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File: 22 KB, 660x371, michelle carter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14095866 No.14095866 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you'll never have a gf as aesthetic as her

>> No.14095909

Who dat? She hot.

>> No.14095914

she convinced her boyfriend to kill himself

>> No.14095917

Fucking moron, it says in the filename.

>> No.14095922

Was going to say that she's a dyke at first but then I clocked who she is

>> No.14095944

Is it weird that I find her even more attractive?

>> No.14095994
File: 50 KB, 392x425, michelle carter is a rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14095997

So did he.

>> No.14095998

Ew, nevermind.

>> No.14096002

She's not particularly hot, but there's something hypnotic about her.

>> No.14096018
File: 23 KB, 676x654, scum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ya go date psychotic rat looking bitch and go kys :P i hope she rots in prison

>> No.14096046

(norm macdonald voice) something that would just...make me do something crazy if she told me to do it, y'know what i mean?

>> No.14096063

I can't wait for the Lifetime movie about her. I'd be interested about what her friends/classmates said about her.

>> No.14096079

Didn't even recognize her at first. This looks suits her well.

>> No.14096088
File: 67 KB, 900x900, turd ferguson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a real jerk.

Unironically though the idea of a cute siren guiding you to death sounds pretty romantic. I'd be ok with her doing it to me.

She's a bit androgynous but still has sharp features that make her attractive. The ultimate comfy suicide gf aesthetic.

>> No.14096115

isnt she like under 30? jesus she aged faster than a peeled potato.

>> No.14096160

She's 22, cute as fuck.

>> No.14096241
File: 2.69 MB, 1243x2000, michelle-carter-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this outfit the best. She's not any uglier than Cara Delevingne.

>> No.14096266

I love her.

>> No.14096274
File: 83 KB, 980x652, MICHELLE-CARTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she used to look like this. kek

>> No.14096276
File: 20 KB, 850x567, rianne-von-rompaey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute tomboy.

>> No.14096346

That officially declares her 4chan’s poster girl

>> No.14096533

kill yourself boyfie

>> No.14096536

okay wait, did her lawyer tell her to get hotter so she'd get more sympathy? like how zimmerman was told to look more mexican?

>> No.14096756

Nope, as a person with some experience in law, I can say that her legal team told her to look as "manly" as possible. Her case was such that if she looked as her regular self (a fraternity blond chick) she had less of a chance to bring sympathy in the jury as well as the judge.

>> No.14097409
File: 68 KB, 1000x652, 0616_carter-1000x652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from that to this

>> No.14097424

lmao shes balding

>> No.14097431

Magnus ronning?

>> No.14097436

The fuck is with that hairline?

>> No.14097456

what is wrong with het ears?

>> No.14097679

A lesbian named magnus ronning

>> No.14097685

that's white people for you. age like warm dogshit. imagine how fucking ugly she'll be when she hits 30.

>> No.14097689

you mean 'white' americans

>> No.14097695
File: 198 KB, 1024x683, 0BA7A7D2-9830-4C79-A20D-FA4A52DCA266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14097766

>not realizing real life is a play and that she got fired and had to be recast by someone else

but you're probably acting too

>> No.14097850
File: 29 KB, 580x548, 3B0C97C4-BB6C-446C-BFEB-9495C6B3583B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no michelle carter gf
*internal pain*

>> No.14097937


>> No.14097955

She looks like a space alien

>> No.14097984

She really shouldn't be in prison. She wasn't there to force him back into the car. No matter how many text messages my ex gf sends me telling me to kill my self or go fuck myself I never feel compelled to do it regardless of my mental health state or how horny I am.

>> No.14098015
File: 249 KB, 625x415, 2-26199-1549924745-0_dblbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14098043

The problem is besides that is that he told her when and where he was going to end his life and when other people were looking for him before he died, she misdirected them so that they wouldn't find him. She did a bunch of shit to make his suicide work. He tried to talk himself out of it multiple times and she kept insisting he go through with it.

>> No.14098046


>> No.14098069

They charged her with (involuntary) manslaughter. That's a real stretch, no matter what she did or didn't tell him or his family, she didn't kill the guy. Maybe a different charge is more appropriate but not manslaughter. This also kind of sets up a bad precedent for people who are in toxic relationships where on person is threatening suicide if the relationship ends. Will the next person that responds to an emotional ex with an apathetic "I don't care do it" and a reticent attitude towards their location be sent to prison too?

>> No.14098075

>guy gets out of the car and pussies out
>"go through with it, you'll be happier than you are now. Your life sucks and you should get back in"
You're a fucking idiot if you think she wasn't at least partly responsible. Is she an evil monster? Probably not. Two fucked up people tend to fuck each other up even worse.

>> No.14098091

What's difficult to understand about her not being there to push or encourage him to go back into the car? That's not manslaughter at all. You don't charge a person with manslaughter for someone else's suicide. He tried to kill himself TWICE all under his own power. Not her fault that he was ill and not her fault that he took his own life.

>> No.14098096

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.14098103

Are you being stupid on purpose?
Taking advantage of a mentally ill or unsound person is illegal. If I told a retard with down's syndrome that drinking bleach would give them super powers and they died, you think I'm not responsible because I wasn't literally there to pour it down their throat?

>> No.14098122

He wasn't retarded though or so incapacitated that he wasn't lucid. He rigged his car into a gas chamber, that doesn't sound retarded to me, after all of that he still went through with it. She was not his caregiver or parent, she has no responsibility toward keeping him safe or alive. She didn't lift one finger during his planning stage and she wasn't near him during his attempts and eventual death.

>> No.14098138

But she was the only person that knew what he was doing and the only person that could have stopped him. She even went as far as to cover for him and say that she didn't know where he was. You can try to argue whatever you want because she makes your pee pee hard but the fact is she is partly responsible. As another anon pointed out, she took advantage of someone in an altered state of mind. Just because he wasn't tripping balls, drunk, or retarded doesn't mean he wasn't suggestible to her recommendations.

>> No.14098158


lol it doesn't matter what she said to him or what she didn't say to his family , or what she was planning prior to his death. He still killed himself. She did not kill him. If your friend is planning to rob a store and they filled you in on the plans, and you shrug it off or laugh at them or even say "cool plan bro", and the robbery goes bad and 3 people end up dead, should you have stopped them, is it your fault ? No it's not.

>> No.14098521


>> No.14098526