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File: 699 KB, 1019x598, Azizzadeh-BeverlyHills-Rhinoplasty16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13632746 No.13632746 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss anything cosmetic surgery related ITT

>> No.13632784

She looks cuter on the left desu

>> No.13632791
File: 63 KB, 335x250, rhinoplasty1b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at people who always say this, regardless of the transformation

stay in denial, newfag

I bet you're gonna say this chick looked better before too

>> No.13632796

she does not. recessed chin and overbite is not cute and it actually hinders chewing properly

>> No.13632811

Why are there always people saying this on threads like these or videos about cosmetic surgery? What did you expect to see in the pictures? What do you think is going to change? Because the objective visual improvements won't

>> No.13632833

why does this bitch look like she's about to ask for porg plushies

>> No.13632847


>> No.13632877
File: 588 KB, 668x760, fav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my fav transformation

>> No.13633638

I have a recessed jaw and a crooked hook nose. I look average from my front profile but from the side I look literally incel tier. I am getting surgery paid for the crooked nose but my doctor said that he can fix my hooked nose by cutting some from the top but it will cost 4000euro. Is it worth fixing my jew nose if I have a recessed jaw or is it not worth it.

>> No.13633770

I agree, anon - she looks really cute on the left.

>> No.13633861

this is what happens when people cant get gfs so they lower their standards to ugly fucks to make them feel better about potentially ending up with an ugly gf

>> No.13633874

Has anyone had their recessed chin slid forward and if so how was it / would you recommend it?

Mine has really been eating away at me lately and I've been considering getting it fixed

>> No.13633918

it's more like how some people adore beefheart's trout mask replica or stockhausen's works but others think they're stinking piles of rubbish or even non-music or a picasso, pollock, dali, warhol with paintings or a bunuel, jodorowsky, or matthew barney with film, etc

>> No.13634139
File: 2.11 MB, 3264x1836, 20170831_213039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rhinoplasty + under chin liposuction

>> No.13634142

That's it, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.13634151

>wanting chinlet sons

>> No.13634193
File: 96 KB, 290x167, D6E4A704-1293-4008-A2DB-4E4529B6C29E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol not even that good of a before-and-after pic. That kike slut is still unattractive.

Unless it’s something drastic like getting both a rhinoplasty and mentoplasty, it’s a meme and a waste of money.

>> No.13634226
File: 112 KB, 750x734, 39E02A7B-B6EC-4744-B1E0-560196B0785D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yeah examples like this

Not bad but he also went through puberty

>> No.13634233

Ugliness is just bone disease.

t. jawlet

>> No.13634271

This general should be called /Jew/

>> No.13634291

i swear to everything your nose and whole profile looks hot as fuck to me
dont do it qt

>> No.13634420


>> No.13634422

but it is idiot

>> No.13634423

>looked better before surgery

>> No.13634425

Except there is no standard for art. There is for human anatomy. Humans naturally find healthy looking people attractive and that's a fact.

>> No.13634432


>> No.13634463

saddest namedrop post I've ever seen

>> No.13634481

I consider non surgical nose job.
Any expierience with this?

>> No.13634491
File: 39 KB, 500x679, gandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have money to spare yes, else save up for jaw surgery first, jaw>nose

>> No.13634604

what did he get, i can never tell what this one is about

did the move his mandible back?

>> No.13634606

beauty is a natural superiority

>> No.13634612

genio will do similar to mentoplasty but a mentoplasty won't give your any projection

rhino is the most over hyped surgery. her work was conservative but if she had a bsso to move her entire mandible forward her nose wouldn't look too big

in fact she looks cute in the after. go back to pol with that muh joos shit

>> No.13634616

upper jaw moved back
lower jaw moved upwards
its a very stressfull surgery with long recovery

>> No.13634721

More like if you breathe through your mouth when you were young, you will turn into a Jew.

>> No.13634739

Alright, would you believe me if I said I used to look exactly like left two years ago, before I started mewing? I don't look exactly like right now, but it's a lot fucking better

>> No.13634745

Can it fix my nose? It's not as bad in real life but I'm pretty sure I would be more attractive atfer a nose job. That and I'm for now planning on doing a undereye lippofilling. Do you guys have any suggestions? Maybe there's something else to do for my eyes? It's not as bad in real life either, mostly because i'm usually squinting.

>> No.13634748
File: 131 KB, 691x389, Nose and undereye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.13634765

>under chin liposuction
Why would you ever think you need that? Chin looks perfectly fine to me. Nothing really wrong with the nose, either.

This is going way too far. She's basically changed her ethnicity. Should've gone for something a lot more subtle.

>> No.13634786

Post a photo then retard

>> No.13634788

I never thought to take 'before' pics, and it's not like I used to take many pics in general either because I never liked the way I looked, so it'd be difficult to make a comparison
I could post a current pic, but without the before it'd be kind of pointless
I'll see if I can find something I can use, though

>> No.13634790

mewing is a meme and has nothing to do with bone development
youre either larping or stupid

>> No.13634794

Ive seen before and after pics and it can fix even long jewish nose. It looks impresive but its not permament

>> No.13634805

I swear I'm not larping and it's not a meme, you could always try and see for yourself, it's not like you're spending money or wasting time, it's just proper oral posture
Like I said, it's not miraculous, but I can definitely see the difference, though it's clearly nothing as grand as OP's pic
I'm serious, I'll see if I can find some pic where there's a clear shot of my jaw and chin as it was before I started doing it so I can make a direct comparison

>> No.13634812

Im in med school, it IS a meme. There is no scientific evidence and your face change certainly has nothing to do with mewing. Most likely you just grew older or lost body fat.

>> No.13634826

>Most likely you just grew older or lost body fat
But I'm 22 now, is bone structure still developing at 20 years old? And if it is, couldn't proper mouth posture have helped? Because I know that if you're a mouth breather in your youth you'll most likely end up with a fucked up chin, so it makes sense that the opposite could help you develop a normal one instead
I did lose something like 20kg, though, so that I guess would make sense

>> No.13634837

for males your bone development is going till ~21.
So you lost 20kg and you think mewing had anything to do with changes in your face ?

>> No.13634903

Well I never thought a loss of fat could help me get a better chin, while mewing was theoretically supposed to make your lower half look better so I was pretty sure it was that

>> No.13635076

Ah, so you mean retards, then

>> No.13635096

>Reasonable face
>Look like a complete tool when I talk because front teeth are too big

If only my parents had taken me to get braces as a kid (for free!), I wouldn't have to spend £3000+ now. Such an avoidable problem

>> No.13636477
File: 244 KB, 668x760, C46277EA-AF19-4D5C-824C-07FCF9B6B09E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13636482
File: 195 KB, 668x760, E6875FB4-FD15-409C-9DD9-7D4927D0D3AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13636483
File: 79 KB, 668x363, A67EB61C-FA6A-422E-8930-E99C9F50B279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13636484

this one is insane

>> No.13636549

less fat = more defined features

>> No.13636603

shoulda left it alone in 1999

>> No.13636694

I think you look fine

>> No.13636695

I'd recommend seeking therapy before you go with the procedures.
You look fine in my opinion and a few users expressed the same. Not a large sample size, but it's best to seek a professional to talk to.

>> No.13636742

Yup. '99 looks pretty natural, wouldn't even know she had work done. In '11 the nosejob is obvious. Some people just don't know when to stop. Tragic.

>> No.13636814

what’s the point of cosmetic surgery when your shit ugly genes will still pass onto your kids

>> No.13636900

I dont even want kids, wheres your logic now ?

>> No.13636923

Your logic is retarded.

>> No.13637211

She literally looks like a witch

>> No.13637235

I've had long hair since I was a kid because my ears were comically protruding; in a month or two I'll finally get operated and I'll be able to cut my hair and don't look like an incel.

>> No.13638575

Jaw first. Unless your nose is horrible. I am the same, look decent from the front while I appear as a fucking gremlin from the side.

It's like someone smashed my jaw into my throat.


>> No.13638753
File: 441 KB, 1200x900, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went through a double jaw surgery, AMA

>> No.13638778

can you post a before and after pic?

>> No.13638783

What was the recovery like?

>> No.13638861
File: 312 KB, 1284x904, Before-After.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't dox me

It was really bad.
You spend a couple of months without being able to eat real food (only soups, smoothies and ice cream).
You have to eat the nasty soups constantly so you don't lose too much weight, but you also have to keep you mouth perfectly clean, therefore you waste your whole day eating and brushing your teeth/cleaning stitches.
It's hard to sleep since you can't lay down or sleep on your side (like I was used to).
It's also very hard to get used to it, I regretted it for a long time. Your face changes a lot, but the swelling also take more than a year to disappear, I might have some of it still...

>> No.13638903


Imagine going through all that pain and still looking mediocre at best.

>> No.13638923

When are you going to post the after pic?

>> No.13638939

Idk, my case was very mild, I only discovered I needed the surgery when I went to the dentist to fix my crooked teeth and he said the braces wouldn't fix it.

You get the impressive results when the jaw deformity is more obvious.

>> No.13639146

looks good

>> No.13639247

Honestly, she does
The nose bridge is way too high on the right and it looks awkward
Left looks naturally imperfect

>> No.13639605

If right is the after, you looked better before

>> No.13639608

Shit, meant for

>> No.13639638

the point of plastic surgery is that society finds you more attractive which directly affects your self confidence

they don't do plastic surgery for the one nigger that thinks jew noses are attractive

>> No.13639697

Post a ceph (an xray of your entire skull).

>> No.13639704

I need to know where she got this done, jesus I hate my nose

>> No.13639729

any after effects? like partial paralysis, or pain where the pins are?

>> No.13639751

I don't have one
>Light paralysis on the left side of my underlip
>Lost sensibility at an area of my gum
Despite that, and the fact that I don't look extremely better, I'd do it again:
>I bite food properly
>I breathe through my nose
>Gums are healthier

>> No.13639809

So many plastic surgery shills on this board

>> No.13639815
File: 64 KB, 1080x1350, 37019658_1996303257087310_3226258134288826368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how come Kylie Jenner type instagram girls have millions of followers while there are hundreds of beautiful girls signed at modeling agencies and almost no one cares about them?
This guy is ugly and has almost half a million followers on Instagram. People look for uniqueness and aesthetics with strong personalities and sex appeal, only incels and lookism autists care about natural beauty alone

>> No.13639834

left: soul
right: soulles

>> No.13639887

im proud of you anon, and im glad you can live a happier life

>> No.13640634

you look like Akira

>> No.13640672

your nose is beautiful, and for the chin all i'd recommend is losing 10-15lbs.

>> No.13640680

>Then how come Kylie Jenner type instagram girls have millions of followers while there are hundreds of beautiful girls signed at modeling agencies and almost no one cares about them?

Not the anon you quoted but the Kylie type instagram models have millions of followers because it's essentially sfw porn and that body type is what happens to be in style right now. 10-20+ years ago the Kylie and Kim would be called fat.

>This guy is ugly and has almost half a million followers on Instagram.

You chose his worse picture, he's not ugly but he is average. And he's an example of the counterpart to the Kylie Jenner type of girls that are popular right now. Thin, young looking guys with face tattoos.

>> No.13640685

Literally who?

>> No.13640759


>> No.13640770

the nose on the girl in op's pic adds to character, right looks like a generic bitch

>> No.13640782

>Soul vs soulless

>> No.13641512
File: 11 KB, 300x231, Custom-Forehead-Implant-result-side-view-Dr-Barry-Eppley-Indianapolis-300x231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering work like pic related but sadly not a lot of examples

>> No.13641536

she should've kept her nose

>> No.13641551

Tetsuo you fucknuckle.

>> No.13641556
File: 19 KB, 474x266, downloadfile-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13641854

Looked like zlatan ibrahimovic

>> No.13642009
File: 166 KB, 500x780, Lord_Akira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's better

>> No.13642013

post pics of yourself, i can almost guarantee your ugly

>> No.13642024

I have the worst side-profile in all of mankind, and I'll never be able to afford plastic surgery.

I want to kill myself.

>> No.13642067

Anyone go abroad for surgery? Was thinking about Thailand for Rhinoplasty and maybe some jaw work

>> No.13642113

she went from lana del rey to kesha.

>> No.13642127

Middle was perfect, what the fuck was her problem?

>> No.13642249 [DELETED] 


>Middle was perfect, what the fuck was her problem?


She started to age.

The hair color and thin eyebrows give her a dated look compared to her 1999 photo but her 2011 face legit looks good. She's 12 years older and looks like she's in her mid twenties, I'd call that a successful surgery.

>> No.13642255

>Middle was perfect, what the fuck was her problem?

She started to age.

The hair color and thin eyebrows give her a dated and slightly trashy look compared to her 1999 photo but her 2011 face legit looks good. She's 12 years older and looks like she's in her early or mid twenties, I'd call that a successful surgery.

>> No.13642308

No I meant her nose, look at it. She did another unnecessary surgery because her nose in the middle was pretty much perfect