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/fa/ - Fashion

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13148935 No.13148935 [Reply] [Original]

when will the tiny pants meme ever stop? it's not even edgy anymore

>> No.13148937

op is mad he can't fit in skinny jeans

>> No.13148938


i can, i just don't wanna look like a twink

>> No.13148940

too fucking late

>> No.13148941

Some people don't even realize they look really stupid in them

>> No.13148971
File: 226 KB, 720x960, 3502175_open-uri20140112-27207-77x0k0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13149011

you know what really isn’t edgy? taking pictures of strangers because you don’t like what they’re wearing


>> No.13149082

It's only popular among trash humans who believe they're fashionable by following high street trends.
I don't see a problem. But then maybe I haven't been exposed enough to the kind of people who consider this attractive

>> No.13149084


far left actually looks like a chick.

>> No.13149101

totally this
i wore skinny jeans for like 2 years and then the slim fit became a trend, tried them and now i cringe whenever look at the photos of myself in skinny jeans

>> No.13149103


the pic is from flickr account that actually fetishizes skinny jeans

>> No.13149104
File: 1.46 MB, 736x1308, Screenshot_20180212-090140~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13149109

skinnies are fine as long as you are actually thin and they arent painted on.

>> No.13149172

I wanna look like a twink

>> No.13149901

Slim fit is as far as any heterosexual guy should go. Skinny is for obviously twiggy legged dudes who need a form fitting pair of pants. I see tons of schlubby fatsos fitting into skinny jeans and it looks ridiculous

>> No.13149906

>t. fatty

>> No.13149930

There is no way that's comfortable

>> No.13149998

I can tell this camel toe motherfucker has a very self important attitude

>> No.13150014

Not OP, but I'm 5'8" and 120lbs, and I've never worn skinny jeans because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.13150084

It's fine on the legs, but his junk is getting crushed hard.

>> No.13150091

No it isn't. It's a fact that tight pants reduce blood circulation

>> No.13150094

it literally has stopped, skinny jeans are only fashionable in very normie circles now. rest of the cutting edge have moved on to straight or looser fits.

>> No.13150168

coolface on his top right

>> No.13150217

Are black skinny’s okay? I find they look better in silhouette

>> No.13150222

dude non skinny jeans probably look baggy as fuck on you

>> No.13150225

Are you a twink?

>> No.13150243
File: 15 KB, 297x308, 88605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not for long

>> No.13150265

why is /fa/ oblivious to the concept of sizing properly? jeans don't have to literally strangle your appendages to fit properly

>> No.13151139


>> No.13151162

Theyre fine on tall, thin people, but look especially wrong on muscular guys who also then cuff the jeans and show their ankles, giving stumpy, thick leg proportions while having an untucked shirt draping down over his overproportioned torso

>> No.13151181

No, they look fine.

>> No.13151193

It's not 2006 anymore you dipshit manlet

>> No.13151196

that gay shit

>> No.13151242
File: 380 KB, 1430x2048, 21740690954_f33b50909b_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13151429

you can be the blond dude in the middle.

>> No.13151435


when men have balls again

>> No.13151441

Straight or slim fit are the only acceptable types.

>> No.13152669

Nobody in denmark really wear them anymore

>> No.13153234

he's european doesn't count

>> No.13154224

wonder what pajeets grooving on?

>> No.13154326

I’m a really skinny dude and could easily pull off skinny jeans if I wanted, but they just really don’t look good. I hate to play into sexed ideas of attractiveness but thin male legs just don’t look good in skin tight clothing where as female legs typically do if they’re fit. They just have better legs and their bodies look objectively better when in form fitting clothes. Modern men’s clothing has always been a bit looser and for good reason. Skinny jeans just look bad and gay

>> No.13154365

>They just have better legs
Legs are one of the body parts where the difference is small to nonexistant
>and their bodies look objectively better when in form fitting clothes
This is correct though

>> No.13154377

that combo
gosh how much i hate that combo

>> No.13154406
File: 212 KB, 478x357, patrick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who you calling coolface?

>> No.13154409

You'll only look like a twink if you were a stupid fatherfucker and bought the ones that are just spandexless tights.

If you'd bought proper tapers, you'd look fine, you dumb fatherfucker.