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13869633 No.13869633 [Reply] [Original]

>see myself in the mirror
Doesn't look that bad, avarage I would say
>see myself in photos
Ugly as fuck, to the point where I most often flat out refuse to be in pictures and never look at the ones I'm in

Why is this?

>> No.13869634


>> No.13869636

You’re just not used to seeing yourself as not a reflected image.

>> No.13869638

same same

>> No.13869644

Mirrors often come with good lighting. Also, when looking in mirrors, we tend to unconsciously make a number of adjustments to posture/head angle/tilt that make us look more appealing. When you take a photo, you can't control these factors so naturally you end up looking worse.

It's got nothing to do with not being used to seeing your unmirrored image, that really doesn't matter.

>> No.13869678

this, your are not perfectly symetric and your brain is used to your flipped image in the mirror where it learnt to ignore the asymetry.
It's like when you take a selfie and the phone flips it afterward and you suddenly seem asymetric as fuck.

>> No.13869807

Brainlets. The first reason this happens is that most camera lenses are shit. The 2nd more important reason is that you have 2 eyes there is only one lens on the camera. The eyes themselves correct assymetry. Unless the assymetry is very pronounced the eyes wont detect it whereas the camera will.

>> No.13869814
File: 58 KB, 640x429, C45F730A-A4BE-410B-A228-2091B5C6C36A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought I walked fine
>saw a video of myself walking, look like I’m in pain
What the fuck how do you correct walking posture I literally look like I have a tennis ball up my ass

>> No.13870383
File: 37 KB, 554x554, images (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also depends on camera focal length. Focal length effects the perception of depth in photos (see attached) longer focal length flattens out the image making things look off, unnatural, lower stretches things out, also looking unusual. 50-70mm is closest to how we perceive things in real life if we had one eye closed.

Secondly most people are trash at taking photos. So combine those two with your face being in an orientation youre not used to and you can feel like you're hideous.