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/fa/ - Fashion

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13803340 No.13803340[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Smoking weed is literally unironicaly cool and anyone who disagrees is straight up a pussy

>> No.13803343

Cooler than smoking cigarettes but still lame. Ultimate cool is having quit smoking but still being able to outsmoke people.

>> No.13803345

it's uncool now that it's legal here
I'm going to quit now

>> No.13803351

An hero

>> No.13803354

cigs are 1000 times more effay even though both are pretty nasty

>> No.13803361

No they're not. Illegal things are always more effay.

>> No.13803368

You cant look cool while smoking a bong

>> No.13803382

By that logic then diddling kids is cooler than diddling adults.

>> No.13803387

Jesus christ are you 12?

>> No.13803390

lol pay attention to what people in fashion smoke retard

>> No.13803401
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>cigs are 1000 times more effay

>> No.13803409

Anti psychotics are the only fa drug

>> No.13803753

I've been smoking daily for 5 years, cannabis has improved my life in so many ways, but it's not cool. no drugs are cool.

>> No.13803930

most of the people i know that smoke weed regularly turned into burnouts with no aspirations in life. some got fat, some dropped out of school

>> No.13803998

weed is only fun if you're a young teen with no real responcibilities

>> No.13804013

That's why I just take it in different forms other than smoking

>> No.13804034

whenever i do weed it causes massive anxiety and feels like all my problems in like are 20x worse than they actually are.

>> No.13804109
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>substance abuse becomes popular
>suddenly, dude straight edge lmao

>> No.13804135

are you me?

>> No.13804206

I am high

>> No.13804602

Based junkie

>> No.13804652

I'm afraid to smoke weed, please no bully. The only drugs I have consumed were prescription or caffeine.

>> No.13804658
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This is now a tech wear thread. SHUT IT DOWN

>> No.13804659

I smoked a few times in college. Was lame, you aren't missing out on anything.

>> No.13804661

If you don't mind me asking, what in particular was lame? Friends of mine love to hype up all things THC related.

>> No.13804664

I didn't feel much and it smelled bad. My roommates got high occasionally and were pretty annoying when they were. Drugs and alcohol in general are overrated.

>> No.13804762

i would try it its fun dont be scared you just feel tired get hungry laugh alot and music sounds awesome
maybe you dont feel anything the first time you smoke but thats normal

>> No.13804768

weed makes you weeker so i guess that's a cool thing

>> No.13804837

To all those who desire lots of drug use the only good parts of drugs are a) escapism if your brain’s fucked b) banter with your mates c) looking cool to shallow fucks. Only part of drug use that I can truly get behind is being a psychonaut

>> No.13805107

Weed cool? It has like the most trashiest image ever. The feeling is good and all but don't come up to me saying smoking weed is cool on /fa/

>> No.13805114

No it's not.

Trust me, I used to have dreadlocks and smoke it erryday. It just makes you okay with everything being boring, which is quite pointless

>> No.13805138

the danger in weed isnt the fact that its physically harmful its that it makes the couch so much more fun and therefor demotivating you to do anything outside of your house. Speaking from own experience, But hey i still finished collage with only A's while high 24/7

only party drugs are /fa/ we've been though this a million times already

>> No.13805159
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Yes and no.

In terms of being effay, cigarettes tend to be cooler, simply because of the sleek design and the act of deliberately inhaling pure death + blue smoke looks cool af.

Smoking weed tends to be less aesthetic and is more dependent on the person consuming it. Rasta-wearing, smelly teens and hipsters are trash. However, sleek minimalist philosophers who occasionally smoke a little while writing are the highest form of effay. Unfortunately this isn't very common.

>> No.13805162
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Forgot to add: Don't smoke! Either vape or bake.

>> No.13805163

I smoke it erryday but I dont go around dude weeding to everyone I meet, I use it in the morning to calm my stomach and at night to chill out and relax. Using the drugs you do as a fashion accessory is so gay.

>> No.13805165


>> No.13805179

>voluntarily inhaling cancer
>not even getting high from it


Smoked almost every weekend with my hs's valedictorian and now she goes to an Ivy League. Everyone I know who smokes are also college graduates or are in college. Smoke weed everyday kids, it makes you smarter.

Weed doesn't make you lazy, but it makes lazy people lazier. If you're actually ambitious and have a future, you can go into work high as hell and still be functional. Lord knows I do.

>> No.13805200

Wow, and some of your friends might even enjoy water and food and coffee... these things must be all strongly correlated with intelligence.

>> No.13805206

>not realizing it works both ways
Just because you know a few burnout weed smokers doesn't mean it makes everyone like that. Hell, I'm pretty sure most of the people who smoke dont tell anyone about it because of the stigma and stereotype, which is why you don't hear much about successful people smoking it. Even though our last 3 presidents have admitted to smoking it.

>> No.13805234
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>voluntarily inhaling cancer
>not even getting high from it
Bro you need better reading comprehension. I said the exact same things. Look again:
>act of deliberately inhaling pure death
>Don't smoke! Either vape or bake.
Seems like the green DOES get to you.

>> No.13805665

this is a simple debate over what looks cooler/ is more effay. health ailments and drug effects have nothing to do with it.

>> No.13805728
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>> No.13805887

>weed thread
>no one mentions their favorite strain

sour diesel

>> No.13805937

You're smoking bug spray, growth hormone, and fungicide 9 times out of 10. So effay!

>> No.13805948

all strains are the same, i've been smoking for five years and i've never noticed any difference from one eighth to another

potency may vary depending on the region but weed hits you the same everytime

>> No.13806366

Girl scout cookies and Euforia.

>bug spray
Kek, not on indoor grows.

>growth hormone
And now you're talking out of your ass. t. Someone who's actually grown before.

>> No.13806370

Kek, you must be smoking some really weak shit then. There's definitely a difference especially between hybrids, sativas and indicas.

>> No.13806377

do it. your creativity will blossom and everything is a million times better.

>> No.13806382

It just makes you stupider so you are temporarily more easily entertained. You aren't missing out.

>> No.13806384
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Are my bongs /fa/?

>> No.13806389
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>> No.13806396
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