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/fa/ - Fashion

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12759967 No.12759967 [Reply] [Original]

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.12760077

>tfw i have laughlines from 5 years of smoking
am i stuck with them forever?

>> No.12760345

What is /fa/'s opinion on The Body Shop?
There's an outlet near me and I'm looking for something to fix my oily skin, possibly a mattifying moisturizer.

>> No.12760957

I have oily skin, should I moisturize in the morning and night?

>> No.12761006

I have a oily T zone as well, nothing helps, I've just given up fuck it I'm going out all shining.

>> No.12761590

2% salicylic acid isn't working, is there anything stronger I can try (that isn't accutane)?

>> No.12761678 [DELETED] 

I have red patches on my cheeks and yellowish patches around my mouth/nose. blotchy skin in general. what can I do about this? Im also around 20% bf and eat alot of dairy/meat etc. which is probably something to do with it, but I cant really change because I need the calories for SPORTS

thanks in advance friends :)

>> No.12761685
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I have red patches on my cheeks and yellowish patches around my mouth/nose. blotchy skin in general. what can I do about this? Im also around 20% bf and eat alot of dairy/meat etc. which is probably something to do with it, but I cant really change because I need the calories for SPORTS

thanks in advance friends :)

>> No.12761750

Benzoyle Peroxide, DUAC

>> No.12761753

wtf help me >>12761685 too???

>> No.12761754

What are some good microfiber towels? And what are some good bedsheets?

>> No.12761838

>dehydrated skin
What do?
My thoughts is to: slow down on BHA/AHA.
I also want to look for a new cleanser. Currently, I use the Cerave's Hydrating Cleanser (for normal and dry skin) but it seems to dry my skin just like their other cleanser for normal and oily skin... Hydrating Cleanser is still better though. It doesn't dry it as much as the second one.

>> No.12761913

moisturizer, hydrating essence, hydrating toner, occlusive and oil of choice

>> No.12761916

also no exfoliation until your skin is hydrated and no cleanser in the morning just rinse with warm water! And if you take really hot showers stop boiling yourself like a lobster

>> No.12761918

Alright, thank you for the answer. I already take lukewarm/cold showers and cleanse once a day in the evening. I also use a good moisturizer which seems to work really well with my skin.

I have no idea about where to start with the hydrating essence, hydrating toners and occlusive though.

>> No.12761925

I use Kikumasamune High Moist Lotion and corsx Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence. Some say the kiku clogs them, but it doesn't do that to me. The asianbeauty subreddit would be a good place for recommendations on essences and hydrating toners. Also an occlusive just locks in the moisture so you could use something like Vaseline

>> No.12762174

How do I remove tan?

>> No.12762179

i swear to god nothing works for my skin, besides dermatologist prescribed regimens

i eat healthy, drink nothing but water and lots of it, change my pillowcase frequently, wash with just water because products irritate my skin more. My skin felt extra oily so i washed with cold water and rubbed ice all over it, it smoothed it out and made it feel better, but now I have a bad breakout of painful red bumps. What the fuck is the purpose of acne jfc just fuck off

>> No.12762366

Started using a tea tree and watch Hazel toner and it is pretty good.
Im 25, still getting pussy yellow spots, took roaccurane for a while (and it did decrease the severeness of acne but was a bitch in other areas too) and I do exfoliate, est healthy, hydrate, etc. Could do with more fitness activities but I'll work on that.

But the toner was something I started using and i maybe get one spot a day at most now. Make sure Mr skin is cleaned in the morning and evening then apply the toner, then get some lotion on.
I mostly use it in the morning but occasionally in the evening too if I'm being extra healthy.

Worth a try if you're looking for something and haven't tried toners yet. Obviously it may be different for you though.

>> No.12762380
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>tfw finally getting prescribed accutane after who knows how many years fucking around and a few with doxycycline
>tfw chose probably the worst time to do so since I have no insurance at the moment
>just really want it gone after having to deal with it for all of my teenage and adult life
>$360 dollars a month down the drain for this shit
I'm hanging in there. First week it cleared up like magic. Next two weeks and this one it has gotten worse but still better than before. Telling myself it'll be worth the financial strain.

>> No.12762387

use a clay mask on your oily spots. i have an oily t zone so whenever it feels oily i apply a clay mask to soak up the oils, then after washing the clay mask off with water i tone and moisturize. if you have oily skin, you'll want a light moisturizer that is not cream based but jelly

>> No.12762397
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So I figured out a combo of some acids and chemicals together to completely remove the top layer of my skin.

That was neat, however you basically get pockets of sweat that get super itchy and if you don't wait for it to fully separate from your new skin and you decide to peels you'll get some superficial scarring scattered about.

Anyways my skin is smoother, softer and better able to absorb my other skin products.

>> No.12762403

theres a reason there are professionals in microderms and peels

stop wasting your time ruining yourself and use your money on a licensed professional

>> No.12762408

>completely remove the top layer of my skin

You are a moron.

> my skin is smoother, softer

You're exposing an unfinished layer of skin to the surface before it's meant to. Basic peeling cream will just get rid of what's ready to fall off. If you take a fucking acid peel to your face consistently you're damaging yourself and only encouraging what amounts to callous formation on your face.

Look forward to blotchy thickened skin, more wrinkles and other assorted fuckups.

> better able to absorb my other skin products

Not even this is true, your top layers are as permeable as the next. If you wanted to make it "more permeable" you're literally talking about acid scarring yourself down beneath the epidermis layer completely.

The reason you may feel like your moisturizer is absorbing more than usual is that you just exposed your entire face to new skin that desperately needs it because it doesn't work properly yet.

>> No.12762437

My skin is fine, I've worked with lactic, kojic, glycolic, citric and other acids on my skin for quite some time.

I am more so just trying to warn people not to do this the wrong way. I just didn't have benedryl and steroidal creams on me but over all between the month long prepping and three day process to allow the peel to take place along with the week long healing process beneath the peel before peeling itself occurred in sheets I'm pretty fine.

This is not my first rodeo. This is nothing that is subdermal, I've worked with skin and skin treatments for 5 years and was under the teaching of an skin specialist.

I will also say that my population heals faster from surface skin damage faster than other populations, which is why my recovery time is what it is.

>> No.12762727

My skin is oily, I want to fix it but my attempts so far haven't been very helpful.

>if your skin is dehydrated, it might overproduce oil to compensate
>in this situation, using drying or "oil-control" products won't help
How can I tell if this is the case? And what do I use if this is the case?

>> No.12762771

In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.12762814
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I dont know where to post this. I always wanted to wear skirts but I don't to show my old mosquito bites. How do I heal this.
Pic is me.

>> No.12762817

Jeez, i hope you find a way to remove them totally or at least make them less noticeable. How long have you had them?

>> No.12762852

Did you scratch the bites?

>> No.12762933

carry blotting papers

>> No.12762936


>> No.12762939

looks pretty fa desu

wear them with pride

>> No.12762971

try The Ordinary niacinamide serum. It has zinc, should stop shining. Use a moisturiser morning and evening, but nothing too heavy/oily

>> No.12763084
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Thoughts on Muji skin care products?

>> No.12763757

More than ten years

>> No.12763760

I have bad eczema at the back of the knee.

>> No.12763768

Lucky bastard, I was basically born with them

>> No.12764907

lol in the us every drug gets a shekel extra goy upmark.

>> No.12764915

nice. want zo look like a muslim acid victim?

>> No.12764925

cant do shit about such scars i guess. maybe sun would help. maybe ask a dermotologist. it looks like you bloodflow is fucked up in general

>> No.12765167
File: 44 KB, 580x384, 580x384-LF-wk09-CG-Avene-Landing-Page-About-the-Brand-022755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Avene products as good as they're being marketed? In my country they're the most expensive skincare line by far I've encountered during my couple of years of acne and oily skin battle. But never tried it. Now I'm interested. Anyone had some good experience with Avene?

>> No.12765181

Please help me guys!

I have had a scar on my nose for 2 years now. Got it after being hit and my nose being split open.

It is really red and is like a 4 cm long line. I have tried literally every fucking product there is and it does not go away. The skin around it has even been damaged because of all the products I have used, so I am not using anything right now.

Is it possible to remove scars on my face with a laser or whatever? It literally fucking kills me every time I see myself with a really red scar on my nose

>> No.12765533
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I'm retarded, does this moisturizer have UVA/UVB blocker?

>> No.12766222 [DELETED] 

I've been making some 15% vitamin serum from ascorbic acid and bringing the PH up to 3.0-3.5 with baking soda. And using it. Can I stop using it when it has been effective enough for me and use sunscreen from that point on or does it need to be used continuously? Also I don't want to get rid of the dark circles under my eyes and I'm afraid they'll be less visible if my dermis gets thicker. Allso old skin underneath dies right, it won't get thicker forever?

>> No.12766260

When using vitamin C serum, what happens to the old skin? I don't want to get a thicker dermis, just to get rid of a few discolored spots.

>> No.12766294

I'm using Cleanance, it's quite great, I don't have a lot of experience with cleanser but I'll stick with it. My derm also told me to get Avène products back in my acne days, they're very popular in France.

>> No.12766461

Not really, it has zinc oxide which is a good sunscreen but not much protection against UVB, use a sunscreen for better protection, I wouldn't count on the moisturizer alone.

>> No.12766678

Thanks for the reply, I'll start with Cleanance gel as well.

>> No.12767237

anyone have advice for a face with inconsistent complexion from my years of not using sun protection? Am I damned to have red spots across my face forever?

also i no longer have acne after going through accutane in my teens but i do have crevices in my face from acne scaring. started exfoliating hoping i can eventually even my skin out but i hope it's not for nothing

>> No.12767430

My skin is softer and lighter.

>> No.12767455
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wash your pillows/pillowcases they're dirty as fuk

>> No.12768062

I mostly sleep on my back, does it still matter?

>> No.12769325

Guys, when I moisturise after I wash my face it doesn't seem to absorb and just spreads around the surface of my skin, I've tried various moisturisers and the same even happens with sunscreen.

Am I missing something?

>> No.12769381
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I have witch hazel toner and was wondering what step in the routine it would fall under? Before red stridex pad and moisturizer?

Thanks lads

>> No.12769393


>> No.12769401

Toner goes before moisturizing.

>> No.12769420

so it would go for me:

Cerave cleansing wash > BP Wash > Toner > Red stridex > cerave moisturizer

>> No.12769431

Sounds right.

>> No.12769578
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My whole nose is infested with blackheads and so are the sides of my face and I really don't know what to do. Proactive didn't do shit if anything it made it worse and I've been just using a Neutrogena daily scrub with 2% salicylic acid and my skin is still glistening.

pls help

>> No.12770189

The weather is making my lips very dry and this chap stick is barely letting me hang in there. What lip balm do yall recommend?

>> No.12770211

Do the BP wash first

>> No.12770225

100% pure anhydrous lanolin
no, you're imagining it
sounds like you need a prescription strength retinoid
right but for the wrong reasons. Zinc oxide blocks all wavelengths of uvb, uva1 and uva2, but >>12765533 no, this lotion doesn't have any of that in there.
scar tissue massage, vitamin C, silicone sheeting, google it
>maybe sun would help
wrong wrong wrong
looks interesting. Hope it doesn't have fatty alcohols
see a derm
stop using so many chemicals. Moisturize, TO zinc + niacinamide
you shouldn't need any recovery time. Your skin looks like that because you're a moron and you are overexfoliating. There's nothing wrong with an acid peel every week or so, but you are overdoing it.

>> No.12770230

lucas papaw ointment

>> No.12771140

I shave regularly and it aggravates my mild acne. Any tips and tricks to reduce this? I read the grooming section and it recommended using a pre-shave balm so I might get one, just not sure where to get it.

>> No.12771896
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Does using a lot of moisturizer bad? Sometimes my skin is very dry and adding it burns my skin.

Also whats the difference with 30 spf and 50? Finally got a moisturizer with sunscreen but I'll gave to carry another one with me with 50 spf

Do sunscreens affect acne ?

>> No.12771904
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Can anything be done to acne scares? Middle School me didn't know the effects they would have

>> No.12771918

don't scrub anything. blackheads are normal and come out on their own, whereas scrubbing always at least slightly damages the skin.

look after your face, continuing to very gently wash it. moisturise with sebamed (which will not block pores and is non-greasy)

you have to be patient with acne so that when it's gone your skin is as healthy as possible. you can use Paula's choice salicylic acid product, like a 4% solution

>> No.12772046
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I'll be going to a tanning bed 2 days a week till I get some color. I'm very pale. Don't want to get cancer or fuck up my skin. Please advice.

>> No.12772078

>stop using so many chemicals. Moisturize, TO zinc + niacinamide
That's exactly and all I'm putting on my face apart from my cleanser. Niacinamide+zinc serum doesn't seem to have any effects whatsoever.

...could my cleanser be a problem? I'm using Cerave Hydrating Cleanser, should I try dropping it and seeing what happens?

>> No.12772081

Your skin is healthy pale
Tanned skin is not. You will fuck up your skin if you tan. also you probably wont brown
you'll just end up red

>> No.12772099

I want to get a tan. Haven't done it in like 5 years. I know I can. I've done it before. I just need to know the healthiest way to do it.

>> No.12772102

There is no healthy way to tan.

>> No.12772114

Professional laser treatment

>> No.12772160
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How effective is this?

>> No.12772310

tfw I can't go outside without my skin turning from pale white to orange
the sun is a curse

>> No.12772341

is there a good brand that sells a pack that contains each of the things in the wiki or is it better to buy seperately? I have no idea which brands are good or not

>> No.12772740
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BP before cleanse?

This is the BP lotion i've been using, but my skin is still visibly slick with oil


>> No.12772767

Hi, any suggestions for products that are actually good in removing acne scars?

>> No.12772791


laser resurfacing, dermaroller, retin a, chemicle peels

>> No.12772822

Dairy products have inflammatory properties that really only affect people with sensitive skin.

I would definitely seek a dermatologist for the yellow patches since they could be any number of things.

>> No.12772874

The next step up - assuming you're using a salicylic acid face wash and benzoyl peroxide spot treatment - would be:
A facial cleanser containing sulfur and sulfacetamide
A clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide gel such as Onexton
A topical retinoid such as adapalene

Sulfur topical is keratolytic (basically thins the outer layer of your skin by causing it to loosen and shed) and sodium sulfacetamide is a sulfonamide (drug class that prevents the growth of some bacteria).
Clindamycin is an antibiotic and benzoyl peroxide is comedolytic and bactericidal (it both helps unclog pores and kills P. acnes). Products with a combination of these have appeared to be more effective than if you use BPO alone.
Adapalene, a form of retinoid, inhibits keratinocyte differentiation (making it comedolytic) and also has exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effects.

If that stack, which a dermatologist might substitute any one of those for another in the same class of drugs, fails, the next step is adding a tetracycline class antibiotic to the mix. If THAT fails, then you're fucked and your only hope is isotretinoin (aka Accutane, but Accutane was a name-brand drug that is now discontinued so stop calling it that - the new name-brand is Absorica).

>> No.12772880

Don't use 10% BPO. The only difference between 2% and 10% is more dryness and redness. Clinical studies have yet to find the effectiveness of any concentration higher than 2% to be significant.

>> No.12772992

Overpriced not worth it
Tons are better elsewhere

>> No.12773008

Not saying there isn't better elsewhere, but Body Shop is really cheap.

Lush is the expensive one.

>> No.12773023

>le underrated skincir
Too harsh on skin dont fall for it

>> No.12773073
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No, but as you can see here their AM facial moisturizer does.

>> No.12773075

Professional laser treatment paired with professional chemical peels is effective at fading scars, given time. Of course, scars will never 100% go away. You can only make them lighter.

>> No.12773284

lol stupid niggers

>> No.12773682

Do you use toner or anything before putting moisturizer? Toners can prep your skin to balance its pH levels if you clean your face with a cleanser before moisturizer.

30spf cover 97% UVB while 50spf cover 98%. If you don't mind whitecast on your face go for 50.

>> No.12773873

wear a shit ton of sunscreen and try niacinamide, itll start to fade within 3+ months

>> No.12773882
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how can i get rid of a tan?
i used to run all the time with no sunscreen and got really tan

my legs and arms are dark but face and torso are light
how to undo

>> No.12774045

alright, do you have a 2% shower lotion/cream that you'd rec that could replace that?

>> No.12774163
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I really wish we have cerave and cosrx cleansers here

>> No.12774173

Cosrx is easily available on ebay with free worldwide shipping

>> No.12774205

Normally I use a facial cleanser and then use a moisturizer. So if I get a toner I use the cleanser and then the toner and then the cleanser?

>> No.12774609

How do I make my skin fairer/whiter? My body is super fair and my face is kinda dark compared to it. I was paper white as a kid.

>> No.12774671

cerave is shit. the foaming cleanser is the absolute worst, and their hydrating cleanser is not far behind.

try cetaphil.

>> No.12774680

what's the difference between cerave and cetaphil gentle skin cleanser? I've only heard people complain about cetaphil's consistency

>> No.12774781

Tried it, Cetaphil did nothing for me, wasn't any more or less effective than either of Cerave's facial cleansers as far as I could tell.
Maybe it's time to upgrade to a higher quality product? LRP's Effaclar line has a foaming gel and also a "deep cleansing cream" both of which are VERY popular on Amazon. Anyone have experience with either of those?

>> No.12775767

Depressed fatty going for a makeover here, I have a bit of a stupid question

I'm 23 years old and my acne never went away so I'm finally taking meds for it, tetralysal every morning and benzoyl peroxide at night (I wanted Accutane but my doctor said my case isn't that bad anymore, just persistent). My skin is feeling a lot dryer and better, just had one pimple appearing in nearly there weeks, that sort of frequency never happened to me

That being said, I also use a daily moisturizer with collagen, vitamin E and elastin after showering after working out to help firm my skin. I'm not in the territory of weird loose skin but better safe than sorry.

Should I use that on my face or is it better to leave it alone and let the acne stuff work?

>> No.12775794
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>hands and face increasingly getting lines and wrinkles

fuck I'm finally getting old. what should I do now?

>> No.12775800

search for malin and goetz. they sell a range of acne shit and ive heard good stuff

>> No.12775957

Do I NEED to use moisturizer/spf separately on my face? I wanna get the Cerave spf facial moisturizer, but I'm unsure if it's the better option than a good moisturizer with a good sunblock

>> No.12775964

Is MUJI stuff just hype or is it legit?

>> No.12776154

My dermatologist recommends it, so I imagine it's fine. I never use sunscreen on my face because of the residue though

>> No.12776767

I just want to be able to wipe my face with a moist towelette multiple times a day, namely after meals. What brand towelette do I use? I use cetaphil in the shower, should I just use cetaphil wipes? Is there a specific moist towelette considered best practice around here?

>> No.12776811

cerave sunscreen is shit, find a good Asian sunscreen

>> No.12776866

Hello i know this is not the post, but I want be nude on skype but i am shy.
I am a boy, tall, sknny, and very fun :D
If you are a girl and you want see me addme(:
Skype: luicarl_3

>> No.12776983


fuck off to soc.

>> No.12777228
File: 112 KB, 1600x800, gallery-1457983359-best-philosophy-skincare-beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on the Philosophy skin care brand? I am considering ordering some of it after trying a sample but do you think the fancy scented serums and masks are unnecessary?

>> No.12777273

Are retinoids worth it?

>> No.12777297

wear sunscreen every day

that's it

>> No.12777662

can someone help me

when I go to sleep my skin feels really soft and nice but when I wake up my skin has hard bumps on the forehead area. I use a clean towel every night to sleep on and I'm unsure if it's dryness that's causing it or dirtyness.

>> No.12777687

it sounds like an allergy to either the material or your detergent

>> No.12777797
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>tfw finally outgrown my acne (more or less)
>skin still looks all tired and sore as shit

still, i prefer this to the way it was before
i drink plenty of water, moisturise, vitamin c serum, all that, follow a strict routine, but i got sleep problems that my pills ease but don't fix so i'm always stuck looking tired
ah well
started working recently, i'm hoping it returns a bit of the tightness and glow back to my face
anyway else feel these feels i'm feelin ?

>> No.12777798

>started working recently

ah dang, man
i mean't started working out, like exercise, yknow?

>> No.12777806

0.3mg melatonin an hour before sleep. Slap some ZMA (basically magnesium+zinc+B6) onto that and you're good to go. I used to be an insomniac coffee fiend, but not anymore.

>> No.12777815

thanks for the advice
i tried melatonin for a while on doctors advice but it didnt work much
now im on an antihistamine that helps me get to sleep (for which I'm grateful) but doesn't do much to KEEP me asleep - i still wake up 4 or 5 times a night, with bad dreams and all that
probs should see a psych for the dreams
havent heard of ZMA will look into tho, thanks

>> No.12777825

>i tried melatonin for a while on doctors advice but it didnt work much
Melatonin is highly dose dependent, anon. Please also take into consideration that it's all about blue light exposure - basically, humans are hard-coded to recognize blue light (the one emitted by most screens) as a stimulating factor, which dates back to prehistoric times. Blue light prevents the normal production of melatonin by the brain, which in turn turns you into a sleepless zombie. Consider either not using your phone/PC after dusk, or install an app like f.lux, so it can recalibrate your screen's tint towards more evening-friendly colours. As for waking up at night - studies show that even sub-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is better than ~9 hours of waking up mid-phase and fidgeting in bed. ZMA is a staple if you plan to work out, along with adequate protein and Omega-3 intake.

Glad to be of help.

>> No.12777834

ayo man thanks again for the advice but i know all that, i been to the doctor lots of times about it, my 'sleep hygiene' is good, i keep screens and all that out of my room, i dont have caffeine too late, i exercise in the day, i read at night, i just cant sleep, something in me is broke

but ty none the less

>> No.12778321

plz respond I also wanna get this stuff but It's pretty upscale

>> No.12778367

Has anyone tried The Ordinary brand?

>> No.12778523

Tried essential oils? Tea trea oil is pretty good.

>> No.12778536

thats the more pretentious product line I have ever seen, bet they mark their price up 10 times just for the stupid writings on them

>> No.12778939

yes, its good stuff if the product is what you're looking for

>> No.12779023
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>wash face in the morning and at night
>take lymecycline once daily
>try to drink as much water as possible

anything else I should be doing?

>> No.12779212

Same. I wanna get the Moisturizing Milk, but I'm getting really mixed signals from reviews.

>> No.12779598
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Is it possible to fix?

>> No.12779612

I've been using Muji's natural line for a while, helped with evening out my skin tone a lot. Be aware though, most of their skincare products have parabens in 'em, so don't buy if your skin is sensitive

>> No.12779873

Could be closed comedones, when I had them, I remember getting them off with a scrub, then they'd be back the next day because they'd just fill up again. You need a chemical exfoliator to get rid of them.

>> No.12779894

>all these underage kids with puberty skin

i'm lmaoing

>> No.12780071
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anyone tried this?

>> No.12780285

any recs for a good moisturizer with SPF for normal skin? My face looks fine, I just need it for anti-aging reasons. I tried Paula's Choice RESIST Super-Light Daily Wrinkle Defense SPF 30, it was too drying for me,

>> No.12780366

>tfw only 12 days left of accutane
confidence has gone through the roof even though the course has been quite a battle at times
considered quitting many times but glad that I stayed on

>> No.12780471

Upscale? It's probably one of the cheapest options available for skincare

I've been having great luck so far with their Balanced line, for my acne skin.

Their sensitive skin line wasn't the best for my skin but for my friends, it's great for them. Buy the sampler size and try it.

>> No.12781001

Is lemon a good astringer?

>> No.12781027

Go home pol

>> No.12781037

Dont go past an hour an do it now an then

>> No.12781057

Can anyone recommend a quality toner? Not sure what to go with.

>> No.12781205
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How do I fix bacne? It's not really bacne as much as it is red spots/marks/scars caused by having bacne for years. I'm 21 now, but I've had acne problems since I was maybe 10 or 11, and it's a lot better now (occasional pimple on my face and/or back), but these things have never gone away. I tried using a scrub - used a whole package (125g I think), and I don't think it helped much. Been using a cleanser (Nivea 2 in 1 cleanser + toner) on my face/back for a week or so, and I feel like my face has cleaned up a little bit, but I don't know if it'll fix my back. I read some stuff on acne.com, and it said to buy their 10% glycolic acid, but it's pretty expensive and I'm not sure if it'll actually fix my problems. Pic related (not me, but similar, mine is just lower on my back).

>> No.12781213

How can I fix my mouth and forehead wrinkles?

I'm 25 year old, pale with oily skin, I live in Chile and the UV rays are Australia tier

I begun to wear sunscreen 10min before sun exposure to avoid future damage, I dont smoke or do alcohol/drugs

Will dermarolling help me, also I noticed some lines under my eyelids.

What's the best way to get rid of those?

Thanks in advance

>> No.12781222

I have the same problem as you, a dermatologist told me that laser was the only way to get rid of red spots + she gave me triclosan soap.

I noticed that my backne improved a lot when I started to shower with cold water

>> No.12781926

Finally removed acne.
But how do i beat white heads pict marks and hyperpigmentation?

>> No.12781933

Hey guys, skin care noob here.

I have recently started to take care of my skin after suffering from side effects from topical minoxidil (e.g., facial bloating and skin "aging"). When I was younger I suffered from moderate acne, however now at 23 I don't have any problems with acne. I am now only really pursuing a skincare routine to keep my face looking "youthful."

Currently I am using:

Morning - Purpose Gentle Wash Cleanser, La Roche-Posay Double Repair Moisturizer

Night - Purpose Gentle Wash Cleanser, .1% Retin-A cream, La Roche-Posay Double Repair Moisturizer

Is this routine "good enough" for my needs?

>> No.12781960

This and lines....please help....also why do asians have flawless skin

>> No.12783169

this looks painful

>> No.12783714

How to get rid of knuckle pads?

>> No.12783724

Anyone know how to remove a sty/eye boil? I had mine surgically removed but it kinda came back and makes my eye look droopy.

>> No.12783747

Soak a wash cloth with hot water and let it sit on the sty for about 5 minutes. Don't squeeze it, you should be able to gently massage the area around it to drain it. Keep the area clean so you don't spread the infection or make the existing one worse. It's "not recommended" to do this at home but plenty of people including myself have done this when necessary

>> No.12783750

Thanks anon, I'll try doing this regularly.

>> No.12783754

It helps to kind of roll it between your fingers with gentle yet firm pressure. Don't hurt yourself but the reason you don't wanna squeeze is because it can inflame and make it worse. If you can get it to drain all the way it should clear up in a day or two

>> No.12783792
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How the fuck do I get god-tier skin like Jaden and Rocky?

Like what kind of foods should I cut out or start eating.

Also is my routine bad:

Wash face with soap (black soap if possible otherwise bath soap or just water).
Biore deep pore cleanser -> wash with warm water
Dry off
Stridex pad -> wait 20 - 30 mins.
Cetaphil moisturizer
Biore water essence (ONLY IF SUNNY)

Wash face with water or soap.
Cerave hydrating cleaser
Dry off
Thayers witch hazel toner
Derma roll (once a week or biweekly)
Moisturize with cetaphil lotion

I've cut milk out of my diet and switched to almond, coconut, almond coconut, soya etc. milk. I still eat cheese though, idk if it's bad or not.

Pls help skincare anons

>> No.12783985

I actually think it's too late for me.

I had really bad acne as a kid, it's gone now but now i have these very very small bumps here and there that you can only see in the sunlight. It's driving me crazy

What are my options?

>> No.12784448

Celebrities always wear makeup on photos and get retouched a lot
They also have top tier dermatologists and get the most expensive and latest treatments

Don't compare yourself with them

>> No.12784474
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This shit is doing great stuff for my black heads and nose in general. No longer looking flushed and red, blackheads are looking very reduced and I've only been taking it for like 5 days.

>> No.12784652

I will upload pic tomorrow, but does this sound like rosacea?;
>when i first wake up in the morning, skin looks best. soft, with a pinky tone
>dont really get spots anymore (19), unless i eat bad. but skin feels ever so slightly bumpy
>as i start my day (exercise, shower, etc.) two patches either side of nose start to get more and more red
>the redness doesn't gradually fade like im blushing-- there's defined areas which are really red, really patchy looking.
>skin basically stays red all day, can worsen though, but go back to normal (triggers seem to be stuff touching face, if room too hot, and wind/exercise (?), always looks worse when getting back from walking somewhere

>> No.12784774

I bought the avene moisturiser for sensitive skin and it didn't do much for me desu

>> No.12784878

just came here to say face exercises do work jesus fuck im so happy my nose is not so droppy after all and its only been two days

>> No.12784968

My current routine:

>Caudalie instant foaming cleanser
>Caudalie vinosource moisturizing sorbet
>Eau Thermale Avène SPF 50 plus hydrating sunscreen lotion

Throughout the day:
>Too Faced hangover 3-in-1 replenishing primer & setting spray

>Caudalie instant foaming cleanser
>Caudalie vinosource moisturizing sorbet
>Sunday Riley U.F.O. Ultra-Clarifying Face Oil

>Caudalie instant detox mask

Thinking of checking out a new Kopari lotion, and Laneige water sleeping mask.
Any other suggestions for red-prone, sensitive skin?

>> No.12784983

I've been using Vaseline as my night cream every night. I doublecleanse and then just slather the stuff on, sleeping with a towel over my pillow. My question is: is there some humectant that I can put on under the Vaseline that won't just get wasted? I want something that'll sink into my skin and truly start fixing my shit up deep down, but the Vaseline has actually been helping my skin feel a lot better and look a lot nicer.

>> No.12785005

Guys my skin is darker than I would like it to be. What kind of products should I be using to make it lighter toned? I heard Kojic works well but how can I work that into a routine where my face won't look old in the long run?