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/fa/ - Fashion

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13659730 No.13659730 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you shower ? Is it fa to take less showers ?
Considering manly alpha scents with testosterone and pheromones might build up. Like good old leather.
Then you don't smell artificial cosmetic products like everyone else. It has more details, it's more mysterious.
I'm not talking about being a tramp but inbetween, it's all about the nuances.

I try to keep it to 1 shower/week when I study and work, I call it the social purpose shower. But a real shower like 50 minutes not the pointless 10 minutes that most people do.
Otherwise I don't have time for this and it's annoying especially when you have long hair, a bath and you're balding, all the boring extra time you have to make to groom your hair and hide the spots...
When I'm on vacations/NEET sometimes I don't shower for like 3 months. I just use perfume and handkerchief when needed. Sometimes when it's too wet and hot I dry the oil from my underwear a few hours with a fan.
What's the point anyway ? I'm virgin with no gf and have no friends. Showering didn't bring anything good in my life, it's useless. When I'm 100% clean nothing good came out of it. I'm lazy so I better save my time and my hair.

What about you ? How often do you shower ?
Do you agree that this is not fa to shower often and with the manly scents theory (proven by science) ?

>> No.13659735

Shower every day you stinky idiot.

>> No.13659834

you stink dude. you absolutely fucking reek and your peers despise you

>> No.13659854

>Showering didn't bring anything good in my lifeit's useless
what the fuck?

>> No.13659873

lmfao has to be bait. if not, abort yourself OP LMAO WTF

>> No.13659882 [DELETED] 
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Showering every day absolutely makes you weak. Only shower if you think you might have to attract women later or if you absolutely stink. Also you dont need soap every time and shampoo should be a once a week thing.

>> No.13659887

I shower twice in a week. I don't sweat much, I don't do anything to sweat. I go out with my girlfriend and friends and have a regular/good social life. Don't listen to these retards that tell you to shower daily. Unless you're working in a construction site or have nigger-tier genes, you can shower less and have better skin/hair.

>> No.13659928


I promise you stink but everyone is too polite to say anything.

>> No.13659932

It depends on your climate and what activities you're engaged in.

If you live somewhere tropical you'd better fucking shower daily or your skin microbiome is gonna be fucking horrifying and you'll get jock itch and other unpleasantness, especially if you're not native. If you live in Scandinavia and don't work out then sure, you can probably get away with every other or every other-other day showering. But it's not a great habit to let yourself fall into, as it makes skipping showers easier and eventually you'll be a smellyboi like OP.

I mean honestly, the manly scents theory? OP your priorities are all over the place. Is your showering the result of defeatism or an attempt to change your life and attract women? Because if it's defeatism you can just admit that and not act like you're making the sexier choice, but if it's not then you might wanna examine your "What's the point?" line of thinking.

>> No.13660010

No I don't you dumb nigger. Cop better genes so you don't sweat like a pig.

>> No.13660014


Whatever my dude, just be thankful your friends are willing to overlook you smelling like a turtle tank.

>> No.13660016

I wish I romanced triss instead of yen

>> No.13660033

Tell me how does a person that is unemployed and lives in the colder parts of Europe sweat? Even if he does, do you not know what a deodorant is? Do you not know what a fragrance is? Are you really this autistic and devoid of social interaction, anon? Do your autism really makes you assume people that don't need as much shower as you smell worse than you? In the end, are you really this retarded, anon?

>> No.13660047

I know it's not a /fa/ opinion, but personally I find a guy way more attractive if they're very clean. I don't like the smell of sweat, or even any of the "nice" body smells. I don't like the smell of cologne/perfume/deodorant either

>> No.13660091

I dont shower every day, but often just use a cloth and wash myself when in a rush if I dont have time to shower.
Also shower after physical activity or when I had a girl, before seeing her.

>> No.13660110
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I didn't romance either of them. I sent them both away and instead wandered the wilderness and fucked hookers. Very representative of my IRL persona I guess.

>How often do you shower ?
Every day in the evening before bed. I can't go to sleep unwashed and in the mornings I just wash my face and arm pits.

>Do you agree that this is not fa to shower often and with the manly scents theory (proven by science) ?
No. No matter how /fa/ you are, the bacteria living in your skin eat the lipids in your sweat and their excrement stinks. Even East Asians, who have a different composition of sweat stink between their toes, scalp and skin folds after a while. There is no living mammal on this planet who can keep bacteria away from its body.

>> No.13660730

tfw they say its bad for your skin to shower daily but you stink if you don't shower daily, what do?

Thinking of showering daily but washing my hair every other day

>> No.13660826

definitely dont wash your hair everyday, rids it of essential oils

>> No.13661027

I shower before I go out but I only go out like 3 days a week lol. If you go out without showering your horrible smell is going to outweigh any benefits of pheromones or whatever you are blabbering about.

>> No.13661206

If ur counting on “pheromones” to get laid just LMAO @ your life.

>> No.13661219

What state is your skin in

>> No.13661473

This woman has to be like 8ft when she's standing jfc

>> No.13661832

boat small
boat far away

>> No.13661844

The fact that you are so offended by him saying you smell just shows me how clueless you are about hygeine

>> No.13661919

Goddamn youre a fucking brainlet

Im not offended Im just mad because two idiots are insisting in something they have no clue about

>> No.13662020

You don't have to shower every single day, I only really do it during summer because it's very hot and a cold shower makes me instantly more comfortable.

>> No.13662033
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i normally shower 5 times a week, once after work (4 days), break during the weekend (if i have nothing planned), and then once right before the week starts

i only use gentle soap on my armpits and groin/ass area and feet, my dermatologist said a water rinse will clean everywhere else more than enough for most people

i use a cleansing conditioner the first 4 showers and then shampoo once a week on the sunday

wash face twice a day, tazorac at night, sunscreen in the daytime

>> No.13662072

I shower almost everyday (skip if I'm staying in)
I wash my hair every 3 days or so, the texture is a lot nicer when a bit dirty, but I dont want to be a greasy fuck. Still haven't found a product that replicates this

>> No.13662165

Cold shower everyday bb

>> No.13663251
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>> No.13663266

Every other day

>> No.13663277

Shower every day, do it with cold water, good for your skin

>> No.13663290

every day, but only use shampoo on hair 3 times week or something like that

And this, cold showers are great

>> No.13663362

>How often do you shower ?
like once a month
>Is it fa to take less showers ?
fuck yeah

>> No.13663972

Twice a day. Everyday. Anything less and your a fucking degenerate.

>> No.13664634

I've had two different women comment on my bo smelling like ketchup They both said they liked it

>> No.13665254

can u link to some information about the benefits of cold showers? im interested but i want to know more before i start dowsing myself in icewater every morning

>> No.13665304

Helps with cystic back acne AFAIK. It's overall much more refreshing and makes your hair more shiny. I don't have any info. or source to cite and I'm not that anon you quoted either.

>> No.13665316
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>haven't showered in MONTHS