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/fa/ - Fashion

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13304032 No.13304032 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most effay phone?

>> No.13304054
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>> No.13304061

communication through carrier pigeon is though

>> No.13304178

Galaxy S9, Pixel 2 and iPhone X

All others are memes and not /fa/ at all

>> No.13304196
File: 347 KB, 1000x1250, Xiaomi-Mi-Mix-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iPhone X

the notch looks like total shit.
Even the chinks make better looking phones.

>> No.13304255

You got 1/3 right
Pixel 2 is complete garbage marketed to numales, iphone X is a failed attempt at copying Xiaomi

>> No.13304270

Oneplus is the only /fa/ phones, iPhone rip off design, but not normie Apple shit tier phones and not iOS

>> No.13304305
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>> No.13304408
File: 490 KB, 736x415, Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 4.50.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light Phone 2. To bad it doesn't really do much.

iPhone 1 was pretty /fa/ shit was lux as fuck when it came out

>> No.13304433

iPhone SE / iPhone 5

>> No.13304548

meme phone

>> No.13304797

SE 2 when?

>> No.13304904
File: 19 KB, 400x400, ssk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wasnt going to post in here but Pretty much any of the newer Xiaomi line phones blow that normie shit out of the water in price/performance ratio and aesthetics . They are quite hard to get where i live but you can find them on ebay new for very cheap prices (mine was £179)
I have the Xiaomi redmi 5 plus (vid related)


has a snapdragon 625 processor, 6 inch screen, 4000ma battery (which is a bigger battery than any of the flagships, it lasts days between charges), close to stock android (you can even get stock andorid on the m1 a1), 4k video recording with slo-mo, 12mp camera, fingerprint scanner, 64gb storage, everything you'd need in a modern phone.

May upgrade to the xiaomi mi mix 2s (wireless charging, upgraded camera, snapdragon 845 processor which is the most powerful movile processor on the market) Pic/vid related.


Western phones and are overpriced to shit these days. Chinese brands (Xiaomi/Huawei) are out-performing them in every front. All you're paying for is bloated tech and software like retina scanning and 4k screens (useless on a 6 inch display, most people cant even tell the difference between a 40 inch 1080p television vs a 4k one, nevermind a 6 inch screen), fastcharge etc.

You also see a host of problems on flagship phones that cost over £800-900 like iphone batteries draining like crazy, samsung screens being frail as shit and cracking constantly, samsungs being full of bloatware and shit you dont need, ios in general and apple's constant buttfuckery that you SHOULDNT have to put up with if you're buying a premium phone but you do because you're too fucking lazy to do a bit of research in to the tech you're pouring hundreds if not thousands of bongcoins/ameriburgers in to. You're equivilent of paying £3000 for an alienware desktop computer to game on instead of building one thats better in every way for £800

>> No.13304928

Lmao chinkshit

You’re from /g/ right?

>> No.13304938

sorry to break it to you lad but all production phones from flagship brands are chinkshit. You think they make iphones in america? Xiaomi are just the best at being chinkshit.

Enjoy paying £1000 for your iphone x though, ;p im sure it'll look great when the battery fails and the phone begins turning off at 40%.

>> No.13304959

iphone 5s

>> No.13304989

You might as well clear out the name field if your other opinions are this tasteless

>> No.13305917

Depends on what core you're going for.
>sleaze: old beat up nokia or shitty android with cracked screen
>meme hip-hop streetwear: iphone x
>techwear: nothing or riced out android hax phone/satellite phone

>> No.13306284
File: 106 KB, 636x900, 636x900-samsung-galaxy-s8-rose-poudre---vue-1-106190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galaxy S8
Fantastic screen, good battery and breddy good input lag for my weeb rhythm games.
I get complimented on it by girls who don't have it and those who have it are like "oh you too !"

>> No.13306308

Stop. This is embarrassing

>> No.13306515

>no rebuttals
just confirming im right

>> No.13306532

This, unironically.

>> No.13306562
File: 90 KB, 1200x639, Blackberry Keyone Black Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13306681

iPhone 6s. No unoptimized android bs to deal with, still has a headphone jack for your B&W P3s and a better screen than the SE. 7, 8 and X are overpriced and overkill.

>> No.13306796
File: 105 KB, 960x960, Smileyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13306838

truly pathetic, this nigga is actually saying something useful do you work fr apple or something
baka desu senpai

>> No.13306845

ipod nano

>> No.13306851

mi mix 2 is the correct answer

>> No.13307893

i wanna fuck the shit outta this giraffe looking thot

>> No.13308118
File: 384 KB, 719x701, Screenshot_20180416-144531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't ?

>> No.13308129

are older size (see iphone 4/5) smartphones effay?

>> No.13308133

Is she winking or having a stroke

>> No.13308141
File: 441 KB, 717x710, Screenshot_20180416-150117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's winking at the superior Korean phone taking the picture

>> No.13308244

They are not old enough, poorfag tier, would be effay in 5-6 years

>> No.13308872

The 4s and 5 have the most effay designs. >>13308129

>> No.13308902

If you don‘t have an iphone you are le supreme reeeeee not a normie autism faggot and should kys

>> No.13309319

good point

what about new but still smaller than the now average phone, i.e. iphone 8

>> No.13309326

this. i would still use mine if i could get it to work again

>> No.13309437

lel you can manufacture phones at any third world country doesn't make them a third worlder phone. right now Samsung are producing most of their phones in Vietnam

>> No.13309447
File: 97 KB, 603x769, 604bd020ccafa9368ae91be6be92927b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S9+ with a good skin

>> No.13310390

if you unironically use a smart phone that isn't a sony xperia xz1 compact, please leave, and don't let the window hit you on the way out