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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 60 KB, 1280x302, McGill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13296044 No.13296044 [Reply] [Original]

i'm in my senior year of hs and pic related is my first choice. i've been in french immersion (vancouver) since kindergarden, and i would really like to live in a french speaking city and actually use the language ive spent so long learning

>> No.13296096

lol ur gay

>> No.13296104

which program is the most /fa/ ?

>> No.13296114

no u

>> No.13296123

if this is unironic actually fuck off until you're of proper posting age. do something you are genuinely interested in or want to do fucking retard, picking studies in uni due to "/fa"ness is beyond pathetic

>> No.13296324

this, please don't pick a major based on 4chan

>> No.13296346

The one you have a passion for

>> No.13296348


I'm in my third year at McGill right now, what u wanna know?

As far as fashion goes, people here are generally very well dressed and good looking. Even people who aren't necessarily fashionable still put in a lot of effort. And the fashionable kids go all out. Sometimes Montreal can get really depressing but overall it's a fun city. McGill is a fucking HARD school and there's no one to hold your hand, so expect to work work work.

>> No.13296352

do you know a girl named alyssa

>> No.13296389


yeah there's like 3 of them off the top of my head

>> No.13296560

college is all about networking and for the love of God please go to the career fairs. you'll thank me when you can easily get a job after college.

>> No.13296578

What ciegep did you go to and what program are you in?

Being an anglophone in Quebec is not as fun as you think

>> No.13296579

this desu

>> No.13297429

What if you have a passion for nothing and everything you like is just a series of passing interests that you are no good at.

>> No.13297552
File: 103 KB, 940x629, 41475718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any dk fags

>> No.13297563

Read less than zero and get over yourself

>> No.13297573

McGill is all foreigners and english speaking kids, you will barely get any french conversations in Montréal at all.

>> No.13297604


Does her last name start with B?

>> No.13298264


>> No.13298292

Not in uni, but I take vocational courses for welding technology at my local uni
is welding pretty /fa/? just trying to get in on that pipeline

>> No.13298302
File: 14 KB, 500x242, ryerson-new-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit man. A person who knows exactly what they want to be and is pursuing that is 100x more /fa/ than someone who goes to an institution because its expected of them. I wish you success

>> No.13298305
File: 32 KB, 400x400, RITEMB2L_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic not related


>> No.13298334
File: 167 KB, 696x1024, 1520932333417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank-you, anon. I hope your passion will land you that job with your uni degree.

>> No.13298421

I've heard nothing but bad news about McGill
Good luck getting any sort of a diverse education at a school like RIT lmao.
>4chan user
>34% female school
Yeah you're never going to get laid at that school
t. STEM major at a regular school

>> No.13298436

Any of you fucks go to Willamette?

>> No.13298437
File: 34 KB, 601x508, e7db9e4e33592de521b23e955084488e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but... im going to get rich off CS and co-op

>> No.13298443

I live in mtl, a bunch of hipsters but definetly a cool city

>> No.13298466
File: 44 KB, 874x260, Tufts_University_logo-874x260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13298473

last name with n?

>> No.13298502

Lmao again
It is true that (some) women dig men with money, but I personally believe that being trapped in a sausage fest for four years will turn you into a thirsty incel with no actual personality
Just my take

>> No.13298530
File: 298 KB, 3496x4024, WtX6alH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i probably will dress better than a majority of everyone there and there has to be atleast some attractive girls right anon?

>> No.13298559

I'm majoring in hydrology and the majority of classes I take are STEM-based. In the lower-level classes there are attractive girls, sure, but that's because they're not majoring in STEM. Once you get past a certain point it's all over. 90% of STEM majors look like they browse r9k which is fine, but it's not a diverse group. I spent a week in a summer program at a school similar to RIT and it was 15 dudes and one girl who I wouldn't call attractive.
Live your youth while you still can and find a school with a more diverse population.
Either that or make sure there's a different college town near by you can go to bars at

>> No.13298562

I should note that you also shouldn't take serious life advice from a stranger on the internet, but I will say that if you have the chance, visit the school on a completely random day (like a Thursday or something) and see what the people there are like for yourself. Ask people just standing around what they think of the place. Campus tours are like North Korean tour groups. You only see the best parts and it's not a good way to find out what a school is actually like.

>> No.13298635

dont waste your parents money to go to school, take a bunch of random classes then drop out.

>> No.13298637
File: 49 KB, 768x584, QueensLogo_colour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Queen's fag here that got into McGill. I sometimes regret my choice because although I like my school, Kingston is a shit city. Montreal might actually be the most /fa/ city in North America.

There are two factors you need to consider:

1) Does it make money? Nothing is less effay than being broke

2) As this fag said >>13296346 you gotta have passion for it. While your major doesn't necessarily determine the work you will do, it often affects it and you do not want to be stuck in a field you hate.

I got into UofT, McGill, Queens, etc. They are all chock full of 8s and 9s (women) and they all dress well. The average girl from my hometown would be like a 4 at queens. The only school that wasn't at the same level that I got into was Waterloo and the people there and at WLU were still pretty decent. All I'm saying is, prepare for the standards to be higher at university.

This. And don't go to McGill just cause its prestigious. Its why I went to my school. My brother went to carleton. He gets to live at home, drive a nice car, and saves a ton of money he can put towards clothes and fun shit. All my money goes towards paying rent on a shitty apartment and groceries.

These are both good suggestions. I'm a geologist and all stem majors are 80% male in the later years. And don't take a tour, they only show you the nice buildings and ignore all the issues with the school.

>> No.13298652

Man, do what you gotta do. While I don't think trades are worth the hype they are currently getting, I do think that they're more valuable to society than most art degrees.

Somewhat true. This is the case in the downtown but if you explore a bit there are plenty of francophones.

Shit man, thats a good read. It isn't entirely accurate (I don't know any dealers with sex slaves at my university) but the depraved shit that happens here does bother me somewhat. I think its funny how people here acted shocked when you make even a mildly edgy joke, but will literally spend their weekends sucking dick for free booze and popping xanax.

The biggest truth of all. People will tell you just to go "for the experience" or to "network" but the reality is that if you arent getting that degree at the end, its a huge waste of time and college is not the way they portray it in movies.

>> No.13298665

I go to UVic, fashion sense here is memes. The three main styles are Art hoe, Patagonia and blundstones, or rich asains (supreme, LV, Gucci, etc). Victoria is alright, it's nice living here a couple years but once you've seen most of it, it's just deperessing. In the last couple years ive seen the odd individual rock Rick, Y3, or raf. I wish I went elsewhere but when I go to grad school I'll have a better options

>> No.13298701

> Rich Asians
> Rick, Y3, raf

This is specifically why I don't like these brands. I solely associate them with rich asians.

I don't mind the patagonia/blundstones/meme smiths/superstars look. Its better than most basic shit (although still very basic).

>> No.13298732

>you will barely get any french conversations in Montréal at all
you have no idea what you're talking about. this is only true if you constrict yourself to a 5 block radius around the school.

>> No.13299179

when I walk across the quad and like 70% of people wearing just blundstones, Patagonia, etc it's just starts to seem unoriginal, Initially I liked it. If I lived somewhere where everyone wore Rick or raf I would get tired of it

>> No.13299183

ayy I'm about to graduate from McGill! ask me anything

>> No.13299245
File: 9 KB, 400x400, xaZAy7TU_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NYU here,
i have no friends

>> No.13299247
File: 44 KB, 400x400, uoft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing but dorks n fobs tbfqh

>> No.13299340
File: 133 KB, 500x350, Cal-State-LA_students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any golden eagles?

>> No.13299352

it's not so bad, at least you get to live in a city

>> No.13299365


-No freedom of speech

-No guns

-High tax rate

-No sun 2/3rds of the year

sad fucking life

>> No.13299423

My middle name means golden eagle in some native american language

>> No.13299427

'muricans, when will they learn

that's awesome senpai

>> No.13300003

NYU Gallatin junior here, no one at NYU has friends, everyone is just miserable and alone for four years and then graduate. If you have time to transfer, do it. I wish I had

>> No.13300011

Only fa unis itt so far

>> No.13300552

try being a freshman at tandon, its a hard knock life

>> No.13300581
File: 30 KB, 470x353, rad_cam__470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13300589

I do feel you man. Especially in geology and geo eng. 90% of the people in my major wear solely patagonia/arcteryx shit. Even our faculty clothing this year was Patagonia (not too bad though, better than the normal gildan shit). But yeah, I do feel you.

Only the Downtown/St.George campus is effay. The subburb ones (scarbourough/miss) are both for commuters.

>> No.13300595

> Implying NYU is effay

No one who goes there would agree. NYU is a meme. Its now overrun by rich asians and old business men coming back to school.

>> No.13300617
File: 165 KB, 750x360, royal_academy_of_fine_arts_antwerp_notjustalabel_71842479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely considering going here and I'm almkst finished a 2 year arts and design diploma with a focus on fasion design with a decent portfolio built up, spoke to my program director and she said it's possible if money isn't a concern. That and I happen to have European citizenship so it likely wouldn't be as expensive and I already speak a small amount of dutch, which I could get better at. Is it doable /fa/?

>> No.13300623

Vancouver seems pretty shit to me since moving here, is it worth the move?

>> No.13300660

Man, every city is shit. Unless you've got money, downtown apartments in major cities are all crumbling, with bad water and wiring. I've lived in Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, Montreal, San Francisco, Ankara, Rome, Calgary (which, believe it or not, was the best that I have lived in), etc. Unless you can afford to live in an expensive area, go to the suburbs, or better yet, the country and commute in. The /fa/ ideal of living in a minimalist apartment in the city center and walking everywhere is literally impossible. Nice apartments cost $1 million+ in any major city.

My point is, if you thought Van was nice, then you moved to the lower east side and learned it was shitty, don't think it will be different anywhere else. I made that mistake in Ottawa. I made the mistake of looking at the nice downtown areas and then moved into a place in the Byward Market. Ottawa is still a nice city, but unless you living right in the heart of the downtown and dropping big money, prepare to be disappointed.

>> No.13300661
File: 2.00 MB, 1459x1022, rugbies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its why I went to my school
I also go to Queens and we're far from prestigious. Pretty much every other real university (Toronto, McGill, UBC, etc.) in Canada outranks us. Americans have usually never even heard of us. The only exception I'd say is the commerce program, but based on what you posted you don't seem like a rich Toronto fuck boy so I assume you're not in it.

>ArtSci doesn't stand a chance to schools like UofT or McGill.
>The only good thing about engineering is that we make sure ours aren't autistic, still not as good as other schools
>I know nothing about PheKin
>Computing is underfunded
>ConEd people are the worst

The only solace we have is that we get to trash kingston several times a year, our school is full of dimes and we get to not be depressed in the same way U of T or Waterloo students are. Still love it though.

>> No.13300677

>Vancouver seems pretty shit to me
Literally how? It's an incredible city. Where are you moving from?

>> No.13300697

As I said, I'm a geologist. Our Geo and geoeng programs rank second in Canada behind uVic.

As a whole, Macleans ranks us third most years behind UofT and McGill, so I would say we are very competitive with them. Of course in global rankings we don't do as well, but I really don't put as much faith in those. They obviously don't visit every school and its hard to compare schools on a world stage where there are many different cultures, languages, and different ways to measure results.

While Queen's is becoming an undergrad degree factory, I think thats true of pretty much all Canadian schools. The low entrance requirements make it too easy for brappy art hoes to get in. I'm graduating this year and I'll still be pretty happy with my degree.

> Americans have usually never even heard of us

I'm a dual citizen. Trust me man, Americans don't give a fuck about any schools outside of the USA. I was talking to an American friend of mine and he didn't even know what Cambridge or the Sorbonne were. I wouldn't hang my hat on the approval of Americans.

> we get to trash kingston several times a year, our school is full of dimes and we get to not be depressed in the same way U of T or Waterloo students are. Still love it though.

Well said. The girls here are amazing. I've been lucky enough to fuck women here I never thought I would get the chance to.

>> No.13300758

Don't get me wrong, it's a gorgeous city and I moved here from a much smaller town a few hours away. Mainly I was bored and it felt cultureless there so Van seemed like a good step up but now that I've been here for a while it seems as if there isn't as much going on here, particularly with my interests as I had initially thought, there's a few cool stores and places I visit regularly but all in all there doesn't seem to be a whole lot going on sadly

This guy sums part of it up pretty well too, although my living situation isn't too bad.

>> No.13300764

If anybody knows of some cool places or things to do in Vancouver I'm totally open to changing my mind about that though lol
Friday I'm going to what seems like an interesting experimental show, but stuff like that seems rare

>> No.13300941

not him but you still get to live in Manhattan. plenty of /fa things in the city and it;s your fault for not finding them and branching out. amazing city to live in and it's expensive, hinting you have wealth to go. plus it does look decent to employers

>> No.13300974

How hard is it to get into McGill biochem? I'm in my first year of cegep and my r-score is shit.

>> No.13301073
File: 274 KB, 1113x1024, PU_train.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no friends and all i do is sit in my apartment lmao
and only asians have good fits

>> No.13301275

ryerson is for absolute fags who are basic and entry level especially when it comes to having a personality

>> No.13301473

enrolling in cs in the fall. see you around

>> No.13301477

why don't you download grinder and hangout with the guys you meet on that app?

have them buy you dinner and shit

>> No.13301676

>but you still get to live in Manhattan

i don't live there but everytime i've visited it really hasn't felt that special. I think its reputation just comes from people that have lived in small towns for their entire lives.

>> No.13301686

>McGill is a fucking HARD school
How many universities have you been to?

>> No.13301702

> I don't live there
that fucking explains it then. you're wasting your best possible years in the city desu, idk why you aren't living there. it has a lot to offer if you branch out of the NYU bubble

>> No.13301752
File: 12 KB, 200x200, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have so many fashionable fobs and that's about it. pretty fun uni though

>> No.13301766
File: 48 KB, 1280x522, 1280px-Universite_de_Montreal_logo.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13301773

lil b dropped one of his hardest tracks with that name.. based > effay

>> No.13301778

>/fa/ universities

>> No.13301822

University at Buffalo...

>> No.13301840

I have actually seriously been considering this lmao

or even using tindr even though I'm in a LDR just so I can have someone to eat at with a restaurant. I can't go to a restaurant alone fack

>> No.13301849

you can go to little hole in the wall bars where live bands play mostly in little college towns and shit


>> No.13301854

yeah but i'm super awkward in public so wtf i dont even know how to act in a bar

>> No.13301873
File: 74 KB, 570x379, Vanier-College-Montreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else? Hoping to get in for electric jazz bass

>> No.13301888


where abouts you from?

>> No.13301889

No shit. People just walk across the street to go shop at Uniqlo/H&M/ZARA. Nearly all the people that compliment my fits have never stepped foot in Saks or knew that they sold designer shit in Hudson Bay.

>> No.13301892
File: 971 KB, 948x623, 2018-04-13 01_50_36-First meetup of the University of Waterloo Hype Club!! _ streetwear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13301893


fuck off thats not a real thing.... wut.....

>> No.13301898

university institutions are flawed as hell right now unless you have some way to guarantee you will stand out from the rest of the students

go do trades instead if you want to make money

>> No.13301921

sadly it is.

t. waterloo student

>> No.13301953

indiana. you?

>> No.13302681

Alumn here.

Don't do math like I did it was way too fucking hard and broke my balls.

Montreal is about as /fa/ as it gets though and if you dont learn french wile youre there youre a dumbass

>> No.13302771

can you get me into mcgill bro

>> No.13302780

Ben coudon

>> No.13302790
File: 880 KB, 364x274, 1433708793470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job freak master

>> No.13302924
File: 13 KB, 280x122, yorku-logo-rgb-240-122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I dress strike-core?

>> No.13302940

Are you guys still striking? Damn, I thought us colleges had it bad at 5 weeks off

>> No.13302972

My faculty isn't, so it's more an inconvenience than anything

>> No.13303685

Holy shit thats bad

Honestly, HBC has stepped up their game. Still TONS of normie shit, but I occasionally go in there and find something interesting now, which I can't say about any other brick and mortar store in my area.

Just sit there and enjoy the music. I used to be autistic as fuck around people. The hard truth is that you only get better at social interaction by interacting with people.

lol just go to a diner and belly up to the bar. Theres nothing weird about going to a restaurant alone, I would actually say its kind of effay.

Not the waterloo I know

This dude is correct >>13301676. Manhattan is ridiculously expensive and employers don't give a shit where you went to school once you start working

>> No.13303700

I'm at a state university studying psychology and for a while have been preparing for grad school, going into research and likely ending up a professor.
But recently I've been getting passionate about film, and I've been truly considering the possibility of film school. Sooner or later I'll have to choose which passion to follow and I'm afraid of making the wrong choice

>> No.13303804

i live in toronto. I've only been to new york on vacation and spent most of my time on manhattan when I went.

>> No.13303852

You'll be a middle aged man before you get any real freedom in creating your own film. Be aware that it takes decades of shadowing under big names to actually get the chance to pitch your shit to hollywood excecs

>> No.13304049

yee boi

>> No.13304068

/fa/ unis in the UK?

>> No.13304307

Relevant uni of london colleges (KCL, UCL, LSE, maybe IC and SOAS) and oxbridge.

>> No.13304546

McGill is dope, I'm going into 4th year at Concordia. If you can't get into McGill OP and want to go to a still decent school go to Concordia (if you're trying to live in mtl.) Lots of art hoes and fucking weirdos but the actual classes are good quality and not too hard depending on the subject. Easy to get into as well.

Im also from Vancouver by the way, grew up in Surrey. I have to tell you, since moving to montreal I am NEVER living in Vancouver again. You're probably aware that people from Van all love it but its because they're boring faggots that have never lived full time in another city worth living in.

Vancouver is not even comparable to mtl, its not as if mtl is the greatest city of all time but as far as North American cities go or at least Canadian cities, its the most cosmopolitan for sure, a thriving arts scene, music scene is unreal, some of the best nightlife in North America (best in Canada no doubt), literally rated the #1 food scene right now on the continent, world class bars, beautiful architecture (just walking around and looking at buildings itself is relaxing and fun), and of course the fashion scene is pretty great. Vancouver is fine but there's nothing happening there and unlike montreal its expensive as fuck. People from here might disagree but having grown up in vancouver as well my take is that Montreal is the absolute way to go.

Vancouver wants to be a city like montreal but it never will be because its superficial and void of cultural depth in any way. Come to montreal.

>> No.13304677

what are those
SFSU art hoe galore I got bored with the esthetic like 2 years ago. Now its just contempt. No prep gf sucks man. Lots of fobs as well met only 3 people that dress nice. Its one of the biggest university's in the country as well.

>> No.13304917

>implying St.George isn't also primarily comprised of commuters

>> No.13304933

I went to Montreal a couple weeks ago and was blown away by how well people dressed there and we were right near McGill so probably a lot of the people were students lol

>> No.13305427
File: 51 KB, 711x194, 08F2C115-F0E9-478F-B782-D9844660A817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13306477

when i go to vancouver or toronto and see the way people dress im like appalled lol

>> No.13306483
File: 560 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180415-113437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13306494

anyone go to uni in scotland, are they /fa/?

>> No.13306507
File: 9 KB, 370x136, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably going to go here. Anyone else?

>> No.13306590

who /yorku/ here? s

>> No.13306595


>i live in toronto

RIP my man

>> No.13306621


youll regret it, im here

>> No.13306629

Fuck, man. I'm a HS senior and this is my best choice rn cause I got shitty grades. What's bad about it? Is it as boring as it seems?

>> No.13306722

Fuck off i did biomed engineering there it was a good school

>> No.13306756


>> No.13308017

i'm here, it's hell

>> No.13308630

Not Exeter

>> No.13309074

In what way? It's probably where I'll end up at this point, but I'm already dreading it. What's it like?

>> No.13309083

/fa/ london meetup ?

>> No.13309127


>> No.13309388

lots of canadians on this board!

i go to the least effay school in the country. it's in a small university town where a lot of students are from even smaller hick towns, no one can dress because everyone's behind on everything. normies everywhere. glad i went though cause it's amazing for agricultural and environmental sciences, and good co-op program.

>> No.13309390
File: 3 KB, 225x225, guelph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.13309436

I'm starting there in september but looking at these replies maybe I should decline the offer

>> No.13309599

I live in Guelph. My brother attends here.

>> No.13309608
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>> No.13309610
File: 117 KB, 900x400, 1_uG96P2NujoIn6_doJmRs2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

campus is /fa/, the people not so much.

>> No.13309619

you gotta admit it's a really unfashionable town. standard issue guelph girl: macbook and iphone, swell water bottle, blundstone boots, vans or chucks, leggings, big sweaters, dad hats, bleached hair, chunky calves and blotchy red complexions

>> No.13309623

i miss the gold dollar. fuck, I miss living in Detroit when all this shit was going on...

>> No.13309627

I think that's girls everywhere, but yeah I see your point. I've lived here for my whole life and really it's just a place in between greener pastures.

>> No.13309633
File: 215 KB, 940x526, 940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you fell for a meme like pic related where you were brainwashed into thinking that cities are filled with "fun" and "culture". In reality the "fun" in cities comes from spending money on material objects (like going to trendy sandwich places for $20 PBJ and heading to trendy bookstores to buy books and CDs you could've pirated online). Or spending money on a Crossfit membership or for admission to a "cultured art" fair with crappy overpriced food. You can have much more fun while spending less money by going hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, river rafting, kayaking, playing sports, shooting, mudding etc out in the country where you also wont be surrounded by homeless people.

Every city is the same and you will have that feeling every city you move to.

>> No.13309635

Define shit

>> No.13309677

>girls everywhere
i've got some good news for you anon :^)

>> No.13309703

mudding? being a hick isnt fa you fucking hick

>> No.13309709

not him, but being a hick can be way more effay than being another fucking wannabe artist in new york city or some shit

>> No.13309749


>> No.13309856

Being a basic mindless city consumer isn't /fa/.

>> No.13309993


r u even trying
whats up this weekend wyd

>> No.13310010

>i've been in french immersion (vancouver)

Are you asian?

>> No.13310015
File: 11 KB, 700x240, john_jay_c_of_criminal_justice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else?

>> No.13310180


>> No.13310184

the city isnt what people from small towns imagine it to be

>> No.13311002
File: 161 KB, 1818x699, imp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on then

>> No.13311349
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laffing at all the burgers thinking they're fa

>> No.13311360

>in geology and geo eng. 90% of the people in my major wear solely patagonia/arcteryx shit
>people who study outdoors shit wear outdoors gear

cmon bruh not everyone subscribes to fashion forums

>> No.13311433
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being in new york +++
some certain art/artHistory majors and architecture grad students dress well. but still, besides that only see interesting style occasionally on campus.

>> No.13311592
File: 3 KB, 417x121, Leeds uni innnnit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeeah bois

>> No.13312129

there are no effay people at this school who r u fucks

>> No.13312142

Or.. if you legitimately stay around the downtown area. Like most McGill students (excluding Plateau)

>> No.13312152

What's good? I graduated from there 2017. How you doin senpai?

>> No.13312167
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I go here its decently /fa/ but RISD is down the street and way cooler, probably the most /fa/ college of all

There's a lot of crossover tho they might as well be the same school

>> No.13312178

I ended up here because my grades weren't good enough for McGill (((':

>> No.13312253


>> No.13312254
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>> No.13312268

If you want the best shot at life, and live in canada, learn a trade. Thank me later. If you are smart electrician. If you are dumb hvac if you are hard working and a leader become a plumber and set up your own team once you can solve any problem you face for a year. Make 200k+ a year and thank me later.

>> No.13312405


>> No.13312407

Literally everyone I know who went to McGill is gay in some way

>> No.13312418

Valparaiso boy here, I got to IUPUI

>> No.13312425

I go to Guelph as well. Nobody puts any effort into looking good other than the international students that wear Balenciaga runners in the snow. And the Aggies are fucking atrocius, who told them bootcut jeans with those ugly jackets and a john deere hat looks good. I will admit however, a lot of the guys here have good looking faces despite usually wearing 3/10 fits

>> No.13312508
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It could be worse

>> No.13312762

Wow Western was my first choice but they took too long to get back to me (I didn't fill out the supp. application) so I went to UofT instead. I don't regret it

>> No.13312840

I almost applied to Western but the school representatives at the university fair back in high school laughed at me when I told them my average.

>> No.13312994
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could be even worse, everyone here is so painfully fucking average

it makes me not even want to make friends

>> No.13313962

wholesome boys we really out here

>> No.13314058

yep I've seen these and ew

>> No.13314148

I'm in my fourth year at McGill. Make sure youre tolerant of hipsters and artsy scenes and so forth, that's the entirety of Montreal it can feel like sometimes. Though I'm in Arts so maybe thats me

>> No.13314183

Same, too many chinese and korean hypebeasts tho

>> No.13314189
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It's pretty aesthethic compared to your average ontario uni

>> No.13314720

>>13309608 britfag going to be visiting the uni on an international programme in June, what do you recommend I do with about 6 free evenings and 2 free days?

>> No.13314814

Grant is this you?

I don't want you living near my house you fag

>> No.13314819
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>> No.13314857

I'm going there this September, I'm turning down McMaster lol.

>> No.13314864

What program are you in? I heard Mac can get really competitive when it comes to Engineering and Health/Science programs.

>> No.13316183
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Really want to study film and television here after community college.

>> No.13316745
File: 637 KB, 744x564, 1523136470576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too?

>> No.13316811


IUB junior here

>> No.13316823

follow ur dreams

>> No.13316869
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>American unis

>> No.13317467

montreal is too poor to be the most effay city in canada, by ammount of people who dress well vancouver is #1 in canada with about 6 people

>> No.13317701

just visited providence over the weekend, wish i had gone to brown ) :