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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 91 KB, 650x796, The-Cut-650x796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14122543 No.14122543 [Reply] [Original]

Post your current/goal hair, your styling preferences, and care tips!

>> No.14122556

If I beg my gp for fin will he give it? Really don't want to have to go to a derm every 3 months

>> No.14122570

I found a single gray hair and I’m 22 is it over? It’s just one. Have any of you experienced something similar?

>> No.14122578

That depends. The FDA did approve it for treating hair loss, but is that what you want it for, or is there another common use that I don't know about?

>> No.14122583

I have random gray hair throughout my head and I'm only 20, but I think it's just hereditary because so did my grandfather in his younger pictures. Id say that if you're self conscious about it, just go ahead and dye it. It won't do too much damage, if any, since you're not bleaching it, or anything crazy.

>> No.14122587

Yes, it's been thinning since I was 17 and I'm 19 now. I'm at the point where if I don't do something now, it'll be the point of no return. I'm worried I'll be turned away just because I'm young.

>> No.14122610

Depends on the doctor really. Some will sling drugs like it’s nothing others won’t. Also as far as insurance goes generally 5mg pills are covered while the rest aren’t because that’s the dose they use for prostate enlargement, so get that and quarter it if you care about saving money

>> No.14122637
File: 741 KB, 633x760, pitt hair goal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for someone trying to grow their hair out? Roughly to chin length but possibly longer.

pic related

>> No.14122657

That is really young, but I'd still give it a shot. Just explain the problem to him like you did here, and he will hopefully understand. If not, you can always try a different doc, or buy some off the street (if it comes down to it.)

>> No.14122660

What are you starting from? Undercut, fade, Caeser, etc. And what is your tolerance for looking like shit? These are actually important questions for the growing out process, not the end result.

>> No.14122665
File: 43 KB, 750x564, E9E4D735-AA53-48FD-88DF-6BA320592C43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any video tutorials for this hairstyle?

>> No.14122667

I'll tolerate looking like shit. That was something I had heard before. I don't really know what to call where I'm starting from. Usually I would just let my hair grow and got to the barber for a #2 on the sides with some scissors on top. Sorry I can't be more specific than that

>> No.14122676
File: 83 KB, 513x611, cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get my hair to look like this degen from an /r/trees post

>> No.14122786

Well, the best thing to do would be to keep the sides short for now and let the top grow to about 2 to 3 inches. This let's you have a more natural look when the back starts growing out, since it'll look long at 1 inch. My hair is currently about 6 inches on top and 3 in the back. I'm about to get my first trim just to get rid of the dead ends. Also, if you don't mind parting your hair, you can cover the awful looking sides with it (and yes the sides do look awful when they're growing, unless your hair is absolutely straight.) The way I solved it is to just do a low fade on the sides and lower back until the rest grows long enough to just cover. Also, hats. If you can wear a hat, it fixes everything but the sides.

>> No.14122799
File: 133 KB, 800x510, photo_2019-02-22_03-23-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so thick hair it gets really uncomfortable when longer than 2 inches. I'm trying to grow it for the first time. It's curly on the right side and only wavy on the left and I don't know why. I'm trying to figure out some longer style to aim at and hopefully see how this is going to turn out soon. I have never seen this kind of hair thickness on anyone else.

>> No.14122802

My hair happens to be naturally very straight. I guess I'll let it go for another ~month and see how it looks. The sides don't look too terrible yet but I'm over the next few weeks it may get a bit reckless. Any tips in terms of products to use or how often to shampoo/condition to promote growth? If any at all? Thanks

>> No.14122820
File: 145 KB, 347x361, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting my hair cut tommorow. I look very youthful, so I'm looking for a pretty boy look, similar to pic related.
How do I achieve this?

>> No.14122910

Your hair is coarse and gross. Often times curl patterns will vary on the same person. Use some conditioner and wait until your hair looks a little less like a rusty brillo pad and then reassess.

>> No.14122916

Well, don't shanpoo lot. Try like twice a week at most. Also, get a styling gel. Just tell someone you want something that will hold your hair without making it hard. Expect to spend more than 10, but definitely not 20 dollars. You can use it to keep it from sticking up once it starts getting longer. As for shampoo, it doesn't actually strengthen your hair, it just cleans it. So try to find one without parabens and sulfates. All natural is best. Eating a healthy diet, one with lots of fruits and vegetables will keep your hair growing fast.

>> No.14122931

If you want the exact one you showed just give the pic to your stylist and they'll do their best to replicate it if it's possible with your hair type. If you're looking for suggestions on how to treat your hair to keep it that texture and style, I'd say that you're gonna need a blow dryer and some styling paste/cream/gel. Look for the kind that doesn't shine, and make sure you have a fine tooth comb. You can just ask the stylist how it should be brushed in the morning to get the desired effect.

>> No.14122994
File: 518 KB, 2448x3264, beard censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive gone 4 months since a haircut and my jewfro is at a ridiculous point.

pic related is how it was around a month and a half after getting it cut last time and im really not sure what to do this time, im gonna try to go tomorrow. i pretty much just have to get short on sides longer on top but im not sure how short to go on the sides and how long to go on top.

i initially wanted to get really short on the sides but my barber suggested against it. waht do you all think

>> No.14123003

I just use a 3 on the top and 1.5 on the sides by myself.

I don't like looking in mirrors, so I would hate to go back to a salon or barber or whatever.

>> No.14123010

wait a minute wait a minute. so you not only somehow accurately do different lengths on the sides/back and top by yourself, but do this WITHOUT looking in mirrors? dude lol

>> No.14123021

If you like it curly, keep it. If you want it more serious looking, keep it short.

>> No.14123026

so people who have curly hair and keep it instead of buzzcuts are just not serious?

>> No.14123028

didn't you already post somewhere else here already?

either way, it does not matter at all what you do. i guarantee it will look good either way. you can't go wrong.

>> No.14123031

Yeah, I'm that good.

>> No.14123032

yes, that is the connotation that long hair (on men at least) in general has. it depends on what OP wants to communicate about himself

>> No.14123037
File: 34 KB, 500x704, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a white guy with brown hair that is only a little bit wiry but without product is noticeably unruly, what do i need to apply to get hair like pic related?

for now, with not so long hair yet i've honestly just been putting on a beanie cap over my hair for 30 minutes or so after drying my hair coming out of the shower...

it works fairly well for the most part, except for the back since my ears prevent it from keeping things "pressed," so my back end always ends up looking a bit ragged with clearly uncontrolled locks and waves.

what's a better way to get a more controllable style out of my hair (without being freakishly straight)?

>> No.14123042

to you, what constitutes "long" hair? just having curly hair doesnt mean its long. men don't only have to get buzzcuts

>> No.14123044

Grey hair is cool and stylish tho

>> No.14123052
File: 1.53 MB, 1000x1500, maxjoseph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a gray hair or two at 22.

i'm now 28 and have dozens. maybe a hundred or so.

who cares? just be thankful you're not losing hair yet. i'm not, and i'm terrified that someday i might.

>> No.14123054

how the fuck do I cut a vegeta hairline? not balding as far as I can tell just high temples. don't have the head shape or face for buzzing either

>> No.14123065

yeah i thiknk ive posted a few times because i get completely differing opinions on what to do, especially with my ears being how tehy are

the only thing im really trying to debate is the length to go with. i wonder if i should go super short on the sides and normal long length on top, or keep it shorter up top so i can go longer between haircuts, or go with my barbers past advice and keep it short but not really short on the sides like i nthat pic

a lot of photos i see online with similar hair have literally skin cut or fades on the sides and i dont see the point in that

>> No.14123073
File: 171 KB, 584x657, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you friends you’ve helped me cope with this and realize it ain’t a big deal. I just didn’t expect it this early but it beats losing hair I guess.

>> No.14123084
File: 76 KB, 1215x434, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14123101

gonna offer a different take and say that you grow out your hair, to the point of covering your ears. i think it could look good

>> No.14123119

yeah growing it out was to see if it could cover it but that would get to a legit afro level and right now the sides are the worst part, frizzy, partly curly, stick out, look horrible

>> No.14123160

frizziness is dry hair, but i'm sure you know that already. your sides will stop sticking out when they get longer (because gravity will be physically pulling them down)

consider a pomade or something to keep the sides down in the meantime.

>> No.14123174
File: 57 KB, 595x696, depp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What products can I use to achieve this? I've tried styling using argan oil and american crew fiber but it looks like shit and doesn't give my hair that thick wet look.

>> No.14123195

> american crew fiber
why would you use that? find something oil based to give you shine

>> No.14123200

Try some styling gel. I saw a product that adds volume when you add heat (like a blow dryer.) My hair tends to look similar when wet, but I have naturally thick hair anyway. If you have thick hair, you could try going for a wet look hair gel, but with thin hair you need to add volume.

>> No.14123202

i just cant see myself getting to that point

>> No.14123208

???? what are we mean to say to you? you've gotten plenty of good suggestions already. pick something, try it out and post again for feedback

>> No.14123229

i agree thank you gor the help i was just referring to really not seeing myself growing this out even more to cover my ears

>> No.14123282
File: 902 KB, 2477x3688, 154b33100e78c5837d0145ed9e444dfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate goal

>> No.14123308

How close are you to said goal, Anon?

>> No.14123311
File: 107 KB, 640x960, 1404847753967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any products being used in this hair or is it just nopoo?

>> No.14123665

1/4 of the way there

>> No.14123704
File: 60 KB, 800x452, 000e3a49-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short hair looks fine on me but I sort of miss my long hair. Should I bite the bullet and grow it back out? People seem nicer to me now that I'm more clean cut. Also how do I/should I get this haircut?

>> No.14123717

> Should I bite the bullet and grow it back out?

> Also how do I/should I get this haircut?
depends on the current cut you have. just grow it out and get the fringe trimmed, while keeping the sides and back equal in length.

consider bleaching your hair also. kurt was not a natural blond. like many, he was blond when he was a cute kid, but as he grew older, his hair turned to more of a dirty blond / brown.
it's fairly product-less, but it looks cleaner in that picture than it usually did (he tended to have quite greasy hair).

also, whether it will look good or not will depend heavily on your own facial features / face shape. keep this in mind also

>> No.14123724

long hair is for faggots and for women

>> No.14123747
File: 972 KB, 1440x1546, 20190222_104429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aiming for a buzzcut here, it's summer and it's unbearably hot

>> No.14123749

most people on this board are faggots. you do know that right?

>> No.14124072
File: 768 KB, 955x1080, IMG_20190222_182852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically pic related
Cousin said I had grey hair when I was 14. When I was 15, so did my classmates and now, everyone I meet. My personal favourite:
>see my dance partner for like 20th time
>did you dye your hair? (I'm tall, so often people don't notice)

>> No.14124117
File: 146 KB, 553x713, FEF69572-2A33-40BC-BA19-5E2867A9929B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I am currently. Trying to keep this style for a while. No real tips besides avoiding shampooing too often. I was always told by hair dressers that our hair isn’t meant to be washed so often.

>> No.14124164

How often should I shampoo, and what do I do in between?

>> No.14124173

My advice is probably pretty terrible considering I only use shampoo once a week. But I try to “wash” my hair in the shower every night using just water.

>> No.14124203

If it grows out longer it might turn curly, that's what happened with me

>> No.14124641
File: 741 KB, 1988x1016, Homo Piker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14124730

I've always been bad at getting haircuts for some reason. I've went to the same shop a few times, got different barbers each time, told them the exact same thing verbatim each time, and they each gave me something different. Now I live in a new town and i gotta find a new shop. If i were to go to a shop and say "tapered sides, and just a little bit off the top" what are the typical results i should expect?

>> No.14124764
File: 43 KB, 799x700, srdtwt5qkj501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you get rid of your widows peak? I try plugging them out but you can still see the out line. Should I just let it be?

Pic related not me

>> No.14125545

His hair is just greasy. Not that it’s a bad thing, it looks good. Just know, some people will think you are dirty. I used to drag out wash days for a similar look

>> No.14125561

incorrect. it's very obviously been styled

>> No.14125577

You can buy it online. I'm not going to shill where, but go to /lgbt/ and they'll tell you where they get their drugs from. I bought a year supply of fin for $50

>> No.14125603
File: 1.15 MB, 1497x2161, You_Doodle_2019-02-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright i got my haircut today. this is what i ended up with. i dont know, did it end up okay? had no idea what to ask for but i feel like maybe i shoulda gone shorter on the sides and longer on top

>> No.14125657

why do you want hair like that?

>> No.14125720

nigga you better start mewing

>> No.14125780

because i like how it looks?

>> No.14125794
File: 191 KB, 1191x1523, 25ffd2fe9428664a95639ba353f831f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have any amount of curl in your hair and/or you're a dry hair type, you should be avoiding things like sulfates and silicones in your shampoo and conditioner (You use conditioner, right, anon?). It'll prevent it from getting that frizzy, unkempt look. I always finish my washes in cold water as well.

>> No.14125797

my friend josh needs a haircut, he has long hair rn what should he get?? trying to impress qt rooskie gril

>> No.14125831
File: 46 KB, 539x537, images - 2019-02-23T172226.400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youth cut is what i use.
I look like the perfect aryan too, i have lily ehite skin, golden blonde hair and blue eyes, im also athletic to boot. Also dress like a wasp.

>> No.14125885
File: 828 KB, 1136x640, BB4B6A77-69DA-4AAA-86E2-80CA11AD99CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I debate going back to this

>> No.14125895

Reminder: Face> Hair.
if you are ugly, you not look anything like model tier pics, you will just look misplaced and autistic

>> No.14125907

How do I check if there are sulfates and silicones in my shampoo? What do conditioners do?

>> No.14125999
File: 455 KB, 503x676, z1ax396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man oh man I DREAM for this hair!!!!

>> No.14126221

Looks sick

>> No.14126228
File: 90 KB, 540x540, CDC23415-4208-43E3-9BBF-DF219B31BEDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can i put in my hair to get it greasy like boio on the left without actually being gross and unclean?

>> No.14126251

just get it completely wet, part it, blow against the grain w a hairdryer and then grab some gel and sort of pull it back, then clap the top down a lil bit and pull it sideways. am no professional but since you got no replies i described what i do myself to achieve more or less this look

>> No.14126288

that other anon is patently incorrect, and yet again is spreading the "silicone bad sulfate bad" meme.

if you want to clean your hair of the sebum (oil) that your body produces (in order to make sure moisture doesn't escape from the hair), you need to use some kind of surfactants.

historically you'd be using bar soap, which is a salt of fatty acids. however, the pH of this is absolutely atrocious for your hair, so they've been replaced by synthetic detergents like sulfates, which do the same job but don't fuck up the natural pH of your hair.

any surfactant, whether it be bar soap, or syndets, is probably going to deprotonate (lead to a more negative charge) the surface of your hair, leading it to become frizzy. to remedy this, you use a conditioner to get a more aesthetically pleasing hair surface, and thus a more pleasing hair quality.

these conditioners also use surfactants (among other things). the surfactants do not clean the hair, but rather bond to the keratin in your hair in order to give it a more positive charge.

using sulfate free products is probably only affecting the amount of sebum being removed (i.e the strength of the shampoo), but it's fundamentally doing the same thing

>> No.14126297

i really like your hair, and the facial hair style you have going. i can understand where the other anons are coming from re: coarseness of your hair, but either way, i'm still envious of how thick it is.

what is your current hair care routine, and also styling routine?

>> No.14126299

it looks good! (if a little plain, but if you like it)

for some odd reason you look more middle eastern now, but that's surely just because of the hair looking straighter because it's so short + the beard

>> No.14126309

this is such a mid - late 2000s look hahaha.

i would advise against wearing a beanie while your hair is drying. the friction between the fabric and the hair is just going to cause tangles.

maybe a tiny bit of pomade or something (depending on how matte or shiny you prefer) on the back would control some of that raggedness. it's hard to say without seeing your normal hair texture.

>> No.14126333

You should've gone skin fade for the sides

>> No.14126381
File: 620 KB, 617x933, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the length but don't know how to achieve it.

>> No.14126406

Can someone at least give the name for this hairstyle?

>> No.14126449

oh, i completely forgot to talk about silicones. to be brief, they're polymers that coat your hair in order to make the hair smoother and shinier. there's a ton of different ones out there.

sorry for linking to reddit, but this is a really good read.


using a polymer based conditioner is not the only way to go about this. look into using oils for your hair, to use instead of conditioner. be warned though, they're more finicky to use on their own, compared to typical conditioners.

also: http://science-yhairblog.blogspot.com

>> No.14126453

Lmao. You literally have no idea about what you're talking about. Shut the fuck up
> t. professional hair stylist

>> No.14126459

Answer this please >>14126406
What is it called?

>> No.14126528

Be Korean and have 10 stylist working on your hair
Or basically no shampoo and salt water spray

>> No.14126537

don't was your hair for a day, comb it through then blow dry. Only good for a photo shoot, wont last even an hour

>> No.14127086

it's a taper with a sidepart and combover you sperg,

>> No.14127095
File: 120 KB, 589x552, 19931914_821800461305634_5393246268162048000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i achieve this look?

>> No.14127099 [DELETED] 

yeah he asked if i wanted to see skin on the sides and i said no and now i feel like i should have gotten that

>> No.14127122
File: 1.84 MB, 2058x2400, You_Doodle_2019-02-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happens every time like clockwork. grow out jewfro, get it cut shorter and immediately regret decision. not that i should have kept the fro (this is what it looked like right before cutting) but i just immediately regret the cut i got.

although i dont know about a skin fade, i dont think i would want my pinhead scalp exposed like that. but i probably should have gotten the sides shorter to have the skin visible

>> No.14127124

Move to Israel schlomo

>> No.14127127

no israel is gay and should be moved as a country

>> No.14127132

Aren’t you one of (((them)))

>> No.14127135

technically not because while my father is jewish my religion and ethnically it passes "maternally" or some asinine thing like that. luckily i stopped following that garbage a decade ago and hate israel as well but yes i look completely jewish

>> No.14127144

tl;dr he's a jew

>> No.14127157

wrong, since my mother is not jewish i am not jewish. checkmate

>> No.14127166

You look like you listen to chapo

>> No.14127182

perhaps you should consider getting it straightened? you’d be able to achieve a lot more hairstyles if you do.
>inb4 it’s too feminine for me
why? it’s just changing the shape of the hair strand, nothing more

>> No.14127184

>i stopped following that garbage a decade ago
why did you distance yourself away from it? also, how old are you anon?

>> No.14127191

you sound like you fuck your fathers ass tom myers

i have thought about it but dont really know what i would do with it. i dont think the curly hair is bad i just dont like what the sides do

because all religion is garbage bs i am mid 20s

>> No.14127222
File: 160 KB, 1069x1068, 1550761822036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the curly bois.

>> No.14127237


>> No.14127239
File: 164 KB, 595x784, 1513978627900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I ask my barber for this without showing him a grainy black and white thumbnail from the turn of the century

>> No.14127258

>Undercut with short top
>Receded temples (Norwood 2-3)

>> No.14127286
File: 50 KB, 600x600, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jew from above here, im thinking that maybe next time i get may haircut in probably 3 months, i might just go to a supercuts style place so that i only have to pay like $10-15 and just ask them to get the sides and back down to skin level but keep the massive fro on top like in this photo >>14127122 and just keep it controlled down with my spray water/gel mixture

would that be ridiculous? a lot of the photos like this i see

>> No.14127334

fades look ridiculous in general, especially so when combined with a beard imho.

i’m sure it would look fine anon

>> No.14127339

show him that photo. jesus, are you that autistic?

>> No.14127382

i agree fades look ridiculous, theres no way i could pull it off when i see only black and mexican teenagers like in that photo having them

>> No.14127403

Not him, but what's wrong with blowdrying? The guy you @ didn't even look like he blowdried. Looks like he slept in it wet

>> No.14127413 [DELETED] 



>> No.14127421 [DELETED] 



>> No.14127425

Nothing is wrong with blowdrying. It just makes your hair dryer, straighter and a bit greasier.

>> No.14127430


>> No.14127440

Are you using heat protectant and proper blow drying techniques? My hair looks fine

>> No.14127461

I do, but i used to blowdry my hair on the highest setting back then.

>> No.14127469

absolut autist

>> No.14128851

> when i see only black and mexican teenagers
omg jews are racist too??? wow

>> No.14128865

Only retarded people aren't.

>> No.14128879

> living in a country with no niggers or spics

>> No.14128924


undercut fade on the sides

>> No.14128953
File: 18 KB, 400x400, E4C9ABEE-6615-4B86-BF42-2DF928971692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I want

>> No.14128956
File: 2.70 MB, 2314x800, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First is my current hair.
I just want it long and curly.
I wish I was born ginger though.

>> No.14129029
File: 226 KB, 1000x500, HAIR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im white european btw

>> No.14129050

You want a mullet? No judge but ok. Thing is though, it's a wig.


>> No.14129068
File: 150 KB, 1095x875, IMG_0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dig it man.

Any idea what to do with my hair bros, right now I look like a 70's rocker but I feel like I want something maybe more masculine.

>> No.14129646

where do u live? Must be nice

>> No.14129661

Jesus Christ racists are so weak

>> No.14129687
File: 27 KB, 540x531, fd03846fa809fcc48530e6e27939bf34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have better pictures of this haircut to show to my barber ?

>> No.14129713

U some kinda niggerlover or something

>> No.14129726

Haha no. I just don't let the fact that people exist who look differently than I do have an effect on my mental health, faggot

>> No.14129757
File: 53 KB, 720x910, 52663217_548981338932455_3696059876376576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

answer this /fa/ once and for all: to shampoo or /nopoo/

>> No.14129794

depends on what look you're going for, and if you want to use silicones. they're not bad but you need to wash them out with a syndet

for me, i need to use conditioner and shampoo to get the quality of hair i like, especially since i'm using heat styling and products too. whenever i've tried nopoo, my hair just becomes a greasy mess that's somehow still frizzy, and with absolutely no volume or shape whatsoever

>> No.14129845

Lmao same. If I go nopoo my hair gets so fucked. I don't mind washing my hair though

>> No.14129847
File: 653 KB, 561x717, EET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strive for this

>> No.14129881

come on. don't suggest stupid shit like this. he has no chance of getting that hair texture.

OP, don't listen to the retards on this board

>> No.14129890

why not? I feel like once it gets long enough it's own weight will pull it down, no?

>> No.14129895

no, their hair is too thick and coarse for that. did you actually look at that image?

note, i'm not saying it's going to look shit when it's grown out. it just won't look like that image specifically

>> No.14129903

It's not that they look different, it's that they are shockingly ugly with little or no intelligence. Only time I think of brown people is when I make a joke about how repulsive they and their apologists are

>> No.14130010

no u

>> No.14130167
File: 228 KB, 1060x480, Tame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get hair like this?

>> No.14130176

you can style your greasy hair

>> No.14130375

let it grow

>> No.14131136
File: 112 KB, 666x1000, mens-hairstyles-wavy-thick-hair-249769-23-trending-medium-cut-hairstyles-for-men-straight-thick-hair-of-mens-hairstyles-wavy-thick-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you style hair like this? I have hair this length that's fluffy from biotin shampoo, but it's straighter. I'll use clay + hairspray and within 5 minutes it's back straight

>> No.14131144

Please tell me where I can buy fin online

>> No.14131313

I dunno about that there are a ton of smart brown people at my uni, maybe you're just the retarded one

>> No.14131332

I use Alldaychemist but I haven't tried anything else. Got a year supply of fin for $50. You can use paypal, direct transfer, some cc method. An Indian doctor writes you a script and mails you the pills

>> No.14131365
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is slightly more wavy, but idealy it would still look like the wavier version of this, the problem is living in a hot country and heat and long hair are a real bitch.


>> No.14131445

I'd say it's a day or two after washing, without any product (natural grease-ish look)

>> No.14131587

"what is conditioner?"
Wow a lot of boys really dont know shit about hair, huh?
Conditioner replenishes the moisture and oils lost after cleansing the hair, which makes the hair dry but is necessary to make sure your hair doesn't stink or you dont get flakes and build up of dirt/products. Sulfates are not necessary for most people to cleanse their hair except to wash out intense build up of silicones often in products including many but not all conditioners. Sulfate free shampoo most of the time is good and better for you, especially if you wash your hair every other day/ more than one a week.

>> No.14131751
File: 426 KB, 1576x2098, CC036085-4CBE-4512-B9F4-95B85BEF4339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell me what to do with this. I have no idea and it's the only reason I haven't done anything with it besides haircut prices in my area being pretty high

>> No.14131767

ill tell you what to do with it, do my math homework ping wu

>> No.14131770

>Wow a lot of boys really dont know shit about hair,
This is pretty obvious if you look at nearly every guy's hair: split ends, dry, wiry. Probably shampoo it every day and dry it with a terry cloth. I'm a guy and my hair looks better than most girls'

>> No.14131773

I'm not asian

>> No.14131775

How the fuck can anyone tell you what to do with it when you have your face covered? The purpose of a haircut is to balance out your facial dimensions, which we can't see with your face covered.

I don't even want to see your face. Just find your face type and look for hair cuts that compliment it. Google.

>> No.14131872

But I have slightly receded ''mature'' hairline or whatever, can I still do it?

>> No.14131876

wtf I love shitskins now

>> No.14131883
File: 429 KB, 1575x2100, 9A5C9154-07FF-4136-AF17-B7D945360CD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growing it out what do yall think? about a year in by now

>> No.14131894

no poo is unbeatable IF you have great natural hair that takes care of itself
It's not for everyone though I recommend people try to shampoo less and see how their hair reacts after the initial greasy stage

>> No.14131900


>> No.14131914

JUST here, this is my hairline now. Besides shaving/buzz cut (have done it before, I look awful), any other haircut that would work?

>> No.14131918

when are you boys going to start using some damn hair products. cmon.

>> No.14131923

never lmao

>> No.14131928

like what

>> No.14132067

I had fantastic hair like this and then I stupidly cut it all off.

>> No.14132077
File: 65 KB, 600x338, straw-and-hay-covers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair always looks like straw and frizzy after I blow dry.
What post product can I apply to make it more smooth and glossy without looking greasy?

>> No.14132093

Grey hair is lit. My father went grey early and I got my first grey at like, 14. Every girl I've spoken to thinks it's cool.

>> No.14132114
File: 1.26 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Products are a vicious cycle. Never wash your hair with soap or anything really, stop wetting your hair all together, except maybe once a week.

Eventually your hair will be natural again, if bugs love it you are doing something right, most I do is brush in the morn before work and wet it once a week on weekends, don't blow dry.

See above, your hair retains moisture naturally, washing your hair all the time diverts this process.

Pic related, haven't wet my hair in 3 weeks.

>> No.14132115
File: 27 KB, 640x360, 3801CCF7-4A6A-4137-9C7E-AB8C616FD471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this look but I think my widdow’s peak is too pronounced

>> No.14132124

as a barber myself I can 100% guarantee you that we'd all rather just have you show us a picture than vaguely describe a cut you don't really know the logistics of

>> No.14132158

Yes you should bite the shell

>> No.14132160

Thanks for the advice anon, I really appreciated the detailed response

>> No.14132163

People actually WANT to look like this? lol.

>> No.14132175
File: 42 KB, 566x663, hair1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need recommendations.

Pic is my unstyled hair, I also put more photos on https://imgur.com/a/ZiRo6d2 . It's very thick, very wavy, and difficult to manage.

I'm thinking of growing it out but the sides are annoying as fuck now. If I do grow it out, then what hairstyle can I go for? I usually just keep the sides/back short but I'm curious if it's worth trying to grow everything out.

Also recommend products for styling this type of hair please.

>> No.14132210

Please shave your muttonchops. Anon i had mutton chops. We thought we looked like Lemmy. we don't. PLease

>> No.14133358

post feet

>> No.14133497

your "advice" and pic of you is legit making me consider cutting my hair that i was previously planning on growing out, its down to my neck. Not even joking.

>> No.14133897


>> No.14134301

Keeps. I use it, it's great

>> No.14134302

Use bitcoin so you don't have to send them your ID.

>> No.14134382

Is anyone here familiar with techniques to make your hair a bit more curly that don't use product?
Mine is somewhat wavy but I want more texture and chunk

>> No.14134410
File: 495 KB, 1683x3264, Snapchat-1446929149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate my shit hair/hairline but I don't have the facial features for a buzz. what do?

>> No.14134411
File: 204 KB, 988x1915, Snapchat-2065680477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the shit hairline since I was child

>> No.14134425

Hello and what are hair rollers.

>> No.14134466

>since I was child
Every hairlet tells themselves that
>i-i-i just have a high forehead!
>my hairline ALWAYS looked like this

>> No.14134479

what should I do though? I know I'll always be a hairlet even if I don't go bald

>> No.14134482

Can I have some help?
How do I fix my shitty back hairline?
The front and top is fine but I've always had problems with the back

>> No.14134491

Some kids are like that. Not him but I remember in 6th grade showing my friend my hairline and he was shocked at how high it was after I pulled my bangs up.

>> No.14134516
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this look?

>> No.14134566

It's K-pop star hairstyle (men) effay in non-asians?

>> No.14134567

Cocksucking Jew Trans Dyke core

>> No.14134568

also want to know

>> No.14134578

will conditioner improve my hair if I'm on nopoo?
or just build up and ruin the good thing I've got going?

>> No.14134775
File: 215 KB, 960x1280, CC7DF170-86E5-4DA8-BA8F-452B567AEC8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a haircut can I get some reccoms?

>> No.14134818
File: 3.27 MB, 440x440, E2DB5618-1C5D-4BA8-8AFD-6A3AA31DA062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2C hair like this

>> No.14134911

Something like that pic would definitely be a goal, but my genes are too defective for that.
I'm tired of self hating, anyone has a solution other than an heroing?

>> No.14134922
File: 199 KB, 934x1920, Snapchat-1792843784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is kind of similar. I shampoo and condition once every 4 days. I also use moose or gel once I get out of a morning shower, sometimes a combination of both. I'm still trying to figure out which product looks the best. (Also if anyone has any advice for me I would highly appreciate it).

>> No.14134976
File: 93 KB, 750x1334, 20B69074-547A-4B08-B81B-DD1AED61AD45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I condition every other day and poo once a month

Want to try new better look

>> No.14134982

I see you /gaygen/

>> No.14135032

yeah just keep it. theres nothing wrong with widows peaks

>> No.14135035
File: 82 KB, 500x727, donte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hair reminds me of a certain video game character

>> No.14135087
File: 405 KB, 749x868, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently cut it for the first time in 2 1/2 years not sure if I should continue to grow it out or just keep it where it’s at

>> No.14135109
File: 67 KB, 284x136, 1551155936766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I keep my hair dandruff free lads

>> No.14135202

claude from gta 3?

>> No.14135207
File: 198 KB, 1019x1920, received_2695092127168366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I know my hair is shit, but what style should I go with that's less shitty on me?

>> No.14135218
File: 186 KB, 1080x1920, PRE-BUZZPILLED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this was me trying to grow a long mohawk that i would comb backwards. Was about halfway through.

>> No.14135220
File: 38 KB, 540x960, BUZZPILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then i took the buzzpill

>> No.14135326

You can always try something new that you never tried before and see how that works. You can go short, try using some hair products.
The no-brainer would be mohawk to me, it would go well with the width of your beard.

>> No.14135961


>> No.14135973

You look great with this

>> No.14135976

it only looks good, because the guy in hte picture is good looking. you probably have a recesses chin lmao

>> No.14135987

But the guy in the picture has a recessed chin...

>> No.14136182
File: 263 KB, 1088x1132, A8D885D9-C857-4304-9848-F2E862A5BCB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I HAVENT CUT it in a year....
Here’s a shitty pic, when I was working.
I can shave the facial as wel

>> No.14136210

You look like you need a hug first.

>> No.14136310

I was using a pick axe on cane grass here in Hawaii, I was tired lol. Resting bitch face

>> No.14136373
File: 2.14 MB, 1215x2003, Screenshot_20190226-103025~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any haircut advice? Always wanted to do an undercut style but don't know if I have the face shape for it. Definitely want it shorter though.

>> No.14136392

How can I know which haircut looks best on me without posting my face here?

>> No.14136402

By not being a paranoid faggot and posting your face. You can at least cover up identifying features

>> No.14136411
File: 125 KB, 1239x1217, 23446243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep it short and don't make it your "main" feature.

Work on body, skin health, clothing and take the neck pill. I have the same hair as you pretty much and have accepted I will never have the hair in OP's pic.

>> No.14136563

I normally don't support the buzzpill but in your case it really was the best solution

>> No.14136569

This is 4chan.
This is /fa/ggots.

>> No.14136754
File: 1.41 MB, 3088x2320, 1DFB3947-1481-48BB-840B-9D8DDBAB5BB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this cut...thoughts?

>> No.14136760
File: 198 KB, 809x545, 20190226_230135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I cut the sides more? Also should I as a 22 year old hairlet cover my bald temples?

>> No.14136764
File: 101 KB, 660x289, 20190226_230156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14137100


>> No.14137123
File: 181 KB, 978x1198, fullsizeoutput_432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goal hair

>> No.14137143

ya don't look like you have bald temples or thinning hair. I'd say just cut the sides and you look fine m8

>> No.14137154
File: 18 KB, 320x320, 47692689_272195183459335_795597409173377402_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this? dyed black, fuck walking around like an anime character

>> No.14137156


>> No.14137170


>> No.14137186
File: 47 KB, 300x400, Photo 27-02-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine is usually quite similar but right now it's the healthiest it's looked in months. All I'm doing is rinsing it in soapy bath water. No shampoo, conditioner, masque, etc. Not sure how that works but it has so far.

>> No.14137268
File: 20 KB, 164x324, Oh+yeah+you+do+not+disappoint+_9b041fe211f1c494da0302d71dd94966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14137323

not bad

>> No.14137393

I can't tell if i'm balding at an extremely slow rate or if I just have a naturally shit hairline. Is it a bad idea to get on fin if you're not sure you're balding?

>> No.14137588
File: 105 KB, 899x899, hair4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hair goal

>> No.14137683

You look good

>> No.14137696

You need some texture up there

>> No.14137709

I think it looks fine. You don’t look like it’s balding.

>> No.14137778
File: 106 KB, 651x798, BDA69C48-31D3-42FE-8BAE-C977548E0346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair looks good now, if you want a new style maybe this would work for you? Kind of like an undercut but without the commitment to shaving the sides

>> No.14137779
File: 1.03 MB, 1080x1073, 8283u3u2818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to pull this haircut off if I'm not a model?

>> No.14138029
File: 1.19 MB, 1511x1750, 20190227_111110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does guys. The small hairs do come from minoxidil.

>> No.14138160
File: 281 KB, 628x1214, 20190227_085614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pic I took last week
I really really like my hair like this, but holy shit it's some work to wash and keep. Also, it looks shitty when wet and after I wash it.
Really thinking about just going buzzpill, but I don't think my skull shape is good enough.

>> No.14138166
File: 172 KB, 680x948, IMG_20190204_193743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been growing my hair for about 8 years now. It's alright. It's long - just past the small of my back - straight, and doesn't really do anything but sit there. It's healthy, straight and to be honest pretty fucking boring.

I've been told by people that I should cut it because it looks shit, doesn't add anything to my look, etc. But I really like it. I love long hair, I love the concept of not having a regular haircut like every other normie-tier guy and I love the attention it gets me.

But I don't really like the way it looks on me, any more. I'm thinking of getting it cut. Seems like such a waste though?

I don't know. This post turned into a shit show, but I'm just wondering what /fa/ thinks.

pic related, is me.

>> No.14138210
File: 895 KB, 1408x1458, 20190227_133614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah yeah is ok bro
Looks good
Scuffed Brandon, you need short haircut
Looks good, but i dont have that nose, fuckkk

I pulled my hair because of stress so i am kinda bald xD

>> No.14138300

Long, straight hair rarely suits anyone, even women. You need more volume and some styling. There’s this loreal product called super dust which works fantastically.

>> No.14138635

How do you get your hair to look like this after waking up?

>> No.14138694

My hair is consistently long and unkempt, think I'm gonna get an undercut cause itd look cleaner

>> No.14138713

prob 4-5 months behind you, would also like to know I look like a silly child atm

>> No.14138720

smoke pcp

>> No.14138844

typically i'm not a fan of (really) long, straight hair on men, because it rarely works. but with the beard it looks alright.

your hair looks like it's lacking moisture though. i don't know what your routine is like, but if you're already doing the usual, look into oils (argan oil for instance). you just want a small bit on the lengths to reduce the frizzyness

i agree with you for the most part, 99% of the time you're right. but in this specific case, i think the beard balances out OP's face.

i have plenty to say about getting volume with long hair (products, ingredients, technique), but i'm not going to say it unless someone asks. texture / volume powder is a godsend though

>> No.14138850

I pull and shape it the way I want, maybe use a bit of water on places that need to coil a bit more

>> No.14138857
File: 46 KB, 500x750, 1551268377042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14138921

What are some resources i could look at to learn how to do any of this? I've sort-of been winging this for the past several months.

>> No.14138930

this so fye

>> No.14138936

buzz did you good bro

>> No.14138945

i needed that reset on hair length across all head after
coming up with that god forsaken idea of growing a long mohawk with my facial structure

>> No.14139046
File: 1.19 MB, 2518x3028, yo999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should i do with my hair? im tired of this look ive had since middle school, literally the exact same hair since, im 39 by the way.

>> No.14139053

i like the curl on it, honestly if i had headshape and hair like this id just stick with it
maybe add some beard
maybe some glasses
its a good hair man

>> No.14139054
File: 26 KB, 620x407, 0EF9F0FD-811E-42DB-9138-6044C837D55D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perming my hair again, how tight should i go for something like kates

>> No.14139070

Yeah i use glasses for work and reading, beard ive tried but i just cant get over that point when i feel my face all itchy and greasy and i just shave it clean, is it just a normal stage when growing a beard?

>> No.14139082

i dont know cause i never had one
i guess beard will always be uncomfortable
im just speaking from purely visual standpoint

>> No.14139111

just google more pictures of Till

>> No.14139130


>> No.14139145
File: 174 KB, 601x588, ][poiuyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with this it's not so much envy but a goal, since I know how to get my wavy hair to look like this. I'd need to use more moisture repair a leave in conditioner and use my blowdryer with no heat so it can stay like this.

to those unaware don't blow dry your hair from wet to dry, your hair will dry out and fall out. it's temporary so don't sweat it. just don't do it again.

>> No.14139223
File: 765 KB, 585x663, 1550874672208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls recommend a hairstyle that is inoffensive, is neither scruffy nor too neat, and won't make me look like a Neonazi, a basedboy, a boomer or a zoomer.

>> No.14139236

Is it weird I always found Lindy effay af?

>> No.14139258

I swear 4chan censors the word onions with based. Anyway get a blunt cut if you want neat but edgy.

you can get it curly with a curling iron. Just use heat protection.

so you want the "bike theft suspect" look? Well they use those dumb combs. it's like a hair pick I think?

>> No.14139289
File: 190 KB, 815x1220, Osamu_Dazai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my hair like this?

>> No.14139537

Grow it out, nopoo, have a receding hairline

>> No.14139673

don't. just take body showers. Water alone wont do it.

>> No.14140196
File: 435 KB, 1054x1343, IMG_20190228_175747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair combed forward?

>> No.14140200
File: 405 KB, 1075x1351, IMG_20190228_175702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or back?

>> No.14140202

become a skinhead. unironically

>> No.14140234

this >>14140202

your hairline is fucked so just buzz it all off. get rid of that disgusting goatee too, either grow a full beard and tidy up the cheek and neck lines or shave it all off.

>> No.14140237

wolverine headass

>> No.14140243

my hair looks like this when its "dirty" by not washing it for a couple days

it looks amazing but it feels gross so i always have to wash it and then it becomes rather dry and lifeless

>> No.14140255
File: 310 KB, 1080x1580, 1490085789047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell for the buzz meme before.

>> No.14140347

looks too feminine

>> No.14141055
File: 579 KB, 1575x2099, A26125D2-8BA5-4CD0-8B9B-B4BAFD3DAFCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is my face shape /fa/? Also does this look work?

>> No.14141062

I fell for the buzz meme. Was cool for a while, but only if you get someone to trim it for you once a week (3mm side 6mm top). Growing it out again now. Is hell

>> No.14141196

if its josh the aussie boy tell him to keep his long hair

>> No.14141208


Forward. Doesn't look bad buzzed but your hairline sucks. As long as you're just a nw3 it's fine. Anything beyond needs a buzz

>> No.14141214
File: 380 KB, 1763x1151, IMG_20190228_205911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two months recovery from buzzpill

>> No.14141261

I just want you to know I saw your Pic in another thread and jesus christ you have such beautiful hair like dream girl hair

>> No.14141405

>look like this
>still post a picture
You're a braver man than I, sir.

>> No.14141431

Currently on day 3 of /nopoo/ (just using water) after about ten years of shampooing every day.
It's greasy. It's unpleasant. I think it's itching, but that might just be in my head.
I'm not enjoying it at the moment, but I'm going to hold out for a week before I wash again. I'm hoping I can eventually phase down from once a day to once a week to maybe once a fortnight and then once a month. Eventually I'll cut it out altogether. That's the plan, at least.