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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 555 KB, 659x499, 1423260882532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12955430 No.12955430 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ on the right

>> No.12955435

Right is more like AVERAGE male but he definitely isnt attractive. It's crazier how much a slightly more gaunt face and a haircut makes. Right dude is not unattractive because if he lost weight and changed his hair hed be fine.

>> No.12955454


>> No.12955459

uh thats just an average looking dude with a different head shape and hair

>> No.12955466

>higher testosterone is unattractive

>> No.12955471

Nah man even if lost weight hell still have those baby cheeks
He's fucked

>> No.12955475

>tfw look similar to guy on the left instead guy on the right

We're all gonna make it

>> No.12955480


>> No.12955611
File: 81 KB, 600x762, IMG_5793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ is on the Far Right

>> No.12955621

Why do I even come on 4chan? Every time it just reduces my self esteem until some day I blow my brains out and end it all. I wish I took the blue pill.

>> No.12955632
File: 16 KB, 958x660, 1496619448854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you're already jaded and bitter and no where else on the internet wants you. you're not wanted here either, but come the next thread I won't know you are you.

>> No.12955633

they both look the exact same relatively and both are 5.5/10

>> No.12955640

>exact same relatively
do you know what words mean?

>> No.12955641

I dont like manlets

>> No.12955651

>the fashion board cannot differentiate facial aesthetics to this degree

jesus christ.

>> No.12955667


What'd I ever do to you?

>> No.12955670

which one has the bigger bank account

>> No.12955676

its not even fa anymore
its “hey i started going 2 the gym and i want to dress to impress how do i” fit babies

>> No.12955677

Do you think being a shut-in imparts partial face blindness?
Because I think I'm partially face blind.

I can still make out the differences in op's pic, though.
Except I'm not sure to what extent I would call a morphed face unattractive when it will have more or less perfect skin.

>> No.12955679

What did you say?
I couldn't here you from all the way down there manlet

>> No.12955726

>left face has more defined eyebrows
>left face has better ears, don't stick out from top of ear
>left face eyes are marginally closer, with a better shape
>left face has straight nose, and outside of nostrils is aligned with tear ducts of eyes
>left face has fuller lips, and a slightly smaller mouth
>left face has higher cheekbones, with more angular cheeks
>left face has a more angular jaw line, extenuates the cheeks
>left has better hairline
>left has slight longer face, all thirds of face are in proportion

Miss anything?

>> No.12955728

Calling right unattractive is a stretch. He's just average. Definitely not attractive, but average. If he had a strong negative canthal tilt, receded chin, etc. hed be truly unattractive.

probably 80%+ of /fa/ is closer to right than left.

>> No.12955742
File: 29 KB, 938x477, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80%+ of /fa/ is closer to the right

>> No.12955756

being facially average isn;t as bad as people online make it out to be.

>> No.12955766

I remember in high school alot of the super popular dudes ranged from average to ugly. Which was very strange, alot of the good looking taller dudes were often not even half as popular.

>> No.12955802
File: 1.45 MB, 4032x3024, EDB5CA05-206C-45F1-9EDF-A5E877B6E1D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think im right wby guys

>> No.12955811

>swans shirt

your fit could really use a noose bro

>> No.12955817
File: 490 KB, 1300x1600, 56e2170211868__charlton-heston-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The picture is for white facial structures..

>> No.12955828

I'm a senior in high school and it's the same here. I know a guy with a hot gf whose hairline is receding at 16.

>> No.12955829
File: 292 KB, 640x1136, IMG_6269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler was a manlet
Tall back then, average today

>> No.12955833

at least now we know Leafy wouldn't look better with a chin

>> No.12955836

catch my ass being the whitest beaner mutt haha

>> No.12955845

Face shape/Jawline, nose, hair and hairline. Also slight adjustments made to the skin tone and mouth. Left is clearly better looking but I wonder if simply a better haircut would push right into better looking based on these pictures alone. Probably not, but I’d like to see.

>> No.12955866

>bin laden

>> No.12955867

if I eat less sodium will I look like the right?

>> No.12955880

like the left if you have decent bone structure

>> No.12955961

Girls are probably very intimidated by the super attractive guys and don't approach out of fear of rejection thus the more average guys get more attention.

>> No.12955969

If you are good looking and tall, but a social retard/self esteem issues, you can be left in purgatory.

>> No.12956027

I can remember a few genuinely attractive, tall, fit guys that seemed kind of unpopular/reserved. It made 0 fucking sense. I kinda get it now, but it's still weird.

>> No.12956066

That was kind of me in high school. 6'4 and captain/star of the basketball team, at least above average attractiveness, but very few friends and probably the quietest guy in the school

>> No.12956068

>captain of basketball team

fuck off desu, honestly.

>> No.12956071

didn't say I was unpopular, I said I had few friends.
There is a difference between people being nice friendly/respectful to you, and having friends

>> No.12956158

A lot of the popular girls weren't necessarily anything special either. It seems to be based more on extroverted personality and sexual precociousness.

>> No.12956258

holy fuck just stop dude, your coping will get you no where, you're fighting against an empirical study fucking lol

>> No.12956274

Mother of all copes. One of my friends was the hottest guy in my high school. His value was unmeasurable. ALL the girls wanted to be with him and they were on his dick 24/7. It's crazy how delusional ugly people can get.

>> No.12956277

pro tip: you have an ugly face lol

>> No.12956280

The face morphs confuse the issue, though. It's like saying this is an "average" face in one of the other morphs that don't deal with attractiveness.
It's average in that it's a blend of sample faces, it's not average in that it's a picture of an "average looking" person.
If you look at one face that guy might have a big ugly nose and you look at another face that guy might have big jug ears but you blend them together and you get a face with features that are closer to normal, right?
So the "average" face is actually sort of a perfect face, because it smooths out all imperfections.

So in this case it looks like we've got blends of faces rated attractive and faces rated unattractive.

That guy that is rated unattractive would get plenty of pussy because DRASTIC imperfections have been smoothed out but what we get is a picture of what imperfections are.

eg. There are guys with worse jawlines and chins than that face. But we can see it's a rounded jawline compared to the face on the left.

That guy has hair which is better than having no hair. But we can see the hair isn't as nice as the hair on the left. There was probably a good amount of bald(ing) guys and guys with bad haircuts in the unattractive sample.

>> No.12956286

Did you soyboys ever stop and consider that as a man you're supposed to approach women not look pretty and flip your hair and hope they come to you?
Did you never see the meme with one of the Hemsworths that says something like:
>just go up to her and say hi, it works for me.
That's because it does.

>> No.12956288

>Tall back then, average today

Nah more like average back then and average (or just below) average today. The 1940s weren't that long ago.

>> No.12956291

You're so far right you looped around and landed on the right again

>> No.12956295

I don't though, I do part time modelling.

>> No.12956297

Right could be easily improved with a wider lense (300mm?)

>> No.12956299

Yeah and he was probably confident and didnt have social issues

>> No.12956306

I should add I went to an all boys school, I wasn't talking about friends and relationships with girls you colossal retard. I was saying it doesn't automatically make you popular

>> No.12956319

are you brushing your or your shirt's teeth?

>> No.12956351
File: 14 KB, 444x576, 14915703_10153807392510938_8713765748341619034_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attractiveness worths nothing

pic related: that's me, always single and estranged because I have no social skills and depression

>> No.12956360

>tfw been a hermit recluse
>0 friends
>only 20 years old
Got any tips to not end up the same in the future? I'm tall and attractive, but I never leave my house except to go to the psychiatrist

>> No.12956376

idk I spent my 14-24 studying like hell then I burned-out and now I have a shitty assembler job 2 days a week and I spend the rest of my time reading and writing. I pretty much hate everything about western society, I wish I could move to Iran or something but I have no balls atm

>> No.12956410

dude RELAX

>> No.12956439


Le new Prison Planet buzzword

>> No.12956465

Which one would win in a fight though?

>> No.12956526

Are you in school or working? How much extra cash do you have?

>> No.12956529

This. If you're confident and not dressed like a retard, and are capable of having a nice conversation, you'll be fine.

>> No.12956532

I go to university one day a week for about 4 hours. No job, never had one either, so no money

>> No.12956535

I'd recommend getting a job and enrolling in more classes next semester. Talk to people there

>> No.12956544

get a load of this faggot

>> No.12956549

I've been planning to get a job for the past 12 months, but too much of a coward to go through with it. More classes is a good idea though, I was initially doing more but had to drop to the literal minimum amount as my depression got worse.

Are you speaking from experience? I've never known what types of jobs to apply to

>> No.12956595
File: 52 KB, 499x496, 1512003131507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never sully /fit/'s name like this, anon. It's mostly underage newfags shitting up this board.

>> No.12956598

Yeah, although a slightly different situation.

>be me, 19, a virgin
>at a major American uni that's considered a top party school
>kind of a loser, not much of a social life
>parents make me transfer to a Christian college for a year and a half
>make some cool friends, but overall the experience sucks
>now 21, still virgin
>get job
>stop dressing like a virgin and start dressing like a normal college-aged guy
>start working out pretty seriously
>transfer back to major university while I'm within two credits of graduating from the Christian college
>manage to get paired with a couple of Chads for roommates
>they help me get laid

Nothing raises your confidence levels as much as having cool friends and having success with girls, but neither of those things come if you don't get out and talk to people. Dressing better and dressing more like the people around also helped me feel like I was on the same playing field as the people around me and really went a long way in easing the anxiety.

>> No.12956620


>> No.12956622

where do i find these cool pure all-american chads? most of my friends are more artsy while still having a cocky chad mentality, so they don't really help me to raise my confinence. if anything it's quite the opposite

>> No.12956627

tfw im taller than hitler
i like being tall, it makes me feel dominant

>> No.12956631

Do they seem to genuinely like you?

>> No.12956632

just going by looks, my guy. what other category does he fit into?

>> No.12956640


>> No.12956641

yeah, it isn't a toxic friendship or anything but i feel like they don't really support me

>> No.12956647

Just keep em around for the sake of having friends then. Are any of you guys into the British lad culture? Would they look down on you if you became a bit of a lad? I'd say lad culture is pretty much the British version of American bro culture.

>> No.12956650

What was the job you got? Like I said, I can never figure out what type of job is the best. I feel like a job where I'm forced to interact would be hard, but the most beneficial.

Also, how did you manage to get over the initial anxiety with the chad room mates?
In the early years of high school, I had some friends, all of them were the chads of the school because we were basketball team mates. Problem was I declined the invites to their parties for 2 years and it got to the point where they didn't invite me anymore. Wish I could go back in time and not be a bitch but too late now. Did you just force yourself?

>> No.12956654
File: 390 KB, 466x339, FoaleHair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that a haircut can add 2-3 points.

Usually it's the subtle things like losing weight that add up, though. The guy on the right in OP would go from 5 to 7 or 8 if he lost 10-20 pounds.

>> No.12956665

yes hehe

>> No.12956666

which one is supposed to look better?

>> No.12956668

Pretty much just got a shitty job that hasn't really helped me with anything except having more money. I just said job in general since that normally helps get people out of the house. As far as the roommates go, I just decided that I liked these guys and wanted their respect, and everything went well from there. They were both cool, and I got cooler, so I'd honestly just say that I lucked out.

>> No.12956684

ah fair enough, might see what I can find for employment. Bit hard because in my country most people don't live in the university, but there is still things like clubs, so always opportunities

>> No.12956773

I'm somewhere in the middle I think

>> No.12956814
File: 9 KB, 263x247, Knipsel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12956829


>> No.12956851
File: 566 KB, 671x527, beard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy on the right just needs a beard

>> No.12956856

oh shit you are right!

>> No.12956861

the right just is fatter that us literally the only difference look at his neck and Jowels. being fat is just simply ugly. there is no two ways about it.

>> No.12957249

>tfw girls only find me attractive because I remind them of some musician that wears glasses

I currently have 2 girls interested in me and the reason they find me attractive is because I remind them of a combination of Morrissey and Jack Antonoff

>> No.12957268
File: 115 KB, 462x480, ubermensch 01 lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12957270

Imagine admitting you watch PJW

>> No.12957277

I want to buy a swans shirt but I can't because I'll be associated with people like you

>> No.12957367

Also, don't be under 6'0" at the minimum. If you are you're fucked.

>> No.12957399


>> No.12957408
File: 30 KB, 600x600, C1utNXTXEAI1TSs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unnatractive as fuck and still bang hot chicks.

1) Don't give a fuck.
2) Try to have fun.

>> No.12957411

jus bee urslef

>> No.12957435

Get better hair and you will gain so many points

>> No.12957440

i know it is a meme but it's honestly the best advice one can give

>> No.12957449

The guy on the right is definitely ugly but I wouldn't say the left is "attractive", really just looks average with potential I suppose

>> No.12957460

lol yeah it's because of association with other losers that's it LOL

>> No.12957464

He was average then, not tall.
The Bronze Age Celts were 6foot 5

>> No.12957465

>best advice you can give someone
>jus bee ur self
That's the best advice you can give someone, huh.

>> No.12957587



>> No.12957617
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1385234295374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Bin Laden should have been dropping 3s on the court instead of dropping aircraft on New York

>> No.12957649

Osama bin Ballin

>> No.12957687

Black and white photo hides the shitskin that is the root of your problem

>> No.12957701

>humble brag within an attempt at reassurance

Why havent you killed yourself yet honestly faggot

>> No.12957733

Soyboy was naturally going to blow up. I can't say for certain but I'm pretty sure I invented it a long while back.
I'm not saying everyone is using it because I invented it - I think it's a parallel invention and a whole lot of people probably invented it on their own.
I don't know why PJW would use it he is a fag and not only that I reckon he would have made a pretty tranny.

>> No.12957918

try farming

>> No.12958336

he literally just has a lose weight and grow his hair out and he's fine

>> No.12958402

I dont understand this swans shirt hate

>> No.12958637
File: 36 KB, 360x480, myface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one am i?

>> No.12958640

Definitely right, and everyone can tell you're pressing your jaw down BTW.

>> No.12958646

lol aight,,, not pressing my jaw down desu

i dont agree that left is necessarily more attractive either

>> No.12958650

just an fyi,, if i was pressing down my jaw i would make myself look even more like right sooooo idk why tf u think id do that...

>> No.12958654

damn dude why are you coping so hard?

>> No.12958655

Dude I was just roasting you for no reason and now you genuinely came out as insecure lol don't do this

>> No.12958660

im not insecure just responding to your point.. regardless of which side i fit into more i do just fine with women so at the end of the day a random anons words mean nothing

>> No.12958663

You have the face of a quaterback but the typing patterns of a trap who wants to get fugged
It's weird

>> No.12958685
File: 324 KB, 2074x818, Screen Shot 2017-12-03 at 8.57.05 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know David Gandy, considered one of, if not the most attractive men alive was an unpopular loser who didn't get any female attention in high school.
Said he didn't get a girlfriend until he was 21, and was extremely shy around girls.

>> No.12958693
File: 14 KB, 249x225, 1510583519849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a thread about fashion
>1 reply every 2 hours

>hey /fa/ ur a bnunch of fungly manlets
>thread explodes

Only proves that /fa/ is full of ugly insecure manlets


>> No.12958702
File: 334 KB, 1025x1280, hnggggggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good to be 6'4

>> No.12958709
File: 3.89 MB, 200x200, 1502274610409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not insecure
>i do just fine with women so at the end of the day a random anons words mean nothing

You alright?

>> No.12958761

Theyre both overweight for /fa/

>> No.12959087

In what ways? I’m a manlet and I love all the memes that should make me feel like shit. Don’t take everything so seriously. The only people spouting manlet memes and other shit here are guys like me and not actual girls

>> No.12959090

charming. truly he is. also it can be attributed to a "glow up". i was a fat fuck and didn't care about my appearnce at 18 and i'd been a virgin the whole time. only a couple years of me perfecting my craft i have slabbed my fat into pure marble and now i look like a Snack

>> No.12959193

Are you calling /fa/ pretty now? Oh you

>> No.12959529

you wish faggot. pure european caucasian, not american ((( white )))

>> No.12959556

MFW round face problems but not fat

>> No.12959570

>tfw 5'11" asian

>> No.12959582

neither is particularly attractive nor unattractive.

t. someone who is attracted to men

>> No.12959591

t. pussy

>> No.12959947

This >>12959087 desu
If you take shit seriously it starts to eat away at you

>> No.12959995
File: 35 KB, 800x400, 1511841396421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the funniest thing about the internet. It's not women talking shit about you, it's insecure guys with that problem. Short, fat, bald, acne, whatever. There's a chick out there that will fuck you if you just grow a set and talk to her.
>t. 5'7 thinspo with a 5'10 gf

>> No.12960395


>> No.12960407

>if he just recoded his DNA he'd be fine

Can you stop with this lose weight meme? That is his bone structure, not fat. Losing weight will just make the guy on the right look more like a seedy numale soycuck, it won't actually fix anything.

>> No.12960818
File: 785 KB, 500x261, 1498475325244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice cheeks.

>> No.12960827

very handsome