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File: 136 KB, 900x900, nopoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14200450 No.14200450 [Reply] [Original]

Is nopoo meme?

>> No.14200456

She looks greasy af in both

>> No.14200467

greasy mid-length hair
greasy longish hair

>> No.14200471

So what is the point of using shampoo if you look greasy anyways?

>> No.14200475

depends on your hair.I found that it works for me but that doesn't mean it'll work for everyone.Give it 1-2 weeks without using shampoo and decide then.

>> No.14200476

listen, i did nopoo for years back in the day. today, i just use a lot of hair oil and wash my hair once a week.

nopoo is for people with curly (or curlyish) hair that is naturally very dry. i remember i used to wash my hair and it would get so dry it was basically waterproof and it would have the texture of straw.

nopoo isn't "noshower," it actually means you have to be very dedicated about showering and cleaning your hair out with water (sometimes just brushing it under running water as well).

your scalp is used to being washed, so for the first month of nopoo it's gonna get greasy and it's gonna get itchy. but if you clean it out every day with water it'll eventually stabilize itself and become nice again. people used to tell me i had great hair and i didnt have the heart to tell them i hadn't washed it in months.

however, as time's gone on, i've figured i get similar results by washing once a week or every 10 days depending on how it feels while also applying a lot of oil after washing it.

>> No.14200478

It depends on your hair. Some people's hair fails at retaining healthy natural oils so they need to reduce the amount of times they shampoo which removes all the shit that makes your hair healthy.

>> No.14200481

tea tree oil, or some shit to kill all the bugs and parasites living in your scalp.
things that contribute to itchy head, breakouts, and dandruff.

>> No.14200482

Works for me. Only use conditioner a couple times a week to wash away products/dirt. If I didn't have such a dirty job I could get away with doing it less often.

>> No.14200490

i want to try it because my hair gets so fluffy and ugly after washing but if I don't wash my hair it gets a stale smell after a few days

>> No.14200498

This, I have curly dry hair and it worked wonders. First 2-3 weeks feel kind of greasy but just use conditioner every day. Pretty much only use shampoo when I get my hair washed and cut at the hairdresser

>> No.14200544

basically harsh cleaning agents remove too many natural oils and your scalp has to compensate for it. what your hair responds to varies per person. I would recommend using curly hair approved shampoo/ conditioner if you don't want to go 'no poo' which is basically a meme at this point, you can experiment with sulfate and silicone free stuff, some of which is really cheap. it isnt all or nothing, what works for one person doesnt work for everyone. dont trust /fa/ to have a lot of helpful knowledge on it though, try a forum like the curlyhair subreddit where theres an archive of knowledge, routines, reports, etc

>> No.14200548

No poo only make sense on curly hair. You don't use poo because it remove the oils that make you hair stay together. It's not worth the struggle otherwise.

>> No.14200550
File: 191 KB, 640x960, 0070_91421-KukuiOil-Shampoo-13oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have curly hair and nopoo has been great for me, only go compliments since I started it, I'm using pic related from time to time when things gets out of hand.

>> No.14200592
File: 35 KB, 368x400, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14200710

I use baking soda and apple cider vinegar with leave in conditioner. Started it because I have flakes/dry scalp from hell. I wear cologne and actually was complimented by someone behind me in the grocery store because of my palmade.

>> No.14200724

before ''no-poo'' she already looked like she hadn't showered for weeks

>> No.14200779

No poo is only for mens hair.

>> No.14201090

Might as well share my experience:

Straight brown hair, more oily than dry, shoulder-lenght. Doing no poo for two months now with only a little bit of vinegar (never did baking soda since I use that shit for cleaning and it seems too aggressive for my taste).
+ hair stays fluffy for three to five days just like with shampoo
+ hair tips less dry, don't need oil anymore just some brushing is enough
+ scalp less itchy
? feels like more new hair grew but this could also be due to spring
? I think it got somewhat darker
- hair smells boring
- washing it takes more time

Works for me, so far I don't feel like using shampoo again.

>> No.14201093

how does not pooping affect your hair ?

>> No.14201103

nopoo is great if you have nice hair. there is nothing better for it than your natural oils in that case.
if your hair sucks then look for products that treat your issues instead of just not washing lol

>> No.14201104

It's the nofap of /fa/

>> No.14201106

>don't wash hair for more than 2 days
>head starts smelling like wet dog

>> No.14201148

>just not washing
I hope no one is thinking no poo means that or >>14201093
Seriously what an idotic name.

>> No.14201168

doing both and you can´t stop me.
life improving memes

>> No.14201187

makes my scalp itch and flake less but my hair is disgustingly greasy and waxy despite spending like 10 mins scrubbing under warm water

>> No.14201208

only reason i clicked this picture was because i thought it was funny joke about no fap, that people not pooing makes them more attractive

>> No.14201210

Works great for me. Curly, fine, blonde hair. I tend to have dry skin and scalp. It does need to be washed with warm water daily.

>> No.14201261

I haven't used shampoo in 3 years or so. At the moment I have a buzzcut so the proof isn't in the pudding so to speak, but when my hair grows out I don't need shampoo either. Just doesn't get greasy.

I do shower daily and just wash with water.

>> No.14201560

she looks so pretty on the right

>> No.14201592

I have thick wavy hair, it has a tendency to frizz hard core however.

I found that just using conditioner on my hair (use it every other day) has stopped my hair from major frizzing, defined my waves, and made it very soft. occasionally Ill use hair cream or a leave in conditioner during drier seasons.

>> No.14201823

could you tell the conditioner you are using?
i have the same type of hair but greasy and if i use anything to clean my hair it gets dry, and water doesnt do anything either

>> No.14201829

So not pooping makes you look even crazier.

>> No.14201856

I need the volume from using shampoo because I'm going /bald/.

>> No.14201875

Yes. Humans have to poop, there's no way around it.

>> No.14201889

Tried it for about three months. My hair was simply always greasy, flat against my head, and gross for the entire duration of doing no poo. I used apple cider vinegar or whatever (It's been so long ago that I barely remember) and conditioner. I felt retarded afterwards because I looked like a disgusting neanderthal who hadn't showered for three months by the end of it.

>> No.14202318

I shampooed every day, then switched to every 3 days and added in leave-in conditioner I would put in after I got out of the shower every day. My hair looks significantly better. I did it to get rid of frizzy looking hair and it worked. I have very fine hair.

>> No.14202353

I've been doing no poo for about 2 weeks. My hair feels soft.

>> No.14202423

fuck i thought i was on /fit/ and thought this was a diet thread on not pooping srry lads ill show myself out

>> No.14202441

You have fucking bugs in your hair??

>> No.14202468
File: 86 KB, 933x525, DYb_rEqU0AEH-J5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this meme has always been an extreme counter to the retarded thought that one needs to wash their hair everyday or every other day.
it also made me uncomfortable cause i didn't realize the sheer amount of people here that have never been to a hair salon before, a GOOD or even decent one

>> No.14203131


I shampoo my hair every 3rd or 4th day. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.14203557
File: 788 KB, 1269x1413, DSC09958a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With dead straight hair I feel it's more of a technique thing. Just shampoo the roots and condition the whole thing after.

>> No.14203624

he's just ignorant and saying random dumb shit. What he probably heard and is trying to repeat is that tea tree oil ils antifungal and antibacterial. Fungi and bacteria are what make scalp itchy, not fucking "bugs and parasites"

>> No.14203664

its 100% dependent on your hair. I've got pretty thick hair but if I brush it once or twice a day and make sure I scrub it good with just water it's usually fine.

I shampoo about once every 7-10 days, unless I go swimming, or work out, or something.

>> No.14204995

Shouldn't your natural skin bacteria be enough to keep those away?

>> No.14205033

I saw this thread and thought it was about ways to not take shits, and I was thinking "that will definitely kill you."

>> No.14205134

Breh if you got dead straight hair, try getting dead straight pants. Use an iron your whole fit is wrikles.

>> No.14205207

Mee too, though after each cut I have to use conditioner and hair cream to keep up the moisture