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12711749 No.12711749 [Reply] [Original]

>want to shave my head
>thanks to the current liberal and nazi fight people will think im a nazi

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I JUST WANT TO LOOK NICE

>> No.12711756

Just shave your head faggot. You've been spending too much time on 4chan. Also this doesn't deserve it's own thread. Kys.

>> No.12711761

Solution: Don't go to Nazi rallies, or walk around with an "ANTI-RACIST = ANTI-WHITE" sign with swastikas painted all over it
Do you think bald men are out there getting punched every day or something? Christ. Get off 4chan.

>> No.12711763
File: 411 KB, 716x1023, 1489101504891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you care what people think??

You must be a faggot

>> No.12711766

hes just a pussy

>> No.12711767

Do you think cancer patients are Nazis? Be honest here.

>> No.12711768

you would be surprised

>> No.12711776

No, we wouldn't. Stop making up excuses not to shave your head.

>> No.12711784

they already won then

>> No.12711793
File: 50 KB, 540x439, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worried about vocal progressive liberals.

Oh no! some purple haired obese lesbian or a limp-wristed guy will start acting deranged around you for no reason. Not like they wouldn't attack you anyway just for being a white male.

Shave your head if you want to m8.

>> No.12711794

i hate liberals and nazis

they should be exiled to antarctica and normal people can live in the world without them

>> No.12711798

Wear a cancer awareness ribbon.

>> No.12711805

This or a fell the bernie/i'm with her t-shirt

>> No.12711815

The government really should legalize shooting anyone spouting or displaying communist, Marxist, or nazi propaganda on-sight.

>> No.12711848

Do it anyways you stupid cuck. If some lefty scum starts talking shit you know what to do.

>> No.12711849

>i'm with her
OP wanted to avoid getting into fights with people.