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14225341 No.14225341 [Reply] [Original]

When will tattoos get out of fashion and stop being trendy?

>> No.14225472

I've never liked them, and never played into pretending to like them when someone shows me their new tattoo. It's almost a good thing tattoos are so popular. It requires a certain aesthetic taste and personality type (that i dislike) to get one which makes it easier for me to avoid that personality type.

There's this one essay "Ornament and Crime" by Adolf Loos that compares ornament (and tattoos, treating them as ornament for the body) with degeneracy. He sounds like he has a superiority complex but it's a good read nonetheless. Brings up some good points. In one part he suggests obsession with ornament is a sign of someone who undervalues utility, or how it forces the aesthetics of an object or structure into one time period, which makes it age poorly. When you start noticing stuff like this you'll realise he's 100% right. The dude basically foreshadows minimalism. It's a short essay (i think 2 pages) but if you dislike tattoos you'd probably find some inspiration in it.

>> No.14225475

>In one part he suggests obsession with ornament is a sign of someone who undervalues utility
My man you are on a fashion board

>> No.14225591

Right, because fashion and ornament aren't related in any way at all.

>> No.14226413


>> No.14226717

old skin looks like shit with or without tattoos anon

>> No.14226731


yes because aesthetics dont matter at all. that's why i wear cargo pants and crocs.

>> No.14226785
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Ah yes, I see you are a fellow connoisseur of only the most practical of engineered garments. *unbuckles facemask and takes a hit from a juul*

>> No.14227308

Thank you, Anon. It sounds like a good reading.

>> No.14227320

what are you implying friend

>> No.14227351

I hate 90% of tattoos and 100% of tattoos on women. It is scaring, women don't look good with scaring.

>> No.14227357

Tattoos exist for about 5000 years, dont think they're gonna leave buddy. people just like the aesthetics.
>your body is a canvas

>> No.14227367

personally I find scars attractive. to each his own

>> No.14227390

Only autists think fashion is anything but 90% aesthetic

>> No.14227401

ya on men

>> No.14227405

You're on men you fag. Upvote this post.

>> No.14227406

on women desu

>> No.14227554

Nah he’s right, scars that don’t actually deform the shape of the body are hot af on women

>> No.14227570

The only reason I haven’t gotten tattoos is that you can’t take them off if they clash with your look, you’re dedicated to that aesthetic for all time.

>> No.14227596

you are all gay as fuck. Tattoos are fucking retarded on women stop drinking soi

>> No.14227636

They went out of fashion years ago mate. Lame people are still holding on to the trend though.

>> No.14227660


>> No.14227684
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Nigga I’m talking about scars

Tattoos can be hot too though.

>> No.14227797

Did you not read what you replied to or do you just have no sense of sarcasm?

>> No.14227802

>not being able to understand written language

>> No.14227819
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Prove me wrong

>> No.14227833

Well there is still a point. Clothing in general exists also so we can protect ourselves from the environment, and also to interact with others. Ornament only serves for the latter.

>> No.14227868
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Tatoos can definitely help your aesthetics, but I think you have to go all out—sleeves, large non-tacky graphics, shit on your chest and neck. Neck tats are especially important, they help by framing your face from below. Of course this is horrible for your career prospects and probably your sex life too unless you have sex appeal to begin with.

That said I think a 3/4ths arm sleeve that you can see when you wear a tee is the best option for average guys looking to adopt the style

>> No.14227876

Yeah but we’re talking about fashion here, no one posts in waywt asking “Do you think this material is sturdy enough for field work”?

>> No.14227880
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It definitely helps if you have lighter coloring and want to look more masculine, as well

>> No.14227897
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>> No.14228618

Tats are not a fashion accessory.
They are a thot accessory.

>> No.14228631

This, I agree that most tats look bad but if you're waiting for them to go out of fashion you're shit out of luck.

>> No.14228775


>> No.14228778

They are not """trendy""" people just get them because they like them and it has become less socially frowned upon so more people who want them are now able to get them. Boomers please leave this site. There are trends within tattoos such as tribals in the 90s and 2000s

>> No.14228782

The only thing he's right about is that he doesn't get it

>> No.14228788

Have tattoos on face, and big SS-Totenkopfverbände on the side of my head that is visible when I get a fade/cut my hair. I don't notice them any more at all, would not recommend desu unless super cool. I woke up with mine after a bottle of xans hahahaha fml

>> No.14228812
File: 43 KB, 581x1032, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleeves are so fucking shitty, jesus

So, here's the thing: you're going to be commited to a certain aesthetic for the rest of your life. My friend has only old school-style tattoos, looks great on him, wouldn't do it never.

Myself, got 3, mostly with a contemporary style, it allows me some flexibility. This is one of them.

>> No.14228816

that's some solid circle work there

>> No.14228844

I post on here somewhat frequently looking for good water resistant fabrics since it rains 3/4ths of the year. Also having nice fabrics during the summer make it a lot more bearable.

>> No.14228851

>to be commited to a certain aesthetic for the rest of your life. My friend has only old school-style tattoos, looks great on him, wouldn't do it never.
>Myself, got 3, mostly with a contemporary style, it allows me some flexibility. This is one of them.
Agreed, with the face tats I'm stuck in a vicious cycle of one fucking weekend. Jesus

>> No.14228864

If men don't tell women what they like then women seem to start thinking they should do to themselves what they find attractive in men.

(Except for being fit. Can't buy a six pack so just get fat instead.)

>> No.14228873

>The evolution of culture is synonymous with the removal of ornament from objects of daily use,"

Wow bro this man is so woke and inspirational 10/10 reformed human time to build a time machine, best paint it all white though not trying to make society look like criminal

>> No.14228900

Oi oi oi!

>> No.14228956

Your problem is you think that participating in a trend means you're not a special boi anymore so everything you like must not be a trend and instead be an expression of how unique you are.

Think of the mental gymnastics you're putting on here. You're suggesting that all through history everyone besides spergs wanted to get tattoos but didn't.
A much more reasonable explanation is that people are social creatures and influence each other and sometimes a new* thing catches on and everyone wants to do it and that we call a trend.

*I am aware tattoos have been around for thousands of years.

>> No.14229046

How the fuck am I doing mental gymnastics if I'm saying something that literally requires less thought? You are doing mental gymnastics to try and create reasonings for why people do something like this that most likely you don't enjoy or get why someone would do. I'm saying it's not always that deep and people can just get 'em just because they like them. If someone is getting it only because of another's influence then it's pretty fuckin stupid considering it's permanent. And no that is not what I mean to say I believe you misunderstood or I may have not said it clearly. What I meant is that many people who may have wanted one before didn't get one or felt they couldn't due to outside judgement or fear of not being employable or such things. All of which have become less harsh now. There's a video set in Korea (a culture that has traditionally hated tattoos due to their association with gangs and media portrayal) where a daughter is getting a tattoo for the first time and her parents gave her permission and came with her. Her father said he'd always wanted one but was never able to due to the shit I said above and decided to get one too right after her. Times are changing. No I do not think participating in a trend means you are special nor did I ever imply that. There are a lot of shitty tattoos but I still think there are good ones as well.

>> No.14229057

You're making a lot of excuses as to why it's not a trend when it very clearly is so you tell me why your psychologically can't accept it.

>> No.14229064
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Sleeves are the best option if you’re attractive enough and get something semi-tasteful.

What I’ve been considering is a 3/4ths sleeve with black figure Greek paintings from vases, ideally from the Iliad if I can find enough of them, bordered by a meander.

Also, idk why, but I find calf tatoos always look like shit no matter what. So different strokes for different folks, I guess.

>> No.14229214

It's a quality tattoo, but got damn is that design shit.

>> No.14229221

They use a stencil.

>> No.14229384

You must be fun at parties

>> No.14229389

God damnit I hate these poorly dressed fuckers who waltz into an arcade and start routinely trying to take a "I'm so 00s I looove Rina Sawayama" photo on top of every damn machine I'm just trying to play Initial D GET THE HELL OFF THE DAMN SEAT GOD DAMNIT

>> No.14229392
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>You must be fun at parties

>> No.14229398
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>00s nostalgia posers became such a plague at my local arcade that the arcade banned photography because too many of them would occupy a machine just to get a good shot

>> No.14229489

all my upper half is tattoo'd from the top of my neck down
it wasn't a fashion decision and i forget it's there pretty often, but it does accentuate some things nicely. dont recommend it if you don't have any, i use it as a stress relief outlet now because it's releases dopamine for me.

>> No.14229697

Tattoos only fit certain types of people. On most people they just look like shit.

>> No.14229917

Tatts are Mental illness indicators. You'll find those who possess them are usually sexually incontinent, morally defective to some degree and exoticist degenerates.

>> No.14229926

Cope. Where are the excuses? Point them out. I literally just delineated an aspect of tattoos that you think to be deeper than it is

>> No.14229930

>trotting in on your moral high horse on 4channel

>> No.14229984

Am I wrong though? Be honest...

>> No.14229992

Absolute.. Fucking... Traaaaash!

>> No.14229998

You aren't but morality isn't that objective so it doesn't really matter

>> No.14230005

Legit. Talks shit about sleeves but has the ugliest multicolored calf tattoo I’ve seen (second only to the guy in my Econ class with the Jacksonville Jaguars logo tatted on his leg)

>> No.14230074

>Have tattoos on face, and big SS-Totenkopfverbände on the side of my head that is visible when I get a fade/cut my hair. I don't notice them any more at all, would not recommend desu unless super cool. I woke up with mine after a bottle of xans hahahaha fml

Pics if not total faggot.