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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 111 KB, 736x981, E1D529C3-11F6-4E15-A6FF-6D921ECCB471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13360150 No.13360150 [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ earn their money? How do you keep your effay game up at work?

>> No.13360155

I use my dad’s credit card. Poorfags BTFO.

>> No.13360161

you look like an evil little skank ho

>> No.13360164

girls that wear those shoes and pants are always unbelievably thicc.

every woman i work with that wears that combo has intense hips and thighs. it's great

>> No.13360216

i don't, im poor. im only fashionable conceptually

>> No.13360218


t. Regina George

>> No.13360219

I'm a cook

>> No.13360264

I would if i could but i have to work in all white.

>> No.13360265

Skinny khaki's do that for everyone, it's just the cut of the pant. Lifts the ass up too, usually accentuated by a flashy belt or something. I used to have a weird thing for this + those big buckle Tory Burch flats and the neurotic women that wore them. It's a facade; they're just lazy and lack brand sense.

t. consulting manager

>> No.13360312

Psychologist, good pay and not generally unfavourable working hours.

>> No.13360325

i dont :(

>> No.13360330

I work at Old Navy:(
At least I like the people I work with

>> No.13360338

I'm a stage manager. Usually for smaller theatre companies and contemporary dance, but I'm in the interview process for a lighting design practicum because that's my real end goal. And possibly an artistic director.
Also, in production you wear all black and opening nights usually have a reception so I get to wear some really nice looks sometimes.

>> No.13360426

College right now, going to go to medical school, about to get Phlebotomist certification, so I'll have some cash from that

>> No.13360491

Engineer but I'm not /fa/ at all

>> No.13360502

OP, don't listen to these skanks. You got it going on, sister.

>> No.13360506
File: 961 KB, 245x213, ECCF61D3-7AA2-402D-9F87-70DE46C9B5D5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a tv editor.
I work mostly alone so no one has noticed my /fa/ game yet.

>> No.13360511

I make coffees on the weekend and study psych/neuroscience on weekdays

>> No.13360519


>> No.13360523

Hi there I'm an aspiring screenwriter. What are your tips on getting to where you are today? Do you work in LA? Thanks!

>> No.13360526

I make drugs all day and listen to women complain about how hard their life is.

>> No.13360571


>> No.13360576

i worked part time min. wage with no real expenses, saved up 10k and put it all into shitcoins. now i just live off doing that and savings

>> No.13360582

gib Target gf

>> No.13360588

>How does /fa/ earn their money?
Underdpaid full-stack dev.

>How do you keep your effay game up at work?
By not dressing like shit.
>tfw CFO said to me: "You're not supposed to dress better than us!"

>> No.13360591


>> No.13360594

Get friends in the industry.
Your contacts will give you jobs not job sites.
Never be an asshole.
Don’t do it for the money kek.

>> No.13360613

>How does /fa/ earn their money?
I hate my life and suffer for 8 hours a day for 25k a year
How do you keep your effay game up at work?
I don't.

>> No.13360615

Venture Capital

>> No.13360624

Big four wage slave, got my CPA though.

I have
>good job/career
>wear expensive clothing/dress well

Just need to be /fit/ and hopefully i can get a gf. :(. Just want a qt to go on vacay and dinner with.

>> No.13360656

Please don’t say assurance and audit?

>> No.13360659

which of the big four

/deloitte/ here

>> No.13360667

Yea im in audit, looking into doing a TAS rotation though. Im not complaining I came from a non-target and knowing that I beat these kids going to “better” schools feels good.


>> No.13360676

>hard to get job
>doesnt even work at citadel


>> No.13360683

Chadwick & Virgina (investment bank)

Custom suits at work but usually a red tank top and bright green joggers get lots of attention

>> No.13360697

What citadel? Boutique IB?

I’ve only heard of the big bulge bracket banks.

>> No.13360708

>How does /fa/ earn their money?
I work as a sort of assistant in an academic institute where I earn a shitload per hour for practically doing nothing. It's just a part time job though, while I'm writing my PhD and bum out at parents.

> How do you keep your effay game up at work?

> How do you keep your effay game up at work?

>How do you keep your effay game up at work?
Nobody at work gives a shit. Everyone sits in their office, closes the door, and doesn't come out until they leave.

>> No.13360709

I work at NASA as an aerospace engineer.

Work is my idgaf outfit every day. Chinos and a gay space T usually, or button up on meeting days.

>> No.13360711

whoops... I'm retarded.

>> No.13360783

I play poker. Pulling off strange fits gets me on camera and increases the chances of a sponsorship.

>> No.13360789

My dad is rich and I sell drugs too

>> No.13360817
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I work crime scene clean up, so I wear a giant hazmat suit and can't be fashionable on the job but I generally go all out fashion-wise on the days I have off.

>> No.13360822

regular factory job

>> No.13361072

>Collect and deliver cheques across the city

I wear whatever I want but its usually an open button down shirt, tee under, ripped knee jeans, stans

I love my job

>> No.13361173
File: 195 KB, 953x713, IMG_6107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work at a refinery
wear nice cobalt blue overalls to the field
wear business casual to the office

>> No.13361178


>> No.13361201

I'm looking into that as a career myself
Were you at all more uncomfortable with the work when you started, compared to now?

>> No.13361232

Sell furniture for a living, not effay in the slightest.
Helps pay for my fashion needs.

>> No.13361241

interior design is effay tho

>> No.13361245

Oh shit, youre right anon. What was I thinking.
Thanks for that.

>> No.13361247

Literally my best friend

>> No.13361284
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mommy and daddys credit card

>> No.13361291

t h i s

>> No.13361298

First time I see a legit fetal alcohol syndrome person.
You people are scary.

>> No.13361329

I do communication work for a political party here in Europe. It's good, lots of suits and classic mens style.

>> No.13361345

I'm an equity derivatives broker.

Shit fucking sucks, but the money is good

>> No.13361370

im keen to know more about the derivatives, what do you work with

>> No.13361386

Etos, futures, and warrants

>> No.13361436

A job as a ikea salescuck doesn't count, you faggit

>> No.13361462

hospital scrubs look good if your in shape and roll the sleeves up. doesn't look that good on women, they don't show off the body at all.

>> No.13361573

Infosec. I'll get bullied by my coworkers if I dress well, tho ;_;

>> No.13361775

graphic design.

>> No.13361789


>> No.13361795

How much and where?

>> No.13361812

>hot teacher core
i would definitely spend my pubescent years fantasizing over you!

>> No.13361830
File: 257 KB, 667x1000, MG_7510-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef Cook in a fairly high class restaurant located inside a Casino.
Working hours are garbage, pay and benefits are terrible, but chef coats are pretty effay and you get to look at well dressed upper class people all day round.

>> No.13361834

Librarian at a large state university.

It's decent. Most people don't care about dress but I can pretty much wear whatever I want.

>> No.13361839

renting my boipussy to ugly old men

>> No.13362202

i'm an environmental science student. will be graduating at the end of this year.
i make money on weekends by helping with tree or flower planting community events. cant be effay standing and walking outside for several hours. i wear jeans and made in UK dr martens workboots that have served me well.

>> No.13362212

$1,000 - $1,500 a day.

>> No.13362226

i wear rick owens head to toe and stand outside with an empty starbucks cup

people just give me money because i look fucking amaing

>> No.13362366

i wear whatever i want cause i'm an assembler, i fucking tear it up on the factory floor i'm like a one man pit crew

>> No.13362374

Im not fa at work, i just wear my old clothes and normie core workwear shit. One day there was a dude on site wearing a bomber and ripped up jeans and a nose piercing and he got called a faggot by several guys. Not good to stand out in these kinda jobs, lots of insecure greesy old fucks trying to display there masculinity as much as possible

>> No.13362879

AI Linguistics Development at a start up

>> No.13362916

Sieg you silly old coot, truly the Amy Schumer of fa

>> No.13363013

I'm in maintenance in the Air Force. Spend ~8 hours a day outside. In a uniform. My sunglasses look pretty fa though.

>> No.13363291

im an architect /urban designer

>> No.13363516

serious question: do you enjoy your work? or is it just something to pay the bills?

>> No.13363581

Make sure you find a place in a good area, otherwise, you're going to get shit pay and even worse hours...it's great for experience, but you should definitely aim for bigger aspirations such as gas/meth lab clean up (pays A LOT but super dangerous) or opening your own crime scene clean up and making bank. As for being uncomfortable, all I can say is even having previous experience cleaning up my father's suicide, the first few months were hard. You don't deal with the bodies but you do have to deal with the families a lot of times; you work long hours (sometimes with no air conditioning), and you need to be able to lift 100lbs since you're going to be lifting bed frames/carrying mattresses down stairwells and taking apart flooring that blood seeped underneath.

Nowadays I can work pretty much anything and not get phased unless it's a child death, those never really get any easier.

>> No.13363584


>> No.13363604

they better be aviators faggot

>> No.13363606

I'm an IT Project Manager/failed entrepreneur

>> No.13363615

I’m a kitchen manager at. Chipotle. If’s ok.

>> No.13363635

The only effay jobs in this thread so far. To me theres 4 broad types of effay work:

1. Doing something science-y that you're passionate about

2. Making big money in a corporate office job wearing suit and tie

3. doing artistry you're proud, whether you make a lot or not.

4. Being a G-man and doing government work

Things that aren't effay:

- Retail Work

- restaurant work

- office drone for low pay or secretary

- Teachers (unless university prof with PhD)

- Cooks

- Academia is touch and go. Used to be cool but now academia is often for people that couldnt find a real job with their bachelors

factory work, janitorial work, construction stuff like that isn't terrible because most people don't give a shit how you dress at those jobs and usually the work is stable and the pay is half decent.

>> No.13363638

This guy >>13363635 tremendous fucking faggot

>> No.13363639

Forgot: I'm a geologist. I make $400-600 a day depending on the project which is pretty good for someone right out of school. Currently working for an engineering consulting firm.

>> No.13363642

you'll have to justify you're retardation

>> No.13363656

Please don’t respond to me, I do not want to catch your homosexuality

>> No.13363657

I'll take it you work one of the shitty jobs I listed. Which one is it? lets talk about your life failures ;)

>> No.13363667

The biggest failure in this thread is your inability to end your rampant retardation. Oh geez now you’re projecting, how embarrassing and frankly, the epitome of uneffay ;^)

>> No.13363681

No projection here, friendo :) so come on, cough up what you're job is and how much you make, I've been very forward with it

>> No.13363690

I have no job.
Look good when I get out the house and wonder the city. Life is ok just ok.

>> No.13363723
File: 31 KB, 401x454, 4362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These jobs are literally the ones everyone wants. Great jobs, but far from effay. You've seemed to define fashionable jobs as the ones that pay well and make you look super cool among others, which seems like a really lame definition of fashionable.

Thinking that your job has to be /fa/ is also very cringy.

>> No.13363739

This post is ridiculous on so many levels. "Science-y" jobs, where most of your colleagues won't care to wear more than cargo shorts + a t-shirt, are effay. People who work in the service industry, including all the baristas you've ever had a crush on for their personal style, are not.

Academics kind of are, but kind of aren't. Construction workers aren't "terrible" because "most people don't give a shit how you dress," but all the construction workers I know will just wear something comfortable and weather appropriate.

Your list is about as informative as the career aptitude test I had to take in the 5th grade.

>> No.13363892

>market and social research
I do numbers whole day wearing Undercover and Our Legacy. Earn around 3000€/month.

>> No.13363920

>accountants effay

theyre barely above service industry level these days with the advent of xero and they work soul crushing hours in the big four

>> No.13363923

>work in IT
>Good salary
>Company car
>Everyone wears casual everyday
It is the best

>> No.13363949

70% bills 30% enjoyment,
sorry if that breaks your illusion.

>> No.13364052

I work at the bank bit in a third world country so compared to you guys it's not that much but better than most jobs for a 24 yr old

>> No.13364108

>Friend got hired by our uni to be a full time researcher
>makes a killing
>6 days a week for 10+ hours/day
>I recently got hired by the museum in our city as a curator
>make only slightly less than him
>8 hours/day + weekends off

My job is only effay because we recently had a Christian Dior exhibit showing a ton of his works and it got a lot of my colleagues to want to dress better.
>tfw going shopping with a qt from the museum to help her buy clothes

>> No.13364154

English Teacher (abroad)

>> No.13364174

Front end web developer

>> No.13364177

Dont worry anon, this isn't a representative slice of /fa/, only interesting people post their jobs and some are probably even lying.

>> No.13364189


>> No.13364201

>English Teacher (abroad)
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.13364349

> You've seemed to define fashionable jobs as the ones that pay well and make you look super cool among others, which seems like a really lame definition of fashionable.

Jobs that make money and that other people are impressed by ARE fashionable. The idea that low paid, menial work is somehow "cool" is utterly retarded.

>Thinking that your job has to be /fa/ is also very cringy.

Never said this, but it definitely helps

>"Science-y" jobs, where most of your colleagues won't care to wear more than cargo shorts + a t-shirt, are effay. People who work in the service industry, including all the baristas you've ever had a crush on for their personal style, are not.

Yes, cause science is actually interesting work that the average person off the street cannot do. And I've never had a crush on a barista. That implies you spend large lengths of time at starbucks, which confirms my suspicion that you're basic af.

> Construction workers aren't "terrible" because "most people don't give a shit how you dress," but all the construction workers I know will just wear something comfortable and weather appropriate.

You literally repeated what I just said

> Your list is about as informative as the career aptitude test I had to take in the 5th grade.

I'm sorry you only made it that far.

I hate to break it you both, but being broke after the age of 25 is no longer acceptable. People will legitimately pity you if you're 30 something and still working at mcdonalds. Having a job where you aren't someone's bitch and make decent money is actually effay. I'm not even saying you have to be rich here, I'm saying you can't be effay making 10k a year and living on the government dole.

Its Overworked-accountant core.

>> No.13364382

I’m a male cam model.
I do extremely well because I look underage. Hope to retire in a year or so tho.

>> No.13364409

>"No projection here, friendo :)"
>he says while projecting
real thonker here

>> No.13364442

I’m currently a low level stylists for TV and Film making between £600-£1000 a week when working. However the freelance nature allows me to take time off whenever I want.

>> No.13364447

Not that guy, but are you? He's obviously asking what fucking country: Peru, Japan, Taiwan? There's an awful lot of (abroad) in the world, idiot.

>> No.13364487
File: 1.33 MB, 1824x2458, IMG_20180510_184238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a tile-shop. Part as salesman, part as droid in the warehouse. Collegues wear heawy duty boots, jeans and shirt, I try to wear slim fit cotton trousers and polo-shirt.
Most of the customers believe, that I am the owner.

>> No.13364715

im a high school economics teacher

>> No.13364791


You do make a fair point on the fact that people might think less of you, if you're working a dead end job at 30+. I get where you're coming from and I do agree with it, but I think that your definition for a fashionable job is still vague.

>Jobs that make money and that other people are impressed by ARE fashionable. The idea that low paid, menial work is somehow "cool" is utterly retarded.

I feel like you're seeing a "fashionable" job only through one style. Don't you think that any menial work can't have an aesthetic in them? After all fashion is a way of expressing an aesthetic or an idea. I'm not saying that menial work is cool, but I'm saying that any job can have a style in it. It just requires the right person for it. The job won't make it intriguing, it's up to the person to pull it off.

>> No.13364817

No projection at all. Again, share your job and your salary so we con compare

I think we're seeing the term "menial" in different ways. I have a friend who refinishes antique wooden motor boats as his job (chris-crafts and the like). I have a girl-friend that runs her own cafe in town. These people both work with their hands and their jobs fulfill them and give them a sense of purpose. However the difference between these people and someone who works at a barista at starbucks vs someone who runs their own coffee shops (even if it doesn't make much money) is that the person running their own shop gets fulfillment from their work, sees their hard work build their business, and betters themselves over time. If you just go into work everyday, work a job you hate, then go home and watch TV, you're living to work, not working to live.

Anyways, I think I see your point and I can appreciate it.

>> No.13364821

From what I've seen from hookers, their daily rates can be absolutely amazing, monthly it's sometimes still impressive, the one time I've seen a yearly number it was pitiful. This compared to legal jobs. You probably couldn't fuck so much you'd need without getting blisters on your pussy that would lower the rate. It's always part time unless they are addicted to crack.

>> No.13364949
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what are some shoes to wear for the office? dress shoes? i'm not looking for something particularly effay, just something that is comfortable that will last some time. I feel like dress shoes are too fancy to wear everyday

>> No.13364960

I work in a restaurant. I bake, I wash dishes, I do delivery, I prep cook, I work front of house. I basically do whatever idk it's fine I have a lot of autonomy and bosses are chilled out.

>> No.13365023
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 44be74a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just get some loakes or something

>> No.13365059

If Starbucks is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear barista I feel incredibly sorry for you. You do realize there are actual coffee shops with actual baristas that know their trade and not just fastfood style places where you can quickly pick up some caffeinated sugar drinks on your way to school, do you?

>> No.13365083

i'm an undergrad doing data science work for a department at uni
I mostly just go super casual but I want to buy some actual work clothes. all my regular clothes are starting to fade from use
which reminds me I need to get a lot of my dress shirt sleeves shortened

>> No.13365099

criminal defence lawyer

crim defence is by far the most stylish/adventurous section of the bar, I can pretty much wear whatever I want, even to court, within the suit/tie realm.

>> No.13365106

teachers are the most well-dressed profession i've known

>> No.13365112

that sounds cool.
I'm unemployed atm, so I can't.

>> No.13365113

> t. "Barista"

>> No.13365126

Anyone else completely lost in what they want to do in life?

>was a teacher for the last two years
>incredibly unhappy and uninspired by bureaucracy and nature of teaching
>wasted 5 years on a degree I probably won't even use again

Genuinely considering working part time in a cafe, throwing coffees all day (actually enjoy making coffee), and making ceramics like cool mugs and bowls and shit on the side

>> No.13365264

Read the thread, dipshit >>13364817

Another actually effay job

Life is short, friend. Do what you are passionate about.

>> No.13365322

start branching out more, volunteer at places you're interested in and see what connections you can form and views you can grow.

also learn to not put up with jobs that make you unhappy, save money for a backup fund, and keep job hopping until you find something you enjoy

>> No.13365392

Considering you won't be making a career out of teaching anyways, do something you'll at least enjoy doing

>> No.13365482


I want to get into this now.

>> No.13365520

Teacher anon here. I dont nessecarily hate teaching or any of the bureaucracy. Sure its a shitshow, but I expect everything to be so its par for the course. I just dislike how much I get paid for what I do. Long fucking hours and right now I am dealing with a rowdy bunch of students. As a first year teacher though my bosses pretty much ignore me because I keep them in their place. (Took over another teacher that had stopped actually teaching a month before they left because they hated the students). I have this weird bunch of fuck-up regular classes and honors (classes of doctors to be). High school girls are tiny little hitlers. They're either crying, angry at you, wont shut up, or trying to fuck you. There is literally no middleground. At least with guys you can laugh and have a good time.

>> No.13366426
File: 58 KB, 357x800, 789DF05F-1745-4D08-AAF9-2CD356B8EC5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assembly at a weapons factory.

>> No.13367310

You don't know anything about what I do for a living, but your mind goes straight to being broke after the age of 25. I mean, I'm sure you tie your self worth to being better than the "average" person, but it's not a good look.

I really hope you have something else that gives your life purpose because lording your professional successes over an anonymous crowd of low wage earners will eventually lose its thrill.

>> No.13367516

I work as a back scrubber.

>> No.13367520

Laser scientist. Make exactly $100k

I design and build experimental lasers that can fuck your day up.
Most of my colleagues don't give a damn about fashion bc they are either too dorky or bc it's generally looked down upon in the world of military research (military types tend to hate individuality and anything that isn't done purely for utility). Even for formal meetings most people wear shitty department store suits that desperately need tailoring and scuffed up slip-on shoes. Theres a few fuck boys in my research group who think "im the fashionable guy" bc they had a gq subscription back in 2010 and wear quirky colorful socks that they constantly show off by crossing their legs in meetings.

Also I spend most of my time in a clean room lab wearing a bunny suit so fashion is wasted

>> No.13367686

>having a job
>being /fa/

..pick one.

>> No.13368404

Starting a new job at my local kinoplex

>> No.13368413

i'm a fine artist painter

>> No.13368509
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>academia is often for people that couldnt find a real job with their bachelors

>> No.13368976

Scrubs can be really hot on women

>> No.13368981
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t. corporate scum

>> No.13368982

Bachelors or masters? I’m graduating next year and I’m nervous about my job prospects

>> No.13368990

Those people still make minimum wage

>> No.13369004

Cintas and Wolverines

>> No.13369023
File: 554 KB, 1620x2160, A7h7iJggPIs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maschinist on russian factory. My average daily style on pic. Just passing by.

>> No.13369025

Resident doctor in Urology. Female and not that fashionable btw...

>> No.13369029

Uni student, but part time job at a factory. Can't really be fashionable at work since we have a uniform there

>> No.13369145

Underwater mechanic

The only /fa/ thing I can wear is a dive watch

>> No.13369509

I make 20$ the hour plus tips and extra bonuses for working through the night and on holidays as barkeep, I doubt any proper barista that knows their shit is going to work for minimum wage.
The service industry is the kind of work that fucking blows if you are on the lower end dealing with shitters that live off of welfare, but as soon as you get to the classier places you won't really find randoms working 12h a day at minimum wage just barely making ends meet.

>> No.13369931

Im taking my masters in organizational psychology, what do you do more specifically anon?

>> No.13369979
File: 35 KB, 405x405, 98E64615-C2D4-4035-82B4-76738C133564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out /fa/. Is it really worth it to chase your dream? Or should I just settle for something simple that makes good money but doesn’t mean I’m happy? Fashion design is nice but is it worth it in any way? I have big doubts

>> No.13370210

You're hot

>> No.13370217

this. I only browse here for shitposts not actual fashion

>> No.13370416

software engineer

>> No.13370493

Operations in the Logistics industry

>> No.13370498

Is this even a question? Do what the fuck makes you happy, not what makes you money to be comfortable. It's going to suck, but you'll sleep well knowing you're doing what YOU want.

>> No.13370504


>> No.13370510

strategist at a creative agency
>£60k + bonus

>> No.13370520

Is that a real separate job in some countries?

>> No.13370544

>Being a G-man and doing government work
doing intelligence for law enforcement is pretty effay

>> No.13370556

im chef at mcdonals and wear effay as fuck clothes under my cook attire

>> No.13370781

How do you get such a job?

>> No.13370791

hair stylist

>How do you keep your effay game up at work?
self explanatory
sux 2 b a desk jockey i guess bruh bruh

>> No.13370831

graduating in a few years as an urban planner, anyone else do it? whats it like?

>> No.13371133
File: 155 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20170826_133855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project Manager/Sign Manufacturer

I'm a solid 60/40 on if I get to be /fa/ or not. Most days I just wear beat up jeans and a flannel shirt bc I will be working in the shop or outside digging holes/installing signs. Days where I'm on my computer or visiting clients I will dress up. Most all my clients know me very well so I can dress more adventurously than be stuck to business casual (also it helps make me look like the "art kid")

The actual signs I make are often extremely un/fa/. I usually do strickly boring/utility wayfinding signage, which is good bc I have no actual artistic skills.

I make some clothing/accessories on the side, but it's all very tongue in cheek

>> No.13371315


choose one

>> No.13371330

What do you assemble?

>> No.13371344
File: 18 KB, 240x280, Coffee Instant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TV editor

>> No.13371942

marijuana broker
> 250-300k/year
>work maybe 3 days a week
>hours are shit and my schedule is absolutely retarded

>> No.13372495

>versace floor tiles

>> No.13372507

>tfw work has no dress code

Feels good

>> No.13372542

>Inb4 what is your definition of effay
I generally attribute tremendous success in one's own domain as being effay, because let's be honest, those people are generally very unique and intriguing. I know the question can be interpreted as "which job gives you the most opportunity to wear something effay" which is not what I am going for. I am talking about effay jobs.

I share the general opinion of >>13363635, that generally the better paying job it is, the more /fa/ it becomes, as it weeds out the number of people doing that job, which makes it more unique. However, I don't think all people doing jobs mentioned by >>13363635 are unique. There are just a higher percentage of people who are effay in their jobs.

For example, an accountant working for EY wageslaving to death is not effay, but another who does his job easily, is liked by boss and peers, gets promoted and is humble is incredibly effay, because of his uniqueness.

Scientists are effay only if they are working on some ideas of their own, and not working on some weak ass projects of a professor.

Government workers are only /fa/ when there is bribe going on and he/she has actual power. Otherwise it is not /fa/.

Artists are /fa/ if you can scam a lot of money for expositions in the center of new york by drawing circles with menstruation blood or something.

Yes what they are doing are generally morally wrong, but they have found a hole in the system they are playing, and are respected and successful in their own fields, which makes them unique and their job effay. It is generally harder to find uniqueness in service work, as there are a lot of barista who are connoisseur in tea/coffee/beer idc, so it makes it makes harder to find a person who really excels. Of course if he knows recipes from all around the world, traveled around the world to study them, won competitions and such, then it is extremely effay, because it makes them unique.

>> No.13372543

weapons probably

>> No.13372549


The most effay job however, is having his own company and working for himself (and actually making money, at least enough to survive). Even if you are minimum wage, you still found an opportunity in the market and exploit it to make a living for your own, which is unique to every company. That is the most effay job you can have. You might say "all those tech companies sound the same", but the actually successful ones, which are the one making money and profit, all have their own unique stories about how they found out the need for their niche product, and how they built their stuff from ground up. That is the peak of effayness.

>> No.13372610

How many weird tile fetishists do you get at your job?

>> No.13372617

I just started work in a factory, specifically the shipping department. Honestly, i barely make enough to live rn, but its allowed me to move out, and within a few yeard ill have a much better position
If needed i can always get overtime too, so thats good

>> No.13372633

I don't have an /fa/ job but it helps me afford my shopping habit and other hobbies. Nurse

>> No.13372635

He almost definitely works on a local news show or shitty reality show lol. Hbo doesn't hire every editor

>> No.13372764

Surveillance Analyst (making sure no one is trying to hack our servers or doing illegal shit, also seeing who goes on facebook while at work).
Pay's not great, but still correct.

No one cares about who I dress, so I'm the all-black terror-core guy.

>> No.13372853

I'm not the original guy but I'll tag along with you. I'm a teacher in Japan. Been here 6 years and recently threw all my old clothes away. Came to this board looking for inspiration.
At work I only wear cheap suits and shirts. Outside, uniqlo mostly. Only thing I can fit into (fat fuck)