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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 84 KB, 1024x1024, wloski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13132600 No.13132600 [Reply] [Original]

in 2018 buzzcut is still the best hairstyle for anon?

>> No.13132629

if skinny then yes bud

>> No.13132660


>> No.13132707

It's been my style now for like 10 years.
I bought clippers and have paid possibly £20 for cuts in the 10 years I've had them.

>> No.13132745

He looks like a butch dyke

>> No.13132754

I think it depends. If you are skinny, maybe will look good. But I thought that hair styles depend on you facial structure, right?

>> No.13132757
File: 163 KB, 873x973, IMG_20180204_174728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my hair efy short back and sides

>> No.13132860


>> No.13132911
File: 25 KB, 307x400, bfef3e5a-6885-4de3-a114-32d9401099bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13132991

you look like male froggo

>> No.13133015
File: 194 KB, 348x394, Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 00.39.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just booked my appointment to get a buzz, can I get some more inspo?

Pic related is my current cut, Grade 1 on sides.

>> No.13133043

Did she get brain surgery?

>> No.13133065

>booked appointment to get a buzz

Are nu-males really this useless in 2018 AD? You could have spent $20 on a cheap electric buzzer, did it yourself, get to keep the buzzer, and pay less than you're going to. You can't mess up a buzz cut.

>> No.13133081

I've already got a buzzer but my barber is great and a buzz is stupid cheap anyway.
This will be the shortest haircut I've ever had and I want to make sure I don't fuck it up with my clumsy, parkinsons fingers.

>> No.13133117

>I don't fuck it up
How could you fuck up a buzz cut? It's like fucking up shoveling a driveway.

>> No.13133128

Never cut my own hair before, only got 1 mirror in my apartment and I'm considering getting sides faded too which would be tricky for a 1st timer.

>> No.13133350

Buzz is usually never the BEST hairstyle. I do it because a buzz doesn't get fucked up if u wear a hat/hood and I dont have to worry about how my hair looks. Oh, and I save a considerable amount on haircuts. The buzz also doesn't look bad on me so I prefer it's conveniences over having the "best" hairstyle.

>> No.13133362

what if muscular?

>> No.13133651
File: 2.10 MB, 3024x3036, 1515598866965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw hairline is so shit that I probably should buzz but it will still look trash

>> No.13133702
File: 3.41 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180207-002114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my hair. pls ignore god awful facial hair

>> No.13133706

Looks good.

>> No.13133712

>tfw like having a buzzcut but also like having long, wavy hair

Every time I shave it off I like it for a month and then wish I had hair again, and then 2 years later I have my hair back. Fuck I wish hair grew faster

>> No.13133748

daddi af

>> No.13133752

erm why don't you cut it yourself faggot?

>> No.13133779

I'm considering getting it but I'm scared it will look bad on me since I am nordic and have really blonde hair. Anyone have some inspo with Aryan people?

>> No.13133789

I did it, im blond af, 3/10
Wouldnt want to feel like a skin head again

>> No.13133917

What product do you use?

My hair is similar, but l can only style it like that maybe a week or two after gstting a hair cut. After that it geta too thick/long and l can't really do anything with it.

>> No.13134019

What frames are those?

>> No.13134084


>> No.13134090


I actually cringed

>> No.13134105

It's alright. Just don't rise your brows like that while smiling. It makes you look like numale bro.

>> No.13134109

Clean that mirror you disgusting animal. Ewwww omg wtf. Why are you people like this.

>> No.13134145

nice hair but you smile like a retard, fix it

>> No.13134256


>> No.13134479

Hollister chinos are pretty good

>> No.13134647

Whose that?
And that

>> No.13134679

Nevermind Googled it

>> No.13134686

Now do the soyboy face

>> No.13134734

dude in pic is a chubster

>> No.13135923

Jesus fucking christ.

Tweeze that unibrow dude

>> No.13136067


dude in pic is yung leany, he can do what ever he wants.

>> No.13136113
File: 474 KB, 550x547, lean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13136375

He looks like a butch lesbian.
No idea how anyone can find this kid fashionable.

>> No.13136383
File: 480 KB, 843x432, img_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i have a choice

I am 38 though so I guess it's not too bad.

>> No.13136387
File: 85 KB, 742x960, 13590436_801409386627799_2865521757755610165_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can be quite eccentric at times and hence, pretty hit and miss.
You have to give him credit though, he has been a trailblazer for a fair few fashion trends over his time.

>> No.13136390

>baggy jeans with rips in
>butch dyke hair
>trench coat

>trailblazer for fashion

Please go. Go now.

>> No.13136392
File: 50 KB, 781x960, 23659597_1907652785918560_961559186732323930_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic not related my autistic buddy.
Try using your head next time XDD!!!!!

>> No.13136441

Yes, every man Iooks far better, much more clean and handsome when he shaves and gets a normal buzzcut
I seriously dont like the new (((fashion))) with the hipster hair, beard, girl jeans, glasses and opened mouth shit, they all look the same and i dont want to look like them in any regard.
Buzz cut, clean shave and Adidas, that is me, that is who i am and i seriously dont care about others opinions, im special. And its beautiful, and its a good thing, 15 ways of keeping true to yourself, this quiz shows which subway sandwich You are based on answers to questions about Beyonce

>> No.13136461

you ok pal?

>> No.13136475
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 1438402587845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13136493
File: 300 KB, 347x384, maverick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What grade would I need for Tom Cruise's haircut in Top Gun?

>> No.13136496

Is this igor?

>> No.13136501
File: 701 KB, 831x436, buzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another of my buzz

>> No.13136544

Only fashion trend he started or contributed to was the bucket hat in 2014

>> No.13136605

go look somewhere else for a /fa/g ring gollum

>> No.13136621

Eat shit

>> No.13136622

Im balding

Im gonna be forced to shave it all off when things get too bad

gonna face tattoos and look like a full skinhead, i refuse to look like a balding soyboy

>> No.13136650

Unibrow is /fa/

>> No.13136676
File: 705 KB, 839x437, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I did dude, pic related.

>> No.13136693

Yes you posted it 3 times already

>> No.13136706

Haha yeah sorry bro, it's just because I am not a young model people tend not to comment, I'm just a regular dude who posts and browses fa.

>> No.13136733

Ugh he’s so ugly
His head shape is literally a perfect circle.

>> No.13136742

What’s that green stuff behind you?

>> No.13136743

head like a fuckin orange

>> No.13136762
File: 583 KB, 1145x706, helmet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Military gear. I purchase a lot of mil surplus as it's cheap, practical and hard wearing. I'm also a bit of a prepper and have an interest in urban survivalism as pc culture, feminism, social justice etc. is rotting the Western world to the core and we are in the stages of collapse that Rome went through.

>> No.13137657

you think you aren't proving his point don't you?

>> No.13137726

holy shit the autism

>> No.13137738
File: 125 KB, 1024x655, trevor_philips_gta_5_by_theideafix-d8xpny2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello balding men
Do not shave your heads, wear your receding hairline proudly.
Just get jacked and girls with daddy issues (such as myself) will want you

>> No.13137769
File: 141 KB, 800x800, EOTd_EWb7V4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always opt for that Amon Goeth.

>> No.13137771
File: 86 KB, 640x854, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I looking?

>> No.13137800

Unironically started going gym everyday so i can buzz my hair

>> No.13137822
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 1570D20A-2CFC-4939-9488-8B5DEC064413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need very good facial features and a good hairline to pull off a buzzcut.

>> No.13137825
File: 579 KB, 734x414, img_0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit yo momma. Stay mad, bitch boi. Pic related: Me laughing at a cucked soyboy like you.

>> No.13137842

Nearly had a stroke trying to read the last sentence.

>> No.13137844
File: 1000 KB, 500x308, tumblr_nodq9o1gSJ1retdsgo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ i had no idea that image was yung lean till you mentioned this and i googled him to see what he looks like now, i actually thought that pic was a lesbian.

he used to be cute what happened :(
is this what too much arizona does to people?

>> No.13137945

you cannot rock a buzzcut

>> No.13137980

yo someone how do i get this

>> No.13138037

I can't tell with that emoji but nice poster. Hana-bi is kino. So is Kikujiro

>> No.13138136

Where are your shoulders?

>> No.13138138

soy-glasses 3000

>> No.13138158

either lowest setting or no guard, run it through one time too many instead of one time too little

>> No.13138162

>wear your receding hairline proudly.
That's fucking gross.
>girls with daddy issues (such as myself)
That's also fucking gross.

>> No.13138976

Thanks anon, I know its literally the easiest haircut possible but I'd like to get my Barber's opinion before I commit. I just want to be sure that I've got the bone structure and hairline for it.

>> No.13139019

I take it you're from the UK?

>> No.13139055
File: 131 KB, 784x635, 57832EC1-5341-404B-8EA6-0AE97CC1D2E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growing my hair out currently but on bad days i honestly feel like buzzing. im reluctant tho bc of my huge dark af eyebrows. thoughts?

>> No.13139093
File: 78 KB, 640x694, IMG_1687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buzzed my hair about a year ago and I keep getting the urge to do it again. Should I? (Excuse the unkempt beard)

>> No.13139094

just buzz

>> No.13139122
File: 17 KB, 200x150, Maurizio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You remind me of Maurizio back in the 90's from Eiffel 65.

>> No.13139125

Nope. Born in California, now live in Seattle. I met my ex g/f online in a chat room and she paid for my bus ticket to Seattle, we broke up a few years ago and I have stayed here since then. I still love her.

>> No.13139318

Let him finish, Ricky!

>> No.13140581

Everything looks good, even the facial hair(I think it goes well with the glasses for some reason)

>> No.13140663

I don't know but I second this. Maybe show the picture to the barber?

>> No.13141756

this is so ulgy i like it

>> No.13141771

>being this new

>> No.13141807

Lose the glasses and shave the unibrow

>> No.13143248

wtf hedi posts on fa

>> No.13144404

what's the best option for a receding 5head? Just grow it out into some sleezecore thing along with a scruffy beard?

>> No.13144445

You look like a fucking mass murderer.

>> No.13144449

Do it. You have a nice shaped head.

>> No.13144536
File: 520 KB, 647x422, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks lol. It's probably just the picture, here is me smiling in which I look like a nice guy.