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13910412 No.13910412 [Reply] [Original]

Am i good looking enough for this girl? Weve been talking online a while and i just wanna know like in a hypothetical situation where we were together would I be like, not so much the ugly one in the relationship but kinda like where people would think “shes a really nice girl to go for a guy like him” type deal if you get me. God shes so pretty. Also btw she has photoshopped her eyes green (she was cosplaying as starfire)

I can show more pics of me if needed. Also im 6’1 shes 5’6

>> No.13910416

No shit shes cleary spanish. Also post a better pic of face

>> No.13910417

Bro looks aren’t anything. I think you got a cool jaw but could use a haircut. Besides that just make sure you’re not being catfished man. It’s happened to me before but that’s the thing about online this girl may not even be real so don’t get too attached if you aren’t sure about that. Usually if you have a gut feeling she’s fake then that’s the case

>> No.13910441

You look like an autistic shut-in, so no.

>> No.13910449

you aren't a BLACK BVLL so, no

>> No.13910461
File: 383 KB, 1802x1600, 1D3ABE4E-BC1A-4371-95FB-E1537F547300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic of face, with shorter hair. Also i kind of agree with that autistic shut in thing. I mean thats not me, but she seems really outgoing in comparison, but then again, i suppose all girls are usually?

>> No.13910465

soc or r9k would be better for this

>> No.13910467

You're good looking enough Jesus Christ. Just go put your self put out there.
Realistically you're more attractive than 80% of guys

>> No.13910471

you are obviously too mentally ill for her

>> No.13910480

I should probably mention shes older than me by a year too, but she is also well aware that i like older girls. Ok i just realised how gay this shit is see ya round fellow losers

>> No.13910511

why would you ever ask the “””””””””“fashion”””””””””” board

>> No.13910512

naa, a match made in heaven; she looks like a cosplay thot who's too insecure to take a pic without an awful snapchat filter and you sound like an insecure autist with body dysmorphia

>> No.13910514
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>> No.13910519

b8 thread

>> No.13910521

I mean she could get a better looking guy than you, but you still looksmatch fairly well. she also is frauding her looks with makeup, photoshop and angles

so don't worry mate. I have the same insecurities as you but at least yours don't cripple you to the extend that you can't trust any woman at all, even if she tells you she finds you attractive

>> No.13911870

Oh I remember you

>> No.13911876

You sound incredibly autistic right now, if she’s talking to you and seems attracted to you then clearly you’re “good” enough for her

>> No.13911879

yeah brother you're a black rollneck and a smoking habit away from being able to pound most humanities majors at any major school.

4chan really gives you impressionable autists body dysmorphia glad I was in the reddit hug box during my impressionable pubescence.

>> No.13912000
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>> No.13912005

If you have to ask, of course the answer is a hard no

>> No.13912017

You are both hot and young. Fuck, love and have a great time.

>> No.13912024

not with that attitude my man

>> No.13912076

you look like some virginal awkward dorky 16 year old
so yes if on the street you two would look very odd together

>> No.13912194

you're so fucking insecure for no reason, you're good looking ffs

>> No.13912504

holy shit those arent her real eyes i couldnt tell!! that's some really realistic editing wow

>> No.13912536

Dude you look really fucking good and your hair looks good regardless of length
God I wish I were you

>> No.13912558

you dont need looks to prove yourself worthy of a girl

just act like you deserve her, in fact you deserve someone better than her

eventually she will start to believe it

>> No.13912580

you're with her, man
she thinks you're good enough, demonstrably, since you're with her
don't sweat it

>> No.13912685

You look like homo shrampson

>> No.13912688

No kill yourself

>> No.13913636

The only reason the two of you wont work is because you are an insecure little bitch. You have the looks, but looks don't mean shit compared to confidence

>> No.13913869

do you have a pic of her without a filter?

>> No.13913888

>Weve been talking online a while
Are you sure about that

>> No.13913915

Obviously you have better natural looks than her, but she's trying a lot harder.

If you put in as much effort as her you'd be wayyy more attractive. As it stands, you are about even.

Use the back front camera to take photos btw.

>> No.13913978
File: 43 KB, 539x550, 24296319_1978889765733795_7815045045566544865_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by some miracle this thread is actually a legitimate plea for advice, and not just incredibly appealing bait, I will chip in.

First off, if advice is needed in regards to what OTHER PEOPLE think about your physical appearance and your "status" in the couple, you are already fucked. Fuck what we think. It means nothing. It will change nothing weather we think you're attractive, or a big shit stain on the Earth.

If you sincerely plan on keeping her as your girl and you don't want to get cheated on within the next year (maximum), you need to stop giving a fuck what the world thinks of you immediately, and start living your life KNOWING you are happy with yourself and if anyone doesn't like it, fuck them.

She looks cute so naturally all men will sniff out the slightest hint of her being with someone who doesn't have basic confidence. I have learned through lots of trial and error, and I want to communicate how important that is.

Fuck everyone who thinks anything besides happiness for you and your girl, and if something doesn't work out, it doesn't matter anyways, because you know that you're a fucking champion and you can easily find another cutie who is more comparable with you.

Lastly, if you are asking us your question because you know you are moderately attractive, and just want to get your conformation bias, you're definitely fucked. If she's willing to date you, you're already attractive enough in her eyes. Of course that doesn't mean you can stop trying to improve yourself in every way possible.

Embrace the fact that you know deep down, in your heart of hearts, you can overcome anything you actually care about enough. Once you do, you can start to experience your actual potential.

>> No.13914069

This. Jesus Christ I can't stress this enough. Thank you Anon for finally breaking it.

>> No.13914362

Just go for it ffs
Exposing both of you to a bunch of assholes on a mongolian traditional bow-making image board because you're insecure is fucking retarded, go fuck yourself

>> No.13914398

no, but most men are significantly uglier than their S/O it's just the nature of things