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/fa/ - Fashion

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13952536 No.13952536 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that you CANNOT get laid without one. No woman wants to text a guy in green bubbles, and if the girl has an android she's almost certainly a crackwhore.

>> No.13952540

Is this a thread where we pretend it's 2009?

>> No.13952567

must be. since we're on the topic of trying to get laid in 2009, make sure to get the xx on vinyl hipster girls love that shit. make sure to stop in at opening ceremony and pick up something from robert geller too, best new menswear designer since mark mcnairy!

>> No.13952587 [DELETED] 

Whoa.. Can't believe it's a decade ago

>> No.13952592

Whoa.. Can't believe it's a decade ago

>> No.13952631

This is the ultimate Blackpill. Ignore this and stay incel forever

>> No.13952783

>burgers actually use imessage

>> No.13952817


>> No.13953036

Imagine being so shallow you care about what phone your future partner has

>> No.13953067

Merry christmas Tim Cook.

>> No.13953069

I have a samsung and am married. I have sex whenever I want.

>> No.13953104
File: 6 KB, 227x222, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren't exclusively talking to people through Snap and IG then you're a waste yute

>> No.13953111

Am Dutch and we use whatsapp

>> No.13953120

Who the fuck uses Snapchat? What the hell is its purpose in almost 2019? That shit is riddled with ads and garbage you don't care about.
Snapchat was one of the biggest mistakes ever.

>> No.13953131

>daily reminders in 2019
This board is still stuck in 2011 it's so kitsch

>> No.13953172

zoomer normies get out get out GET OUT. irc, snail mail, e2e encrypted sms all acceptable. extra points for playing correspondence chess with an opponent on the other side of the world by operating your own shortwave number station. everything else is gauche

>> No.13953202
File: 75 KB, 720x799, 17f109fec06f5f9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never cared about phones
>always had shitty android
>never luck with grills
>get iphone as a gift
>two days later have girl interested in me

>> No.13953205

this is the second thread
Some dumb nigger over at Apple hq actually tought it was a good idea to astroturf 4chan. what a mong

>> No.13953222
File: 587 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181225-165656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Pixel and my gf has an iPhone. We use Telegram to call and text each other.

>> No.13953224

imagine dying a virgin

>> No.13953232

But I like Robert Geller :(

>> No.13953370

i was in a chat with your gf, small world

>> No.13953373

i do too, but lets not kid ourselves about the last time he was relevant

>> No.13953387

>i-its not my shit face, it's my ph-phone!

>> No.13953417

Who tf uses snapchat anymore

>> No.13953458
File: 21 KB, 320x320, BBB9FA7EE02B4677817FB1DBD4892F75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only non-recluse autos in thread.
BASED normie.

>> No.13953463

Autist not autos, whoops.

>> No.13953980

Hmm I want to iPhone for fashion reasons but I prefer Android in every way, it's so much better but I'm not sure

>> No.13954009

Imagine being this American.

>> No.13954016
File: 191 KB, 500x498, ujmfrif63imz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why pay less and get more when you can pay more and get less?

>> No.13954017
File: 418 KB, 2066x965, Screenshot_20181226-055539_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your planned obsolescence while a phone company forces you to get the same phone every year.

>> No.13954020
File: 287 KB, 1080x798, Screenshot_20181226-055906_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I...j-just want to fit in...

>> No.13954032

Nice looking androids like pixel 3 and not shitty cracked 6 year old Samsungs are the most fa phone, who cares what other people think

>> No.13954301

Sms are dead bro
It's Messenger/Snap/Call
Nothing else, unless you know the person doesn't have internet connection.

>> No.13954826


its hilarious to see the straws google fanbois desperately grasp at. ios throttles cpu performance to prevent unexpected shutdowns as the battery weakened...just like every other piece of computer software does

>imagine not knowing this
>imagine thinking this is a problem

>> No.13954869

>imagine buying some piece of shit called iphone for thousands of dollars, which not only requires daily charging, but because of battery degradation, it doesn't only lose from the already not too great battery life, but overall performance suffers too over time
>imagine claiming that this is the industry standard
>mfw people still voluntarily get cucked by Apple

>> No.13954880

It literally is the standard, dude. All lithium-ion batteries degrade, and with that degradation CPU performance has to slow down. What are you talking about? How does your Droid Razr work?

>> No.13954996

No faggot, literally no other phone " purposely makes itself worse to save the battery".

Keep sucking that dead Steve Jobs dick though. I'm sure they'll make it a new feature on the next iPhone.

>> No.13955020

holy fuck it is actually pathetic how hard Apple has programmed you brainlets to think its garbage is the standard
I hope one day they release a noose and finally free you fucking retards

>> No.13955098
File: 1.46 MB, 1025x7986, IMG_2584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an iPhone 5c with a cracked screen, and I get layed all of da time. Get on muh level, malaria-infested peasants.

>> No.13955105
File: 495 KB, 953x1282, 1528911776682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is correct. This is why I have an iphone X with a Note 4 on the side. Imagine not using both ios and android.

>> No.13955306

I wish we didn't.

>> No.13955309

Not only does every other phone do that–your laptop does too. I like you shaking with pathetic rage though, basedboy.

>> No.13955317

>being this technologically illiterate

i get that fashion is your only hobby dude, but it's kind of sad that you are so unbelievably misguided that you're actually arguing with me

batteries degrading doesn't just mean they can't hold as much of a charge, it also means that they are physically weaker. because of this, cpus can no longer operate at maximum processing speed without the battery fucking up and shutting off the phone. this isn't about apple, it isn't about your micropenis, and it isn't debatable, like, at all.

>> No.13955363

They didn't have blue/green text bubbles in 2009. That was added with iMessage in 2011.

When I bought a new battery for my iPhone 5s, it started running much quicker. But oh no, it's probably not that the voltage is too low, must be Apple trying to get me to buy an Xs.

What's funny is my friend with an ancient Samsung gets laid way more often than me. When I'm not in a relationship, I can probably manage to have sex once every one or two months, but he's bagging at least a girl a week. With a fucking Galaxy S3. Which is why all this nonsense about iPhones is just that, nonsense. If you're confident, look good and put in some effort, then girls are going to want to bang you.

>> No.13955378

>if the girl has an android she's almost certainly a crackwhore
Dated two girls with androids, can confirm they were the worst type of girl, however,
I have an android and I got it purposefully to throw another hurdle between me and women.
It's been working for me, they see the green bubble as though I'm distant and cold so they try to talk more.

>> No.13955401

>sex whenever I want
What's your trick

>> No.13955461
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, Brainlet_f3217f_6615771 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal undeniable proof of apple making their phones worse
>"lol n-nah e-everyone's p- phone d-does t-that"
>"i-it's supposed to happen"
>"it's a brand new feature!"

The mental gymnastics of your typical Applefag. Even if what you were saying was true, then Apple would let you change out the battery. But wait, you cant, you literally have to buy a new phone to fix this "problem that happens to everyone".

Next phone isn't gonna have a screen and I bet you faggots would be the first in line with your assholes wide open for more of that apple dick.

>> No.13955713
File: 77 KB, 188x264, 1526437360052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had my oneplus 5 for a year and a half now and it's still running as strong as ever. Not only does it run better, it's cheaper and more /fa/ lmfao.

>> No.13955730

had an iPhone X for 4 months, switched to a Pixel 2XL, enough said?

>> No.13955795

theres literally no major difference between ios and android anymore. android phones are copying apple hardware and apple has copied android software. iphones havent been the only "stylish" phone for years now.

>> No.13955823

I miss the Droid and HTC phones. It was kinda nice having a bit more variety, seems like Samsung has a bit of stronghold on the android market.

>> No.13955842

Very good

>> No.13955859

Well. I know that you're guys I kinda joking here (or just being retards as usual)
I got laid twice in 4 days while traveling last summer without even having a phone which was stolen
Where is your God now?

>> No.13955878

Get the newest iPhone here:


Trade in your iPhone for a discount here:

Wait for the next super awesome update!1!