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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 101 KB, 898x964, A7E3005B-6AF2-4021-9DA3-161200900C09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13607181 No.13607181 [Reply] [Original]

Good feel and bad feels welcomed

>looking for a different color shoe besides white and black
>decide on olive green
>t-that’s versatile right?
>find perfect pair
>order them
>google pics of them bc excitement of getting mail
>waiting for delivery’s is what keeps me alive
>they look piss ugly on google images
>get sad
>ordered off foreign site and can’t be arsed to cancel
>they arrived
>they’re exactly what I wanted
>decided to leave the house and pretend I have things to do just to wear them.

>> No.13607514

Send a pic lad
(just done 8 fucking captchas so this better be good țbh)

>> No.13607531

>just moved to new city because I hated the place I used to live
>finding a job is fucking HARD
>meeting new people is HARD, especialy if you're really insecure like me
Idk what do /fa/ I've been spending most of my time in my apartment and taking strolls, only to get bored real quick and just going back to my comfy home.
I feel really lonely and just really need someone to talk to.
I haven't had a conversation that lasted more than 1 minute with someone in a week.

>> No.13607535

Also no sense of purpose whatsoever, surely getting a job isn't going to make feel good all of a sudden right?

>> No.13607580

that's scary anon i've been purposely isolating my self so i can relate a little bit. honestly i would just go on tinder like a normie or something. what kind of music do you like? shows are usually a social environment.

what city did you move too?

>> No.13607606


>> No.13607632
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>tfw not confident enough to dress fashionably

>> No.13607641

Yeah forgot to mention getting 2 matches on tinder in a week with people not responding isn't helpful either.
Its a meme answer but I really like all music. I went to see one of my favorite bands (Sadistic Intent) last week here actualy, but found noone I could actualy speak to.
Moved to Berlin. Its so big with so many people, but whenever I try to speak and imrpove my german people just start talking English. When I want to have an actual conversation in English they suddenly don't know the language.
I feel like the whole city is against me. I know it's bullshit but thats how it feels to me and it hurts.

>> No.13607657

berlin seems really cool, my next corny suggestion would be to lurk around for interesting facebook events. i honestly have no idea how to make friends i always used school and being stuck in the same class as a crutch.

>> No.13607664

fake it till you make it

>> No.13607671

Thanks for listening, honestly makes my day that an anon vives me a (you) because of an actual sincere post.
I'm just gonna try and keep myself motivated to enrich my life eventough it feels really pointless.
Small steps I guess.

>> No.13607675

Here's a tip anon:
Wear your absolute best personal favorite fit. Go outside, take a walk for aslong as you can stand.
Do this multiple times untill at some point you won't even realise you're wearing an extravagant fit.
I always feel like I gain confidence in certain weird fits the more I wear them.

>> No.13607679

what are your interests?

>> No.13607680
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tfw the receding boomer meme has gotten to me and I gave up on trying to dress fashionably

>> No.13607683

Movies, fashion (obviously), music and drawing, tough that's just for myself.

>> No.13607686

i can talk with u in german

>> No.13607691

Take a german course, this way you'll improve your german and problably will meet people! I know joining sports are a meme but you could try it if you like any.. also the lollapalooza is soon

>> No.13607701
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Fuck it I just signed in for one.
Thanks for the motivation anon. I just need a little help.

>> No.13607707
File: 27 KB, 249x182, staja tialla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this mean

>> No.13607752

Couple years back i met a someone here who was like the opposite gender version of me. We had the same interests and everything, they even looked simmilar to me. Sadly it never went further than social media interactions, and after some time passed i killed off my online presence. My biggest regret to date is not starting a simple darn conversation.

>> No.13607767

holy shit i knew someone like that except he deleted his tumblr twice but then i found his twitter and lurked it for a few months but he just deleted it like a couple months ago. been kinda sad, i always just lurked his stuff and anonymously sent him music recs. he was really hostile and kind of a dick, but i thought he was cool lol

>> No.13607834

You'll be okay, anon. Like you said, small steps. Perhaps try to find a conversational partner, post an ad for it online or even om those little cards people leave at supermarkets and such. Go to the parks, there's lots of stuff to do especially in summer. Lots of people having a nice day, giving you an opportunity to maybe join them. Go to a library and just read a book there. What kind of work are you looking for? There must be some bar looking for a bartender or a restaurant looking for a waiter. Not the best job, I know. But a good place to meet new people while you find something else. If you get into the nightlife, take care of yourself. Berlin can eat you up if you let yourself go too much :)
Keep your head up and good luck, my man.

>> No.13607874


I know this feel far, far, far too much bro.

>> No.13607882

I got a beautiful cashmere scarf the other day and I'm blown away by the quality, it's amazingly soft and the detail in it is incredible.

>> No.13607886

embrace the meme it's actually very wholesome and theres nothing wrong with being a boomer with a receding hairline (srs). you'll make it anon.

>> No.13607893

>Got so sad/angry about so-called internet best friend ghosting me at the behest of her xanny junkie bf that I took running and cycling back up and lost a fuckload of weight

>Can dress the way I've been wanting to for a while.
>Rode 40 miles in a day as part of a leg of an annual cross-state bike ride
>Got closer with soon-to-be-gf in the interim

Still have a bit of gut I need to lose, but I'm closer to being fit again and I feel great.

>> No.13607898

>feel confident and happy in my favorite outfit
>/fa/ would absolutely spit on me for the same outfit if i posted it here
f-fuck you

>> No.13607902

moving for uni in a week from the largest city in the country to a small uni town and it feels kinda exciting

>> No.13607906
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>college orientation today
>everyone in the comp sci department is dressed, and smells, like shit
>im super fucking uncomfortable the whole time
guess ill stick to just buying dumb loud hype pieces that i like, i will actually look better by putting in no effort in at all for once

>> No.13607911

I'm having mine aswell next week, I hope there won't be too many neckbeards there.

>> No.13607919

whats your major? engineering and comp sci are horrible for that shit. but when i was chillin with the rest of the people in the auditorium, it was cool. no real issues with anyone besides some spergs who did the crowd interaction shit. but im being super judgey of people which is dumb, it's not really ever a big deal in the end.
just stay chill and try to be friendly, then just wait for classes to start in order to actually meet people/make friends

>> No.13608061
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Just copped this and I can't wait for it to come in.

>> No.13608108

>have greasy Carsl jr for lunch (first fast food in over a month)
>have 3 beers before bed (first time drinking in over a month)
>wake up next day, 3 pounds heavier

this isnt fucking fair. it was one time.

>> No.13608232

you probably wont see this, but once you get a job or whatever, you should take a college course. even if only at your local community college, campus/class is a great place to meet friendly people/g-girls..

>> No.13608754

If you need someone to talk to in german just send a throwaway discord link to chat, desu

>> No.13608833

>decided to leave the house and pretend I have things to do just to wear them.
this is me every time i get a new piece

>> No.13608877

surely you can find communities involved in all of those things. It's fucking Berlin.
Have you considered the following:
>life-drawing classes
>volunteer jobs at art museums
>jazz clubs/other music hubs
>just going to gigs and mingling with people
>screenings of cult films and classics, especially interactive ones with live bands, light shows, dressing up, etc.
>any drawing or art classes whatsoever
I mean those are all great hobbies that a lot of interesting people are involved in. You just have to put yourself out there and be genuine and kind. Basic social skills and confidence will go far.

>> No.13608887

Just pretend to be confident by memetically emulating people you think are confident.

What would a confident person say right now, what would a confident person do right now, how would a confident person be walking?

Think about questions like that and try your best to do what you think a confident person would. It's kind of like when you start doing / saying something ironically but over time it becomes an un-ironic part of you.

>> No.13608903

>met a guy at a friend's house a month ago now
>i remember when he walked in we met eyes immediately
>we were both talking to other people but kept looking at each other
>he dressed insanely well, buzzed hair, looked like Mark from Trainspotting
>JUST like pic related, down to the chucks, skinny jeans, yellow shirt
>talked intermittently, at one point we are sitting next to each other and just talking one-on-one
>still awkward cause there are 2 guys and five girls
>2 of my friends are trying to flirt with this guys brother
>other friend is lying next to me and watching us talk
>next day he adds me on facebook, I find him on instagram, we stalk each other and then start talking
>good conversations but nothing amazing or intellectual
>he's a year younger than me
>finds out he plays the double bass, writes poetry, is into art hardcore, and we share the same favourite band
>he is texting me every day and even texting me good morning texts
>finally after a few weeks of texting, we plan to see each other over coffee and then see an art exhibition together
>meet him in the mall and get coffee
>goes alright but he cuts it short and says he has to go to a family lunch
>no word from him for the rest of the day
>he texts me the next day and he says that he had fun and that im a 'cool chick'
>we talk like usual, but a bit less than before
>one evening, I text him telling him I have something to give him
>don't want to spoil the surprise that i made a mix CD for him and was going to lend him my discman to listen to it
>replied saying that i didn't have to get him anything
>9PM, I walk all the way to town to give it to him after his jiu jitsu classes
>waiting in the freezing cold for an hour
>feeling like giving up and going home before I see him and his brother walk out
>awkwardly give it to him
>he and his brother are both visually shocked


>> No.13608909

>waiting in the freezing cold for an hour
Femcels are real wtf

>> No.13608925
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(I forgot the pic but pic related is what he looked like)

>'omg what thanks'
>get a hesitant hug
>walk home with him, his older brother up ahead
>look even more like an idiot because i try to offer him a cigarette, he turns it down
>lighter doesn't work
>i dont even smoke i just thought he did
>we part ways at an intersection
>next day, no word
>next day, nothing
>next day,
>tried messaging him
>vague and distant replies, if none at all
>eventually, i was officially ghosted
>Mark Renton has ghosted me
>pretty disappointed, extremely embarrassed at making him a fucking mix cd
>I had also walked to his work which is across the road from mine to lend him my copy of Lolita
>both this and my discman is now in his dumb Casper purgatory
>hanging out with a friend a week later
>bring up my ghosting experience
>she tells me he's been talking to my friends about how much I'm 'obsessed' with him
>after my date with her I go for a drive blasting music, feeling pretty mad
>takes me a few days to confront him
>try to tell him that I don't mind if he doesn't want to hang out with me again but I'd prefer some honesty from him
>he gets scared and apologises
>find out this whole time he was also flirting with the friend who was lying next to me the night i met him
>she's a pretty, petite Asian makeup artist
>i'm a french idiot who makes fucking mix CDs and lends my copies of Lolita to people
>tell him that I don't mind just being friends with him and that I'd still like to hang out and do shit with him sometimes
>'yeah dude we should hang out, you're really cool'
>since then, no word
Feel like a fucking incel

>> No.13608928

what sort of work are you looking for ?

>> No.13608932

yeah I realised half an hour in that I was digging myself a grave but I didn't want to have walked all the way there for nothing.
I really just wanted to get it out of my house and give it to him
Plus I was going to be away for a few days after it so it was kind of my last chance

>> No.13608937

sorry for your loss anon, bad heart feels, but he sounds like a dork anyway. you were genuine with him and he went behind your back.

>> No.13608939

has to be bait

>> No.13608941

>wanting to fug a smackhead looking artboi

You're the idiot

>> No.13608946

Based altChad. Sucks to suck roastie

>> No.13608949

Idk, I'm doubtful of the future of this friendship but you do you. Honestly if anything, this makes a really cute story, I enjoyed reading this.

>> No.13608952

It was even more embarrassing because I ran into that girl right after my date with him and told her all about it. So when he told me that he had been pursuing her I messaged her and she told me that yes, they had been hanging out, but she doesn't even like him that way.

I just want to get my Discman back desu.

Advice I needed before pursuing.

>> No.13608958

hit him up for it. then cut ties once you get your stuff back. don't worry anon you sound like a nice person, you'll find someone taht appreciates you.

>> No.13608959

>Femanon wants cutsie drug addict bf
Just start doing heroin, problem solved

>> No.13608975

Comp sci, it's at one of the top unis in the country so it's maybe not too many neckbeards there, probably mostly regular nerds.

>> No.13608976

He sounds pretentious as fuck and you sound immature or you at least have a young mental state of mind.

Grow some pussy and woman the fuck up, do not get suckered in by a guy that does not meet you with the same energy.

>> No.13608980

Have you ever rejected someone like that?

>> No.13608996

A guy? No. I'm honest. Ghosting is a dumb, childish and cowardly thing to do. I'm vocal about how I feel about someone, and I let it show in my actions too. If I wasn't interested in a guy, I wouldn't even let it get to a date, I probably wouldn't even be texting him in the first place.
I don't just 'change my mind' about someone.
He said he does like me, but I guess he likes her better. It's gonna suck when she rejects him, though.

Not immature, just hopeful. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. I feel genuine things towards friends, and guys I'm interested in, I make it obvious pretty quickly so that I'm not 'leading them on'.

>> No.13609010

Build up to it then, don't start giving out your belongings and making mix CDs after only some texting and meeting properly once.

It's cute and all but everything has a time and place and even then it is never a given that the recipient would appreciate the gift.

Showing up to his jujitsu class was rushing it as you do not have a defined relationship yet.

>> No.13609031

holy shit i cannot stand this bullshit to be copied over and over again. when you are on a live show of a band or some kind of social gathering almost fucking all people there come in their circle of friends and they have fun in their cicrle. if you were about to come up to them and start conversation there is just no fucking way they won't try to blow you away. and this shit doubles if you are a sperg. only time i would see this work is when your social skills
you are only going to feel embarased after being turned down in best scenario and you risk complete humiliation

>> No.13609075

Have you ever actually tried, though?
I said GIGS, not CONCERTS.
Yes, large-scale concerts for big artists are like that. Gigs for smaller, local up & coming bands tend to have a chill atmosphere, and will have DJs in between sets that play music people can just dance to.
I've been to a few of my friend's band's gigs. With all of them, I've never had any friends there except for her, and she'll be onstage singing. I've met total strangers through just dancing with them, and between sets I've commented on people's outfits and actually struck up some conversations with them and exchanged social media handles with them. You've just got to be approachable and down-to-earth and genuine. People are just trying to have a good time. They might be with their friends but there is definitely gonna be one or more people in any one of those groups who are looking to meet new people as well.

>> No.13609078
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>Get this ugly jacket
>go bowling with some friends
>wear it
>the night starts out
>my friend makes fun of my shoes (pf flyer todd snyder rambler)
>"looks like you don't need to rent shoes"
>feel stupid
>drinking and bowling
>piss drunk a normie comes up to me
>"cool jacket man where did you get it?"
>I don't know what to say I have social anxiety and I am drunk
>go to my go to "fuck off"
>stumbling home on guy has a pizza from the bowing alley for some reason.
>I was talking shit to my friend who made fun of my shoes
>guy with him who did not know me too well and was drunker then I tries to fight me
>other guy throws pizza to try to keep us from fighting
>jacket is covered in pizza
>some how it worked out in the end
>later sold the jacket to a guy I knew for more then I paid for it
>never wore the shoes again

>> No.13609090

how 2 be social at shows? They are loud as fuck, I guess I could start smoking cigs again but i like muh juul/nic patch

>> No.13609091

t. /fa9k/

>> No.13609294

unironically one of the better threads on fa in a while

>> No.13609341

Fuck these stories man. You guys are insufferable. Is this who I was been talking to this whole time?

>> No.13609398


>> No.13609499

Hit me up, im boring and ugly but this reminded me of someone i knew

>> No.13609518

It's water retention from the salt and carbs. Watch your sodium tomorrow, stay hydrated, and you'll be back to normal soon enough.

>> No.13609555

this this this this

>> No.13609570

I agree. I know a group of people who met each other through a German course, they hang out very regularly and have become a great group of friends.
And since someone mentioned that small concerts don't work: I got to meet the group because one of them invited a couple I'm friends with to hang out with him at a small concert, even though they had only small-talked a little bit. It can work.

>> No.13609620

>Be me
>Maintain goal thinspo bod for years through restricted meal plan, omad, and cardio regimen.
>Can carry a conversation and make people laugh, but I never stick around long enough to make deeper connections.
>Avoid social gatherings based around food, avoid going out for lunch/dinner/drinks with other people.
>All of my close friends are from way back in high school and have learned to roll with my quirks.
>Got along great with all my co-workers but never got to know any of them outside of work because everything social always came back to sharing a meal- I'd always be the first to dip out towards the end of the night when they started making dinner plans.
>Moving to a new city for post-grad on Monday
>Terrified that unless I change my ways I won't be able to have anything but surface level relationships with the people around me.
>At the same time I'm afraid that if I start going out and gaining weight I'll be too disgusted with myself to keep up a social life which will leave me worse off than when I started.

>> No.13609645

Seek help, this is not normal.

>> No.13609667

Ehh sounds like you have plenty of options to choose from:
1. Stop having an unhealthy obsession with staying thin.
2. Increase your training regime to withstand the extra calorie intake.
3. Meet friends at the gym or ask your co-workers if they go to the gym and join them alternatively invite them to an outdoor/indoor activity.
4. Join something which is not based around food, sports club? Running club?

The list could go on.

Just in general the majority of social gatherings are based around food and drinking, especially with after work e.t.c.

>> No.13609671

Disregard my spelling, was passing out when writing it.

>> No.13609683

I feel like I've gone so far by getting into fashion that I now judge people by the way they dress... I really don't want that desu. Also I feel like bc of the way I dress I'm not relatable to any of my ''''''average'''''' peers.

Where do you guys go to meet people with like, similar fashion tastes? I'm from Amsterdam so i guess it's not like there's nothing to do since it's no small town. I feel like I'm just not in touch.

>inb4 museum

idk the idea of going to a museum by urself and chatting up random people that are there with probably friends, is not for me.

>> No.13609782

Found some Versace pieces that aren't too expensive and I really like the look of them since they are not the most over the top ones they have but having a stupid fear of looking like a tryhard faggot by possibly buying and wearing Versace clothing.

>> No.13609784

found the fat pig

>> No.13609804

>>she's a pretty, petite Asian makeup artist
>>i'm a french idiot who makes fucking mix CDs and lends my copies of Lolita to people

>> No.13609859

When I was a teenager I moved to a country where everyone spoke English, so I never got to learn the language well at first, because no one would speak the native language to someone with an accent. I know you're a bit away from going to house parties maybe since you haven't built a big social circle but getting smashed and talking to natives in their language is the best way to keep their and your guard down and you can just focus on speaking the language. I'm almost fluent after a few years of partying : ). (hope all that made sense btw)
Best of luck anon, being an immigrant is hard but if you learn to adapt it's incredibly fulfilling.

>> No.13609867

Dit is autisme
t. amsterdammer

>> No.13609880
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>be me
>at a shitty club, spent all my money on drinks (before club already been drinking all day)
>literally $0.5 left, still not drunk
>pissed because I'm still not drunk and broke
>all of a sudden very drunk
>lose all my friends
>don't care and go dance
>DJ is actually really good
>classic pop hits but some nice danceable stuff mixed in
>start dancing with random people
>girl comes up and dances
>she comes closer and makes out with me
>holy shit this is the most action I've had in months
>memory fasts forward
>talking to random group of people
>a couple guys and a couple girls
>just talking about random ass shit to one girl in the group
>guy in the group comes up to whisper in my ear
>"dude she thinks you're hot go, put your hands on her hips and dance with her"
>look down at this qt3.14
>first time a girl has ever looked at me like that, like is genuinely infatuated with me
>go dance for a while, too scared to make a move
>"I'm leaving in 15 minutes anon"
>too scared to make a move
"I'm leaving in 5 minutes anon"
>keep dancing
>"I'm leaving now"
>finally muster up the balls for the most awkward
>"wanna make out...?"
>snog for a while, I give her my number, she leaves
>go home, throw up a fuckton
>next day "wtf did I give her MY number, and not get hers, she'll never text back"
>day after get a text
>"hey anon I'm on my way home to *city on the other side of the country* if you're ever there, come grab a beer or something! :))"
>tfw when you meet a genuinely nice girl at a club, don't fuck it up and then you'll never see her again ;(
>was the best and worst of nights

>> No.13609910

Cico, eat dinner with your friends then burn it off later it’s not a big deal. They can’t be going out that often and even so there’s plenty of low cal options I feel like you’re making a big deal from nothing

>> No.13609916

Versace is great, go for it man.

>> No.13609918

Amsterdam is een kanker stad, iedereen ziet eruit alsof ze rechtstreeks uit de sportschool komen.
>t. die anon die naar Berlijn is verhuist en z'n Amsterdamse vriendjes en vriendinnetjes mist.

>> No.13609929

This was the best thing for you. I can already tell if things worked out you would be one of those girls that revolved their life around their boyfriend and never shut up about them. Get some
Hobbies, be your own person.

>> No.13609973

Goddamn anon I'm sorry, at least have this as a reminder that you can still get a gf

>> No.13609982

>roastie gets toasted
many such cases

>> No.13610009

>telling a stranger to fuck off for complimenting you

>> No.13610050

>Got complimented by a worker at Buckle
>Got asked for my number


>> No.13610063

I got a bad haircut a few days ago and I hate it so much. I feel like I'm disassociating when I look in the mirror it's like I'm not myself.

I'm just gonna hate how I look for a few months until it grows back out.

>> No.13610070

Getting a job wont make you feel entirely better but there is a sense of accomplishment when you get home knowing that you didn't waste an entire day. It'll also give you a new friend group assuming you don't isolate yourself at work.

>> No.13610110

thanks for giving me the silver lining anon, now that I look back on it really was the first night I realized "oh shit, girls actually find me attractive"

>> No.13610298

post face

>> No.13610467

Nice making assumptions of me but I have a lot of my own hobbies that I invest myself in very much.
I never tend to hang off a guy's sleeve 24/7, I coexist with them and do my own thing as much as possible. It's the reason I've never held a relationship down, because they've been too scared of my independence or something.

>> No.13610469

>realize that yohji didnt start designing until he was 26
>van gogh didnt pick up a paintbrush until he was 27
>realized that I have a few more years until I can hit a creative prime
feels good man

>> No.13610476

>plays the double bass

>> No.13610480

cool story but w2c jacket

>> No.13610498

what's wrong with the double bass?

>> No.13610507

do any of you guys wonder what its like to have real friends?
i do most of everything by myself. i live in a huge global city with a lot to do but i find myself doing everything alone, whether it be eating, walking, or listening to music.
is having real friends actually worthwhile?

>> No.13610567

no they will dissapoint you after a while.

i had 1 really good high school friend and the past few years he turned out shady and always trying to compete with me which is lame. i dropped him in late 2016 and he came back apologizing and i tried to rekindle the friend ship but it was never the same again. the thing with high school friends is that you can grow to be really close but one day the realization will hit that the only reasons why you were friends with that person is bc you had to see them everyday inside that hell hole of HS, it was just a survival tactic.

now college friendships are usually made more organically but they can be just a fickle. unless you make solid plans with those college friends to stay in the same area or live together after graduation it feels impossible to make friends again.

online friends are the best friends, those are the most genuine and true friendships of them all.

>> No.13610590

It's the easiest interesting instrument to learn. People only learn it to get easy poon.

>> No.13610596

certainly it feels that way. i've spent 7 years on 4chan but at least i can discuss interests and hobbies in sincerity with people who i can relate to

>> No.13610633
File: 2 KB, 118x125, 1526671900349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't want to spoil the surprise that i made a mix CD for him and was going to lend him my discman to listen to it
tfw i think this is actually really sweet

>> No.13610645

depends on you
i need friends, im very extroverted, so i need some kind of connection (one of the reasons that I got married so young, my wife and I can just chit chat al day about nothing)
making friends is really tough, because true friendships have to be organic. one thing that all my friendships have is a moment of vulnerability that we've shared, and that brings us closer than we were before, and kind of ties us together. its something that makes us feel a type of love towards one another, and allows us to stay friends, even if we don't have any common circles.

>> No.13610678

>What would a confident person say right now, what would a confident person do right now, how would a confident person be walking?

What would a confident person be thinking right now? Obviously not thinking "what would a confident person be thinking"

>> No.13610687
File: 42 KB, 475x375, 1525021911706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you make friends though? it feels impossible to find people i can talk open with or who care about me to want to talk to me. i'm totally okay being alone and discussing things on 4chan but i'm painfully afraid of never having real friends

>> No.13610748
File: 46 KB, 249x243, 39400079_2076534842358096_2418869175301701632_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just want to make a mix CD for somebody who will appreciate it

>> No.13610749

>break up with gf
>enter deep depressed slump
>decide to change lifestyle in hopes of getting back together
>wider music tastes, dress well, get a few papers published, workout
>fast forward 1 year, self actualized chad
>havent got any closer to getting back together
>depression gets worse

>> No.13610754


>> No.13610843

if i see someone i think is cool, i try to find a reason to talk with them
I'll look at their clothes and if there's something that I think is dope, i mention that
if i have a class with them, then i'll make a comment about homework or the teacher
transition into info about them/you and see if they're cool or not
find something to do, and honestly lunch is probably the best thing, or going out for a drink

fuck after reading this, literally just watch the gym scene in I Love You, Man

>> No.13610854

>skin is finally flawless
>hair and fits are still shit
>also closest place i can get the glasses i want is a ten hour flight away reeee

>> No.13610855

same :(

Last time I had a real conversation with someone in real life was in high school and I graduated in 2011. Sometimes I feel like I don't even exist.

>> No.13610868
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but what if they aren't interested in talking about anything of interest. i'm not after someone i can just shoot the shit with, but rather a person i can be open with.
i know that feel. i was lucky enough to have a gf for a year i could talk to but she treated me like shit and we broke up. but after and before that i never really speak to anyone.

>> No.13610872

holy shit leave your fucking basement

>> No.13610880

Is this a "I may know you" kind of thing or do you just want to see if I can pull it off?

>> No.13610881
File: 39 KB, 650x500, 1534226152125 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw learned bass trombone to get poon

>> No.13610886

vegan propaganda

>> No.13610918

just go out with friends/coworkers and order a small salad and unsweetened iced tea. fuck, get whatever is closest to your regimen and only eat half of it. nobody's really gonna care if you don't eat as much as them

>> No.13611059
File: 39 KB, 480x269, 1534180750541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost 50 pounds
>still technically overweight at my BMI but finally fit into size medium and no longer have a huge noticable gut
>Bought a nice SLP jacket and hung it on the door to my room, try it on every week and slowly it's fitting better and better
The future could literally not be any brighter and more /fa/ Bros, just 30 more pounds to go

>> No.13611089
File: 401 KB, 648x595, 1526262703742.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a similar feel to this. We've been talking for a day or so, our views on things are similar, it's as if we just happened to click. I'm not getting ahead of myself but goddamn, does it feel good.

>> No.13611092

Lmao are you fucking retarded? Just eat something small? ???

>> No.13611103

Lmao stop obsessing over your ex loser, you'll never actually get over her like that. Face reality, she's probably taking a plowing from some other dude right now and doesnt even remember you, it's harsh but that's the nature of relationships. You're only hurting yourself by putting on this big show for no one.

>> No.13611108 [DELETED] 

bf broke up with me almost a year ago (10 months)
still act like we’re dating kinda in that we talk every day and fuck and say i love you and shit
told him how some guy at my work has been hitting on me
he tells me how i’m “””on the market”””
told him no i’m not
he says yes you are you’re not in a relationship
i get upset because he’s disregarding whatever it is that we are just bc we aren’t official
he doesn’t talk to me for a full day and says it’s bc he didn’t want to get mad at me
>literally what did i do wrong
>he’s still liking his ex gfs instagram posts and not liking mine after i told him t bothers me
>he considered dating her after we broke up and lied to me for months about hanging out with her and talking to her
>she just moved out of state to go to an art school
>mental iillness gives me zero motivation or drive to be creative even though i really like to
>>>never feel good enough
>>>feel like she’s better than me even though she’s an actual shit tier human being
i go back to college on monday and i’m not at all mentally prepared and i’m just so tired of everything
yeah sorry i have no emotional outlet and i got a lot of shit to deal with pls don’t make fun of me
oh and also
>closest female friend is probably using heroin again and has been lying about me to her friends making me look bad for no fucking reason ((heroin is the reason probably))

>> No.13611112

bf broke up with me almost a year ago (10 months)
still act like we’re dating kinda in that we talk every day and fuck and say i love you and shit
told him how some guy at my work has been hitting on me
he tells me how i’m “””on the market”””
told him no i’m not
he says yes you are you’re not in a relationship
i get upset because he’s disregarding whatever it is that we are just bc we aren’t official
he doesn’t talk to me for a full day and says it’s bc he didn’t want to get mad at me
>literally what did i do wrong
>he’s still liking his ex gfs instagram posts and not liking mine after i told him t bothers me
>he considered dating her after we broke up and lied to me for months about hanging out with her and talking to her
>she just moved out of state to go to an art school
>mental iillness gives me zero motivation or drive to be creative even though i really like to and really can when i manage to
>>>never feel good enough
>>>feel like she’s better than me even though she’s an actual shit tier human being
i go back to college on monday and i’m not at all mentally prepared and i’m just so tired of everything and i really miss having a committed relationship a lot
yeah sorry i have no emotional outlet and i got a lot of shit to deal with pls don’t make fun of me
oh and also
>closest female friend is probably using heroin again and has been lying about me to her friends making me look bad for no fucking reason ((heroin is the reason probably))

i guess the only upside is that having classes gives me a reason to get dressed and i’ve acquired a shit ton of really nice pieces over the summer, so that’s cool

>> No.13611177

You should definitely cut contact with your ex, he doesn’t give a shit about you and that’s not gonna change, please have some dignity, because it’s affecting your self-esteem already
I’m sorry about your addict friend, how bad is she making you look? Maybe if your other friends also know she’s doing it again they will realize that she lied about you

>> No.13611188

just saying shit like i only hang out with her to smoke and drink, and never chip in for it, that i always get trashed and she has to drive me home and take care of me, none of which is true. i found out bc i met with one of our mutual friends and she told me all about it, we plan on confronting her about the bullshit and trying to see if she is actually using again bc she’s acting the way she used to when she was

>> No.13611213

Confronting her with your friend seems like a good idea, good luck with that

>> No.13611333


>> No.13611350

people cant read minds, its really only about appearance

>> No.13611400


>> No.13611409

Stop waiting faggot
Meeting girls at clubs isn't a good thing anon. You literally don't know if she's interesting or not. The only thing you have in common is the dance you made and the kissing

>> No.13611458

women are retarded

>> No.13611461

>after his jiu jitsu classes

marry that man

>> No.13611659

>Stop waiting faggot
ty fren

>> No.13611664

I saw a really cute guy when I was at work, they were stick thin with very long legs and wavy blonde hair. It was like seeing my imaginary depiction of a /fa/ anon come to life.

>> No.13611790

tfw over skinny jeans and looking for that perfect slim straight fit jean.

>> No.13611854

>go on tinder date with 7.5/10 and get completely smashed
>go back to hers and see scars on her upper thighs and tops of her arms but ignore it
>fuck for a while shes legit screaming nd shit im just kinda amused and too drunk to really feel it
>get home next day and my backs covered in scratches and 3 big hickies on my neck dont even remember her doing that
>match with 6/10 next day she messages me first complimenting me
>few messages later arrange to meetup for drinks and a show
>forgot about the hickeys so get my friend to use concealer on my neck
>meetup with her shes kinda chubby but cute
>invites me back to hers end up fucking nd she keeps telling me im beautiful lel
>wake up in morning nd she vacuums my dick
>get a text from her later saying shes up for meeting again

im not really into chubby chicks so dont wanna bang again but I'd go meetup with her but i guess shes expecting another shag

wat do

>> No.13611868
File: 240 KB, 2047x1365, gucii nmd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys what do you thing on designer customs for me it's kinda cool but only for looks

>> No.13611897

Meet for a coffee or beer or do something else in public, but say that you have something to do later in the day.

>> No.13611913

Appreciate the solid advice anon.
#1 is the goal. Dunno if the uni I'm going to has mental health services, but if they do I'll give it a shot. I'm also planning to join the swim club (cardio of choice) when I get there which will hopefully help me meet people as well as improve my technique/overall fitness.

Posted mostly to vent t b h, but y'all are right- I need to get my shit together. I appreciate the reality check.

>> No.13611961

this gadaisukidesune

>> No.13612115

how do you meet people on 4chan? i thought the whole point of this shit was that it was anonymouse

>> No.13612166

He's right.
You just have to stick to it for a bit of time.

>> No.13612255

Don't all friendships just start off with people just shooting shit but then develop into meaningful relationships?

>> No.13612363

i've never really had a meaningful relationship other than my ex.

>> No.13612369

A job will help you find friends but apart from that get involved with clubs/classes whatever to do what shit you enjoy?

For example if you play an instrument you can try and put a band together

Use tinder for grills, do some sort of college course, list goes on

>> No.13612621

I socially isolate myself
I do not initiate conversations
I keep them short if someone is trying to talk to me
Social isolation is effay r-right?

>> No.13612722

of course it is anon.

>> No.13612835

wa$ machts du

>> No.13612850

>waiting for the train to stop
>qt girl says she likes my suit
>almost tell her "it's not a suit, it's a sportcoat" but say "tah" instead
>turn away and step off the train

>> No.13612856

You’re a real one Anon.

>> No.13612996

>be me
>entire family deceased besides aunt and uncle
>community college dropout
>never had gf
>only ever been intimate with underage girl that I am completely and utterly in love with
>she doesn’t give a fuck about me
>literally only have 1 real friend but he lives 45 miles away
>impossible to make friends because I am not in school and incredibly socially awkward
>also work nights the whole weekend at my shitty wagecuck job so even if I did have friends I wouldn’t be able to go out
>no passions or hobbies or interests

Might end it soon bros

>> No.13613161

go ahead, if you like them.

>> No.13613168

anyone else here unironically have avoidant personality disorder

>> No.13613324


>> No.13613376
File: 7 KB, 248x250, 1481233311577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dress good
>people start mirin you
>go back to dressing bad

>> No.13613380

Bro Berlin is as fucking inaccessible as a city gets, especially if you don't speak German.

I visited after college though and it was by far my favorite place. The culture/food/night life is unmatched. Just keep in mind that people from all over Europe move there every day and are in the exact same situation because it's cheap and hip (source: fucked a girl I met who moved there cuz she couldn't get a job cuz english major.)

Just keep practicing. Being social is a skill and like any skill you have to practice to get better. Just keep working on your self awareness and hiding your insecurity until you build up confidence. Also figure out what a "Berliner" is and try to act more like one.

If it's any consolation I'm extremely jealous of you.

>> No.13613547

that's really nice of you to even considering meeting up again. most people would just ghost

>> No.13613670

Get a better job. Go fishing

>> No.13613806

send pics of the chubster
>f-for a friend

>> No.13613979

Chad played you. How does it feel, to be the female equivalent of a beta right now? Welcome to the club "Stacy".

Hope you're not the "French" Lady poster in the wawyt threads.

>> No.13614018

I've been on a path of devolution. I am moving along in life, but I feel that social aspects of my life haven't been moving forwards - yet backwards. Ever since the start of high school, it has been harder for me to talk to others, girls more than the rest. It has gotten to the point where it feels like a chore, it doesn't come easily. At 16 I got a job at a grocery store, eventually doing customer service. It was all a facade. When I would go to work, it was just another face of me. I could put on the show, smile, be friendly and polite (well, when I had my sleep) the opposite of my normal self. I'm always different everywhere I am. I have to act different at school, at work, with my friends, at home. But all this has done is make me hate humans more. The job was fine, just talking to customers was awful. I played an insane amount of video games, but for the most part, I have completely stopped the past couple of months. They aren't fun anymore. I am starting my first day of Uni tomorrow and I'm worried about making new friends. I don't want to talk to people, I really don't. I just want to show up to my classes and skid by. I want to pick and choose my battles.

All my friends have girlfriends or are actively searching for one. I can't understand why they do this. Where does this need come from? Is it the sadness I feel? I don't need or really want a girlfriend, I think this sadness is depression. The social aspect of having someone constantly talk to you, wake up with you, its beyond me. I am not lonely, having a girlfriend, I would only benefit from sex. I don't want others in my life. I masturbate a lot. I have things I won't tell anyone, ever.

>> No.13614028

Part 2 :^ )

Most my friends I've made during high school, and it has gotten to the point where I still hang around them because they accept me and have copious amounts of weed and alcohol. I'm heavily into cars, and none of them are. My car has been broken for almost 2 years and I still haven't fixed it. I had the time and money to, but it never happened. I spend all my money on clothes now. I'm worried about wasting my time and money at college, as I don't know what I want to do or what I want to get a degree. All I know is that I don't want to do retail customer service in this life again, or have to deal with other people.

I've stopped a lot of things I've enjoyed doing. My car I worked hard to buy hasn't ran in forever, video games are no longer fun, I don't play my guitar anymore, I don't really hang out with friends in a normal way, we are always doing drugs if I am with them. I live in a fantasy world. I've stopped taking care of myself. It is becoming harder for me to shower and brush my teeth. I care about how my look, but these are just ehhhhhh. Atleast I am happy about my body and the way I look. I'm stubborn so there is no turning back, the only way I will learn is if I burn.

>> No.13614246

Ive been wondering the same thing

>> No.13615377
File: 114 KB, 300x300, 1534394452549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is life suffering anons? what even is the purpose of it? my routine keeps me company but even that does not satiate my need to know why it even matters.

>> No.13615397

fuck dude..iktf

>I don't play my guitar anymore
i bought a new guitar earlier this summer and played it for 2 weeks and now it collects dust
>It is becoming harder for me to shower and brush my teeth

i fucking hate brushing my teeth and haven't done my skin care routine in forever

i rented a bunch of graphic novels 2 months ago and haven't touched a single one.

you're definitely depressed and exhausted. i work at a grocery store too right now and some days i really hate my life and wonder if i'll make it through my last year of uni and be comfortably independent but school starts next week so im excited to wear nice fits to class. that's the only thing i have to look forward to right now.

i have no advice, just know you're not alone

>> No.13615403

My lifes okay and I like my clothes. It will assumable get better. I'm worried about my major.

>> No.13615410

Don't obsess over your ex bruh.

I think of the so-called "BFF" from time to time, but it's never more than a "Welp, this sucks, best to move on instead of wallowing in misery"

>> No.13615508
File: 1.96 MB, 1197x1241, ABSOLUTELY DECADENT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is life suffering
Obviously. So congratulations! You're suffering in a world where all other living things are also suffering. That being said, if EVERYONE is suffering, doesn't that kind of seem like a shitty way to distinguish yourself?
>"boo hoo hoo, my life is soooo hard. i'm sooooo lonely );"
So is everyone else. It's how you make up for it that defines who you are. And it's entirely up to you to decide how to make up for it. Protip: drugs and co-dependent relationships are a terrible fucking way to do that. Try finding some hobbies. Learn new things. Really connect with people. Commit your life to something.
>"boo hoo hoo but it's soooooo hard ); ... i don't know what to do boo hoo hooooo )'''''; ... it all just seems so pointless look at how miserable i am boo hoo hooooooooooooooooOOooo00OOOooo0"
You sound like a complete nobody when you say things like that. Being sad doesn't make you special. That is the great lie of this generation: "yeah bro, being depressed is cool and makes you cool too!".
It really doesn't. Best of luck, anon.

>> No.13615556

>You're suffering in a world where all other living things are also suffering.

suffering is more complicated than what you make it seem and not all things are suffering equally idk how you even tried to make an argument out of that

>> No.13615570

>suffering is more complicated than what you make it seem and not all things are suffering equally idk how you even tried to make an argument out of that
>"boo hoo hoo i'm too COMPLICATED for you, you can't handle me! you just don't get me mom! i'm different and special because i FEEL BAD! boo hoo hoooo00oooO000ooOOo00ooo"

Quit whining and make something of yourself!

>> No.13615575

useless post

>> No.13615601
File: 22 KB, 318x315, 1534652419447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have plenty of hobbies and i try to learn new things every day. what i posted was not a question of how cool being depressed may make you look or that i am lonely. but rather why do i still fail to find fulfillment even if i occupy my time doing things that i care about.
i don't wallow my self in pity nor do i just lay around all day moping about how i'm so lonely and sad. stop projecting

>> No.13615602

you suffer from a just world fallacy is all your posts indicate in reality the chaos of life is very extreme, the user you responded to probably has a job but is lonely and suffers from somethign a stacey or chad doesn't. To say "everyone suffers" is the most low iq awnser you could have replied with and that's all i gather from you, you're a low iq conservative who probably never read Nietzsche and who's mom was a whore. What you tell others is basically just comfort food for yourself.

>> No.13615606

>Buy vintage t shirt off instagram thrifter
>Tag says medium
>Get it today
>Try it on and it fits like a fucking small and i look stupid as fuck wearing it

Not even gonna try and return it. bye sixty CAD

>> No.13615673

>buy a vintage brown denim jacket
>fits me perfectly in the shoulders
>the length is perfect
>i go to button it up
>the buttons are on the left side
>fug I bought a women's jacket like a retard

>> No.13615718

Nobody cares about that man

>> No.13615756

i feel the same, like it will eventually get better i just hate getting paid jack shit where i work. it sucks. but now that school is starting up i'll only be working part time and feel much happier than when i was working full time this summer.

>> No.13615787

ive met with a group of other people on a non-autistic board quite a few times already, we connected because we were already on some general and we made a chatroom where we talked for like 3 years and badaboom badadoom

>> No.13615930

>wants an intellectual conversation over instagram
c r i n g e
yeah I love french new wave!!
oh marcel hanoun??? never heard of him
lol no I havent read proust or joyce but I looooove nabakov and dostoyevsky
hey check out this album btw its by this band called 'slowdive' you might not have heard of them but theyre so good check out 'when the sun hits'

>> No.13615974

good point

>> No.13615989

>browse tinder
>alternate between laughing at the weirdos and feeling sad deep inside because I could never pull a 8/10 club going stacey

>> No.13616206

I just got finished packing to move back to uni and I was wondering if anyone else can relate to the oddly satisfying feeling of packing up your wardrobe?

>folding and laying out all your carefully curated pieces of clothing in preparation to be packed away
>organizing by the subtle color schemes and grey scaling
>seeing all the different brands, remembering times you saved up for a certain piece
>finding a piece you haven't worn in awhile so you can take note to include it in an upcoming fit
>lining up your shoes, cleaning them up before packing them

Idk if it's just me or anons who have taken a long time to accumulate a lot of their favorite pieces and brands into their wardrobe but I love packing just because I get to lay out my collection of clothes and think about how I'll style my upcoming outfits... or maybe I'm just weird

>> No.13616224

only lying to yourself

>> No.13616236

no u
The world isn't just, but it is more just than it is unjust for most people. To say otherwise is just a coping mechanism.
>you're a low iq conservative who probably never read Nietzsche and who's mom was a whore
Imagine being so bothered by something someone says that you start calling them names and claiming their mother was a whore. My post simply challenged the foundation of your whole "it's not my fault that I suck and that I'm miserable" world view, and rather than turning on your own shitty world view, you turned on the source of the disturbance (me) instead. Not a good way to live, friend.

Also, I've read most of Nietzsche's works. Not that it really matters, all I did was post a reaction image.

>> No.13616238

At least it wasn't any actual money

>> No.13616247

why would you care about someone like that

>> No.13616253

this is retarded if you have to literally starve yourself to be thinspo, you're not thinspo. i can eat however the fuck i want and never go above 135 as a 6'2" person

>> No.13616274

wow. 3 pounds. the world is FUCKING ENDING

go cry to mommy little bawby ;(

>> No.13616278

get fucked stacy

>> No.13616280

you really think youre gonna get fat from having one fucking dinner? you do realise you dont have to get the fucking heart attack burger when youre with friends right?

>> No.13616367
File: 23 KB, 380x338, 1534638970772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so bored with myself. I've been in a relationship with someone who loves me dearly fr a year yet I don't reciprocate, I can't muster the guts to leave them considering how much they feel for me and I wouldn't want them to hurt badly.

>> No.13616395

Same, I don’t really like people looking at me on the street, it gives me anxiety.

>> No.13616788

I’ll be your friend anon, what’s your Instagram