis

>> No.14267877

>sperging out about men appreciating other men
Imagine being bisexual because you're a closet homophobe but you want all the virtue signalling clout that comes with being bi. You're a meme and so are most bisexual people.

>> No.14267892

The woman you posted was ugly in the first place even when she was young and didnt even age too bad.

>> No.14267900
File: 177 KB, 1080x1350, c668cdba02045682d5f82ca7f9827cc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak bait, white boi. It's well known that non white women age better. It's also very logical, white skin has less melanin to prevent aging through environmental influences. The whiter the skin, less melanin, the weaker it is.