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/fa/ - Fashion

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13165498 No.13165498 [Reply] [Original]

>skinny jeans are out of style

>> No.13165518

They actually are tho.

We bringin back LOOSE baby!

>> No.13165529

Thank god, fuck skinny jeans too uncomfortable

>> No.13165530



>> No.13165573

t. Testicle-let

>> No.13165583

nobody has worn skinny jeans since 2016

>> No.13165584

i have cuz i like them irrespective of trends faggot

>> No.13165587

cool. it doesn't make them in style. it just means you're okay with being out of style in certain ways

>> No.13165596

no it means in style is a meme for follower faggots without individual taste

>> No.13165599

have you ever dressed without looking at someone else first

>> No.13165600

And shitty vaporwave clothing with random fucking Kanji is in style these days. What’s your point

>> No.13165605

>i like the trendiest thing irrespective of trends

not entirely sure that works.

>> No.13165608

i hate pants that cling to your skin like fucking yoga pants
t. 160 lb 5'11" manlet

>> No.13165609

nigga how fucking behind on trends are you

that's some early 2010s yung lean tumblr shit

>> No.13165613

you're right skinny jeans will always be in style however according to dipshit over there ~*loosewave*~ is the name of the game cuz everyone saying they love raf simons finally got to someone (no it's because of vetements and then rick and raf following suit but idigress)

>> No.13165619

It's because trends seem to cycle and we are getting into looser clothing

>> No.13165622

It's obvious that you don't hang around fashionable people, because skinny jeans very much are out of style. The only people still wearing them are those who don't care about wearing fashionable clothes.

>> No.13165626

Idk about u anon, but i prefer to have my balls smashed, and have my chicken legs' whispy frames on proud display

>> No.13165641

No, what I meant is that skinny jeans are the trendiest jeans and by that I don't mean a value judgement of them.
Like... Slim fit is less trendy than skinny, there will be more times through the cycles where people will think those are acceptable.
Straight cuts are less trendy than either because they're probably always going to be "normal."
Loose fit will be more trendy than straight but less trendy than skinny.
So even if skinnies are completely out of fashion at a time in the cycle it just seems kind of weird for them to be a personal preference irrespective of the trend cycle, am I making sense?

>> No.13165655

Made sense to me

>> No.13165660

no why would it be weird to have a personal preference irrespective of the trend cycle

>> No.13165663

bitch i am a fashionable person you're a follower who tries middling to hard

>> No.13165676


>> No.13165680

i mean a lot of times i'll see someone on the street or insta and be like "damn thats a good look. like those pants." then I'll cop the pants or somethin like that. does your sense of style just materialize from nothing? you have no cultural anchors guiding your tastes?
lol no its not
wear whatever you want, dude. chill. i'm just saying that style changes. you can also be in style and still wear what you want. no need to get all defensive about your fuckin jeans lmao

>> No.13165783
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Good. Fuck all you faggots for jacking my style. I was wearing skinnies before the New Boyz made them uber mainstream back in 2008 and every dickass copped a pair.
>tfw still wearing skinny jeans and Hyperdunks at age 26
I'll ascend to fashion Nirvana soon.

>> No.13165822

>anime poster
>fashion nirvana

Oh, anon...

>> No.13165826

This is kind of an autistic post, but I also remember pre-skinny days. You literally couldn't by them before 2005 at any mainstream outlets. You had to take in boot cut jeans to make them. A few places started carrying them around that time, but they were always called tapered jeans or cigarette jeans. Suddenly, they were rebranded "skinny jeans", and within a couple years they were the only jean you could find.

I really think that name is what made them take-off. It made them sound sort of elitist and therefore coveted.

>> No.13165837

When I was in middle school my friend told me his super secret on where he copped his skinnies
>womens section of pac sun

We'd paint over the flowers on the rivets to cover our tracks

>> No.13165846
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I'm gonna say what I always say when this thread is posted: You're a pleb is you don't own multiple fits of jeans. Make your wardrobe trend proof, and even when you are wearing the flavor of the month, wear it better than the normies. If you really like fashion, that shouldn't be hard to do.

I'm not saying you shouldn't take cultural context into account when dressing yourself, just don't make it the be all end all. Take cues from designers you like, because, chances are, they don't follow stupid normie trends and actually embrace a variety of fits (except for one trick Hedi).

>> No.13165856

Great post.

>> No.13165867

>5'11" manlet
You wouldn't pass as a manlet even being a literal inch short of six whole feet.

>> No.13165869

Yes it is

>> No.13165886

>i am a fashionable person
No you're not.

>> No.13165889

I know a guy who wears skinny jeans because they have "skinny" in the name and he wants to "feel skinny." He actually told me that that's why he wears them. He apparently doesn't understand that "skinny" refers to the style and not the body type.

>> No.13165915

>s. Suddenly, they were rebranded "skinny jeans", and within a couple years they were the only jean you could find.
Yea, you kind go and buy "Skinny" Jeans at jean machine or Bluenotes. or Banana Republic, but they are NOT actually skinny jeans....sorry. but the realit is, skinny jeans have been around always, they just change the name, from slim fit, to tapered to whatever, they are the same..

the only real skinny like true skinny jeans are high end designer or H%M. all the rest are just as baggy as any other slim fit.

when you don't sell jeans smaller than 32 waist like Banana Repbuliv, how skinny can they be....

>> No.13165916



>> No.13165921
File: 186 KB, 626x384, 1518923180537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irony these r the only people still wearing skinnies past the expiry date

>> No.13165934

Not really though. Most earlier iterations of skinny jeans didn't have the lycra content to fit like mid 00's to later skinnies. I was pretty much referring to lower tier clothing, since high fashion is usually outside of these trends.

>> No.13165942

You're stupid if you believe that the "skinny" in "skinny jeans" has anything to do with the waist size.

>> No.13165946

lol, no no it really isnt. not even the poster your responding to. that shits just old and i cant believe your confidence that its still hot shit.

>> No.13165955

jesus christ.. and i bet you're the type of person to call other people "snowflakes" too.

>> No.13165961

seriously though. if you didnt get all your information from 4chan you might notice that. i mean, i still like skinny jeans too but im not gunna deny that baggy is back BAYBEEE!

>> No.13166007

Hell yeah. LOOSE is back BOYS

>> No.13166393

Im 150 pounds at 6'0. Pretty sure its just because they make my balls uncomfortable

>> No.13166400

A nice pair of tight jeans will never be out of style, woman will use them for the eternity of modern civilization and it will come and go in with men, it looks good regardless, I guess it depends on what you mean by skinny jeans.

>> No.13166439
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Where the real niggas at?

>> No.13166471
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>current year
>wearing skinny jeans
can you even aesthetic

>> No.13166475

Did you just imply that wearing non-skinny jeans is for soyboys? What kind of twisted world do you live in?

>> No.13166480

any kind of jeans are fucking pleb tier by now

also mfa just adopted skinny jeans so im not sure whats up with that OP

>> No.13166519
File: 41 KB, 450x394, 0827891678bd9a601e9b28adfa6075b21376168954_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, will never be out of style

>> No.13166528

Slim and even straight jeans were dorky because they looked like something your dad would wear in the 70s or 80s. No edge or attitude. I still think straight legs are whack because they are the safest cut.


>> No.13166530

So first of all: Lupin the Third is rad. But
>using anime as reference for style
You and I both know that the silhouettes in animation aren't realistic. Nobody's fuckin legs look like that my guy.

also, those aren't skinny jeans. just anime-skinny-drawn straight leg pants on Lupin's skinny legs.

>> No.13166544



Please go outside

>> No.13166559

you really aren't, loser


>> No.13166565

this should be on the sticky

>> No.13166633

i wear skinny jeans bc i like them and theyre comfortable.

>> No.13166705


Congrats, you look like everyone else.

>> No.13166709

thats ok

>> No.13166711
File: 273 KB, 320x240, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dude. Hell yeah.

>> No.13166771

You shut your dirty fucking mouth about Hedi

>> No.13167073

as in middling to hard a scale you raging idiot

>> No.13167076

yea i like what i like not what other people like

>> No.13167078

no i'm really cool

>> No.13167168

when I wear them they're really tight around my calves and really baggy around my thighs and knees it looks ridiculous

>> No.13167423

okay mommy's special boy

>> No.13167433

goat fit

>> No.13167436


>> No.13167650

Pacsun has pretty tight jeans, and their brand tends to fit me pretty well surprisingly

>> No.13167779

>understands fashion
get off my board

>> No.13167907

>your dad would wear in the 70s or 80s.
this is somehow a bad thing?

literally two of the most game-changing fashion decades of all time

>> No.13167911
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>> No.13167916

>tfw everyone else is wearing loose pants so you can be cool in your skinny jeans

keep following trends and be unique! :)

>> No.13167924

He's talking about the 90's, teens usually don't try to emulate their parents fashion wise

>> No.13167951
File: 54 KB, 665x800, 1517100766625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skinny jeans
>slim fit
>90s thrift/demarcocore
>asian inspired streetwear
>male art hoe

>> No.13167957

You don't look cool. You look lost in time.

>> No.13168170

I've seen a lot of people just catching on to it recently too. kinda makes me cringe desu

>> No.13168178

The personal preference is a "trend heavy" choice while making a show of not caring about trends.

>> No.13168262
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ok sorry bye

>> No.13168339

or it's nothing of the sort

>> No.13168340

maybe to people who are self-conscious

>> No.13168400 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13168404
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how your jeans should fit in 2018

>> No.13168407
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>> No.13168469

Hedi Slimane looks like a moribund lemur. I'm not sure why so many people fell for le coke snorting croissant man meme.

>> No.13168477

They are, in cool places like berlin, but you can wear skinnies in your village

>> No.13168478
File: 88 KB, 457x402, 1405929531492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody's fuckin legs look like that my guy.

y-yeah, nobody's legs are that skinny, right? haha

>> No.13168503
File: 18 KB, 423x617, 9757874eaeabe6eb404ebfa8cfd17d82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of the people wearing skinny jeans were never skinny enough for them in the first place

>> No.13168509

He looks awful, like one of those girls in junior high with the weird horsey gaits that always wore leggings

>> No.13168512

My brother is /fit/ and he believes that wearing ultra tight skinny jeans (leggings with jeans texture) makes him look good because he doesn't skip legday. He also throws his skinnies in the dryer so they become even tighter.

>> No.13168517

>like Berlin
Berlin is pretty avant-garde. Skinnies stopped being cool there ages ago.
Nowadays skinnies aren't cool in any place over 100.000 people. Only when I go back to my parents in some dead-end 20k town I still see people wearing skinny jeans.

>> No.13168543

So dressing like a special ed ICP fan is effay now? This really is the most hilarious timeline.

>> No.13168573

I'll wear other types of pants loose, but jeans look fucking awful if they're anything but skinny

>> No.13168578

I wear 36" 502's and they look kind of silly. I don't think I'll buy another pair of tapered jeans until I'm down to 32 or so. Used to be 56...

>> No.13168604

Skinny jeans are always in. Loose jeans are just a trend like rick Owens was

>> No.13168606

>out of style
>following a style

the most soy beta thing you could do as a man

women and queers follow trends

>> No.13168655
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i feel sorry for anyone who fell for le skinny jeans are timeless meme

>> No.13168753

Jeans over all are a trend

>> No.13168776


>> No.13168779


>> No.13169017

>being this young
>making me realize I'm old

>> No.13169036

As a cyclist and swimmer I am quite glad it’s happening :3

>> No.13169062


you realise nobody is forcing you to wear skinny trousas now

>> No.13169105

I can see the top of your heads.

>> No.13169118

Not op, but i cycle too and even slims are too skinny

>> No.13169199

if you are a gay faggot

>> No.13169225
File: 44 KB, 500x389, 02340592834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baggy is back
t.young buck
If you think straight jeans are baggy you are a faggot.

I have noticed a trend of reverse bell bottoms. Where the ankles are skin tight but then it gets more and more baggy as it goes up. Kind like old war uniforms but much more subtle. Pic related middle bottom row.
>inb4 trigger autists

>> No.13169228

Wong picture but i'm talking about the third guys pants.

>> No.13169234


nah the lieutenant gruber look was in at the time of the chino wanker circa 2011

>> No.13169240

>I have noticed a trend of reverse bell bottoms
You mean tapered don't you

>> No.13169258

Post an example of someone wearing jodhpurs irl

>> No.13169281

slim > skinny

go to the gym u fucks

>> No.13169337

When you say skinny how skinny are we talking? Skin tight then sure, but most men's "skinny" jeans are more slim than skinny. Basically fitted throughout the leg without hugging the skin, which I think will always look better than unfitted/baggy jeans

>> No.13169345

Slim sweatpants are in style from what I can tell.

>> No.13169486

They're disgusting

>> No.13169527

f a c t s

>> No.13169531

bell bottoms are criminally underrated

>> No.13169539
File: 565 KB, 480x270, hehehe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get yourself a pair of nice fitted sweatpants

>> No.13169590

I don't get it

>> No.13169594

if you still wear skinny jeans daily you're extremely behind.

>> No.13169690

Seriously wear what you want. If wearing skinnies makes you feel masculine wear them. I'm going to wear my loose wool pants and not give a flying fuck.

>> No.13169707

It's interesting how skinny and slim jeans are now considered "masculine" and looser denim feminine.

>> No.13169801

REAL MASCULINE MEN don't care about their sperm count. that's for faggots and women

>> No.13169805

>Im 150 pounds at 6'0.
You should realize that /fa/ considers this fat.

>> No.13169810

So.../fa/ then.

>> No.13169818

i’m okay with that

>> No.13169824
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skinny jeans are 100% still in in Europe

dunno about America, it's pretty hot there so I can understand why they would go out of fashion there before they go here

>> No.13169833

Straight leg master race. Always in style

>> No.13169882
File: 11 KB, 400x496, 6861303400_2_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carrot fit is a new meme fit for a next few years. It was started by "cool brands which normies dont care about" like Drôle de Monsieur and now Zara made a plenty of than pants in their new collection, so it is just about how fast it would spread.

>> No.13169891

Carrot is tapered and has been popular for years. /fa/ always behind the trends

>> No.13169985

Like, bontans?

>> No.13170724

if your inseam is shorter than your waist, youre doing it wrong.

>> No.13170941

>20+ BMI
>not fat

>> No.13170947

hell I'm 18.5 and I'm fat

>> No.13170954

Imagine grey skinny chinos with regular fit oxfords. That’s the kind of person i am. Where do i fit in? I listen to prog rock and techno too. I like rings and my haircut is just the standard short, nothing stylish.

>> No.13171228

Nope..like the bootcut if the 90s skinny jeans are a staple part of the wardrobe now for both sexes. Just lose some weight fattyz

>> No.13171420

Not owning both is actually retarded. You should have both so you can make your own aesthetic choices. Worrying about trends is pathetic and shows you lack the individuality to dress how you want

>> No.13171562

>implying fads can’t come back
Holy fuck you’re retarded

>> No.13171912

How is monochrome anything soyboy?

>> No.13171917

Do you really think loose clothing is new in fashion, and everyone followed the slim/skinny fit trend in the 00s?

>> No.13171948

He doesn’t know about silhouettes and how fucked his are

>> No.13171990

Looks like a janitor