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13265432 No.13265432 [Reply] [Original]

Is pale good?

>> No.13265443

i want to creampie eugenia before she dies.

>> No.13265450
File: 15 KB, 479x479, 1520047088699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively speaking - no. Not at all. It's gross.
But the pale shut in virgins on this board will gladly project their unhealthy lifestyle on an uncommon beauty ideal.

>> No.13265459
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It is the only truth.

>> No.13265471

>Objectively speaking - no
>t. shitskin

>> No.13265474
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>> No.13265495
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>> No.13265720

People with melanin are better.

>> No.13265773
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>> No.13265788

Is pale effay on a guy? Asking for a friend not me

>> No.13265870

Effay? Sure

Good? No

>> No.13265891

Objectively the whiter the better. Why do you think all non whites try to make themselves look whiter? Beauty and whiteness are intertwined

>> No.13265895

Explain the tanning business

>> No.13265917

Pale is good if your have no flaws in your skin. Cause blemishes/acne scars /dark circles/etc tend to be visible from mile away and tend to make you look unhealthy. This is less of a problem for women since they can use make-up but for men it can be pretty annoying.

>> No.13265921

objectively speaking you're going to have problems if you go out in the sun with skin like that, and beaches are some of the most fashionable places there are.

>> No.13265961

>beaches are some of the most fashionable places there are.

>> No.13265969
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It is and will make you admired among Asians who have jaundice skin.

>> No.13265981
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How does one become as pale as Cooney?

>> No.13265987

at least their skin isn't the colour of actual shite.

>> No.13266094
File: 77 KB, 528x960, 29750941_604196223250875_885480065_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty pale, I like it

>> No.13266110 [DELETED] 

There's the natural pinkish color that nords have that is the beauty standard, and then there's that disgusting ghost white that meds who don't go outside have.

>> No.13266121

yeah, more contrast

>> No.13266130

stereotypical nerd

>> No.13266148

It’s dead

>> No.13266158

lmao shows how fucking outdated your fashion sense is desu

>> No.13266166
File: 262 KB, 1500x1000, Pale-Waves-Dec-2017-1-1500x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pale is authentic

>> No.13266184
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>> No.13266198
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>being pale is bad because i say so; ITS OBJECTIVE
pic related is you, also (You)

>> No.13266203
File: 61 KB, 920x584, Pale-Waves-Heather-Baron-Gracie-920x584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my waifu so much

>> No.13266213

you literally look like the virgin in the virgin v. chad meme

>> No.13266216

she is extremely ugly barely 3/10 and even lower without make up

>> No.13266228
File: 217 KB, 1200x1200, 066e893ef834358b91617cda9148c4b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you shes beautiful REEEEEEEEE

>> No.13266230

Pale blue is fine too.

>> No.13266232
File: 43 KB, 750x688, tumblr_ox3smcIzxF1ucgct1o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want her to marry and rape me

>> No.13266233
File: 28 KB, 610x470, cd67ab6df244f55ab5a3e7e8a0b0203e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to bite pieces of my skin off and lick my neck

>> No.13266237
File: 52 KB, 603x615, tumblr_ox3smcIzxF1ucgct1o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lick her butthole every morning

>> No.13266240
File: 46 KB, 500x366, tumblr_ox8xpf0b5x1ttc4wso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF she doesnt marry me im gonna kill myself

i accept no other women

please rape me

>> No.13266245


>> No.13266269
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>> No.13266277

>even though most cultures throughout all of history have idealized pale skin or preferred lighter skin, especially on women, and this has only recently been subverted by tanning fads amongst white people that make them look like leather

>> No.13266330

it's bad when it's unhealthy and from being a shut in. gotta get vitamin D. alternatively you don't wanna burn the shit out of your pale ass neither. but if you're healthy and gorgeous who gives a shit

>> No.13266554
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on a girl looks cute,innocent,feminie and slight glow

on a guy a tan looks tougher more chad like,healthy,strong ,athletic and more ripped.

>> No.13266650
File: 65 KB, 600x591, 1484613053817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ....theyll go muh viking roots or shut up shitskin....low t cuz they lack vitamin d

>> No.13266653
File: 142 KB, 493x370, missuniversecomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lighter not scotsman. youd look like patsy fag. why have fragile skin when it can tan

>> No.13266658
File: 96 KB, 1200x501, indianolympic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no offense ya get fit and get tan. You look like a soy boy poltard

>> No.13267105
File: 399 KB, 932x1920, Snapchat-797019763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like being pale

>> No.13267185

tanning is skin cells in trauma >:)

>> No.13267229
File: 193 KB, 1024x768, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also like sucking cock and looking like a finn soygoi

>> No.13267312

>on women

Exactly. Pale skin is a feminine trait.

Thats why the low t soyboys in this board idealize it. When in real life they just look sickly and weak

>> No.13267316

>gets mugged anywhere outside his college town core

>> No.13267559

stop browsing/posting now.

>> No.13267645

Here at team chocolate we know all about muggings.

>> No.13267668

It's true. Pale is usually bad because if it makes you look sick, but some women can turn that around and make it look frail and cute. Guys usually can't

>> No.13267862

>not wanting to look sickly and near death

>> No.13267868

lmao everyone is still making fun of you.

>> No.13267903

Can I use you to set up the white balance on my camera before photoshoots?

>> No.13267914

I would love to just leave you in the Sahara for half an hour and see how red you get

>> No.13268082

I'd probably change to these guy's >>13267868
>>13267903 >>13267316 >>13267645 team

>> No.13268117

The 9gag logo is on his tinder image retard

>> No.13268142

If you have confidence I think you’d look good. Don’t let the haters get to you.

>> No.13268255
File: 131 KB, 1074x698, 1515005029269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naturally pale
>cannot tan, only become a slight shade less pale
fucking germans

>> No.13268406

pale girl with bown hair and red lipstick are my weakness

>> No.13268416

Spelling is also one of my weaknesses

>> No.13268421


Dude you're literally the kind of guy that gets cucked 9/10

>> No.13268751

>you can fuck my wife/10

>> No.13268767


>> No.13268812
File: 488 KB, 1366x2048, slpAW14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

objectively yes, but you already knew the answer. fuck off

>> No.13268816

Yes, that's why team creme is winning.

>> No.13268845

I could for you, let me whip out my history textbooks

>> No.13268903


>> No.13269288
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but pale skin makes absording vitamin d easier?

>> No.13269318
File: 1.59 MB, 500x279, 1521080317156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything can be fetishized

>> No.13269544

try to name something that isn't fetishised

>> No.13269961

Ignore those idiots you have really beautiful skin.

>> No.13269977

Probably that's why pale was the ideal skin tone in Europe for hundreds of years

fucking nigger/race traitor

>> No.13269981


>> No.13269989

not in Australia unfortunately

hate my irish heritage making it literally impossible to tan

>> No.13270035


>> No.13270069

You barely wear anything on a beach though you effin ret*rd

>> No.13270086


>> No.13270239


>> No.13270241

Nigga, it's because it was a beauty standard thrown onto them by imperializing scum
Who the fuck gives a shit about Europe, how retarded do you sound right now

>> No.13270266

>be me
>south asian
>purposefully make myself anemic so I will look paler
>depressed because I'm usually a "medium" shade in makeup
>will never have defined features because my face all sort of blends together and nothing stands out
>shit-colored eyes

kill me

>> No.13270272

Only if it's natural, don't really like it if it's makeup or skin whitening products like the South Koreans use.

>> No.13270315

Pale skin was revered in Asia long before white people even stepped foot there. And if you don't think Europe's beauty standards are relevant, I'd love to know which countries are. America? Where do you think Americans came from if not Europe?

Tans are have been a trend for a relatively short period of time amongst a relatively small number of people.

>> No.13270395

shitskin here, anybody have any tips for becoming as light as possible without fucking your skin up.

>> No.13270404

>meanwhile in the real world: tanned chads are fucking the women who wont even look at your skinny pale sickly body
>but thats ok cause asians like pale skin or sum shit

Stop using mental gymnastics to justify being a weak soyboy. Step outside the house lmao

>> No.13270420

Fuck you, I literally cannot get tanned skin without burning.

I like my paleness anyway, though.

>> No.13270434

Wear sunscreen, stay out of the sun.
Won’t lighten your skin though.

I know it’s the trend to not want to be brown but embrace your skin color and make it work for you. You’ll have a better time using your natural pigment, than spending all your time trying to be someone else’s.

Only real way is skin lightening creams though.

>> No.13270451

you have potential to look more masculine

do what you can to achieve that

>> No.13270687

there's literally nothing authentic about this shit poser band

>> No.13270690

sometimes. just like tan is good sometimes.

>> No.13270701
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>> No.13271473

You got it dude. And even the Asians can be overcome you just have to convince 'em, because your skin tone doesn't fuckin matter if you're good looking regardless. I'm decently tan but my Chinese gf is quite pale and I had no trouble