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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 147 KB, 936x1400, 936full-bar-maldonado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14106756 No.14106756 [Reply] [Original]

If you're so fashionable, why aren't you modeling?

>> No.14106767

why the fuck would i want to be a model?

>> No.14106805

im short

>> No.14106807

There's nothing more /fa/ than looking like a model, but not modelling.

>> No.14106809

Im regularly getting told by acquaintances i should model, im also more than tall enough so to answer your question OP maybe i will be modelling soon

>> No.14106840

I don't have high cheekbones. My face is other wise pretty good, but I'll never be model-tier.

>> No.14106854

being fashionable ≠ fitting height/measurement requirements
modelling is about being able to wear anything and make it look good. i.e. you are a glorified coat rack

>> No.14106973

im ugly and my bmi is over 10

>> No.14107090

I’d rather not get molested by old gay men

>> No.14107140

unless you get scouted or you actually think you are that good/unique looking i wouldnt. if you are semi attractive and tall and thin people will ask all the time 'omg do you model?' just take it as a compliment and move on bro

>> No.14107186

I dont even have money to eat and I dont wanna to prostitute again.

>> No.14107356


>semi attrctive, tall thin and FASHIONABLE

>> No.14107365

because most people here are short fat ethnics from /r9k/ coping with clothes.

>> No.14107417

I can't maintain a BMI of 15.5 without health & mental health problems.

>> No.14107418

How will he ever know if he’s that good/unique looking if he doesn’t try? No loss in pulling up to an open call with a couple of photos and headshots

>> No.14107422

what kind of dumbass question is this. you think most of those models scouted from buttfuck nowhere were fashionable in the beginning

>> No.14107467

i'm fat

>> No.14107475

I have too strong of a jawbone for a woman to be pretty

>> No.14107483
File: 108 KB, 400x530, smug_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good cheek bones bones
of course i model

feels good guys

>> No.14107496
File: 219 KB, 1698x1162, Screenshot 2019-02-17 at 02.49.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just gonna add an old email just because nobody will actually believe me

removed some lines because i dont want to get sued

>> No.14107505

post it

>> No.14107507

I'd really rather not post a picture of myself on 4chan.

>> No.14107512

blur the eyes, or post a picture o your head below the mouth - done by just putting paper in front of your face.

>> No.14107523

Let's see that jaw

>> No.14107527
File: 251 KB, 326x318, jawbone is suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, fine.

>> No.14107537


>> No.14107539

Oh shit you actually did it. Props.
Yeah u got man jaw but it's k.

>> No.14107541
File: 66 KB, 640x468, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the broad masculine jawbone would be the problem I posted about.
I literally have nothing better to do with my Saturday night

>> No.14107567

I'd like to breed you and only have sons, capiche?

>> No.14107597

what on earth does that mean

>> No.14107665


>> No.14107673

Bad posture.
Only my jaw line is model tier 2bh, everything else is pathetic

>> No.14107678
File: 686 KB, 958x857, 6F747FCC-FB37-4512-B41B-3CD3E732DA09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont want to be fucked in the ass

>> No.14107679
File: 95 KB, 272x246, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14107684

I have a thing for girls with big chins because our sons will have giant chins, and our daughter will remain chaste (see: Bruce Lee's daughters).

>> No.14107685

*Bruce Willis

>> No.14107686
File: 238 KB, 1024x725, 1548602436053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not a masculine jaw.
that's a wonder woman jaw.
The masculinity of a face is determined by many factors, mostly by relative proportions and internal ratios, but the most obvious one is one's brow ridge. More projection = more masculine. You have an oblong face, but there's nothing masculine about it.

>> No.14107729
File: 561 KB, 1215x1518, 76107C95-853B-4B87-8C78-35657D9322EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon I am

>> No.14107735

What an odd fetish. Reguardless I'm not looking to get sexed.
That is an excellent way to think about it, thank you anon
I've been self conscious about it pretty much my whole life

>> No.14107739

i regularly work as hand model. my job demands i do not touch myself.

>> No.14107756

he meant real modeling not playing around with your artschool boyfriend

>> No.14107781

Black Weirdos SS19 lookbook you insecure manlet. Tell me what kinda shit you deem real modelling and I’ll post up

>> No.14108733


>> No.14108738

5'8", but get lot's of comments that i'd be a model if I was taller, oh well i've got music production that I can excel in and models just get chewed and spit out (i know musicians do too but I always try to stay ahead of the curve so I have staying power in the industry)

>> No.14108741

Looks like a terrible brand with terrible models.

What agency you with faggot?

>> No.14108745

waste of time

>> No.14108854

>don’t take risks
sage advice

>> No.14108864

I'm short, ugly and awkward

>> No.14108866


>> No.14109607

Why no modelling general yet, /fa/gs?

>> No.14109661

if you're a woman you could model at that height.. gucci for example has had some 5'7 models recently but only female

>> No.14109670

I'm a fucking manlet

>> No.14109688

>making the effort to look like a model
>but not actually modeling
>thus rendering the entire exercise completely pointless
/thread indeed

>> No.14110202

im fat and ugly lmao

>> No.14110213

Cant lose enough weight to show my cheekbones and I've got crooked eyes

>> No.14110554

cop that hat?