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/fa/ - Fashion

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13814913 No.13814913 [Reply] [Original]

>actually used to take peoples advice here
>dont wear this, dont wear that, X is reddit
>open waywt
>mfw I see how people here actually dress

>> No.13814926

Nice try, now fuck off to reddit

>> No.13814944
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eat shit 16er

>> No.13814952

unironically this

>> No.13814962

it’s especially rich when they post opinions on other posts under their npc outfit

>> No.13815001

Go outside to see how much worse normies are.

>> No.13815098

lmao you prolly own chucks

>> No.13815106
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t. Adidasfag

>> No.13815107

girls don't think this is a girl shoe r-right? I've worn these since like 2004 occasionally

>> No.13815108

They’re unisex.

>> No.13815114

Never owned a pair honestly, why are you so cynical and negative? Wanna talk about it?

>> No.13815121

nice projecting fag lmao

>> No.13815127

I know but I was asking what young women think

>> No.13815129

whats that

>> No.13815130

for real, i came here because i thought everyone here was an elitist like on /lit/ but they're literally just underage autists who dress like fags

>> No.13815132

Nah, you're good

>> No.13815136

Sorry that you’re having a bad day. Wanna post a fit instead of mindless babble and buzzwords?

>> No.13815147

There are people here who dress decently, but they post their fits to /r/malefashion like any sane human being and not the local WAYWT / cringe thread.

>> No.13815165

youre the one that said normies wear worse shit than in the WAYWT threads why dont you show us how much better you dress than normies

>> No.13815166

literal garbage, even by reddit standards

>> No.13815172
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You think people of Walmart dress better than the threads you see here? What normies are you talking about? I’m curious.

>> No.13815176

please dont tell me that is actually you LMAO

>> No.13815177

>I expected everyone on /fa/ to wear fedoras

>> No.13815181
File: 7 KB, 268x188, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jeans with a waistcoat
>that collarless shirt
>that girl's t shirt
yikes yikes and YIKES

>> No.13815184

no I mean I expected people here to have actual standards

>> No.13815186
File: 427 KB, 2555x3871, pkxz94bvu4v11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post fit and we will compare, fucking normie. Pic related, top post of this week on /r/malefashion

>> No.13815201

>male fashion advice

>> No.13815203
File: 1.12 MB, 3264x2448, 45426DE8-3BC3-4665-97A4-91DB0F6883E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical criticism without posting a single fit. Are you actually here to help?

>> No.13815213

not convinced that's the same guy as >>13815172 but it's better. girl looks cute. the first outfit was terrible though, just god awful. throw out that terrible shirt and get some decent pants.

>> No.13815231
File: 139 KB, 720x576, 6612EEF3-1F54-4178-B171-EA52EF1E766B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post something better of similar style and be more specific. You’re not being very useful if you’re trying to be.

>> No.13815241

This. I only come to /fa/ for the circus act

>> No.13815247

>you cant crituque my fit unless you post a fit aswell
guess you cant critique a movie without making one aswell

>> No.13815252

>throw out that terrible shirt and get some decent pants.
pretty self explanatory, or do you need others to spoon feed you?

>> No.13815261

It take 2 minutes to pic a fit anon. Don’t compare mountains to molehills. You’re better than that.

If you’re done with vague bland critique I hope you’ll have a great rest of your weekend.

You still haven’t posted anything helpful, useful or insightful. Disappointing.

>> No.13815269

i mean its cute but a striped tee and black jeans isnt really anything special either atleast its better than wearing a blue shirt with white buttons lmao

>> No.13815270

You think it’s terrible so you’re the one that’s providing insightful advice no?

I was genuinely curious in what you have to say but if you’re going to continue to be so dreary I won’t ask anymore.

>> No.13815272
File: 15 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>dresses like this >>13815172
>smug faggot attitude
you're a joke

>> No.13815274

What’s special to you?

Post your inspo please

>> No.13815275

anon hes still in his teens leave him alone dw he´ll develop a better wardrobe when he stops browsing reddit

>> No.13815279

god you're an insufferable faggot
why would you ever wear a collarless shirt with that coat and vest? seriously, ask yourself. fucking hell

>> No.13815280

I’m curious >>13815274
I really want to see what you like

I’m serious. I don’t come here to shit talk, I come to see inspo. Do you have only the former?

>> No.13815281

Why are you so worried about what the opposite sex wears being similar to your wardrobe? Are you a closet tranny?

>> No.13815282
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>> No.13815286
File: 44 KB, 444x595, 4NkS2FV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recently got a new laptop so i dont have my entire inspo folder

>> No.13815290

Sorry you’re so negative and critical. Why are you here if you’re not going to post anything worthwhile?

>> No.13815296

Thanks anon. I appreciate it

Dunno about the first picks new balance choice but I like the fit.

>> No.13815297
File: 292 KB, 1280x823, CENhLvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13815299

you're unable to take criticism, which tells me you are under the age of 18. get off this website
i've told you exactly what is wrong with your outfit and you refuse to accept it

>> No.13815300

i still think you have a insufferable attitude and your fits are mfa worthy and on a good day streetwear

>> No.13815305

Not at all. I accept your criticism. I want to get a better shirt and pants. You saying they’re terrible and shitty isn’t exactly advice. I asked for advice but you continue repeating personal attacks. Are you done?

>> No.13815309

Thanks for the critique and posting inspo. Hope you have a nice week.

>> No.13815316

thanks for posying your godawful fits and saying normies dress worse than you LMAO

>> No.13815319

if you can't figure out why they're shitty there's no hope for you.

>> No.13815327

Dunno why you’re still so negative but it’s been a fruitful discussion regardless. Thanks!

>> No.13815332


>> No.13815334

because you dont see the irony in your own posts lmao do you also tell your gf that shes not getting fat when she asks you about it

>> No.13815342

No just /r/malefashion. /r/malefashionadvice is another subreddit and yes that one is trash.

>> No.13815357

Mfa fits are fine, just bordering more on normie style than MF, which makes sense since the average age there is like 30.
Most of the tribalism across fashion boards can be explained by age group. MFA is late 20s to late 30s, MF is 18 to mid 20s, and /fa/ is preteens to teenagers.
That also explains why /fa/ is comparatively toxic — there’s way more 15 year old edgelord virgins here than anywhere else.

>> No.13815389

MF and MFA age groups are roughly the same although from experience I would agree with MF being a bit younger — anyhow I believe that MFA by virtue of the expectation it sets in who it targets draws in the crowd of autistic mid 20s who wants to know how to follow societal dress code to "impress girls" or "look professional". Something which is antithetical to everything I believe in. Furthermore MF used to be the /fa/ crowd but everybody stopped taking this board seriously and now it is just mostly used for memes and inspo threads (the 2 converge)

>> No.13815408

I guess I’m basing it based on the most popular users rather than the average age of everyone there, but you’re probably right.
As far as the /fa/ MF crossover, I think you’re right but based on the waywt threads it seems this board has since become overrun by zoomers.

>> No.13815411

Can confirm. Am zoomer

>> No.13815431
File: 24 KB, 676x987, IMG_6224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it seems this board has since become overrun by zoomers
It always had been overrun by zoomers, anon

>> No.13815452

I joined in 2005, there were definitely not many zoomers here. It’s pretty much been a millennial site up to the last 3-4 years.

>> No.13815464

>there were definitely not many zoomers here
Well that's hard to say for sure, isn't it? Most zoomers were underaged back in 2005 or so, and the underaged don't always say they are unless they are retarded newfags.

>> No.13815471

That's your inspo? typical shitty tumblr taste loser that thinks japan is ahead in "fashion"

>please kys

Also random anon here.

>> No.13815490

Also I agree with op. People in /fa/ actually dress like shit. Mostly filled with typical white men suburban kids that think "fashion" is dependent on some button ups and leather shoes.

The only forum i'd say has decent taste would be ktt's fashion sxn. But even there it's filled with hypebeasts who will buy into any new raf / balenciaga release that is backed by any sort of celebrity or idol who they so desire to be like.

Just be yourself and dress how you like fuck what people think, if it defines you and who you are as a person there should be no need to differ from that. Even if yourself is defined by some minimalist who could give 2 less fucks about clothes Steve Jobs style.

>> No.13815494

you would have to be autistic to actually post in a waywt
or desperate for input i guess

>> No.13815500

i dont think japan is ahead in any way lmao i just enjoy the colorblocking among other things
please stop projecting your own insecurities onto others :) its really unhealthy both your and the ones around you

>> No.13815516

>trying to justify the fact that you have the taste of a inbred tumblr inspired faggot by saying I'm "projecting"

>actual kek

Actually try and dress like this in person and realize how much of an uninspired clown you'll look like.

>> No.13815527

if you dont understand inspo just say so anon

>> No.13815529

that's clearly not a waistcoat but a sport jacket m8

>> No.13815548

So what's so inspiring about it? the color palettes? Take a graphic design class and you'll learn more about color palettes than looking at these uninspiring passed around ass /fa/ photos that do nothing to actually contribute to good style.

And if you bring up the New Balances you're gonna be instantly taken as a troll so choose your words anon.

>> No.13815560

I used to. I own Sneeds, formerly Chucks.

>> No.13815561

its not that clear, actually. it could be an oversized waistcoat he picked up at a thrift store. either way its fucking garbage.

>> No.13815566

waywt is shit
This is a shitposting board.
After you getting that, this board is amazing.

>> No.13815569

how many waistcoats do you know with only one button

>> No.13815581
File: 34 KB, 109x104, 1516773595779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not listen to anyone on any board here

the only one fact about 4chan

>> No.13815585

lmaoing irl rn this has to be bait

>> No.13815592

>lmaoing for no absolute reason
>calls me bait yet is bait himself

>> No.13815608

Honestly what I hate the most about MFA is how poor they are. All their clothing recommendations are limited to uniqulo-tier pricing.

>> No.13815617

its just really clear that you dont actually browse fa lmao

>> No.13815621

>I don't.

people dress like shit in this sxn, truly a disgrace to style and good taste.

Read this. Now excuse yourself.

>> No.13815626

It’s good advice when you consider the average fashion newbie. They should not be dropping $1000 on a coat when they still don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.

>> No.13815653

Also if you want decent inspo com here.
We don't bite :)


>> No.13815661


>> No.13815760

Beat me to it

>> No.13816614

Do you know what projection even means, imbecile?

>> No.13816629

You dress like a couple I used to know who snorted Adderall xr beads together. Not gonna post but I'm in an olive champion crewneck and stonewashed 511s, which is what I'm going to work in soon

>> No.13816632
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Trying for the Punpun look too

>> No.13816984

People here dress like total jokes. They think that they’re killing it too! I don’t know a single person who actually dresses like this irl and I am surrounded by fashionable people where I’m at. /fa/ doesn’t equal fashion anymore.

>> No.13817027


brah you are getting destroyed

>> No.13817038

I love you OP i wish people realized /fa/ is where you learn how NOT to dress rather than buy into all of the shitty borderline cosplay tier memes.

>> No.13817758

Zoomers were like 1-7 in 2005

>> No.13817798

Depends on the cutoff. I was 15 in 2005 and I’m a tail end millennial, so I guess there may have been some 12 year old zoomers here then? But definitely not the horde we see today.

>> No.13817807

Dude the general millennial cut off date is 1994 and even then kids born up until like 2000 or so are a lot different than the fortnite twelve year Olds now. In 2005 there were no zoomers on 4chan, most of them couldn't even walk.

>> No.13817811

stupid fucking normies we are not even safe from you on here

yes i'm bitter and alone

>> No.13817814

t. born in 2000. Fucking zoomers

>> No.13817824

I actually am born in basedthousand but see for yourself, saying there were zoomers browsing /fa/ in 05 is retarded

>> No.13818221

>a lot different than the fortnite twelve year Olds
You have no useful memory before social media, you cannot remember 9/11 or it's related hoo-hah, and you never saw a lick of the 90's. You don't remember a clear existence before smartphones were standard.
You've probably never even heard a dialup sound or seen a rolodex.

>> No.13818228
File: 88 KB, 750x848, F56FE59B-C486-4ABC-8B91-6B28F07BB148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only come to this shithole of a bosrd for the fragrance general. Half of these retards either dress as autistic anime techwear characters or soft-boy core mac demarco listening faggots

>> No.13818336
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>> No.13818714

/fa/ has been shit for atleast 6 years now. No surprise it gets worse and worse

>> No.13819065

Man ktt fashion got me through middle and high school. I remember when everyone would rag on jameister with his patchwork timbs and what not. also shoutouts to sachee. A real shame I recently gave up on streetwear but I gotta grow up one of these days.

>> No.13819105

It's the defacto fit-posting board. I think the reasoning is that r/femalefashion is a dead board, but it is not possible to change the name to r/fashion as that name already exists and is used for sharing web-articles and blogposting.

>> No.13819109

I want to burry my face in them tiddys

>> No.13819112

Is this a trap?

>> No.13819128

newfag questions were always annoying but its nothing compared where we are now nearly every day now we have
5 ice poseidon larp threads
4 gigachad/ironic incelposting threads

a good quarter of the catalog is this garbage regularly

>> No.13819129

I was 24 in 2005

>> No.13819134

>13818336 #
Shitposting is against the forum rules, only bant allows blatant shitposting

>> No.13819839

hey man, don't let these /fa/ggots get down on you. you seem pretty normal and well adjusted. the fact not a single person posted a fit in response is proof you're dealing either with total losers that live in squallor or people who have shit fits because if they had something to show off, they would.