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13882588 No.13882588 [Reply] [Original]

post nihilistic looking fashion inspo
anything dark and moody, but still clean and smart looking.

>> No.13882592
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>> No.13882599
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>> No.13882602
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>> No.13882609
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>> No.13882613
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>> No.13882620

pick one

>> No.13882626

Pick one

>> No.13882629

kek, i meant smart looking, collared shirts, including some dressier/more formal pieces. i swear, some of you faggots will come into a thread just for the purpose of shitting on it.

>> No.13882676
File: 1.65 MB, 2681x4071, Rick-Rick-and-Morty-Cosplay-at-Denver-Comic-Con-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread again... A nihilist wouldnt put in as much effort, probably wears all black covered in cat hair and dried mucus with a cigarette being the only effay accessory. Theyre too contrarian to wear anything attractive or original

>> No.13882857

thus the appeal?
i think most can appreciate some tasteful aloofness

>> No.13882888

I dislike all the super skinny fits. Once upon a time, there was a thread about post-war Japanese nihilism. Lots of baggy fits in black with a variety of complementing textures. When you go monochrome texture is the single most important part of the fit. tomorrow I will be wearing all black. I have black heavy wool trousers. A cable knit turtleneck. Cashmere scarf. Black Leather Jodhpur boots. All heavy winter textures. all properly fitting, not tight, not baggy. An appealing amount of drape. All topped with a tailored Wool coat. Mid-sized Gold watch with black leather strap. Texture matters, and so does fitment. Don't go too tight or baggy.

>> No.13882911
File: 46 KB, 498x430, public-pjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what actual nihilistic hedonistic that have no self respect or goals are wearing in public

>> No.13882920

exactly. it's called throwing on pajama pants and a stained shirt/hoodie while chain smoking cigarettes with your 5 bastard children accessories. Bonus aesthetic points if you fight with retail cashiers because your coupon is expired. True nihilism

>> No.13882923

any images from this thread you could share/this fit??

>> No.13882930

Imagine being this much of a pseud

>> No.13882940

Ill post some pics hol up

>> No.13882943

this is wrong. i'm a nihilist and i'm not contrarian at all. i listen to drake and party on weekends wearing blacks and greys with clean silhouettes.

>> No.13882945

>i listen to drake and party on weekends


>> No.13882950

I dont have the photos on my computer but look at Commes De Garcon 80-85 catalogs, lots of all black inspo. Also yohji yamamoto's stuff is all black outfits too. Like I said before, all black becomes about texture and drape, as any monochrome outfit. You need variety and complimentary texture in the same color to be aesthetic. The Cut needs to fit your body and the nature of the outfit.

>> No.13882967

Whats your favorite wikipedia page on nihilism, fag?

>> No.13882973

why are you so threatened?

>> No.13882987

I was just pointing out that the vast majority of self identifying "nihilists" have done little to no actual reading on the subject, and are usually just depressed or trying to make an excuse for being a degenerate by saying it doesnt matter

>> No.13883005

Ok good. I thought you were some lame intimidated by people who aren't afraid to be honest with themselves due a lack of your own self-honesty. Someone afraid of being called a pseudo-intellectual or pretentious and the like. To clarify, I would never push nihilism on other people. Nor do I take any pride in my position.

>> No.13883007

(cont) I don't think I'm smarter than laymen or that I have "the nature of reality figured out" or that I'm better than anyone. I also like Nice for What and God's Plan

>> No.13883008
File: 102 KB, 424x629, shamo sheets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True nihilist wear is just wearing fuck all because you don't care what you look like

>> No.13883017
File: 25 KB, 446x361, 1527552761462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nihilist core

>> No.13883024

if nothing matters why the fuck would dressing a certain way matter

>> No.13883041

self proclaimed nihilists are psuedo philosopher hipsters who only know how be a pompous pretentious dick to get laid, i hope you dont go telling people irl youre a nihilist, zoomer. A third of modern nihilists are irredeemable antifa trannies with no personality.
You cant be certain the NPCs you talk to are real but they stroke your ego which gives you confidence to dress like a basic bitch.
True nihilists dont even call themselves nihilists that word gets thrown around a lot, youre most likely an egoist Max Stirner type than a narcissistic Big Lebowski fuck everything type

>> No.13883077

i just told you I take no pride in my position, nor do I look down on anyone. and no, i don't mention it to anyone irl.

>> No.13883715

How 2 get this look when broke?

>> No.13883788

> I'm a nihilist
> i listen to drake and party on weekends
Oh god make it stop

>> No.13883809
File: 26 KB, 728x479, nihilists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13883817


>> No.13884075

Black slacks are sold everywhere, mainly look at thrift stores, make sure they are heavy wool, or borderline tweed. Don’t get super thin ones. I literally buy most of my clothes from goodwill. I drive to every side of town for work, so I always run to goodwill to check stuff out. Got a overcoat for $6. Turtleneck you just have to buy desu. Find a reasonably priced cableknit, Amazon has some. You can make this outfit happen for under $100 including shoes if you try. Under $200 easy and everything can be tailored and mostly new.

>> No.13884077

Again, all black is always about texture. Make the textures compliment each other

>> No.13884080

>i listen to drake
nice. pink moon is a favorite of mine

>> No.13884082

wearing black clothing has absolutely nothing to with nihilism you larping faggot teenagers
based and coenpilled

>> No.13884085


what the fuck does wearing black have to do with nihilism?

are you unironically underaged to the point where you believe nihilism is some emo edgy 2edgy4u ideology???????

dude I swear this board is so fucking cringe

>> No.13884091
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>> No.13884103

A true nihilist, which in theory can't really even exist, wouldn't be doing any of this shit.
>Caring about appearance
>Caring about what others think of them
>Posing for photos to show off
>Sharing said photos to show off
>Wearing """designer""" clothes
>Posting on an image board to garner approval and or inspiration

>> No.13884121

only 2 posts worth looking at in the thread
I'm off to dig through the archive for the post-war jap one

>> No.13884143

A true nihilist is just a depressed teenager, like all you angsty fucks are. Grow up. Reminder Nietzsche BTFO'd nihilism and thinks you're all retards, not advocated for it.

>> No.13884278

Look up Karasu-zoku aka Crow Tribe
Also look at 1980's Yohji and Commes De Garcon Catalogs. Lots of Good all Black Fits.

>> No.13884560

Hail the black goodwill messiah

>> No.13885473


>> No.13885476

based ubermensch anon

>> No.13885556

>I don't care about ANYTHING... except the way my fashion taste defines me.

>> No.13885563

True nihillist kill themselves on sight, other you're just larping

>> No.13885651


>> No.13885862

>are you unironically underaged to the point where you believe nihilism is some emo edgy 2edgy4u ideology???????

You don't have to be underaged to believe that. You just have to have a modicum of intelligence.

>> No.13885954

that's weird because I never implied he was

>> No.13886577

Yet he influenced Nietzsche (albeit indirectly), and the existentialists.

>> No.13886778

nietzsche isn‘t a nihilist

>> No.13886792

>nihilist core
stupidest shit i've ever heard of

>> No.13886795

jesus christ

>> No.13887126

>nihilism means you aren't allowed to give a shit about anything and if you ever care or try, you're just a larping pseudointellectual

>> No.13887137
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Nihilism =/= just dressing in black
A true patrician

>> No.13887141

Nietzsche isn't a nihilist, existentialists aren't nihilists. Nihilists are extremely rare in the first place because it is an immature position only the immature and confused/depressed hold, it is concentrated teenage angst. Any mature and stable human being is able to recognize value in the world, it is not hard.

>> No.13887323

>i think i'm smarter than everyone else here