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File: 85 KB, 736x942, 14ece484af4b7849b7a32bec20c69326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12729147 No.12729147 [Reply] [Original]

Im going to cut all my shit off and I need motivation

>> No.12729150
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>> No.12729262
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>> No.12729269
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>> No.12729274
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>> No.12729279
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>> No.12729293
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he made racism attractive

>> No.12729430

hope you have a nice skull shape OP..

>> No.12729432
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>> No.12729480

i dont, but i dont care anymore, its an insecurity ive grown out of

>> No.12729507
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>> No.12729509
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>> No.12729525

ITT: the alt-right

>> No.12729564

Kinda in the same boat here. My natural hairline is a NW1, if I start losing more I'm just gonna buzz it (kinda wanna get /fit/ in that case).

not really though

>> No.12729571

Are you white? I'm white and friends/family say I look like a Neo-Nazi and I get some hard looks.

>> No.12729580

Yup, swedish to be precise, so the nazi accusations might be even worse for me haha, but I don't think it will be a problem. The people who stare are stupid anyway imo.

>> No.12729586


why does ryan gosling look good here while in other movies, he looks like shit?

Eye area theory is LEGIT

>> No.12729839

politics are stupid

>> No.12729865

u can buy a tight ass swimming hat and look if you have the right head shape for it

>> No.12729874

>attaching politics to hair length.

How very silly.

>> No.12729929

stop this

>> No.12730051

ITP: /pol/

>> No.12730060

i'm also white.
are the three stereoypes I get most often

>> No.12730064

>Eye area theory
wots dis

>> No.12730222

>tfw perfect head for buzzcut but currently have long hair
Nah. They all have undercuts or long hair. Never seen one with a crew cut

>> No.12730233
File: 36 KB, 500x614, d8e10bdc92960bcf25aa3a11abd6dc48--keanu-reeves-speed-very-short-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12730249
File: 138 KB, 665x1000, 18e79bf3d95553f763e10f92dc33a030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i second this wtf is eye area theory

>> No.12730267

answers are but a google search away friends


>> No.12730286

>attaching politics to hair length.

Well it's like a symbol. Do you think attaching drawings to politics is "very silly"?

No it's not.

>> No.12730744
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Yeah it is retarded

>> No.12730752

can asians rock buzzcuts?

>> No.12730799
File: 96 KB, 500x792, IMG_2778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need receded buzz cut inspo

>> No.12730821

>receeding hairline

any chance?

>> No.12730874
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>> No.12731077

no its not a fucking symbol im a commie and i rock a buzz cut

>> No.12731081

are you unironically actually a commie?

>> No.12731271

Im balding so going short like this is my only salvation.

Hopefully I wont look retarded with a buzz cut. Although I probably will

>> No.12731407

how does it feel to be stupid?

>> No.12731413

when i was forced to go buzz a while ago i just went all in and copped 1460s and a bomber jacket. to counter looks i just stitched a bunch of left-wing patches to my back pack
(white german btw)
obv i got some looks every now and then but honestly if you want to avoid receiving stares you should leave this board cause getting looked at is one of the main things that come with fashion

>> No.12731573

Me too. Going to grow it out tho

>> No.12731598
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>> No.12731657
File: 585 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2017-09-02-20-04-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i buzz my hair again? Its really long now but i think it looks better at least as a short cut

>> No.12731683

>Should i buzz my hair again?

>> No.12731736
File: 35 KB, 428x600, 461f9db69caafd4bc7e71881351b48c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 and wanna get this hairstyle is it good?

>> No.12731771

Youll look like a 40 year old crossfitter named joe, but sure

>> No.12731918

I fucked up my #2 buzzcut this week so I took it all off with a #1. Had mixed feelings at the start but now that it's been a couple days I really like it. Plus I'm going on vacation to a warm climate so it'll be nice.

I've been wearing all black fits with it. And I'm a Jew with a clear nose so I don't care about people giving me odd looks in poshy neighbourhoods.

>> No.12732312

That's Ben Affleck, you idiot

>> No.12732378

want to cut my hair like this but i have the ugliest bump in my nose that would throw the entire look off. baka

>> No.12732383

It won't make you look like a ben affleck

>> No.12732457

add cancer to this list and you're good

>> No.12732474
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>> No.12732837


>> No.12733123

I've been 1/16" buzz cutting for a few years now (did crew cuts before that) because my hair is straight and gets flat really easily. Growing it back out is terrible so I'm stuck like this.
I'm really white but I don't have a skinny build, I've got big legs and chest so I doubt I could pull off a skinhead look

>> No.12733763


>> No.12734171
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Buzz or no buzz?

>> No.12734609
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>> No.12734622


>> No.12734630

i want short hair but my long hair is silky and thin and im afraid i would look like im balding

what do

>> No.12734805
File: 12 KB, 236x236, 45f735fad311fc6dbc5a05f0370093ef--mens-slicked-back-hair-undercut-side-undercut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure i wouldnt look better with something like this?

>> No.12735557

if you're this guy >>12731657 then you look pretty good in a buzz imo. >>12734805 this looks very faggy to me

>> No.12735589


>> No.12735595
File: 86 KB, 384x313, s4dTtBy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing to see. Its just a fucking head. No hair. The antithesis of a hair cut.

You guys are weird.

>> No.12735739
File: 22 KB, 408x352, 1503868906983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel man

No matter what hair cut I get i"ll look like trash due to a laughable high hairline and thin blonde hair.

I'm continuing to lose weight and seem to have a decent jawline/masculine face, so that's about all that's keeping me going. I usually just keep the top longer than the sides/back, but I know it's not fooling anyone and I need to get over myself

>> No.12737094

just cut it short and get short bangs rather than pompadour
will softenyour hairline insted of accenting it like now

>> No.12738234

You don't need to have a perfect skull, just be skinny and you're good

>> No.12738268

So are cancer patients with malignant tumors implanted within their skulls, that get a complete shave, alt-right? This shit is so dumb. No one gives a fuck as long as you aren't wearing patches/symbols/an SS uniform.

>> No.12738345 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 855x527, IMG_0571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads I think I got trolled by a barber. They told me that because my hair is going thin, it will be necessary to buzz it all over, anything longer will look shit, and that I will have to keep my hair like this forever. But isn't my hairline too receded for this haircut? Do I really have to keep it like this for the rest of my life? I feel like it makes me look ten years older. Be brutally honest anon, how bad does this look?

>> No.12738545
File: 127 KB, 680x910, ss+(2017-09-06+at+10.03.09).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost like 80lbs and buzzed to compensate for receding 6 head. Should I keep light stubble (2-3mm) or just trim it all the way down? I think I have a decent jawline and I definitely plan on losing more weight to accentuate it ya feel?

>> No.12738765

I feel like you would look better by gaining weight in the form of muscles. Looks great, keep the stubble.

>> No.12738770
File: 105 KB, 207x226, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show before pic

>> No.12738823

I have diffuse thinning and the consensus seems to be that I should buzz my hair. But the thing is, I am a chinlet/jawlet/cheekboneslet. Can I pull it off?

>> No.12739423
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>> No.12739642

all the motivation you need is it's free and impossible to fuck up

>> No.12739656
File: 26 KB, 650x365, john-bunting-snowtown-2011-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared to post mine someone said I look like John Bunting from Snowtown

>> No.12739818
File: 79 KB, 477x596, shaggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I need to get off my lazy ass and join a real gym. I was using a rowing machine for quite awhile but I moved into a small studio that has no room for it.

here is the best shame pic I have. Sorry I don't have any full body pics because I destroyed them, which probably wasn't a good idea in retrospect

I'll take it, if he had some stubble he'd look real good