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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 418 KB, 645x647, 2017-12-25 11_21_33-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13013943 No.13013943 [Reply] [Original]

last thread >>13006785

tell your relatives you're not eating because you have a stomach virus edition

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something, help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies(fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.13013947

If I had to eat 1 with gun 2 my head which is better

ice cream

>> No.13014000


>> No.13014033

whys that

>> No.13014063
File: 435 KB, 403x672, enemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
5'7", 128lbs, Male, 23
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
Drinking tons of water and exercise
>aesthetic you're going for
I want to be a bit more toned

>> No.13014092
File: 38 KB, 451x500, E7D33EB8-AF9E-4A48-99C1-A926CA477447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents gave me a ton of candy today.

>> No.13014099

Same just throw it away though

>> No.13014101

I eat alot of candy and I dont think ill ever stop

its the only thing unhealthy that doesnt make me feel like a fatass when I eat it

and I never gain weight from it so

>> No.13014104


never liked candy but i found out those cookie butter oreos are a fucking problem

>> No.13014106

Is there any point buying good looking clothes if I'm fat?

I want to be skinny but I fail myself time and time again.

>> No.13014116

Thats the problem, you think good looking clothes exist. Certain clothes only look good on certain people, buy what looks good on you.

And if you cant into /thinspo/ then start lifting and just get really muscled up. Nothing is worse than being just a fat ass.

>> No.13014121

Sorry /fa/ I'm going to have to eat more than quota today.
Don't invest a lot, buy cheap basics.
Save the expensive items for when you hit your goal

>> No.13014124

I want to be thin, I just have terrible discipline. I constantly drink too much pop and especially now that I'm unemployed, I'll just eat when I'm bored. I really wish I wasn't so useless.

>> No.13014133

I know. You said that. Thats why im telling you if you really have no fucking control or hope whatsoever become a bulk muscle guy. You can eat alot and be strong and look sexy to certain people.

But if you think you can become thin, 1 tip is that eating when your bored is the most common thing ever and its probably the number 1 thing that keeps anyone from losing weight.

Just dont be bored

>> No.13014139

>Just dont be bored

That's really hard for me, especially now that I don't have a job. I tried counting calories before but I found it pretty difficult considering how much I would eat out at places that don't post the nutritional content of their food. I really need to just drop pop completely at the very least.

>> No.13014151

Start eating eggs mate they saved my life. 1 egg is 60 calories, and I only need 3 with 2 bottles of water to fill me up. Water is the most important thing. Its an essential appetite suppressant and makes meals 5x more filling. Dehydration makes you hungry too.

And you really think soda is whats holding you back? Not saying it isnt but that doesnt seem like something that will fuck someones weight up. And stop eating out. Buy ingredients and make Delicious foods. Start eating fruits and seasoned veggies. There is so much healthy and tasty low calorie shit out there people are too lazy to try

>> No.13014157

oh and about the bored thing, what are some things that interest you?

>> No.13014169

Pop definitely caused me to be insanely overweight in the first place, but recently I would say it's more just me overeating since I've cutback on my pop intake (though I'm starting to slip up again). Also, I know this sounds like an excuse butt it's hard for me to stop eating out since I live with my dad and he buys the food most of the time, so it's usually up to him what we eat.

>> No.13014173

Music is my main interest. I used to like playing video games but I get bored really easily with them nowadays. I also used to like drawing and reading a lot, but I just kinda stopped the older I got.

>> No.13014186

I just got back into reading and drawing after abandoning them since maybe 6th grade. Take your music career more seriously. I mean like...theres so much shit to do in the world. Unless you are a child with protective strict parents or you are locked up in prison you should never be bored with nothing to do.

>> No.13014189

I definitely want to take my music career more seriously, but there is practically no scene around me. I'd also like to get back into reading and drawing but I spend way too much time on the internet fucking around instead.

>> No.13014190

Theres low calorie or healthy options at every restaurant. He wont think you are gay for not wanting to be fat anymore, or maybe he will idk.

>> No.13014192

ya i get it motivation is hard

i spend too much time fucking around on the internet too.

>> No.13014199

Like maybe I'm just looking for excuses, but I swear to god my life went to shit the same year I got internet access. Granted my mom also got cancer that year, but something must be up. I've learned a lot from the internet but at the expense of being a well-rounded, disciplined individual.

>> No.13014225

I had to accept that my lack of happiness and satisfaction with life is 100% my fault and nobody else's. That is the case for every single human on this earth that doesnt have a serious mental disorder. Things started getting better after that.

>> No.13014262

ice cream would actually be the most filling and the least caloric. I say go for that one.

>> No.13014348

22 yrs
the lowest weight ive ever been lads, im currently at 127lbs

>> No.13014478

>Already ate 900 cals
>Got all my macros
>Could make Christmas Day a diet day if I wanted
>Sis is making her famous quiche and would be delighted if I had some

Cheat day #2 friends? Or no?
I'm a weak bitch make my decision for me si vous plait

>> No.13014557

Can i get this picture without text??

>> No.13014582

just use paint to remove it dummy

>> No.13014699

Help brehs
Din din approaches

>> No.13014724

Enjoy Christmas you faggot. Just run it off.

>> No.13014761
File: 1.49 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who's going on a date with this girl on NYE :')
Thanks thinspo I would have pussied out without you all

>> No.13014767
File: 54 KB, 301x300, boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah dude

>> No.13014769

Great job on quitting benzos anon. I quit a few years back, similar story. I tried to cold turkey, had a seizure, ended up getting helped by a really cool doctor who tapered me off. Took forever. I came off a bunch of other psych meds too at the same time. First Remeron, then Adderall, then Klonopin (a benzo), then Cymbalta. The benzo was by far the worst.

Hey with the residual anxiety and shit you are probably still feel, hang tight it gets better. Took about 6 months for me. It gets better. Slowly, but, it gets better.

>> No.13014782
File: 423 KB, 691x800, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so creepy.

>> No.13014788

Hey, man. Thanks a lot for that. I think you're one of the only people I've met who understands the reality of getting off that shit. Kudos to you, too. I hear cymbalta can be a bitch, on top of klonopin... I was on Klonopin AND Xanax, and had to knock them off one by one. The Klon was a real bastard.

It's starting to get better, I gotta say. I can feel it.

>> No.13014791

Lmao how am I creepy

>> No.13014793

Cheat Days can actually be REALLY beneficial

Its like my Weed smoking habit. I know I smoke every weekend. Its easy to hold off smoking during the week because I know it'll feel so much better on the weekend when I have lower tolerance and no stress.

>> No.13014816

No problem, glad you are doing better. Yeah Klonopin was really tough. My doctor actually ended up moving my to an equivalent dose of Valium and then tapering me off of that because it had a longer half life and was easier to do small jumps down in.

Cymbalta did suck. Second only to the benzos, which were hell. Cymbalta the biggest danger was I got really suicidal tapering off that. I kept it a secret how bad I was because I didn't want to stop tapering off, I wanted to get completely clean. But my condo had a shower that you could kinda see out the balcony from and every morning when I'd shower I'd think about how easy it would be to just jump.

Glad you are feeling better. The silver lining is that after you've quit benzos, it's a lot easier to stay dedicated to other things. If you can manage to taper off those, having the discipline to get thin will be no problem for you. It will be comparatively easy.

>> No.13014847

posting this girls pics online (on 4chan no less) without consent lmao

>> No.13014877

Started eating nontoxicly about a couple months ago but still can't get rid of my thighs fat. Anthing i need to take into consideration?

>> No.13014880

back to tumblr, roastie

>> No.13014894

What's the difference between posting them on here and her instagram? Srs question. Her Instagram and her snapchat are public therefore the whole world can look at them if they want too? Also you guys are my thinspo family <3 also she's thinspo. You girls can use her as inspo :) she's perfect imo. Like you wouldn't want your boyfriend showing off how hot you are too the world ?

>> No.13014901

you are not her boyfriend
you are a guy trying to become her boyfriend

>> No.13014905

actually thought this was a /fa/g dude

>> No.13014926

Congrats bro, post some more pics of her to celebrate

>> No.13014973
File: 81 KB, 540x540, tumblr_n0lsjlsrkd1skvw4ko1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand being exiting about a date with someone you find beautiful, id be like that too....but my guy...

pipe down

>> No.13014989

I basically am at this point lol

Alright I'll chill just excited because a day ago I wasn't even going to ask

>> No.13015015

pro tip: if u r worried that your family will think u r too skinny, wear like 3 sweaters at once

>> No.13015017

Just dress nice but still simple, a plain tshirt and some nice fitting pants goes a long way. You don’t need to wear graphic tees and cargo shorts if you’re fat, even if fat people seem to love doing it.

Don’t buy shit in smaller sizes with the expectation of losing weight to fit in them, never ends well.

Dress simply, don’t invest a lot, and lose weight. When you’re wear you want to be then go wild.

>> No.13015031

>asked her on a date yesterday
>basically her boyfriend

oh boy

>> No.13015100


>> No.13015181


>> No.13015238

We made a huge mistake encouraging this guy.

>> No.13015245

>I basically am at this point lol
I don’t think you know how dating works. I go on lots of dates with guys, they aren’t my boyfriend because I went on a date with them.

They’re only my boyfriend if we keep going on dates and stop going on dates with anyone else.

>> No.13015249
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>> No.13015260
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>> No.13015305

Well I don't think you understand our relationship :)

>> No.13015319

please explain it im genuinely curious, every detail

>> No.13015321
File: 65 KB, 680x709, 1323028764592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13015327

i broke my fast because my family said they would ivc me for self-harm
but ill be alone for next week so ill keep fasting
my family also saying im disgusting for wanting to lose weight lol help

>> No.13015333

Perhaps an outside source could enform your family that that is absolutely NOT the way you handle someone with an eating disorder.

Tell them you want to go to a therapist first. Tell the therapist that you have been trying to lose weight so you can fit into more clothes, and that you have a naturally high metabolism.

>> No.13015335

holy fucking shit

whats your weight?

>> No.13015344

I don't need to, just know she loves me and i love her

>> No.13015353


im doubting that your the guy that was posting her this seems too b8-ish

>> No.13015354

the most you've interacted is saying 'hey' at university lectures isnt it?

>> No.13015359

ahh,, im still a fatass
i think they are worried because im losing weight rapidly
like a month ago i was 200ish and im already 180ish

>> No.13015370
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>> No.13015373
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>> No.13015380

kill them all

are they fucking americans? fucking americans man

>> No.13015383

no, i was born america but my family is russian

>> No.13015386

and that makes it all worse because i have a stereotypical pretty russian face but im just so fat and it ruins it all

>> No.13015387

I-its not possible for a big binge to permanently change your waste size right?

Things eventually shrink back down into place right?

>> No.13015438
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>> No.13015451

cant be done without supplements

>> No.13015463

>without consent
Pls shut the fuck up retard

>> No.13015466
File: 356 KB, 2592x1473, IMG_6464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or good genes

>> No.13015543

>those hips on a man
>good genes


>> No.13015617
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>> No.13015625

Binged hard yesterday and today.
I want to fast, but I feel like I shouldn't do it immediately after because I'll probably just binge again, at least that's what they tell me?
What's a safe point in the week to do it?

>> No.13015642
File: 1.57 MB, 2304x4096, IMG_20171226_051006_01_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me post Christmas dinner, this is the highest body fat I've been my entire life starting to lose sight of my abs :(

>> No.13015647

lol guy wasnt me but he's right.

>> No.13015668

tfw quit smoking
tfw can no longer satisfy hunger

>> No.13015671

>not living on coffee, water, veggies and protein full time

>relies on smoking or occassional binges to keep sane

do you even /fa/?

>> No.13015696

ice cream all day

>> No.13015710
File: 117 KB, 200x198, 4bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13015713

>Current stats
5'9", 132lb, male, 18
>Highest weight
143lb (Muscle, I was training hard)
>Goal weight
I'm alright
>Preferred method of losing weight
I do nothing, I'm naturally slim, I actually eat a lot sometimes
>Aesthetic you're going for
I would not mind having more muscle, but I don't want to follow/make a routine right now.
No pic because it's too late

>> No.13015740
File: 123 KB, 630x1191, Snapchat-1260992008-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'11, 122 lbs, 18, male
How was Christmas my dudes? :)

>> No.13015741

Where do these twinks all get their roll necks ?? I want one but I cant find anything that inst sold out or half my gdp

>> No.13015752

why does it look like someone punched a hole in your chest?

>> No.13015756

Because thats what happened :^)

>> No.13015765

holy shit i think im gay now

>> No.13015766

as a straight male, I find this to be....somewhat disturbing, and probably its just a bit too much, i hope this was bait desu, cant you just wear your shorts or boxers? this isn't cams

>> No.13015779

This is way too much, looks like you are going to die.

>> No.13015829


>> No.13015884

Holy shit, did not know that. I got Xanax for anxiety and shit like chest pain and whatnot, but I only used it like 10 times in 2 years since I couldn't feel anything different when I took it and I don't like the idea of depending on a drug to function. Awful stories.

The only problem is that now I'm going to have one of the worst times of my life (parents both have low-% 5-year survival rate deseases, no family other than them, gf broke up when got the news of second parent dying, hate my job but I can get a better one only by moving 200 km away so I must choose career or taking care of my family and talking these last months with them, will inherit a giant, ruined country house and fields that requires daily maintainance but is totally incompatible with high-paying tech career 200 km away and cannot sell it because of the house market), so I was thinking of hopping on "get out of bed and do something instead of letting yourself die" drugs, but now I don't know what to do. Yikes.

>> No.13015915

If someone did it to you you would be freaking out.

>> No.13015919

I'll probably do that anyway because I'm so fucking cold all the time.

>> No.13015920
File: 31 KB, 700x651, Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take care of your family. Be there for them. You'll always have some way of putting cash in your pocket. You won't have your family by your side for much longer, and there's no going back.

I made the mistake of choosing to get paid instead of being with a close friend in her final hours. I regret it to this very moment. On some level, I always will.

Choose your family. Always have their backs, because they had yours - too many times to count.

Of course, this is assuming you guys have a good relationship.

>> No.13015925
File: 435 KB, 1099x1323, stupidsexydeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't stop purging on a regular basis

i dun goofed

>> No.13015951

lol, it's actually true.

little do those who freak out know that none of us matter anyways

>> No.13016002

can x\someone help?

>> No.13016031

Just start now lad.

>> No.13016035

Thanks for the tip. Sorry about your friend.

>> No.13016049
File: 63 KB, 600x888, schiele5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because youre having a food baby doesnt mean your body fat increased, looking good anon.

>> No.13016056

Am I wrong to believe that my parents and siblings all being compactly athletically built means that my body is much more resistant to being thin?

>> No.13016082

thin? what is thin? if you are meso then you will need to approach it differently, mesos naturally are perfectly designed for having thick well proportioned muscles/limbs. they have efficient systems for building muscle mass. so you will have to make sure you don't over do strength training

ecto's have longer leaner muscles, that are not efficient at devloping mass and explosive strength.

so visually the natural ecto will naturally just easily have a more "thin" look, but in reality they might be actually "normal" for an ecto type. when ectos get truly thin, they will look like a skeleton.

when natural mesos get "thin", they will look like natural ectos. problem is, it's way harder to maintain the look for mesos, because they have to "defy" their natural mechanism for building thick explosive muscle. they will be much hungrier than ectos

mesos have a better ratio of limb size to muscle size.

>> No.13016094

true ectos have "long" thin muscles, relatively speaking

true mesos have relatively "medium" muscles that are thick and robust.

endos are basically mesos with superior ability to retain fat mass

all endos mesos and ectos can be "short" "tall" or medium sized in terms of height,

>> No.13016122

Opinion on pickles?

>> No.13016147 [DELETED] 

if you are naturally fat, then you need to obviously have a low fat diet. if you are naturally muscular, you obviously need to low protein diet. if you are naturally low fat, and not muscular, you need higher protein diet

portion sizes are important in all of them, fasting imo shouldn't be used, because it implies binging, which implies the fact that you don't have any real consistent strategy, and you will have inconsistent weight fluctuations be it musclular weight or fat weight

forgoing food is ok if you want to cleanse your system and detoxify it, but to consistently go for long periods without any food is detrimental to your energy level and your brain activity also

being able to eat only what you need is common to all of them, and this issue is not even just relegated to "fat" people, mesos endos and ectos can all have problems eating too much, for whatever reason. it's just that the results of this over eating will be different due to body type.

>> No.13016257 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 2448x3264, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My arm is a spaghetti.

>> No.13016282
File: 192 KB, 500x348, tumblr_ow3ehaKTfJ1wyjjh2o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sympathize greatly with anyone who has family issues. I hate my fucking family. Been praying they all die in a car accident since I was 10 and I don't believe in prayer.

>> No.13016334


Cheers Anon, I appreciate that. Hope all goes well for you.

>> No.13016393

Just messaged her this thread lmfao.

>> No.13016401


oh god

>> No.13016402

whats her IG?

>> No.13016406
File: 181 KB, 1024x997, gemma-arterton-rauchend-und-blutbespritzt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the most dramatic Thinspo thread this year?

>> No.13016665

Because it's the end of the year, dreams never reached, hopes for next year, crying over Christmas leftovers

>> No.13016666


>> No.13016699

Don't worry you're not alone.
I swear I never want to eat another cookie as long as I live (I'll probably want one tomorrow lmao)
I put a rock in my stomach on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, fook me
At the very least I can look forward to cooking for myself again and not having to eat the family meals.

>> No.13016875
File: 85 KB, 600x480, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread needs more thinspo

>> No.13016878
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>> No.13016880
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>> No.13016883
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>> No.13016885
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>> No.13016887
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>> No.13016891
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>> No.13016895
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>> No.13016900
File: 369 KB, 1013x1563, 000B48F6-1624-48A6-813B-0C7F565D45B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
5’4”, 102 lbs, female, 20
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
Fasting, recently started incorporating exercise
>aesthetic you're going for
Tiny with a visible center ab line

Just fasting wasn’t working so I started doing lower ab work outs to get rid of my lil stomach pouch. I’m happy to have survived Christmas without binging on sweets, which is what usually happens. I ordered a cute dress for New Years and I want to look good in it.

>> No.13016903
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>> No.13016909
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>> No.13016916
File: 86 KB, 400x533, tumblr_njma8pjxID1s0zfjto2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13016926
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>> No.13016937
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>> No.13016941
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>> No.13016946
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>> No.13016948
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>> No.13016959

Ab workouts don't get rid of belly fat. You can't spot reduce, but exercise will help you raise your BMR which can help accelerate weight loss, and make your body look more defined.

>> No.13016965
File: 433 KB, 1280x1600, miles-mcmillan-novio-zachary-quinto-zachary-quinto-487431147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13016967
File: 105 KB, 250x363, beckham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13016971

That’s what I thought boo

But then I lost a looooot of weight but still no abs :( I’m not very active so I didn’t have any muscle to define lol

So I started doing the exercises and saw improvement literally in a few weeks.

“Abs are made in the kitchen” is only relevant if you have a semi-strong core to begin with, at least from my experience

>> No.13016974
File: 128 KB, 710x916, 0A394939-40B7-4810-8EDF-0CF9D929896B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this attainable

>> No.13016975
File: 128 KB, 817x1222, david-beckham-sweet-birthday-message-victoria-beckham-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13016982

thats near death you retard

>> No.13016985
File: 124 KB, 720x1278, LClWugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our girl <3

>> No.13016987
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>> No.13016990

You will not be less happy if you don't eat it.

>> No.13016991
File: 59 KB, 540x671, 1486507583293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More from this shoot?

>> No.13016999

its from kat in nyc on instagram

she only posted this one even though I'm sure theres more

>> No.13017000

That's your monkey doing that. Command the monkey. Take control. It is possible. I went from 260 to 175 so far just by realizing that I am the architect of my own life and the ultimate attractor of what I choose reality to be.

>> No.13017025 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13017034
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How to get to this weight

>> No.13017038

FFS the cuts on her arm
wow. Bitch got problems like AP Calc, BDD, anorexia and probably STD';s just to round shit off but this is a complicated woman.

>> No.13017047

nigga idk
fast without dying for as long as possible?

>> No.13017072
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>> No.13017076
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>> No.13017079
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>> No.13017080

are 12/8 fasts worth it if you're asleep for most of that time anyway

>> No.13017084
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>> No.13017094
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>> No.13017103
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>> No.13017164
File: 190 KB, 600x430, RIAN_2518505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girl crush <3

>> No.13017184

you look fat as fuck dude. skip the exercise and just eat nothing for 2 months.
looks like an alien kek
>I go on lots of dates with guys
lol I wonder why none of them stick around

>> No.13017186

you're gay, swallow some fag's cum to settle your tummy

>> No.13017192

Strength training would improve the overall composition of your legs.

>> No.13017195

>this >>13015543

>> No.13017198

Everyone bloats sometimes, even the thinnest people.

>> No.13017211

Far from it. But then, everyone feels like shit after their post-holiday bingeing so people are less likely to be all "hurr eat a burger" and are asking for tips instead.

>> No.13017220

You're a very bitter, lonely, and insecure person aren't you.

>> No.13017223


>> No.13017225
File: 760 KB, 906x455, mspaint_2017-12-26_19-52-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a faggot aren't you? kek

>> No.13017229

I actually have a question for /thinspo/ and will probably ask it in /fit/ eventually too, just to get varied answers.

But considering how much weight I'm losing, I already know my breasts are going to deflate and look like empty sacks on my chest. Should I just keep them natural, get implants, or get a breast lift?

Do men care about small sagging boobs if the woman has lost a lot of weight? Do they care about breast shape at all or are they just happy to see a titty.

>> No.13017246

Substituting meals for fags, coffee and water is amazing for losing weight but doing sports is extremely tiring and my recovery is really slow.

>> No.13017261
File: 113 KB, 750x972, IMG_2907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf said my face is getting fat. Is fasting the best way to lose face fat? I'm also thinking about cutting my hair just a tiny bit.

>>13017229 depends how saggy

>> No.13017266

At this point they aren't completely facing downward, and there's about 6" of space between my underboob and my belly button.

>> No.13017268

Drink more water. It could be water retention.

>> No.13017273

I meant the one from

>> No.13017278

>Recovery is really slow
You need protein

>> No.13017289 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 750x1334, D35CEE18-F33A-401D-AC9C-D89E95E4AFF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to look like this?

>> No.13017291
File: 46 KB, 976x549, thicc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some motivation for the particularly fat people that are trying to lose weight. Very educational for people at any weight:

[An educational video with visual images of the influence of excess fat inside the body]

>> No.13017298

/fit/ are just asking me to post pictures of my boobs. I guess there's my answer right there.

I don't know why I worry so much about what my boobs look like. Men don't seem to care as long as they get to see a titty.

>> No.13017299

Going to burger kang tomorrow :3

>> No.13017301

yeah that photo was taken by kat in nyc

her insta is @kat_in_nyc

the one you posted of Ali might be by her as well too lol but I'm too lazy to look through her feed to check

>> No.13017302
File: 185 KB, 750x1334, D6CDFF90-DD05-4247-B939-F20FEE3E63AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to look like this?

>> No.13017309
File: 175 KB, 900x1350, _L7A3194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neck <3

>> No.13017315

This is more than neck goals. This is everything goals. Skin, eyebrows, jawline. She's gorgeous.

>> No.13017339

foods to eat for breakfast which keep away the hunger for as long as possible?

>> No.13017340

shes pretty

id stare at her from long distances and ignore her if she looked at me as we crossed paths

>> No.13017345

eggs for breakfast lunch dinner everything

>> No.13017351

prepared any specfic way?

e g g

>> No.13017358
File: 414 KB, 1499x1000, 1500161864198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13017359

i just fry mine but that isnt the healthiest but i dont care

boiled I think is healthiest

>> No.13017362
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>> No.13017364
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1495235156311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks a lot, anon!!! uwu

>> No.13017367

Milk, raw oats, fruits.

>> No.13017380

lmfao whats her IG so I can follow her?

If not I'm calling a bluff

>> No.13017381
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>> No.13017383
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>> No.13017387
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>> No.13017388

I need to be more like you

>> No.13017390
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>> No.13017393
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>> No.13017402
File: 54 KB, 497x750, 4bb047b994ef777e61ca7e4e28166ab2--grunge-male-grunge-hair-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit what the fuck

>> No.13017405

Oh Wait are these the same people? Thought you posted a girl that happened to look exactly like this dude.

Im retarded

>> No.13017406

Objectively best looking person on Earth

>> No.13017415
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 4-Ms2p4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any guy who says this doesnt look like a really pretty girl is straight up fucking lying

>> No.13017428
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>> No.13017433
File: 87 KB, 795x1200, 3578_7fa6acc1-78fb-4666-9f64-d31a316808de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao its Matt Clavane

>> No.13017434

ok guys we get it hes hot

>> No.13017469

He pulls of the androgynous look well but he didn't fool me, knew it was a guy in the first photo. He's attractive but only in a standard or safe renaissance art type of way imo.

>> No.13017470
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>> No.13017481
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>> No.13017486

holy fuck this is disgusting but good at the same time

>> No.13017488
File: 56 KB, 400x460, tumblr_omwxyxQP4c1vc8vb0o2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current stats
Female, 22
158cm, 53.6kg
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
Calorie restriction, cardio, liquid fasts
>aesthetic you're going for

>> No.13017489
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>> No.13017491
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>> No.13017493

pics of you :)

>> No.13017496

Thinspo is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes I'll see "thinspo" and think the person isn't very thin at all, but then my own thinspo ideal might be fat to someone else.

>> No.13017498
File: 72 KB, 615x900, tumblr_oqa599QOk81w9a0rqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop posting this girls pics

no one gives a shit, she looks like shit because she's too thin

>> No.13017502
File: 73 KB, 540x540, tumblr_ovu2mtUHpS1wwsqaao3_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13017510

I need to lose atleast 3more kg before i feel cute enough to post ;w;

>> No.13017511


>> No.13017517


>> No.13017519

Are there anons here who even though you want to be thin and look your best, you don't care nearly as much what your partner looks like?

>> No.13017523

god tier body
8.5/10 because of the intense tan

i have sex with girls with ok bodies, but gf material is only thin desu

>> No.13017527

Don't have to be /thinspo/, but they have to be thin.

>> No.13017529
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>> No.13017540
File: 164 KB, 750x1334, 5872C88A-36B9-45E3-B2FD-FF5984DC6FFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good, no?

>> No.13017541

Would like them to be thin, but not a deal breaker if they're not.

Just can't be fat

>> No.13017549

Saw a girl at a restaurant tonight that was super thin. It's cold out and she was wearing a skirt, black semi transparent stockings, and tall boots. She looked really effay. Beautiful lips too. But was at dinner with family and her with theirs, plus probably too young for me. I recently asked a 17 year old out by accident.... my judgement of age is pretty bad.

>> No.13017584

17 is acceptable if you are <21

>> No.13017596

Seeing a girl you want to talk to in public but shes with her family is the worst

>> No.13017601

Kinda, they have to be at least an average weight.

My ideal gf would be very tall and thin

>> No.13017607

I'm guessing you're all guys?

I'm a girl and don't actually mind if a guy is a bit overweight. As long as he isn't disgustingly huge. When guy has a really low bf% his bones will poke me during sex and it hurts.

>> No.13017616

how do you initiate conversations with strangers
especially girls

>> No.13017618

I'm older. Dressed up I can't tell after 16-17 if they don't have something that really points it out like braces. Once I talk to them it's a lot easier to figure out age, but, by then you are already a creep.


Just be urself :^)

>> No.13017620
File: 31 KB, 540x360, tumblr_nw74qnAyGF1r18ws3o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont give a rats ass what my partner looks like as long as we have feelings for each other

you cant tell me if you fell in love with someone who wasnt super thin (not fat just average but attractive to you) you would ignore your feelings and dismiss them

>> No.13017624

I'm female. He needs to be thin but not /thinspo/. I just don't want to date someone that is oveweight. BMI of 21-22 is fine.

Don't know about the bones and sex bit since never been with a really thin guy and I'm terrible at sex anyways so just lay there terrified the whole time.

>> No.13017626



dont overthink just say what you want

worst that can happen is rejection. Tell me which is better

A. You dont speak to the person and you spend the next few days, weeks, months alone at night imagining all the possible things that could have happened and simping over the fact you'll never see her again

B. You talk to the person and they're not interested and you move on like a normal human being

>> No.13017629

ye im a guy
i can understand. a thin (not anorexia) grill is just so goddamn ct and hot that im honestly not attracted to thicker girls. also thin girls usually have a jawline that thicker girls don't have, which is really good

i define thin by not having any rolls when sitting and slightly reaching forwards

>> No.13017634

even really thin girls have some bitty rolls I think, just the skin folding over causes some. I /think/, I'm a robot and never got near a girl.

>> No.13017640

yeah i guess, i'm just really bad with girls
at least that's what i think
haven't talked to a female outside of my job/family for about 3 years now
kinda scary now that i think of it

>> No.13017644

I would never tell you that because I feel the same way.

>> No.13017645

When I'm honest with myself 100%, a gradual awareness comes over me - Knowing on some level, at that moment. that I only truly pursue attractive women because I care about how
they make me look in front of others.

What I really crave is the closeness, the human connection.

Other than that, I keep finding that girls who've just coasted through 20+ years of life on a cushion of physical beauty tend to be under developed, over entitled twats

>> No.13017658

partly true in my experience
i know that girls that have a trained core (abs/obliques) have less rolls when at a lower fat percentage. genes must also play a role (where fat is stored in the body), but rolls are my general guideline

small thin rolls of skin are more than ok

>> No.13017670

>Other than that, I keep finding that girls who've just coasted through 20+ years of life on a cushion of physical beauty tend to be under developed, over entitled twats
Men who are like that are the same way. Often very boring to talk to. Not all of them, mind you, but the ones with a personality are either taken or gay.

>> No.13017681
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>> No.13017698
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>> No.13017699
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>> No.13017707
File: 1.47 MB, 640x1136, IMG_3465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when my parents drag me to the hospital because they think I'm too skinny and not eating enough

Fml why do they do this to me

>> No.13017717

Because they care about you?

>> No.13017726

so much sodium make your skin shit

>> No.13017746

i have an obsession with fat asian men lol

>> No.13017751


How can you blame your parents for that lmao

Best you can do is explain

>> No.13017752

are you f or m

>> No.13017754


>> No.13017756

Yeah I'm a guy, and personally not going for a low body fat as shin in these threads. Just like /fa/'s method of losing weight while I don't have a gym.

>> No.13017767

im starting a fast for however long i can manage before i see my family and they force me to eat again. i just want to be beautiful but they don't seem to want that for me.

>> No.13017792

I'm fine though. I've just been fasting to lose faster. I wasn't even near thin like >>13017698

My doctor is young and hot though lol
Only good thing but she's trying to get me to eat a bunch of fatty foods

>> No.13017802

Good point! I guess beauty = power, and we all know that power corrupts.

>> No.13017805

I'm conflicted since I don't believe in forced recovery. Recovery should be a choice. But also, if your doctor tells you you will die, then I would listen to that doctor.

>> No.13017810

It just depends. Some people let beauty get to their head and they don't work on anything else. Others don't realize they're beautiful, or didn't become attractive until later in life for whatever reason. I think the people who became attractive/didn't realize they were attractive until later in life have an advantage.

>> No.13017830

Absolutely. IME, People lucky enough to be visually stunning usually ain't good company unless they had an 'ugly phase' or somesuch shite in high school.

>> No.13017880

are you single? :^)

>> No.13017919
File: 125 KB, 750x1334, CCE8BDB6-0687-4615-B993-B5E458B7A920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’s the collarbone game here?

>> No.13017924

its so easy to identify mentally damaged people

>> No.13017940

please stop self-harming it gets better

>> No.13017969

It's the same girl that anon has been spamming that same girl this entire thread.

>> No.13018139
File: 588 KB, 554x533, 1513520950505-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

166cm, 48kg
>Highest weight
70kg maybe
>goal weight
like 35kg
>preferred method of losing weight
starvation and working out
>a e s t h e t i c
pic related

>> No.13018319

nice body, getting close to thinspo

>> No.13018326

no, I care a lot about what my partner looks like
they don't necessarily have to be /thinspo/ as I think girls can still look at other sizes, however skinny fat is an absolute deal breaker.
Either /thinspo/ or /fit/

>> No.13018408

yes lol

>> No.13018594
File: 108 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mimvdqr98G1qac3wno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13018610

why are you making a show of it. you look like a drama queen attention whore.

>> No.13018646

18 f 5'4 99lbs
tfw people are starting to notice that i've lost ~15 pounds
stepmom said at christmas dinner the "freshman 15" is supposed to be weight you gain not lose
dad said i'm too skinny and need to eat more
mom said i'm wasting away into nothing
i feel like shit about my body i hate myself so much i feel like there's nothing i can do to like the way i look

>> No.13018656

you should see a doctor, tell them that, you might have depression, get some medications, try that. need to see pics though, you might have a small frame and 99 lbs isnt that bad.

>> No.13018666

How am I making a show out of it? I just want to be slp skinny but my fat parents won't let me

>> No.13018670

Pics? You can blur your face or just not show it btw

>> No.13018751

My breath stinks from not eating. How to get rid of this?

>> No.13018807

Eat healthy food that doesn't have a strong odor like fruit, oatmeal, vegetables, etc. Drink lots of water. Keep minty chewing gum on you at all times.

>> No.13018943

what do u guys think of low-carb diet? i tried it for one week, i ate definitely too much tho and thought that i fucked up but still lost maybe 1lb. i think ill continue it

>> No.13018997

feelsbad with the pectus man. gonna get surgery one day?

>> No.13019046

Your weight is fine. Last sentence has nothing to do with that. See about finding a therapist or something

>> No.13019049

I have no limits when drunk lol. Ate about 8000cals tonight at family dinner. Fasts next week are gonna feel soooo goooood

>> No.13019057
File: 84 KB, 500x590, 1503697459517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 19 bmi but bad posture and large amount of bodyfat makes me look fat

>> No.13019124

I feel nervous about saying this since your BMI's already 19 but honestly a lot of things I thought were unfixable problems with my frame and body structure were fixed by losing weight. My shoulders which I was convinced were irredeemably broad lost an inch or two and overall looked way better the skinnier my arms got. My waist shrunk too, turns out I don't actually have "violin hips" after all.
I can't say for certain if this will apply to your case but I had a lot of issues where i was like "that's bone, that'll never get better" and surprise, it got better.

>> No.13019199

Tell them you're just barely outside the healthy weight range and that Its normal to have a slight variance from whats deemed healthy.

>> No.13019210
File: 62 KB, 540x418, tumblr_nvytmsnEyF1qzcqino1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta make excuses to be a junkie and major in useless fields of study and you all cant come up with excuses to be losing weight??? cmon now

>> No.13019211

>get vaccination yesterday
>nurse says she had to push really hard because there is no fat in my arm
too bad there isn't much muscle either

>> No.13019212

Cut sodium, it bloats your face

>> No.13019215

I'll remember this

>> No.13019270

How to fast/do extreme calorie deficits without freezing my ass off?
Or is there no way around it?

I swear if it were spring or summer right now I could do this so much more easily. The hunger's not the problem it's the fucking cold.

>> No.13019300

>torso becoming Auschwitz-mode while legs still thick as fuck
Any tips? Right now I just wear tight pants with slightly large shirts to hide the disproportion.

>> No.13019316

All you can do is try to lose more weight.

>> No.13019325
File: 18 KB, 370x247, medical0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Florentine medfag, if you are still here, thank you for your help. I'm starting to finally feel better. Got a bit more of an appetite today. The silver lining is I've lost 6lbs while being sick.

>> No.13019327


>> No.13019331
File: 54 KB, 540x540, tumblr_o498y8ZgSK1ugjf1zo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spicy Food is the FUCKING SECRET

So I read up on how Spicy shit increases metabolism. I decided to make my daily 2 eggs extra extra spicy. They were filled me up so quickly I couldnt half way through the meal I couldn't even finish them, and 2 eggs is only 120 calories.

>> No.13019359

Rip ur butthole

>> No.13019367
File: 296 KB, 540x542, tumblr_owfrs58VJv1uy040uo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking a good as shit

>feeling that weight leave your body

>> No.13019445

>TFW naturally /thinspo/

Didn't even know I was /fa/.

>> No.13019482

probably not fa then

>> No.13019494

how thin is too thin?

>> No.13019540


>> No.13019547

When it becomes painful to stand

>> No.13019569

I'm just afraid of smelling like shit though. Especially as a woman. The smell from spicy food stays with you, "down there".

>> No.13019574

Makes guys cum taste bad too. I don’t think the spicy food this is very sustainable desu. To be /thinspo4lyfe/ I think we have to be able to eat pretty normal variety just less of it

>> No.13019585

probably more the garlic and seasonings than the capsicum itself.
Try some sambal oelek, literally just chilis, water, and a little vinegar.

t. /ck/

>> No.13019646

You guys are such fucking losers, being healthy looks better than any fashion

>> No.13019651

>fasted till 2pm
>250kcal brunch
>650kcal dinner
>7 cigs today
>5 shots of vodka

only a few more cigs and some vodka and ill end the day on 1600kcal :)

>> No.13019652

>"she's perfect"
You haven't even gone on a date with her dude, you're fucked. Way too much oneitis. Your nerves are gonna wreck you

>> No.13019665

Hello, my gf is a skinny qt and I want to buy an outfit for her. Help me out please

>> No.13019668

Time travel 80 years ago and be Jewish

>> No.13019672

>only response is an insult
Aw man, I hope things turn around for you

>> No.13019678

Give your body time to adjust to your new weight. Don't rush into anything. Don't overestimate how much guys care about the way your boobs look. The most important thing is if you like them, and it's gonna take a year at least for you to know that or not.

The majority of guys hate breast implants. I would never date a girl who had any work done.

>> No.13019682

I think this is actually you... and I'm sorry. I hope you find help. You're dying. People will miss you.

>> No.13019698

Eating disorders are extremely common. A huge number of "fitness" people on social media have eating disorders themselves but hide it with their aesthetics. We're just honest with ourselves.

>> No.13019735

I'm not talking about fitness people on instagram. I mean, accepting your genetics (NOT weight, i mean frame/general composition) and optimizing that. I carry fat around my hips and on my stomach/pecs - my muscle insertions are such that I'd never be a good-looking bodybuilder, regardless of how big I get. But I understand what my body wants to do, and I work within it. I know the weight I'm comfortable at now (165-170, 5'11"), I've figured out the exercises I'm good at (6 pullups/6 chinups with 60lbs added weight, sets of 5 rep pistol squats) and I eat healthily. I don't care about the way I look anymore. I care about feeling good. And I get way better responses than any other time I tried to force a lifestyle on myself.

>> No.13019766

Shit tier diet

>> No.13019847

4chan is an especially fruitful breeding ground for EDs. The population of 4chan, as you probably already know, consists primarily of two groups of people: extremely impressionable autists and trolls. One of the autists posts a pic of their fit, a troll comments "you look fat lol" and bam, they're on their way to analand.

>> No.13019864

4chan is full of people that hate themselves and are unfit to society, such as obese neckbeards, mentally unstable people and people who hate themselves in general. So of course they want to change something about themselves. "Realizing" that they're fat is a prime example of something to obsess with in order to change one's life and finally changing oneself.

>> No.13019909

She was in my lecture class and I sat next to her. We would always talk before class started and we studied for the final together. She wanted the D but I was too pussy to make the move

>> No.13019975

What's her style?

>> No.13019979

wut? I don't think so.

>> No.13019980

What body fat percentage do you want for sexy facial aesthetics? 8%?

>> No.13019996

anything under about 11 for a man

but a lot of that is genetics. There are 7%ers with puffy face. I have a very lean face at 18%

>> No.13020108

Are you female? Do you eat spicy/pungent food often? Your body literally will emit an odor if you eat a lot of foods like garlic and other strong smelling spices. It's better to be aware of it than not.

>> No.13020113

Good for you. Do you want a pat on the back?

>> No.13020115

This. That's why Indians stink.

>> No.13020245
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 1514200759786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no thin ayy lmao gf

>> No.13020434

no one answered my q,
tryin one more time