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/fa/ - Fashion

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13404919 No.13404919 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about painting nails for men? I think it looks cool if you have good hand shape and keep it lowkey

>> No.13404949

Black seems ok

>> No.13404964

i love it but im too afraid to do it
im straght

>> No.13404966

If you have long nails you could probably pull off a few diff. colours but if you have traditional male nails that don't stick out at all you can only pull off black.

>> No.13404974

just take the leap and become a full on bitch why don't you?

>> No.13404981

Kys faggot

>> No.13404987

I used to wear nail varnish a lot a few years ago and felt that red was the best colour to wear, I think it's a nice addition to an otherwise minimal style

>> No.13404989

The reason why nail polish doesn’t look good on guys is because men shouldn’t draw unnecessary attention to their feet or hands. We don’t have dainty pretty hands or we shouldn’t. Its unattractive. You should draw attention to your face, chest, arms, and abs. If you want to be fruity you might as well wear face make up, sleeveless shirts, cutoff shirts, or turtleneck sweaters to draw attention exclusively to your face.

>> No.13404990

How does this make me a faggot?

>> No.13404991

I would laugh at you and then spit on you

>> No.13405000

beta boys

>> No.13405049

Because you're thinking about painting your nails and are too insecure to do it without making/entering a thread on 4chan about it on top of that.

>> No.13405139

I have zero respect for males that wear clear nail polish so...

>> No.13405149

My gf paints mine black/dark red
I like it, I'm relatively masculine otherwise though
My mom's middle aged friends love it lol

>> No.13405153

manucure are /fa/ af faggot

>> No.13405155

Agreed, Black nails really bang when you wear a lot of back in most of your fits. Very Aesthetic

>> No.13405156

Peep rocked that manicure damn...but for real nail polish is for everyone. Men should take care of their nails at least clean them because girls don't wanna get fingerblasted in the back of the whip by your busted meathooks

>> No.13405211

you would do no such thing, dweeb

>> No.13405214

I paint mine in a very trendy colour called caramel cupcake, all the girls in my city are wearing it at the moment.

>> No.13405565

red is just drag queen-tier, it doesn't even look good on women

>> No.13405571

Agreed. Coral or oxblood looks so much better.

>> No.13405610

What is low key about the picture you posted?
those are red nails and if it weren't for the arm hair I would've just assumed it were some trailer trash.

>> No.13405634
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It looks nice. I think it'd be weird to wear if you work a normal job though, maybe save it for more casual events.

>> No.13405687

I've worn barbie pink nail varnish into the office on a few occasions and not one of my colleagues has even mentioned it.

>> No.13405770

I unironically think manicured hands on guys are attractive, makes them look clean.

But personally I'd say go for nude colors (you can just use a strenghtening base which is transparent) or black as >>13405155 said.
Try with matte polish for a more subtle effect.

Also, it's 2018 folks. Cut that Super Macho bullshit talk and just rock what whatever you feel like.

>> No.13405791

shut up and go paint your nails hoe

>> No.13405816
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>> No.13406021

I wear black nail polish and all the girls love it but a lot of my coworkers who are more grunt like get a little uncomfortable when they see it.
Couldn't care less. Nail polish + small necklace + small bracelet + small silver ring on right hand boosts your look by 25% easily.

>> No.13406024

men painting nails on /fa/ in 2018?

Boy, onions is really doing its job it seems

>> No.13406038
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>Also, it's 2018 folks. Cut that Super Macho bullshit talk and just rock what whatever you feel like.

>current year-posting unironically

>> No.13406154

Do you guys do your toes too or just your fingers?

>> No.13406491

I have experimented plenty with my look while in my late teens and early 20's. Nail polish, rings, necklaces, piercings, weird clothes, risky haircuts ect. I had one friend, that like many of the posters in this thread, was extremely "macho" and would always shit on the extravagance I'd put into my fits. I always kept it relatively tasteful, and never went overboard, but never the less the little variety I put in my fits always brought out unwanted attention from my shitty friend.
One day he, his gf, some other friends, and I were all chilling around. The topic of fashion, and how everyone dressed came up, and his gf mentions how much she loves the way i dress, and even went as far to say she wished her boyfriend dressed more like me.
I honestly thought it was a semi-innocent comment, but he took it really hard. I had never seen a man look so crushed and embarrassed. All of his macho and manliness, was flushed down the drain as he realized his own girlfriend was more attracted to some dude in nail polish and girl jeans than his shallow shell of confidence and big arms.
I since dropped him from my friend group, and started fucking his girl behind his back until they broke up. (this was as revenge for this dude being such a tool, i kinda regret it now tho)
Haters gonna hate, yall

>> No.13406541
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A man painting his nails is not "lowkey" it is feminine and gay.
just like using eye liner to look like a rocker, you just look like you suck dick.

>> No.13406558

Lowkey as in not using vibrant colours you moron.

I think a matte, light grey looks really good

>> No.13406587

might look good, but does look bretty gay, m8. this is coming from a bi guy.

you could get away with clear and matte if your nails are irregular and you want to even the surface, otherwise you'd look like a homosex

>> No.13406602

there is literally nothing gay about wanting to look a bit feminine

>> No.13406638

there is literally nothing gay about sucking dick

>> No.13406704
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painted for the first time howd i do

>> No.13406741

OP is faggot. Next thread,

>> No.13406933

matte black with designs is the only way

>> No.13406938

Reminder that threads like these are a psy-op and they like to keep a "is it okay to do gay shit" thread active at least every couple of days.

>> No.13407592



>> No.13407610


stop. this term always tells me there are insecurity issues involved and that you're hiding that.

if you're a straight guy, don't paint your nails at all. it will only plant confusion in the heads of men and women around you. they will question your sexuality and manhood.

>> No.13407621

Your name is Travis

>> No.13407636

is cutting ur dick off fashionable too? it was the best i could come up with.

>> No.13407640


No it doesnt look cool

>> No.13407641

it can really improve the line on some trousers

>> No.13407669

do what you want OP. I painted my nails for a while, might start again. Inviting girls to get their nails painted with me was a go-to date plan, too. Def fucked off painted nails.

>they will question your sexuality
i always relished this. thought it was funny. i'd rock some lipstick when i went out too if i was feelin frisky. ambiguous sexuality is a fun way to roll, just don't be a lil bitch about it. desu I think it knocks down the initial barriers when you approach a girl for the first time. the confusion short circuits the part of their brain meant to fend off rando dudes at parties. also, felt sexy. chic.

>> No.13407707

insecure boys detected
it only looks gay if your kinda gay, look at dylan reider. being scared about looking gay is one of the most sexually insecure things i can imagine.
wear what ya wanna wear

p.s. I've had more girls approach me for the "feminine" pieces in my fits like my nails and rings, than I have for the more "masculine" features like all the working out ive done, ect. but obv dont do it for the ladies

>> No.13407716

looks like shit even on a fag

>> No.13407938

Black is the only acceptable color

>> No.13407959
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I paint my toes every now and then but that’s it

>> No.13407970


>> No.13408930

they talk about how gay u are behind ur back

>> No.13408950

Only if you're an MLB catcher and using yellow polish.

>> No.13408959

>tfw I painted my nails black in high school when I played in a band

My god... that was such a critical time. I like to blend it out of my memory.

>> No.13409082
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>> No.13409088

Cool if you dont have a job

>> No.13409113

if there was only 2 rings and the nails were trimmed this would be a decent aesthetic

a little much for me but very cohesive

>> No.13409122

Black nails on guys look fine. I never think they're gay.
If I see red nails on a guy, I do tend to think that they're gay or just joking around. It depends on the level of upkeep. More maintained=homosexual or otherwise queer
Less maintained=goofy

It looks worse if you're a big beefy guy.

I kinda do like black painted nails on guys because it reminds me of rockers and draws attention to their hands which tend to be bigger/more powerful looking.
Dainty hands=gay

>> No.13409144
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>barbed wire
>razor chain with heart rawr xD

did he get his inspo from pic related?
how fucking basic can you get?

>> No.13409177

hey it’s smrtdeath
cool guy, pulls of this style well

>> No.13409184

Gayer than sucking dick

>> No.13409515


>> No.13409525

real life isn't anime, stop being fags

>> No.13409564
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>> No.13409618
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What colour should I do my nails lads?

Admittedly, some of these are a bit crusty and old but all the Rimmel ones are in good nick.

>> No.13409850

Never understood the obsession with black. Surely if you're going to paint your nails it's an opportunity to inject a bit of colour into your look, like with a tie or pocket square.

>> No.13409857

You either look like a goth fag or a tweaker no other way around it

>> No.13409958
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>> No.13409993


>> No.13410029

If you want to get your nails done at a salon should you just ask for the basic fie and paint or is it worth getting a full manicure first?

A-asking for a friend btw

>> No.13410091
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>keep it lowkey
>literally doing a thing that women do to make themselves stand out from one-another

>> No.13410240

Only if you don't care what people think about how you look. So not for all these insecure /fa/posters

>> No.13410599

because black is rad

>> No.13411007

only if you dont identify as a male

>> No.13411101

my therapist asked me if i feel like a man inside or a woman inside

i told her i feel like shit inside

>> No.13411111

Ive started painting my nails purple/black lately just to be a little more eccentric. probably doesnt look great to others but it makes me happy. im going to get highlights soon and maybe then i wont feel the need to paint my nails anymore. feminimity is the new masculinity, senpai

>> No.13411115

ive been painting my nails black/purple lately. i just feel like being eccentric lately. it probably doesnt look super great but it makes me happy. im going to bleach my hair soon and maybe then i wont be as inclined to paint my nails. feminimity is the new masculanity senpai.

>> No.13411118

digits of truth. please show us your nails anon.

>> No.13411394

>early 2000s
>wear nail polish and it's just edgy
>wear nail polish and you literally aren't male anymore thanks to the new gender memes
this is weirdly regressive

>> No.13411409

>insecure boys detected

Seriously m8, keep an eye on /fa/. There's almost always something promoting being a "sissy." Nail polish, make-up, showing midriff etc.
I mean think about that. If you want to wear nail polish why would you not just go ahead and do that? You know what response you will get if you ask an anonymous imageboard, right?

>> No.13411459


>> No.13411647

people who are into fashion have always been fags

>> No.13411654


>> No.13411674 [DELETED] 
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Are you in need any legal documents such as Passport, visa, driving license, SSN , school diploma, IELTS etc then can get me on jimmypeppers01@gmail.com or Whatsapp me on +1(518)9925946

>> No.13411701

>thinking it's not a valid statement unironically

Stop letting people tell you what to think. We have moved on from your bullshit.

>> No.13411705

It's called fashion

>> No.13411729

why are gay men always shit tier dressed then? it's like they never can find the right balance between chic and looking too feminine ie painting your nails like this.

>> No.13411776

they're not tho...

>> No.13411798

amazing that you guys are so hung up and insecure about this. there are far gayer things to do than painting your nails.

>> No.13411801

Very faggy unless you're Marilyn Manson tier.

>> No.13411803

ha yeah they are, compared to a straight male with true style, a gay man always looks off setting. it's because they don't know how to balance chic with mascunility, by doing dumb shit like this or going too fem. to the average pleb gay people dress nice, but i can go to a gay club in berlin or any major city and easily be the best styled guy in the entire place.

>> No.13411806

lmao what the actual fuck
let's not kid ourselves, you've probably seen a ton of really well dressed guys before and not even known they were gay. of course the obvious overly fem ones stand out to you and skew your perceptions. are you retarded?

>> No.13411860

im sure there are a top 5% of gays who dress well, but in general the myth of gay's dresser better is false.

>> No.13411864

and what percentage of straight men dress well?

>> No.13411865

you're american, so its going to be hard for you to understand this.

>> No.13411869

depends on what country? a well dressed straight male is always going to look better than a gay one, because again they can't balance mascunility with being chic, they always do SOMETHING that looks weird. there is always some hyper feminine detail.

>> No.13411873
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>> No.13411875

yeah i can tell the one's that arent effiemiate are gay too just based off their clothes. THERE IS ALWAYS something.

>> No.13411894

you proved my point dumbass
if you're using the fact that
>they always do SOMETHING that looks weird
to recognize them, then obviously you'll think that they all dress weirdly.
fucking brainlet.

>> No.13411897

gay americans in here mad im telling the truth.

>> No.13411899

please, tell me how you identify someone as gay in public.

>> No.13411951
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Make up for Men is gay.

>> No.13411952

painted nails are so much fun. it's easy, cheap, camp glamour. you shouldn't knock it until you've tried it.

>> No.13412235

>What do you guys think about painting nails for men?
It's okay I guess. Provided you like the taste of penises in your mouth, that is.

>> No.13413317


>> No.13413326
File: 1.75 MB, 2648x3520, IMG_8858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always wanted to try black nails for all black fits but havent got around to it yet

>> No.13413489

3rd from the left, show pics

>> No.13413493


>> No.13413494


>> No.13413500
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> Hurr Durr straight man fashion so broad, literally just shirt and pants only.

>> No.13413509

That's why men will always be ugly fucks unless you're naturally born good looking.