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File: 477 KB, 1280x819, 1523674331579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13685312 No.13685312 [Reply] [Original]

Old: >>13673017

>post thinspo
>stay hidratted
>no bully pls

>http://pastebin.com/raw/k616ZXUw (embed)

Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:
>http://pastebin.com/raw/VmmYeLYN (embed)

Fasting Resources:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.13685370
File: 320 KB, 1110x1080, 5677532113456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok guys, imma start tommorow. What are some tips for the thinspo lyfe

>> No.13685400

Starting a 5 day water fast tomorrow, wish me luck team.

Also, how can I deal with binging? I’ll be eating in a sufficient deficit, but then catch myself eating something and accounting for it, but I just get this uncontrollable urge to continue even well after I am satisfied. Any tips on that?

>> No.13685402

Tip: dont eat food

>> No.13685457

As someone who has completed a 30 day water fast:

Day 3 and 4 are the hardest and when you'll find yourself feeling hungry again. Pull through and you typically lose your appetite.

I'm around 130, so I drink 4Ls of water a day. If you're larger, you're going to need more. You need more water during a fast as you detox.
Break your fast on fruit juices and broths (preferably freshly juiced).
You need to refeed for at least half the time you've fasted, so try not to eat too much for the first 3 days after you break you fast.
Your metabolism is going to need a couple of days to regulate, so just don't binge. If you do, you'll immediately gain it all back. But your fast is only 5 days so there won't be much to lose.
It's easier to force yourself to stop overeating once your stomach is too small to hold it all, but it honestly it willpower at the end of the day. Distract yourself. Go on a walk. Read a book. Just don't mindlessly eat.

Good luck.

>> No.13685508

Im doing the same, good luck.

>> No.13685560

>large 1000cal deficit during the week
>normal 500cal cut during the weekend
Is this ok

>> No.13685571

i call bullshit

all you retards need to do is just lower your calorie intake. if you fast you're a retard. thats how people die. starving is bad for you. don't encourage others by lying and saying you've done 30 days when you prob haven't even gone one day

>> No.13685654

You have no idea how the body works. You are not starving when fasted. You only strave at very more body fat

>> No.13685845

what android pp yall use for tracking calories and such

>> No.13685916

i need bullying, i binged and feel like ass.

>> No.13685927

do the opposite

>> No.13686198
File: 667 KB, 2111x2028, Ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I made it?

>> No.13686226

look up on youtube water fasts are a real thing

>> No.13686260

are you a trap?

>> No.13686279

Huh, why

>> No.13686281


>> No.13686285

This is a gay male board

>> No.13686294

Really? I hardly eat, I can't really lose much more.

Sorry to break the routine

>> No.13686301


>> No.13686303

Not me

>> No.13686387

I am starting my first prolonged fast. I've done 14/30 hours fasts in the past but now I want to know if it's possible do it for 6 days on just water or if I will need vitamin/salt supplies to avoid damaging my body too much or feeling shit all of the time. Also, is it good to keep lifting during a fast? I don't really want to lose too much muscular mass

>> No.13686398

You're gonna have a bad time without salt anon, but it can be done.

>> No.13686402

Yes, you need salt and vitamins. Lifting during a fast is crucial as it stimulates the production of human growth hormones and makes sure you don't lose muscle mass.

>> No.13686444


>> No.13686514

Is telling myself "only eat when you're hungry" retarded or ingenious? I'm disorganised beyond belief so the idea of committing to a strict calorie in/out regime simply isn't on the cards.

>> No.13686556
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>> No.13686715

if you’re drinking a lot of water and are generally busy, it’s pretty good
people eat when thirsty and bored
i drink around 10-12 cups of water a day, sometimes more, it immediately helps cravings
keeping busy does the same — classes just started and i’ve got a long persona reading list as well

if those two things happen, you’ll eat when you’re hungry. add EC stack 2-3x daily and you’ll end up eating once a day

>> No.13686845

Like the other anon said, keeping busy and staying hydrated will definitely lead to "only eating when hungry". also, coffee

>EC stack 2-3x daily
if you do this, you won't eat at all even

>> No.13686851

>only eat when you’re hungry
Why wouldn’t you follow this anyway?
Why would anyone eat when they aren’t hungry

>> No.13686891

Because it's enjoyable.
inb4 "actually no it isn't it's just for fatties and losers with no self-control"
Well then why's there a /thinspo/ thread?

>> No.13686913

because people here are seeking reinforcement and companionship while not eating despite being hungry

>> No.13686937

>LMHC wants me to go to my PCP to address my appetite problems, dietitian, blah blah

Welp, it was nice knowing y'all. I'm not really fighting this, because I have actual health issues with this. Love u all, stay hydrated, look for my YSL on Grailed soon.

Final weigh-in: 187cm, 61kg

>> No.13686993

no, eugena cooney has not much to lose, you are no where even near that so you obviously have alot to lose

>> No.13687000
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Currently 142 lb (64 kg) at five foot eleven. Planning on eating 4x eggs, 4x cups of broccoli, and a multi per day on OMAD, maybe with a little toast,
until I reach 130 lb and maintain.
Any suggestions?

Also, dumping some male thinspo.

>> No.13687005
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>> No.13687010
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>> No.13687013
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All I've got for now.

>> No.13687176

I forgot about her. I don't want to go ana anymore than I already have, and my roomies and family are super on my ass anyways. Guess I'm staying around this weight

>> No.13687374
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This is me

>> No.13687398

Almost 11 pm and -1650 kcal for today. I don't even feel it anymore.

>> No.13687416

alien body. nice hips uwu

>> No.13687417

I hate having a small frame . How can I be underweight and still look chubby.
It’s fucking unfair. I’m not even skinnyfat what is this garbage. Bmi is bullshit as fuck

>> No.13687464

whats your bmi

>> No.13687508

17.3 so it’s not really low or anything but yeah, I’d be clearly fat at 18.5

>> No.13687514
File: 1.18 MB, 1440x2417, IMG_20180915_164626_829-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted on the last thread but it was already dead

134 ish pounds

I eat a ketogenic diet, high fat, protein and veggies, little to no sugar or carbs. Mostly due to having a lot of allergies that makes eating a lot of food difficult. Also cut out all dairy recently, apart from eggs for breakfast on occasions.

I'd like to build chest muscle but apart from that am quite happy where I'm at.

>> No.13687558

Any tips for evening out fat loss? I've lost a ton of fat off my legs and upper body, but my gut isn't budging. I've got shirts that fit my upper torso perfectly, but my gut is disproportionately large and won't fit.

>> No.13687566

like the number 1 rule, you cant specify a certain part of body for fat loss

>> No.13687573

beer belly

>> No.13687574

You have plenty of ways you can pay to get it removed but that’s about it. You’re not going to be able to spot reduce

>> No.13687652

What exercises I can do to lose weight faster if I have a busted ankle? I can't rely on it for support for too long.

>> No.13687675

weight is mostly diet, no need for any exercise if you do the diet thing properly.

>> No.13687785

>i call bullshit

You can't even use your shift key, so I'm guessing you're the first poster in the thread or another dumbass.

Water fasting isn't hard, sorry that you're a fat ass with no self control. Sorry that you're too stupid to use Google, but fasting is not only possible, but healthy. I've gone 30 days on water, it wasn't' that hard.

>> No.13687806

effay interior design. more pictures of your place please.

>> No.13687813

You don't need salt or vitamins on a fast, especially if it's only 6 days. You just have to make sure you rest.

If you plan on lifting, I wouldn't fast, personally. But if you do, you want to replenish your electrolytes. Salt and potassium. Magnesium if you need it. Don't fast for longer than a week if you're lifting heavy.

>> No.13687861

I'm 5"6 and 145 lbs, and want to get down to around 120. Is PSMF a good idea if I just want to get it over with quickly?

>> No.13687908

just water fast...

>> No.13687926

That sounds way more miserable

>> No.13687927

I have this type of body
i am male, desu i would preffer to be thiccer

>> No.13687930

welcome to thinspo

>> No.13687946
File: 31 KB, 452x477, godmode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like pic related.
Very nice

>> No.13687956

eggs aren't dairy

>> No.13688160

being thin was all i wanted months ago it felt like the best revenge and thing i could do for myself, that mentality is completely gone now. i did lose some weight and i became content and im slowly gaining it back how do i get my shit together again?

>> No.13688162

Eat less, exercise more.

>> No.13688197

they kind of are

>> No.13688201


>> No.13688311
File: 23 KB, 540x303, 1531704551587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else find they have to piss every 10 minutes when drinking lots of water? i cant get anything done

>> No.13688356

please do body weight exercises so that your bf% can be lower

>> No.13688473


Drink less idiot

If you're more or less immediately dumping what you've just put in, thats your body saying that it doesnt need more water.

There is such a thing as being overly hydrated btw, your body is working overtime to prevent it if you truly are going every 10m.

>> No.13688506

It's really not... / LGBT / is a gay board, this is a fashion board for all genders and sexual preferences

>> No.13688526

sure, its enjoyable to eat when you are hungry.
Why would it be enjoyable to eat when you aren't even hungry.

No wonder I've been skinny my whole life, is it really that simple of a problem for most people

>> No.13688533

>is it really that simple of a problem for most people

Yes it is. I'm not fat but if I wasn't conscious about my diet and health I would be. I love the taste of almonds. I could easily sit down and eat a bowl full of them just for the pleasure of how they taste. That could be 2000+ calories right there. Some people have their hands in a bag of chips all day. Some women walk around with a big cup of syrup and sugar and sip that all day to keep themselves occupied. Unconscious habitual eating is a very easy way to get fat.

>> No.13688536

Yes. Most people find enjoyment in eating food, even when they're not hungry.

>> No.13688560

Yeah it's really that simple. The only reason I have a tough time staying skinny is because eating is one of the very few things I actually enjoy.

>> No.13688569

I lift. It’s already at 18%

>> No.13688584 [DELETED] 

check out these!

>> No.13688588


>> No.13688608

>its enjoyable to eat
Wrong. It's never enjoyable.

>> No.13688612

>X is not enjoyable for me, so it's objectively not enjoyable for anyone
>I am the arbiter of what's enjoyable in the world

>> No.13688693

This absurd meme that skinny people need to hate food to stay skinny needs to die.

>> No.13688778
File: 492 KB, 663x785, 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the ideal BMI skellybros? I think 19-17.5- as long as you're not a midget (170 cm or under). Ideal is prob around the 180-185 cm mark. Gender doesn't matter really.

>> No.13688783
File: 53 KB, 540x664, tumblr_p33fx0srtm1wopx21o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing weight is hard I'll give you that, but you have no excuse for gaining it all back. Maintaining weight is almost too easy and you can almost go back to eating like a normal person. Depending on exercise level you could probably be pushing 1500-1800 calories a day and maintain. You must really be stuffing your face. Try again anon.

>> No.13688789

i know that, im talking about mind set. how do i get it back? without it i have no motivation.

>> No.13688796

im still fairly active but not as much as i use too be i went from doing hours of cardio at the gym to small walks and skateboarding for an hour or 2. i started eating breakfast again usually 3 eggs and a side of meat. i think that's what is fucking me up. i always think if i don't at home then when i go out later i'll spend money on food so i try to be full before i leave the house. i can't even tell when im full i just always want to eat

>> No.13688855

She's so ideal. Skinny but healthy looking.

>> No.13688883

How much should I weigh at 6’2” if I have a big frame? I’m 200 lbs right now with disgusting love handles

>> No.13688900

Weight means nothing. Calculate your bmi and shoot for 19-17. Even low 20's look good on the right people. GL

>> No.13688907
File: 47 KB, 377x397, f592ddbf7a1a3d9ca9a7919fd76bf3333b943d27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth following?

>> No.13688910

Are you for real? I was 17.5 and was still fat and looked like shit.

>> No.13688921


>> No.13688948

For me to get to a 17 BMI at 6'2" I'd need to weigh 135 lbs. I don't think it's remotely possible

>> No.13688951
File: 358 KB, 863x720, 1419949466777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be average weight, around 19.5 BMI most of my life
>decide to lose a few pounds because I wouldn't mind looking a bit more thin
>doing ok for a while, drop some weight
>suddenly start getting obsessed over my diet and food in general
>thinking way too much about it
>it eventually backfires really hard and I start binging, even on junk food I would mostly avoid
>fatter than when I started
Why the fuck am I like this? I hate myself now. It would have probably been better if I had never even started at this point.

>> No.13688952

you must not be a regular here

>> No.13688955

yeah this happened to me too, except I didn't end up fatter then when I started, but I gained solid chunk of the weight I lost back

>> No.13688996

Try fasting for 30 days

>> No.13688999

Not him, but I tried that and managed to last 10 days. I legit thought I was gonna die near the end. I don't understand how people can fast for 30 days.

>> No.13689015

I don't know if I can keep it up for 30 days. I have done a few 3 days and one week fasts before but if anything, I think they put me into a binging mindset even more. Perhaps I should start by slowly restricting to get my eating habits a bit under control again and then start a fast.

>> No.13689037

Dude you're not Ana. Like at all. Stop larping you're not skinny enough to be like this

>> No.13689079
File: 263 KB, 1520x1520, IMG_20180918_213057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50kg, 176cm.
Tips on gaining weight without eating much?

>> No.13689114

Stop trying to legit kill people. This is irresponsible

>> No.13689172

that’s why you look fat
get to 12-15 and you’ll look good

>> No.13689187

>bmi is 90+% accurate for female
>bmi is ~50% accurate for male
>thinspo only works off of bmi
baka senpai desu
bf% is the only way

>> No.13689219

right thigh circumference for a persons height Is the most important
prove me wrong

>> No.13689307

Im a girl you tard.

>> No.13689311
File: 173 KB, 750x1334, IMG_4583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'7"/120lbs/ 20M

120lbs was my goal weight but I look nowhere near what I want to be.

How do i lose muscle ?

>> No.13689322
File: 111 KB, 950x1290, fat-woman-buying-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13689335

her legs are fat as fuck

>> No.13689336

>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
male, 23, 174cm, 66kg
>tdee and your deficit
1900ish, eating 800 cal a day
>highest and lowest weight
used to weigh 75ish kg, then decided that's enough and lost 20kg
I grew complacent and gained 11kg back over about half a year
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
CICA, used to jog, will probably start again
>aesthetic you are going for
not being a fat piece of shit

>> No.13689349

looking good here, don't overdo it
I guess that if you keep up your weigh loss the muscle will atrophy, but current look is perfect imo
what is your thing circumference?

>> No.13689433

Well duh. But surely you've run into these people before, some of them have actually thin legs.

>> No.13689456

yeah, some old dudes looking like gru most of the time but their legs are still fatter than they should be and are the last place they'll lose weight from usually
but we're talking about people that are borderline anorexic and care about good body proportions, not your average american piggu

>> No.13689474

Is it better to eat 1300kcal/d for three days or 1950/d for two days and skip the third day?
Asking cause i made a soup for two or three days and feel like skipping today

>> No.13689489
File: 118 KB, 500x750, jiminleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with thigh circumferences lately?
Don't have measurements but they look a lot like pic related so rip

>> No.13689517

sexy boi
I'm 5'8 (male) and have a problem with that too
At 64kg my legs look like picrel you posted but my upper half is more muscular than those guys, so maybe there's hope if I'm going for an ottermode with as skinny legs as I can

>> No.13689530

... u a snook?

>> No.13689538

Don't be stupid. You're perfect rn.

>> No.13689543

We're literally the exact same stats, even goal and starting weight. Eating 350-450 a day tho cause I can't be arsed to exercise.

>> No.13689546

or maybe just don't eat some of the soup genius

>> No.13689553


fasting for 30 days for a newbie is dangerous

>> No.13689639

I ate my genious soup. Broccoli, spinach, onion and black pepper makes so low on calories that it likely takes more energy to digest it than body gets from it.

>> No.13689650

Is it possible to not have a thigh gap at a BMI of 17 or lower?

>> No.13689734

There are tons of things other than just weight that affect whether or not you'll have a thigh gap like where you store fat, if you're bow legged or knock legged, how large your hips are, muscle mass in legs, if you're skinny fat or not.

>> No.13689760

>borderline anorexic
>the clinical cutoff for anorexia is a bmi of 17
At that 'high' a bmi your body shape will have a huge impact on how you look. Suuure when you get down to 14 you're going to look like a stick anyway, but that 's not what we're talking about here right?

The reason why I'm pointing it out is because the difference is pretty radical. You can easily have a thigh circumference difference of 10 cm for people with the same height and weight, even at low weights.
We've had fat girls here post their thinspo legs, just to reveal that their body is anything but.

>> No.13689783

Drink oil? Have heavy cream in your coffee? Add butter to everything?

>> No.13689816

Eh, you're not underweight (by looks anyway BMI isn't always a good measure) but it's not as if that's a bad thing.
If your family is on your ass for being "too skinny" then they're being retarded, you look super healthy.

>> No.13689826

I'm slightly underweight, but they ride me about my eating habits more than that. I've lost like 15 pounds in the last few months, and on average eat 0-1000 calories a day. That's why they're concerned.

>> No.13689831

Yeah you're right

>> No.13689835

>17bmi and still skinnyfat
how do i rectify this

>> No.13689864

Right, then it makes sense. They'll probably get around to it then.
Just be careful when you go back to eating normally, it takes a while for your body to 'accept' that it should stay on your weight.

>> No.13689873

Yeah, I'm trying to start eating more again, I want bigger tits, and to not look so gaunt. Gotta stop doing so much adderall lol. Thanks for your advice :)

>> No.13689900

I wouldn't worry about that too much, you don't look gaunt at all in that picture. Good luck c:

>> No.13690003

Thanks :)

>> No.13690018

What's /thinspo/'s drug of choice?
Hard mode no tobacco

>> No.13690048


>> No.13690060

Amphetamines, easily. I am fueled by Adderall

>> No.13690065


>> No.13690094
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Almost 11:35 PM and my deficit is (again) roughly 1000 kcal. Why is this so addicting? Why is this so easy?

>> No.13690102


>> No.13690113

never gonna make it, m8

>> No.13690139

why not loll

>> No.13690158

Because anon here speaks for everyone in the fucking world now, and since they can't imagine how it's possible to lose weight without replacing the food with something then nobody can. apparently they're even so weak willed that coffee Won't cut it.

>> No.13690169

Caffeine as well (already made it, so fuck you, whoever said that to the other guy)

>> No.13690227
File: 218 KB, 2550x1700, 45lbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 2 stop eating

>> No.13690228

Stimulants are the only correct answer here desu

>> No.13690234

Start doing speed

>> No.13690239

my hands and feet get cold and my head dizzy from a can of soda

>> No.13690260

Coffee or pills?

>> No.13690263

Everything I do
I do it 4 u

>> No.13690278


>> No.13690293

The pleasure of being cummed inside :3

>> No.13690329

vape nation

>> No.13690388

so ahh. Where do i go to find thinspo pictures. Research purposes. Totally above bored.

Mostly just trying to get the right mentality. It's not enough that I'm telling myself I'm fat and disgusting (which is true). I need to find a positive side and see pictures to aim for.

>> No.13690452

I'm constantly thinking about food. I'd do some hobbies to keep my mind off the diet, but I'm a boring motherfucker who has none except lifting weights (already doing that). Otherwise, I'm too tired from low carb to start anything new, especially social stuff.


>> No.13690461

that's good for EC stacks, caffeine sensitivity makes it so you don't need to up the dose.

t. someone that never needs to go beyond taking half a caffeine pill (100mg)

>> No.13690464

don't read the threads because it's all retarded 15yo's, but r/proed posts their pics on fridays. click on a profile of someone you like and reddit stalk them.

>> No.13690488

>when you've been browsing thinspo for a couple months now
>coworker/good friend asks me if I ever thought about losing weight/going to the gym with him
>almost break down crying because I've been trying but nothing seems to work
>I'm literally a fat hopeless piece of shit

>> No.13690510

Coffee and kratom.

>> No.13690514

Currently on a cut till my abs show, if progress keeps up ill start bulking again in november

>5'11'' 145lbs 18 yo
>500 cal deficit

>> No.13690519

popped an addy today for the 1st time in a year and got the worst case of sweats after i forgot what -1 x -1 equaled in front of a cute math tutor. im not gonna make it. at least i feel to ashamed/sad to eat anything. math is hard idk how i even made it to calc2

>> No.13690527

try watching mukbangs? sometimes it helps curve my cravings. other times it makes it worse. also try going for a walk to and listen to music. you said you're boring but you have to at least like music right?

>> No.13690533

caffeine and im going to get back on addy now that school has started. i have to take either or in the morning being on caffeine and addy at the same time makes me feel crazy

>> No.13690592

I don't fancy dying from cardiac arrest

>> No.13690635

>doing drugs

>> No.13690642

you seem to have forgotten that part of being thinspo is dancing the line between healthy and looking good/cool/being edgy/whatever...which generally describes doing drugs

>> No.13690643

>at 1000cal for the day
>went on a 2 mile run this morning
>playing tennis with the wife in a bit
>new low weight
feels really good frens

>> No.13690644

you can do all those things without doing drugs

>> No.13690647

Eat a bit less, it's not that hard, obviously not trying

>> No.13690659

i didn't say you couldn't, i said that being "dangerously" thin is similar to being a drug user, so there's overlap between the groups.

it's like being an offshoresman and also liking bungee jumping, they're groups that coincide because of a similar mindset.

>> No.13690698

Lots of us are users, for sure. my stimulant usage is massive, to the point where everyone around me rides my ass about it. It's gay. Drugs are cool, not everyone agrees

>> No.13690706
File: 74 KB, 526x567, 1519244854359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(other anon here) this disappoints me. my fucking disgusting legs are the only reason i keep losing weight. i fear getting to my goal weight and still have fat legs.

eat peanut butter, lots of dried fruits, like nuts, raisings,

what's your bf%?

congratulations anon. i'm on a 1200kcal deficit myself. even though it's easy for me, as i got used to it, i feel kind of lucky for not dealing with a binging problem. hopefully you won't fall into that in the future.

we're all going to make it. some get it harder than others, and personally, i'm always up for helping them reach their goals. what are you fucking up to not lose weight?

>> No.13690709

so eat to gain weight then

>> No.13690719


I've been subbed to this mukbang girl for a few months now, and I just realized she's missing fingers on one of her hands. You can see at 19:12

I'm literally blown away right now

>> No.13690723

lel, you're clearly distracted, you can tell from the beginning that she's hiding the deformed hand

>> No.13690727

Idk man. Eating more is uncomfortable af. I've tried adding sugar to coffee and not removing chicken skin. That's pretty much what I've changed.
I don't have much interest in food to begin with

>> No.13690729

yeah, now its all I see! I never noticed before lmao

>> No.13690734

i guess I'm usually staring at her face

do you know what happened to it ?

>> No.13690737

too be fair, she has 20 whatever years of either consciously or subconsciously hiding it. don't know if this has been studied or whatever. but my theory is that hand deformities, while common, are probably one of the more "eek look at that!" deformities just because of how much we attribute our hands to being human. like any picture of a animal "holding" hands with a human elicits a response of projecting human emotions onto the animal or whatever. hands are really important in our culture/species.

>> No.13690751

>what's your bf%?
idk i cant be assed to take my measurements. but im 5'9 117

>> No.13690773
File: 5 KB, 208x243, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you lost weight quickly while you're in school? i want to lose 5 - 10 lbs as quickly as possible, but i'm in my last year of uni and my classes are hard. i keep forgetting to eat because i'm stressed but that causes my thought processes to be slower and my memory goes to shit. i also catch myself zoning out, like today when i ate less than 500 calories. i'm scared that if i restrict more i'll end up doing terribly in school

>> No.13690777

see what i mean???

>> No.13690787

you sound retarded. a typo after one day of eating low isn't going to affect your brain function. calculate your TDEE and eat maybe 200-500cal below. look around you, everyone that's thin in your class is able to do their work without blaming it on "oh i didn't eat enough"

we all know you're not thin enough to be blaming loss of smarts on malnutrition.

>> No.13690795
File: 57 KB, 775x767, FB_IMG_1503844459132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should take them, to track progress and stuff. stats don't lie. maybe they could help your perception. with a bmi of 17, i truly don't think you'd be skinnyfat, although it may depend on whether you're a male or female, idk

>> No.13690836

>calculate your TDEE and eat maybe 200-500cal below
fattie detected

obviously you've never restricted for a long period of time before or you would know what it feels like. no, one day won't have a real effect but brain fog is definitely a thing, not to mention long term neurological and memory damage. there are hundreds of studies on it one google away.

of course, there's no real solution. either find a good compromise calorie-wise, suck it up and study or wait until workload decreases or you graduate. you can also look into things like adderall or nootropics if you're desperate.

>> No.13690850

what >>13690836 said, i've not been eating well for weeks because i want to lose weight and save money, but it's backfiring badly
i guess i need to accept only having a normal deficit and eat 800 - 1000 calories a day until i graduate since i don't have a connect for adderall

>> No.13690858

idk, i seem to be able to maintain at underweight without brain fog.

not everyone that's isn't heavily restricting is a fatty.

>> No.13690859

at that number it really shouldn't take you too long. i ate about that much with 1-2 higher days a week and lost 10 lbs in 2 months last winter.

>> No.13690860

i didn't say anything about maintaining, i said restricting. being underweight is typically fine as long as you are genuinely maintaining. if you're 200lbs and eating a few hundred calories a day it won't be that much different than being 100lbs and doing the same.

>> No.13690878

i watch her videos too and noticed that a few weeks ago kek

i can't unsee it also i think she purges her food after mukbangs.

>> No.13690879

Probably an embarrassing question, but does anyone here vape? I only done it with weed to mitigate lung damage (as a distance runner), and heard someone recently point out that desert flavours curb their food craving sometimes. I assume it's also possible the the nicotene helps with appetite as well.

>> No.13690888

yeah, nicotine works as an appetite supressant, so it should work if your juice has a nice amount of it.

>> No.13690908
File: 102 KB, 1024x992, IMG_20180817_112532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not that /thinspo/ related, but I feel like for each kilogram I lose, the worse I get at meeting people. It fucks me up, since I was better at meeting people a few years ago, when I was a fat piece of shit. It's disappointing to improve on my "physical" insecurities, yet see myself worsen on everything else. Finally I want to meet people a bit more than I don't want to, and I just don't know what the fuck happens. It's so confusing. any /adv/ or anyone's going through the same?

>> No.13690915
File: 388 KB, 594x597, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 11.18.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking the same. I feel she definitely has some type of eating disorder. If you check her instagram she's pretty thinspo.

Pic for example.

>> No.13690920
File: 512 KB, 589x590, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 11.20.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God she's so hot

only reason I watch her videos

>> No.13690925
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>> No.13690930
File: 368 KB, 586x444, Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 11.20.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to find thin girl to fast for 3 days with then binge eat 4 complete meals in one sitting with

>> No.13690932 [DELETED] 

1. Don't snack, fast intermittently, and then eat proper meals in between fasts. That will do your mind and stomach better than stressing over food.
2. Mild stimulants only, like green and white tea. 3. Meditation/breathing exercises to relax and decrease cortisol.

>> No.13690935

1. Don't snack, fast intermittently, and then eat proper meals in between fasts. That will do your mind and stomach better than stressing over food.
2. Mild stimulants only, like green and white tea.
3. Meditation/breathing exercises to relax and decrease cortisol.

>> No.13690940

those almost look lilke bulimia cheeks to me

>> No.13690950

Vaping does really help, especially if you are doing a water fast and dislike the taste of water, the vape flavourings make it more bearable

>> No.13690951

nah that's just her weak jaw and youth

>> No.13690971

yup i lurked it, really thinspo. she had her mom in a recent mukbang, i think she's trying to trick her parents into thinking she's recovering with the mukbangs but she is for sure still b/p just look at the food she eats it's all easy to throw up. lots of greasy mexican food, pasta and such

>> No.13690978

haha I'm watching the nacho mukbang with her mom right now

>> No.13690979
File: 31 KB, 500x391, 1537130746945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you cant target just your belly, if you want to lose fat you need to lose it everywhere. for some reason the tum tum is the last to go but i recommend cardio since its a good way to get rid of water weight or just fat in general, a lot quicker than weight lifting so any indoor HIIT workout, running, jump rope, etc is good

>> No.13690985

Awesome figure and fantastic fingers.

>> No.13691005

ugh if only she was wearing a bra that fit her. waste of a pic desu

>> No.13691006

i set reminders on my phone. Maybe set up time emails to send thinspo pics to you everyhalf hour
You can find thinspo anwhere from iFunny to Tumblr

>> No.13691127

>everyone that's thin in your class is able to do their work without blaming it on "oh i didn't eat enough"
no that anon, but that's probably because they are already thin and not drastically losing weight right now? maybe they're naturally thin, meaning its normal for them to eat less?
eating less than 500 calories can easily fuck with your brain

>> No.13691139

Why even wear a bra like that if you're not fat?

>> No.13691148

>maybe they're naturally thin

oh no, you're retarded too. people that are "naturally" thin are still eating at a 500 deficit (or whatever amount) as fatties. you have to be pretty fucking close to your goal weight to think that you're eating less than someone that's already thin.

>> No.13691177

kratom is great, how much do you dose? what strain?

>> No.13691209

That's really weird. I mean I don't meet people at all since I'm very introverted but I do feel a lot better in the open now that I'm not a fat piece of shit.

>> No.13691216

No, people are eating at a deficit when they are losing weight. People that are already thin eat rougly at maintanance.

>> No.13691232

they're eating at what fatties consider a deficit

read my post. oh wait, you're losing weight, that means that you apparently lost all cognitive faculties, i forgot

>> No.13691236

>fatties consider a deficit
What the fuck are you on about? Deficit isn't subjective. If you eat less than your body needs than that's a deficit. If fat person with 2500 TDEE eats 2500 calories and thin person with 1600 TDEE eats 1600, neither of them is at a deficit and neither of them is going to feel any negative consequences to that.

>> No.13691292

Same here, I get so fucking anxious and irritable its not even funny
I triee decaffeinated coffee but it's not actually caffeine free so it's not helping much...

>> No.13691313

Maybe you should learn to read before you brag about not having brain fog

>> No.13691314

>dislike the taste of water
Ugh... I'm getting tired of these amerifats shitting up the threads

>> No.13691319

Not that girl but finding bras with a small enough circumferemce is actually hard.
I need 60C and it's impossible to find ;_;

>> No.13691323

You just need to shop at kids section.

>> No.13691342

They don't carry the C and D cup sizes, I think it usually stops at A actually...

>> No.13691355
File: 28 KB, 460x334, c1dccda4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us hope there will be no binging problems for you either!

>> No.13691362

>my fucking disgusting legs are the only reason i keep losing weight. i fear getting to my goal weight and still have fat legs.
When I was losing weight my upper body was completely skeleton, I had little bit of fat on my stomach and legs were still fat at 17.5 BMI. It fucking sucks when your fat stores in your thighs.

>> No.13691376

I am currently a girl at 129 lbs. I used to be 115 lbs back in high school but in my pics I look skeletal. What is the perfect weight for me? 123ish then?


>> No.13691388

>currently a girl

>> No.13691391

lmao I was gonna just say currently 129 pounds, then added that

currently a girl. always been a girl. will continue being one.

>> No.13691396

Thats actually not a bad idea. Thanks.

>> No.13691399

What matters is where you store fat and how much lean compared to fat tissue you have. You could be 129 pounds and look thinspo, or be 115 and still have kinda fat belly/thighs. Just go with what you think looks good. If you think you need to lose weight. Do it. If you think you look okay, don't.

>> No.13691404

You looked skeletal at a bmi of 19.6? That's really odd, can you post that picture?

>> No.13691415

Memory pills. For short term use they are great.

>> No.13691475
File: 125 KB, 604x602, 1519505780314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anons who take amphetamines for whatever reason here: I take dexedrine for ADD, but get really anxious because of it.

Does anyone have any experience with this? Can I do anything to avoid it or are there better alternatives?

>> No.13691644

How do you counter the brain fog and coldness?
Easy stimulants like coffee help a bit, but still feel like a retard compared to my old self.

>> No.13691741

did you ever do cardio?

>> No.13691744

Yes. Cardio can't change your fat distribution either though.

>> No.13691745

You don't

>> No.13691773

Fasting will give you a hunter's high and you'll feel sharp, but the cold...

>> No.13691801

In my subjective world, the values are dictated by me. Since I'm surrounded by weak minded idiots, I can influence the people around myself, and hence my reign is flowing out of my internal kingdom. For the flock of sheep, I am their shepherd.

>This absurd meme that skinny people need to hate food to stay skinny needs to die.
I agree. I just don't know why you brought that up. I never said food is to be hated, nor did I claim dislike to be necessary. Are you perhaps grumpy because you crave for sugar?

>> No.13691835

yea i know, but someone people in here just starve there self with no exercise so i was wondering maybe thats why you still look skinny fat.

also cardio helped tone my legs a lot they look much better even at 124 5'5"

everyone is different though, i know how you feel my legs are my biggest problem area too. i hate it.

>> No.13691852

No exercise = skinny fat


>> No.13691856

You skinny fat anyways at that height and weight

>> No.13691884

not what i said but okay. ofc if u starve your self enough you can achieve skelly mode eventually. but if you're tracking your progress from over weight to being thinspo you may not feel and look as good as you can if you're just starving you self instead of exercising and proper restriction.
nope im fairly toned now. look and feel great.

>> No.13691902

>people here just starve themself with no exercise so maybe that's why your still skinny fat

>not what I said


>> No.13691905

You don't need to be if you have low bf%

>> No.13691915

>so maybe

that's not a definite statement where im saying no exercise = skinny fat. people have different bodies and maybe that's why they still have thunder thighs at a 17bmi

>> No.13691926

the problem is i'm small, 5'2" 106 lbs, so my tdee is only around 1500 calories. so 800 -1000 doesnt put me at a large deficit

this is genuinely good advice, thank you. i do have issues with only eating snacks and no meals. maybe the snacking is related to stress. i feel guilty and end up skipping meals. i drink green tea every day because that's how i grew up (chinese)

>> No.13691941

Then that's genetics and literally nothing to do with exercise, especially because you can't target fat loss in a certain area or "exercise" a certain part aka thighs away. Delusional go back to /fit/

>> No.13691955

what the fuck that's exactly what i was saying in my second post you stupid fuck

>peoples bodies are different
>exercise helped me
>it may not help you but iktf

and then you make that out to be
no exercise = skinny fat

get some reading comprehension skills retard.

>> No.13691977

No the, no exercise = skinny fat is to your 1st post which you implied amerifat

>> No.13691980

Too much junk food giving ya alzheimers

>> No.13692022


>> No.13692024

that's was my 2nd post not my first

i asked thunder thighs if they did cardio then they whined that it doesn't help so I said okay i get it bodies are different some people here never exercise which is why i asked bc exercise helped toned my legs but it might not help you.

now go away

>> No.13692026

Samefagging wont help you here. You’re clearly misinterpreting his original post. Conscider reading things before you spaz out next time

>> No.13692029

Lol stop posting if you don’t know what skinnyfat means

>> No.13692035

nnope still quite average

>> No.13692036

shut the fuck up fatties !

>> No.13692132
File: 658 KB, 601x1334, 693015E2-F3CE-4F4D-A1A8-4691FCADD804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get rid of this bit of belly fat
Do I just stop eating?

>> No.13692138

Just go for a walk.

>> No.13692215

So you skeletals just rattle away your cold? Well i´m off to sauna.

>> No.13692291

fast every wednesday and make sure not to overeat in the other days

>> No.13692356

>that's genetics and literally nothing to do with exercise
Exactly what has nothing to do with exercise here?

>> No.13692386

Post pix Riley

>> No.13692400

Rude. Some of us like the way water tastes, thank you very much.

>> No.13692413

riley is a CUTE

>> No.13692468


>> No.13692506

im fat fuk RN but doing pretty ok on eating on a deficit

>> No.13692518

>tfw can’t fast bc daily meds require 350cal to activate

What do?

>> No.13692521

Take your meds like a good boy.
Eat eggs or something else that will keep you full for a long time and won’t fuck with your blood sugar

>> No.13692522

Just eat 350cals a day.
Thats enough of a deficit to make you lose weight probably

>> No.13692526

Are you absolutely retarded? 350 cal is going to make anon fat as fuck in a few months. Stop spreading misinformation

>> No.13692530

>make you lose weight probably
I'm gaining weight just thinking about it

>> No.13692535

Teach me

>> No.13692560
File: 494 KB, 1516x1422, 1534475578358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you hungry skeleton. Who would have thought there is something similiar to fat acceptance but for skellys.

>> No.13692565

You need to eat 1900g of cabbage to get 350 cal.
That means you’re putting on 1.9 kg of weight every day. Clearly Anon will put on 58 kg in a month, and that’s fat if you ask me

>> No.13692567

Who are you talking to?

>> No.13692580

please be a troll

>> No.13692584

Of course I am. I’m isn’t it blatantly obvious?

>> No.13692621

anorectics ITT obviously.

>> No.13692657

Problem with making it is I can't warm my hands between my thighs. I'm all bones too so I'm cold as fuck all the time. Worth tho

>> No.13692699

sounds like a weird electronic band name lol

>> No.13692703

get zippo gas hand warmers

>> No.13692720

Am I the only one who wants to look like a junkie?

>> No.13692726

Nothing unless Bupropion counts as it kind of helps with appetite suppression.

>> No.13692729

Get a fucking job, go to school, camp out in the library.

>> No.13692752

Probs a good idea. I do a shit-ton of amps so my hands haven't been warm in like months.

>> No.13692757


>> No.13692768


>> No.13692776

How thin are you? Do you have a really low body fat percentage?
You can force your body to spend energy heating you by taking cold showers/baths or just exposing yourself to the in cold other ways. There are some studies done on this (and it's pretty obvious that it's the case if you live somewhere cold), but obviously your weight matters, especially if it's extremely low.

I personally try to avoid using blankets and such unless really needed, it feels like i get worse at regulating my body temperature naturally when I can just take the blanket on and off. Personally i feel it's better to just go for a short run, do some push-ups or take a warm shower.
These things works for me at least, I survive -15~20 C winters fine. Then again my BMI is just 17 so if you're a lot lower it might be hard...

>> No.13692821

who is this qt
insta pls

>> No.13692890

Just slightly underweight, low bf%. ~18 bmi

>> No.13692960

The important part is having enough fat so that your body can create brown fat.
You'll most likely be able to get used to the cold just fine. It's going to be uncomfortable at first but it's worth it.
As I said, stay cold! Just wearing a bit too little clothing all the time, keeping the window open, cold showrs etc really help

>> No.13693044
File: 98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-19-17-09-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing keto right? Done eating, got some tea coming up

>> No.13693048

>he fell for the keto meme

>> No.13693049

>he fell for the carbohydrate jew
Lol, I'm always hungry when I eat high carb

>> No.13693088

>thinking I fall for any diet that involves restricting/ cutting out certain foods
>eats whatever I want like a fatty but still skinny/muscular due to being a high performance athlete

>> No.13693097

Why the fuck are you even here?

>> No.13693101

>brags about lacking self control and eating like shit
It's not any better for you just because you don't put on weight you know

>> No.13693119

>having so low self esteem that you have to go online and try to brag to others to validate yourself

>> No.13693219

>this is genuinely good advice, thank you.
You're welcome.

I would just like to mention that the Chinese diet is often laden in carbohydrates, which will not keep you full for long, will bloat you up, and spike your insulin more. Take that into consideration when you cook or eat out, especially when rice and onions/sauce products are involved. It will be easier to lose weight if you can decrease your consumption of those things.

Nice numbers. What did you eat? Eggs and meat?

>> No.13693247

Ya I'm pretty much always cold lol

>> No.13693272
File: 77 KB, 600x536, 1526100928998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a thinspo male
>he doesn't have a buzzcut

>> No.13693274

Seems that someone just got a buzz cut and is having second thoughts about it

>> No.13693281
File: 324 KB, 800x1000, 1524897136930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you'll get used to it, it feels weird for the first few days. I've had mine for a year now. You're just being self conscious it'll wear off.

>> No.13693289

lol quite simple. I love skinny thinspo girls

I have to fuel my body somehow. Junk food got the most calories for me to burn. also tastes great

just calling out the guy saying i fell for the high carb meme. I don't follow any diet. Literally just eat whatever the dining hall is serving

>> No.13693328

4 soft boiled eggs, 2oz sharp cheddar, 1oz almonds, cucumber

>> No.13693332

>thinking he can be a high performance athlete in 2018 while not being vegan

fucking kek

>> No.13693337

Thinspo and longer hair is the best. Most people with buzzcuts are fatties. I guess hair, like the rest of their bodies are too hard to maintain. Also when you're thinspo you might have hair thinning and loss, why shave it all?
Would look great with some hair

>> No.13693344

Good choices. Try making a soup broth and cracking eggs into it (stirring every few moments). Maybe try feta cheese (Belgian or French) instead of sharp for a saltier, creamier texture. I think you might enjoy it. Really simple and filling.

>> No.13693351

>Most people with buzzcuts are fatties
How is this relevant ? If you're not fat and have an angular face you can most likely pull it off.
>Would look great with some hair
Subjective but I disagree.
>thinspo you might have hair thinning and loss
I doubt that's common here at least I hope not. I am under the impression that hair loss in relation to weight loss only occurs after long term anorexia. I didn't experience any hair loss when I initially lost weight.

>> No.13693359

>I have to fuel my body somehow. Junk food got the most calories for me to burn. also tastes great
Damn I was on your side until this shit. I am personally not a fan of low carb diets but eat junk food / processed shit is low IQ tier.
>Literally just eat whatever the dining hall is serving
Absolutely disgusting.You are most likely a sub-par endurance athlete with acne. Or a skinny fat gym rat.

>> No.13693412

oh my god <3

>> No.13693587
File: 38 KB, 436x413, 1527864671756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you insufferable faggots being so mean today

>> No.13693643
File: 31 KB, 165x214, body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's my body fat %? 5'10", 165 lbs

>> No.13693648

~87% give or take a couple

>> No.13693653

fuck i'm aiming for 80%

>> No.13693683

reminder MDMA, amphetamines and cocaine make you lose infinite weight within two months of weekend usage

>> No.13693686

you also notice a difference within two weeks

>> No.13693730

Well, I go to a very large state school with 8 different dining halls on campus, all of them buffets with whatever you can think of they have. Just need to pick which dining hall depending on what food mood you are in what they are serving. Theres also a cafeteria made specifically for athletes, but I don't go to that one because the meals are literally meal prep health/vegan tier. Some of my teammates actually are vegan and I still perform better than them

But for breakfast today, I had a two egg omelet with bacon and sausage chopped into it. Also had a plate of fruit with some watermelon and pineapple

For lunch I had country fried steak with the country gravey on top. My second plate I had a bacon, cheese, and avocado on a croissant

For dinner I had Steak and cheese sandwich with some fries.

Its 10 o'clock right now and I just got some late night food as well which was a wrap with chicken tenders, lettuce, spinach, chipotle sauce. Bag of cool ranch doritos and a brownie for sides.

Thats a typical meal schedule for me. I have a meal plan as well, so I have unlimited swipes into the dining halls and can eat as much as I want. Its funny though because if you think I eat a lot bad, then you should see what these fat fucks are eating. They eat more than me and they don't even do sports. I train in the morning at the gym for an hour before breakfast, then do track workouts after my my morning classes. Track workouts practice usually like two hours, sometimes get out early if I go through drills/workout myself. Depends on day.

>> No.13693760

> if you think I eat a lot bad, then you should see what these fat fucks are eating.
>other people are worse than me and that makes my bad habits acceptable.

Are you by any chance doing American football? That would explain the brain damage. Oh wait that's how a brain functions on garbage food .
>typing out a fucking blog
Hah! The anon who called you a sub par acne riddled "athelete" was right.
How come you're not owning him with posting your face and a scoreboard?
Go larp being fit somewhere else you delusional fag

>> No.13693762
File: 79 KB, 1231x880, 1531322804222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does cheese have to be so delicious
i cant even digest it properly

>> No.13693832

No, I'm a long distance runner. Most endurance athletes eat like me. We eat whatever food tastes good and fills us up with calories. Food is food.

Also, that took me like 30 seconds to type. you must type like a slow fuck if you think thats a blog. You also must be a jealous fuck that you cant eat like me while maintaining an olympic level body year long

>> No.13693922

>taking the football joke literally
>not getting the jab at your brain function
Lol, get a fucking brain you fattie larper

>> No.13693928

It's carbs for me, especially sweets. Chocolate croissants? Hell, yeah. Cookies? Of course. Brownies? Yes, please. Soft breads? They're amazing with coffee. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And don't even get me started on doughnuts. Makes me glad I get full and stay full really easily, so I can just eat small amounts of whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.13694021

>49.8kg yesterday
>51.0kg today
>ohno I'll get fat at this rate
Wellfuck thanks for that my logical brain.
The worst thing is that I belive it despite knowing better.

>> No.13694034
File: 55 KB, 500x666, 1534716584117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we don't have the bodies we want you faggot, so we lash out at other people to feel better about ourselves you nigger. what did you think? we would act civilized??? ON MY INTERNET??? DO I LOOK FUCKING GAY??

>> No.13694085

Drink a shake on top of what you normally eat.
>1/2 cup oats
>1 banana
>2tsp honey
>1 1/2 cups milk
>1tbsp peanut butter
>1/2tsp cinnamon
>blend on high for 1 minute
Enjoy an easy 700cal

>> No.13694086
File: 985 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180920-094618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current "physique", anything I should improve? I am 190cm, try to guess my current weight!

>> No.13694112

looks nice

>> No.13694139

Lift, you don't need to get big, shit you don't even need to add any volume if you don't want, but just having more definition looks a lot better.

>> No.13694149

What kind of program/exercise would you recommend?

>> No.13694168

OK. If I look on calorielab for an activity, to get just a rough idea, and it says 143calories burned for an hour, is that above my BMR or including it?

>> No.13694177

What I do is: Bench, lateral pulldowns, flies, bicep curl, double arm overhead extension, squats, deadlift, glute bridge.
10+6+6 usually.
Inb4 dyel or whatever noob related comment: I basically just go to the gym and pick up then put down heavy things a few times a week. I'm in no way an expert so maybe asking /fit/ or YouTube (especially for right form) is better. Don't pay for any programs though

>> No.13694184
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I bought a bag of flax seeds to be used with quark in order to give me fibres and some fats. Is this a good idea? I'm thinking about a teaspoon or two per 500 grams of quark.

>> No.13694185

If you like anti-nutrients then sure.

>> No.13694189

What are these anti-nutrients you speak of?

>> No.13694190

Phytic acid for example. Basically the plants defense mechanism for it's "babies".

>> No.13694199

I googled that up, and it seems it will not be a hazard for me. And, in the case it was, I wouldn't even care. My lifestyle is bad enough already, so adding one negative thing there would be like adding one to infinity. Nothing would change.

>> No.13694212


>> No.13694239

>cross country
>long distance

>> No.13694241

You guys are literally as dumb as the average /fit/ poster, you both fall for meme diets and believe anything you read in a (You).

>> No.13694280

you didnt (you) everyone in this thread so clearly youre wrong

>> No.13694281

>I eat like shit because I run
You're the retard here. Sure running will keep you thin but eating junk all the time will eventually catch up to you

>> No.13694332

How much caffeine do you anons consume daily?

>> No.13694356


>> No.13694369


>> No.13694390

Why even ask for help if your attitude is like that?

>> No.13694418
File: 44 KB, 744x687, 1529072560598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed my 4th day of my water fast, still not hungry. Feeling really dazed and stupid though, I can't focus and am pretty forgetful at the moment. I have my first PDE test in a couple of hours and am worried that I might make a lot of dumb mistakes. Caffeine isn't helping right now, should I break my fast even though I am not hungry? I only planned to fast for one day but it's been surprisingly easy.

200mg at most works for me.

>> No.13694475

yeah, carbs are my weakness, i have to eat multiple times a day to keep my energy levels up if i keep eating mainly rice and veggies. im going to eat more eggs and nuts/seeds, hopefully the fats and protein help
thanks so much.

>> No.13694555
File: 2.31 MB, 2784x2768, thinspofail2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feel like a massive failure? Anyone else here never gonna make it?

Waist Measurement: 27
Hip Measurement: 37

Pic very related.

I'd like to get down to:
Waist Measurement: 21
Hip Measurement: 31

It feels like so far away, and my diets keep failing me. I'm such a depressed piece of shit right now.

>> No.13694556

>Does anyone else feel like a massive failure?
Ye, that's why I'm thin. It feels good when my body reflects what I'm like on the inside.

>> No.13694561

Heh, very clever and accurate.

>> No.13694573

post tiddy

>> No.13694638

Where was I asking for help?

>> No.13694813

fuck off you're on a blue board