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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 106 KB, 1120x1566, N7LlAei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13292925 No.13292925 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder, that good looks are nothing if you don't have a good personality, especially if your current personality is self-deprecating.

>> No.13292950

Implying thots have personality. It's no coincidence why they like what they like

>> No.13292958

i think you underestimate the amount of good looking self-deprecating individuals specifically looking for someone just like them

>> No.13292960

Lookism niggers need to be hanged

>> No.13292963

Tell me how to Looksmax.

>> No.13293080

I look like that except ugly.

>> No.13293096

at least post more orb

>> No.13293105

no one wants to have an actual relationship with them. They’re just there to smash

>> No.13293181
File: 1.71 MB, 3065x1581, Ymcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13293603

this dude looks like a straight up homo

>> No.13293611

just reminder he looks likes a slightly above average normie in candid photos from real life which is what actually matters.

he's also 5'8

>> No.13293612

How is this fag fashion related?

>> No.13293613

also just a reminder he's a surgerycel and a photoshopcel

>> No.13293614

He reminds me of Luka Magnotta. Hollow, boring.

>> No.13293737

without the body dude would look pretty good but pretty average, wouldn't stand out in a crowd

>> No.13293814

5'10 actually

>> No.13293820

call me a dyel bitch, but that back is wrong

>> No.13294420

Tell me what surgeries to do in order to look like him

>> No.13295054

He had a nigger nose

>> No.13295080

true af, coming from someone with 9/10 looks but a 6/10 personality

>> No.13295490
File: 538 KB, 619x338, 1460407478694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just have a good personality and good looks bro!!

>> No.13295611

there seems to be two camps here on /fa/
those who seek to refine their fashion to an extension of themself. fashion for expression.
then those who seek to have their fashion help them achieve society's visual ideal. is often obsessed with facial structure and other vain things. fashion for acceptance and prestige.

>> No.13295645
File: 884 KB, 684x983, 1523208114171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, then watch at 1:36, OP


>> No.13295866

one of his early videos

pure autism, and he looks nowhere near as good when he is in motion


>> No.13295871

cosmetic fillers is mainly what he had done.
It costs a lot, and doesn't last for more than a year

>> No.13295992
File: 42 KB, 276x280, e1d90b26-4dd5-4ef1-acc2-ff891aa470f8..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take having no personality and being visualizing pleasing over being a coping faggot on 4chain

>> No.13296061
File: 121 KB, 600x450, Femmy Nicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thots have neither good looks nor personality

>> No.13296090

what is a good personality?
>if too kind, you seem stupid
>if too much of an edgelord, only alternative people will take interest
>if too hipster, you will only get along with soyboys

>> No.13296106

Joke's on you, I have both shit looks and shit personality.

>> No.13296144

Ugly people can express fashion. They can't be fashionable.

>> No.13296814

camp 2 fag confirmed

>> No.13296822


>> No.13296852

Wish it were socially accepted to just wear a mask

>> No.13296933
File: 40 KB, 800x750, scatterplot.of.boring.pricks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be a prick and don't be boring
I made a little chart to illustrate what to avoid

>> No.13296935

I hope this is a fucking joke. He's literally flawless.

>> No.13296982
File: 203 KB, 500x900, FJNdgaS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon, but hes not even close to flawless.

he looks like he has a very mild case of hemifacial atrophy. One entire side of his face is less projected, causing asymmetry at all 3 levels of his face.
This asymmetry is most prominent in his jaw and his cheek projection.
Also has poor teeth and his nose is below average.

He's above average sure, but in a crowd of faces, at 5'9, hes not going to be turning heads or standing out.

You can't forget he spend large amounts of time posing for these photos and frauding for his best looks, you cannot fraud effectively in real life

>> No.13297731

he looks cuter here
fuck i wish i looked like this

>> No.13297782
File: 87 KB, 268x325, 36320894-6F05-4B75-AD96-BBC5034CCEC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bottom right expression
muh clit

>> No.13297792

Honestly his back looks pretty wide. like almost disproportionate. Which is how my back is so now I feel better about myself if all I gotta do is work on everything else.

>> No.13297797
File: 344 KB, 566x480, 1484331443657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stop dude, this is sad to read

>> No.13297904
File: 180 KB, 1080x577, Screenshot_20180411-213816_Mimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yes m8, clinch yer fokin ayes furthoar!"

>> No.13297976

gotta be one of the most autistic takes on having a nice personality i've seen

>> No.13298001


>> No.13298017
File: 115 KB, 776x748, 1505592205566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking personality matters

>> No.13298024
File: 704 KB, 900x1200, ajit-pai-press-photo-04192017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking you're fugly face actually gets u women
go back to staring at your $500 figurines u praise so much

>> No.13298038

>implying that i didn't already know i am the ugliest troglodyte in the world
I wish I had 500$ to spend on figurines

>> No.13298547

Which part of what I said was incorrect.
If he were to visit a maxillofacial surgeon, he would be told the same thing.
In fact any plastic surgeon would tell him the same thing.

I had the same problem, and the surgeon picked up on it instantly.
You realise he got fillers to fix the asymmetries?

>> No.13299218

>just reminder he looks likes a slightly above average normie in candid photos from real life
prove it

>> No.13299258
File: 353 KB, 998x1527, 0E833A29-C348-4ED5-90B6-63E283821846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked are my teeth?
I’ve had people say they’re weird and too small .. I’m half British.
I swear everyone else I know had braces or something and have big, straight, even, pearly white chompers.

>> No.13299313


>> No.13299716


>Bright blue eyes
>Broad shoulders
>Narrow hips
>Semi toned chest
>Healthy hairy/nice cut
>Chad jawline

H-his nose isn't e-even that nice. L-look at h-his teeth. You sound like a kid talking about his crush's new boyfriend lmao.

>> No.13299751


What's wrong with surgerycel?

>> No.13299850

>Bright blue eyes
>Broad shoulders
>Narrow hips
>Semi toned chest
>Healthy hairy/nice cut
All true

>Chad jawline
wrong, its asymmetrical and recessed

I'm not saying he is unattractive, and he is above average for sure. He has a lot of positives, number one being his facial harmony.

Someone said he was flawless, I simply pointed out he wasn't.

>> No.13299876

most people who get plastic surgery are average, and pay thousands to end up looking average + weird.

Harmony is by far the most important aspect of facial beauty, and its very difficult to improve harmony via surgery, if anything it often becomes worse in the pursuit for more desirable features.

>> No.13299878
File: 21 KB, 400x400, af738113ce46cb6952aabe2143d60e63_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13299906

You might be picking up on the fact that his dental midline doesn't line up with his facial midline. This is something they make a big deal about in our esthetics lectures at dental school.

>> No.13299917

he also has a recessed mandible, hence why his front teeth are covering too much of his lower teeth

>> No.13299927

I made little self-defecating jokes here and there but meeting an actual self-defecating person was terrible. Being around them was such a drain.

You want to try to be enjoyable to be around. Don't make such a serious face (don't smile too much either), try to help a conversation flow. If you're walking into a classroom or your work, try to greet people as you pass by them, make small talk for like 30 seconds, ask if anything new is happening in their lives and share things that are going on with you. You don't have to change who you are but just try not to be insufferable.

Most of the guys i've met that dress "effay" or in streetwear are just terrible narcissists. Dressing nice and looking good will get you nowhere if you're a shitty to be around.

>> No.13299933

>If you're walking into a classroom or your work, try to greet people as you pass by them, make small talk for like 30 seconds, ask if anything new is happening in their lives and share things that are going on with you

Is this actually true?

>> No.13299947

Not him but i tried that and accidentally found a few friends, it just shows that you are interested and care about others, which makes them respond in a similarly

>> No.13299967

just ask 'how are you?'.
You'd be surprised how few people do that.

>> No.13299981


is it bad if I don't want to do this because I view most people in classes as below myself?
its not that I don't want to have friends, but my brain just tells me its not worth it, particularly other males.
I haven't felt the desire to get to know another guy for probably going on 4 years now.

pretty lonley desu

>> No.13299990

you're just a narcissist, chances are, these people are better than you.
I used to be the same.

>> No.13300035

I mean they may or may not be better people than me, but its not really the point. Like I do interact with some people, just not most people.

I presume the way to get over this is by interacting with other people, which is kind of a catch 22.

>> No.13300045

Kinda is, you dont know any of these people and thus cant judge by eavesdropping on conversations aeound you their worth
I mean so yoir thing but dont complain about being lonely or being disliked

>> No.13300052
File: 479 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20180413_012225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people say I look like a 12 year old nazi, I'm 20 this month .....

>> No.13300060


they also say i look gay :(

>> No.13300076



>> No.13300116


my name is harley