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File: 286 KB, 1200x1200, A5AC9559-02B6-4D1F-BC39-A61D0789649F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13726262 No.13726262 [Reply] [Original]

What’s everyone’s opinion on getting tattoos of band logos or album covers?

I want to get a tattoo but the only thing I really enjoy enough to want on my body is music. I was thinking of asking an artist to design a tattoo which incorporates a few albums from my favourite bands, so it’s like all the album covers are together in a sense.

But are band tattoos shit? Are they short sighted?


>> No.13726304

You literally can do whatever you want that makes you happy lol. I have a gybe tattoo and I also copied some of ninjas and Mc rides tats. No ragrets

>> No.13726306
File: 40 KB, 500x500, townes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might get the left most figure from this

>> No.13726312

I have one. It's kind of hard to explain because literally every normie thinks they're going to know what the band is, and then you tell them and they just go completely silent and off the conversation like you just told them someone died. Super weird. Mine's from a prog band too so it's not like it's some kvlt shit.

>> No.13726313
File: 3.32 MB, 750x1334, 67788DCB-FFBB-44FD-8B5C-2BB77065677E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you become an extreme fitizen like bugez

>> No.13726321

Well I was thinking of getting like a combination of Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Burzum, Darkthrone and Slayer, maybe also get in a Death metal band too just to cover my favourite genres. I’d like to get it over my right shoulder and around my bicep. So basically it’s easily covered up since I’m still a white collar worker really.

So I wouldn’t expect most people to get it but I’m not really bothered about normies not recognising the band. My concern is more about if it’s a wise decision in general or if there’s a bad stigma surrounding it.

>> No.13726322

that sounds gay

>> No.13726327

This nigga could not be more right

>> No.13726391
File: 8 KB, 200x264, goldenHarvestHardcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they short sighted?
Very possibly. 6 months ago I was gonna get a Spazz tattoo, just a simple pic related. I was in the powerviolence scene for some 5 years, was like "I'll never regret this tattoo because even if I don't bump pv in the future it'll at least represent all the good times I had in the scene at shows." and then I had a huge falling out with my community that made me not want to associate with them ever again. And as shitty as it sounds, even though I still love Spazz with all my heart, I wouldn't tell anyone I was into powerviolence/grindcore/punk anymore because I don't want to be associated with those people.
It was the usual reasons, the whole witch-hunt idpol leftist community shit. I got in the scene because I could talk about politics and theory with people there but after a while they started shunning me for it and just wanted to post "arm trans women" memes. I didn't agree with that and they threatened to call me out publicly and exile me, so I realized I was in a fucking dumb cult of shitty pseuds.
Oh and then Chris Dodge of Spazz started making a mockery of the entire powerviolence scene by forming "super group" Trappist. It's fucking terrible and embodies the worst of pv.

>> No.13726419

so they shunned you not for just talking about politics, but not agreeing with them?
also rec me a spazz song.

>> No.13726443

Essentially. I didn't think identity politics was the way to go, I got the bullet for it.
It was a classic Vampires Castle situation if you've ever read Mark Fisher or heard the term before, where attacking the Vampire's Castle (idpol) is seen as attacking identity itself. Because I was criticizing trans and gay people for their rhetoric, I must also hate them apparently.

whole album is my favorite but this track stands out for me.

>> No.13726454

What if in a few years your love for those bands passes and you're left with logos of metal bands you don't even like that much anymore on your arm? Consider this especially if you're in your early 20s, if you're one o those die hard metal fans over 30 then whatever, but still
I agree with this anon

>> No.13726475

Just get a t-shirt or something

>> No.13726484
File: 74 KB, 434x434, christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest, Burzum, Darkthrone and Slayer, maybe also get in a Death metal band
>So I wouldn’t expect most people to get it
>I’m not really bothered about normies not recognising the band.
Dude everyone's going to get it, and every normie ever is going to comment on it. You just tossed out the most normie metal possible. Please don't do this anon.

>> No.13726508

I think they're shortsighted. The only band tat I've thought about getting that I would still think is cool is the Death logo. The sheer number of band tats I've thought of based solely on my favorite band of the moment from the age of 18 (29 now) is insane. How embarrassing if I would've gotten some obscure thrash metal band from the 80s tattooed on me because I loved it when I was 19.

>> No.13726525

short-sighted. theres some bands i thought i would listen to forever i havent put on in years

>> No.13726536
File: 14 KB, 303x300, bauhaus-singles-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this be effay

>> No.13726537

So it's a memory from when you Used to feel feelings. Still cool

>> No.13726553

nah, im glad i didnt get the tattoos. i have a 5-year rule for tattoos. if i still want it after 5 years ill get it. band tattoo ideas always went away. it just feels like a stupid thing to have on my body. i have pictures, videos and t-shirts from concerts to remember those moments

OP almost everyone is saying the same thing. why did you start this thread if you arent going to listen to anyones thoughts and you just justify doing it anyway in your replies?

>> No.13726579

I have the American football album on my rib

>> No.13726592

Just get whatever you want, as long as it looks good who cares

>> No.13726594


>> No.13726605

>Yeah I don't really expect anybody to know who Ozzy Osbourne or Slayer is, it's a pretty obscure tat but I don't care about normies
This sounds hilarious, get the largest one you possibly can and make sure it combines as many different bands as you can fit, it'll look great and nobody will understand your obscure patrician tastes

>> No.13727118


Body goals

>its all a mindset

>> No.13728138

based, gets all the art and goth hoes at the same time

>> No.13728211

Maybe in Norway where people know about Varg killing that dude.

>> No.13728214
File: 54 KB, 530x514, lp-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad idea.

>> No.13729764

God I can’t believe how fucked up that dude was. Did his bandmates know about that shit or was it a secret?

>> No.13730112
File: 587 KB, 492x541, metal accordion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burzum is the most recognizable black metal band there is

>> No.13731643

Right on man. Skinny fists tat?

>> No.13731646

Get area 51 coords lol

>> No.13731654

it will become a meme

>getting a tattoo to get dirty, grimey art hoe girls

>> No.13731678

you only live once, so spend your youth fucking art hoes

>> No.13731697

Sounds shit to be honest. Do it though, it'll be fun.

>> No.13731699

I got a band tattoo and the band in question broke up on bad terms the very same week lmao.

>> No.13731759

post it

>> No.13731825

what area do you live in?
you seem like a fucking dork

>> No.13731834

i have 15 counts of arson tattooed on my thigh
no regrets