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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 192 KB, 1000x960, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12739626 No.12739626 [Reply] [Original]

remember tripp pants?

>> No.12739630

I honestly never knew or even saw anyone who wore these

Maybe it was just an American thing, jnco wasn't even very popular in Canada, it was mostly Randy River baggy jeans

>> No.12739633

I had a girl acquaintance in montreal who were jncos as late as 1997. She was objectively very pretty, if short, but she was very pretty, blond, blue eyes. But she had a really gross personality and daddy issues.

>> No.12739728

How old are you?
You must be at least 30 for remenbering 90's trends.
You should browse somewhere else, the averege age of this board must be 14.

>> No.12739736

I live in Canada and saw the goth/emo kids wear these well into the mid/late 00s
Faggles either went to SPENCER'S or HotTopic or Ordered them, cause you could always find at least 1 goth kid who had them

>> No.12739766

ageist twat

>> No.12739854

looks like this this season's yohji desu senpai

>> No.12739857

you first, op

>> No.12739916

i still want a pair of those but i feel like ive outgrown them already, closest thing i have is big baggy gangster jeans with decorative pockets instead

>> No.12739943

wonder what type of necklace vshe's into now ...

>> No.12739958
File: 9 KB, 355x211, 51FkpNYlgCL._SX355_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just know if /fa/ was around back then every single one of you fucbois would be wearing this shit

>> No.12739965
File: 28 KB, 326x359, sweatband_-_black_nautical_star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had so many different kinds of these black wristbands and jelly bracelets

>> No.12740005

So a 30+ guy talking to a bunch of young teens about fashion is normal?

>> No.12740030

not the other guy, but you must be 18 to post on this website desu~

>> No.12740035

You must be insane if you think that every poster is over 18

>> No.12740036

Nope never had one and I have a litespeed sitting right here

>> No.12740037
File: 23 KB, 480x480, 1499311491291-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember tripp pants?
I still own a pair, they're so comfy

>> No.12740045

Same man they're at the back of my closet. I bust em out on halloween and call them my costume.
>tfw JNCO's come back in a few years.

>> No.12740051

these are sick.

>> No.12740194
File: 91 KB, 734x729, varg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to wear one smelly pair of TRIPP pants with sillybandz and knockoff UGG boots. I was way ahead of the game.

>> No.12740213

I wanna know if people wearing these to raves were getting a lot of pussy? Because that kinda proves aesthetics do nothing to attraction.

>> No.12740285


>> No.12740373

I saw highschoolers wearing these when I moved to a small town for uni

>> No.12740379

not long enough ago to say nostalgia but fucking pyrex shorts. they were horrible

>> No.12740388

i really wish rave pants would come back
not the gaudy nonsense like in your pic, but just the really wide legs bit

>> No.12740469
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>> No.12740503

I really want a pair on big Jncos for a specific outfit I am making. Ive been going to thrift stores for 5 years and have yet to find a pair. Ive got all the other brands but not Jnco. May order a pair online for $60.

>> No.12740512
File: 14 KB, 248x189, dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an oldfag now if you live to 25

>> No.12740525

Oldfag but still young here.
Don't hate on people for being older than you. More than likely they have a more refined taste and solid resources for clothing. If you send them away you have no guidance. I gurantee they will try to steer in the right direction instead of trendy ironic directions. That's all

>> No.12740538
File: 247 KB, 1296x791, Pic+1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop some Oxford Bags.

>> No.12740558
File: 250 KB, 900x1200, f8IDRz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't hate on people for being older than you. More than likely they have a more refined taste and solid resources for clothing.

>> No.12740591

I obviously am referring to people who browse fa. Good try though.

>> No.12740630
File: 40 KB, 343x429, IMG_0586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like baggy, non-fitted cargo pants circa late-90s/early-00s would go down pretty well nowadays, y2k aesthetic and all.

>> No.12740674

Pic related will come back. Cap this

>> No.12740694

holy shit, I forgot all about randy river
pretty good store

>> No.12740782

are you admitting to underage?
hold up lemme get a mod over here

>> No.12740823

Not much on 4chan is "normal" I hope. But without the oldfags, who is gonna shit on your fits and trends? Once you've seen enough silly trends come and go it's easier to spot them.

>> No.12740859

Hang yourself with a cashmere rope, techrat faggot

>> No.12740897


>> No.12740914

Why do I keep reading this board? The tone is caustic

>> No.12740965

desu senpai

>> No.12740966

so it does work like that

Would it be gay to replace t b h with desu unironically cause i kind of liked it before I realized you guys weren't doing it on purpose

>> No.12741398

Ahh fuck this trend...

>> No.12741407

this guy isn't effay?

>> No.12741419

man thats been a thing for like 3 years are you joking

>> No.12741446

Are you retarded?
>A girl that he wanted to fuck in 97
>He's 25
Learn how to do basic math.

>> No.12741451

They're all over the place now. You blind or someshit?

>> No.12741452

Call the internet police

>> No.12741455

Wow, a 40 years old fag is angry

>> No.12741478

Already did last year. The daughter of Bruce did it, don't know her name.

>> No.12741541

still sometimes wear this as short pants
God i was in grade 3 or 4 when this was hyped.. shit trend but good times
this was a trend? actually wear this bands sometimes to skate
still like this pants..way bether than this Obelix-like pants that seem to be a thing now

>> No.12742138

I remember those. The edgy kids at school wore them and I would have too if I wasn't a poorfag. Glad I at least dodged that bullet.

>> No.12742149

I started wearing the one wristband to class and eventually other people were wearing them so I would stack like 2 or 3 different kinds on each wrist with jelly bracelets on top. We were basically just trying to see who could fit as much shit on their wrist

>> No.12742152

>has most of his hair despite being 40+
>decent facial structure
>not a manlet
>has a home (and probably wife) of his own
>decent but boring fit

he's doing better than your average /fa/ggot that's for certain

>> No.12742197

simple and clean

>> No.12743133

Oh shit yeah brings me back to 10th grade. Jnco jeans were also in my closet. The wider the fucking better.

>> No.12743352


>> No.12743491

this shit is already a trend, every skater has a pair

>> No.12744156
File: 34 KB, 571x397, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white straight guys wearing this
>no idea where it came frome
>year ~2006 (?)

>> No.12744191

This is the ideal fit. You might not like it but this is what peak fashion looks like.

>> No.12744194
File: 36 KB, 600x460, earrings_coco20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget these

>> No.12744207
File: 34 KB, 500x500, fa623efad87531863861c69b0f6c4476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


probably david beckham

>> No.12744214
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>> No.12744218
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>> No.12744225
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>> No.12744229

Fuck off, lots of guys and (few) gals in their 20-30s here.

it's you preteens that should leave. ya'll look the same anyway, what happened to sub-cultures? your generation fucked up that too. you can't even communicate properly face 2 face, i peep you sittin' outside storm and hypetrade with you azn fuccboi fake friends all lookin' the same. scrawny, low test generation cucked by growing up too sheltered from the outside world and being surrounded by xenoestrogens interferring with your natural puberty. you will all grow up to be nu nu males with no balls. if you have a girlfriend she's the boss in the relationship.

t. 24 year old working in the fashion industry that wears haider and gucci on the reg.

>> No.12744237

well said anon.

but where are all the subcultures gone?
is there really just normcore and hipster left?

>> No.12744255
File: 19 KB, 236x354, 277cd0f60393f3414ca4445bfe491a0a--pastel-goth-outfits-pastel-goth-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly? I'd say they're online now.

Kids are getting their fashion from their favorite fashion youtubers and Tumblr blogs.

Is it good? No, but not a lot of teen fashion trends are. Is it distinctive? Yes, you can definitely tell if someone is into a fashion subculture like this.

>> No.12744260


is instagram a subculture now?

>> No.12744352

yes but that's what i meant to say with hipster and normcore..
to list a few...they all were somehow trash but at least this subcultures suported something..

>> No.12744640

>wears haider and gucci on the reg
>working in the fashion industry
>post on /fa/
Stop lying, people that are seriously interested on fashion just leave imediatly, how can they stay in a board that is a joke...
You just fell for a bait made by a 12 years old, the joke is on you coming here expecting real fashion discussions.

>> No.12744665
File: 163 KB, 2086x1244, Screen Shot 2017-09-10 at 00.46.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off.

>> No.12744763

>works in the fashion industry
>works at acne
You just made my point, say that you work in the fashion industry if you're a designer or something like that