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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 196 KB, 640x772, 2cc8ea8da058aa4e6cf3582611fe668b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12643064 No.12643064 [Reply] [Original]

are thick thighs on otherwise slim girls /fa/?

>> No.12643070

its amazing how much american culture can fuck up a white female

>> No.12643072

no unless you have big breasts, but then you are not really slim

>> No.12643078

>white female

>> No.12643081

Yeah when they're earned with hard workouts and not butt/ass injections.

>> No.12643086

>white female
Maybe in America I guess.

>> No.12643092

shes clearly a white female who curled her hair and took a tan but i guess thats what jew media will do to a girl (the kardashians)

>> No.12643107
File: 2.57 MB, 4128x2322, 20170728_144059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thicc can be /fa/, but actual thicc.

Y'all faggots need to realize thicc is curvy, NOT fat celulite-ridden ham planets wearing tight crop tops and drawing their eyebrows for instagram

>> No.12643117


>wide hips n small tits

lord i love this body type.

>> No.12643127

she's mixed actually

>> No.12643134

Idk >>12643064, but OP pic related looks like shit. Big (but not wide) butts and big tits look good (and are effay) on slim grills.

>> No.12643138
File: 24 KB, 480x601, C2ylvUtUUAANeRH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12643146

this shit is getting out of hand famalam

>> No.12643306

that's not a tan, it's her skin color. lmao.

>> No.12643311

>worrying about being effay for a board of skinny, short, white virgins

thick thighs on slim girls is good to anyone with a decent fucking opinion

>> No.12643396


>> No.12643427


>> No.12643447
File: 762 KB, 640x640, watermelon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12643463

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.12643623

it's honestly good to any male that isn't a flaming homo and still has their natural, testosterone fueled instinct to procreate.

>> No.12643633

This is what it's like to be completly made retarded by the media and thinking you know what you're talking about. You're just as much a victim of the stupidity as the people you're talking about.

>> No.12643916

that looks disgusting

>> No.12643958

It's r-selected trash.

>> No.12644034

God i wish that were me

>> No.12644044

The melon or the girl?

>> No.12644046
File: 72 KB, 540x810, 1501051696740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thick is just a codeword for fat.

>> No.12644070

Most of white american girls are skinny flat asses

>> No.12644073

Melon ofc

>> No.12644091

>Posting a girl with 10/10 face

When you faggots are gonna learn that thin only works if you are already atractive?

You may think you're compensating your lack of test and lazyness by being a skelly flat ass while you can't just pull it off because you're average looking

Post one skinny flat ass guy or girl with average face and tell me if it looks good

>> No.12644106

so youre saying its better for people to be fat... aight

>> No.12644108

Do you even read brah?

>> No.12644356
File: 105 KB, 640x640, 1500676635301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a load of horse shit. Even when you can't see the faces skinny people will always look better. I understand you are angry because you are clearly overweight but rather then try to make being obese sexy why not put your efforts into losing weight then one day you too may look attractive and good in clothes too. xx

>> No.12644422

skinny shapeless girls with average faces are honestly the worst, but then again I'd take a girl shaped like op's pic over a skinny one

>> No.12644511

atleast do it over a bowl what a waste of a watermelon

>> No.12644579

Did you go to college?

Like 3/4 of girls of all nationalities on my campus had fantastic asses. Where are you from?

>> No.12645299

>Zarya POTG

>> No.12645340

this is real hot but also somewhat unsettling

>> No.12645484

where to find gril like this?

>> No.12645949


I hate that word. It's not sexy sounding like curvy or voluptuous but HAEZ landwhales have appropriated the latter 2 so "thicc" is all we got left to describe actual semen demons with meat in all the right places. For now anyway.

>> No.12646306

>criticizing skinny people for not working out
99% of the "THICC" women posted on 4chan don't work out and are even lazier, they're always incredibly soft. Just look at how flabby the OP's stomach looks It's solely due to genetics that they look like that, when they get older they'll likely balloon up due to never developing healthy eating or exercising habits. THICCposting is the worst meme on this website.

>> No.12646403

What do you grab when you're having sex tho

>> No.12646410

Bones obviously. Bones are pure, fat is evil.

>> No.12646426

>fucking cottage cheeze

>> No.12646451

There are houses that make clothes with more feminine silhouettes (consistently D&G, Dior, Valentino, Rick Owens lol) and some that don't. V thin women don't look great in these designs, in the same way that women with large breasts or wide hips don't look great in like Calvin Klein runway stuff. RTW isn't made for plus sized women though so when I mention body types, I mean standard XS-L (less than size 12 US dress)

>> No.12646460

Her penis

>> No.12646791
File: 297 KB, 1663x2495, pic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not posting a skelly with average face
You low test makes me laugh everytime

Still waiting to prove me wrong faggot

While I wait I give you an example of what a non skeleton good female body looks like

>> No.12646795

>liking stick thin women

You might as well just go for boys at that point

>> No.12646802

Curvy girls are attractive, but can't be fashionable.

>> No.12646829

She needs to exercise and lay off the burgers a bit to have a good body. I think it's hilarious how you retards accuse people of being "low test" then fetishize women who have never been to the gym in their life.

>> No.12646830
File: 72 KB, 736x736, 628c5dc6f412cce95050939ca9434020--on-instagram-hay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fa standards

Is this ok or too fat?

>> No.12646849
File: 69 KB, 512x700, 1462369262_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a flat belly so idk what are you talking about
She has to workout to keep that ass and body firm

Is funny how do you mention the gym while most of the thinspo people don't lift. They just do cardio and abstain to eat

>> No.12646857

Nekane is god tier body tho

>> No.12646860

Thighs are too big

>> No.12646866

>flat belly
Haha, what? She looks like cookie dough, just like OP's pic. What /fit/ thinks is slim is more chubby than anything. She need s to lose at least 15lbs to look good, or at least gain some more muscles mass so it's noticeable. I still haven't seen an example of a thicc woman having a "good body," they all have too much body fat.

>> No.12647040
File: 98 KB, 179x214, sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty much perfect female body.

>that nip slip

>> No.12647319

>are thick women fa?
>not finding thick (not fat) women sexually atractive makes you a low test?
Pretty much

>> No.12647337


No. I may be just a femanon but I swear to God it's so fucking disgusting to see fat-thigh-chicks walking around in shorts/hotpants in summer showing deep cellulite stripes as big as the Grand Canyon. No clue why anyone would consider that an attractive feat.

>> No.12647380
File: 184 KB, 720x1135, _20170731_182422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.12647382

>short hair


>> No.12647403
File: 91 KB, 675x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12647431
File: 83 KB, 500x310, skelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*bones rattling*

>> No.12647499
File: 80 KB, 746x848, IMG_4181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even though "skelly" is my aesthetic, I will never date another skelly. Thicc girls are fucking delicious.

>> No.12648035

Isn't this the bitch with the sex tape that she wheezed through?

>> No.12648052

Tell me more about it

>> No.12648080

>thin only works if you are already attractive

so does any body type. are you implying that a chubby girl with an average face is attractive?

>> No.12648089

How the hell do people find this attractive? She's like a caricature of a human with exaggerated proportions..

>> No.12648116

Not chubby


>> No.12648124

just google YesJulz sex tape. It's not long, maybe 2 min. She has sex with some guy that looks like a budget J Cole. She makes retarded noises. There's about 1 min worth of decent shots of her ass though, which is pretty nice

>> No.12648137

Excellent thanks

I don't kno who the fuck is this whore but it sounds good

>> No.12648153

who is this

>> No.12648163

her teeth though

>> No.12648181

There's nothing hotter than this desu

>> No.12648259

>rupi kaur

>> No.12648919


Very sexy

>> No.12648981
File: 160 KB, 750x900, IMG_4441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jena Frumes

>> No.12649345

she has nice stomach but those proportions are way off

>> No.12649829

Are you fucking retarded? The girl is obviously fit and no fit doesn't mean underweight and borderline sick.
Do you realise that most extremely skinny people just don't eat or have it in their genes?
How can you say that this woman needs exercise since she has a perfectly normal body, please check yourself.

And about OP's question, what the fuck does that question even mean? Is it /fa as in is it a trend right now, because if that is the question then yes definitely a trend right now, just one scroll through instagram (because I know that you dipshits don't go out) can show you that they are in fact a trend. Like the tight gap was a trend a few years ago.
If you are asking if curvy girls/girls with big tights can work fashion items, again - yes. Why is this thread even a thing.

>> No.12650160

>this thread still on

>> No.12650627

I NEED to shove my face in that ass

>> No.12650864

Sides? Arms? Neck? Back?

>> No.12651422

I don't think this would be hard for anyone who not skelly

>> No.12651442

>please check yourself
lmao are you an 'activist' lol shes triggered guise

>> No.12651568

No I'm not a fucking activist but I am also not blind

>> No.12651600

oh shit this girl

>> No.12651625

gross a 4'9 midget spic

>> No.12651628

damn its easy looking curvy when ur a midget

>> No.12651630

butterfaced niggernose. i'll strongly pass

>> No.12651651


>> No.12651701

not /fa at all but can be hot

>> No.12651735

That shit is definitely photoshopped, look at her ass to the right, there's a point that's just a straight fucking line.

>> No.12651840

I've seen video proof. It is like that

>> No.12651853


You must be tall but ugly looking. That's why you came out with the height subjet

Why does height should matter to women when they can be hot either being petite or tall?

>> No.12652383

kek nice catch.

>> No.12652387

Spotted the nig

>> No.12652393

+1 rep anon, so many bitches keep going to the fucking beach looking like a bowl of cottage cheese and a kardashian bathing suit and it bothers me.

>> No.12652601

she doesn't even have a niggernose you're just saying that because of her hair and skin lol

>> No.12652607

Lmao fatties trying to stay relevant. Fucking kill yourselves.

>> No.12652943

That pic might be shopped, but in video she does have very large hips and a big ass.

>> No.12652955

Most american girls are fat and not in a good way

>> No.12653161
File: 178 KB, 1080x1078, 1499678952969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12653168

are you american and if so where do you live because idk where you're talking about

>> No.12653203
File: 107 KB, 768x1152, m1_768_Reef(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But most of the ones who are slim doesn't even have the ass genetics that latinas have

They're asslets

>> No.12653314

thanks african genes

>> No.12653326
File: 376 KB, 2560x1600, miss-reef-519844-2560x1600-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to mediterranean genes

>> No.12653338

slim girls with thick thighs in my experience love wearing sun dresses, so I'm not complaining.

that's not a white girl

>> No.12653344

>implying there's a difference

>> No.12653369

Never implied anything

>> No.12653421
File: 30 KB, 522x301, IMG_20170803_021400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12653685

"thicc" is a meme started by "body-posi" tumblr whores and useful horny retards on the internet. mostly redditors and impressionable teens who came here from twitter and such

"thicc" = fatt

>> No.12653688 [DELETED] 

Hi guys! Is this like Reddit? Check out my most recent video, ill be hosting a giveaway soon. :)


>> No.12653700

Hey darling get those crates of watermelons over there and load them into my truck.

>> No.12653901

the body posi tumblr whores stole the term and turned it into something disgusting, thick originally just meant a healthy hourglass figure

>> No.12654039

Have you tried not being gay?

That image is badly photoshopped though so I guess you're right

>> No.12654668

w2c big ass slutty undies wearing gf

>> No.12654690


>> No.12654777
File: 22 KB, 383x409, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cut and that body

She can only be 2 things, either a real freak or a man hating feminist.

>> No.12655259

t. Absolute faggot

>> No.12655476

who dis?

>> No.12655560



>> No.12655609

she's the girl from that other picture that is often postedd, where she's wearing the belly shirt that says "a woman does not need to be modest to be respected" and a thong, so probably the latter.

>> No.12656281

thanks for the sauce lad

>> No.12656304
File: 1.70 MB, 500x591, 2525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to tell if a chick is genuinely natural?

>> No.12656307

Lorde actually looks kinda qt here

>> No.12657019

Looks kinda fat, or maybe its just the dress.

>> No.12657428

shout out to all the pear

>> No.12658119
File: 15 KB, 480x534, 1500930345683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12658228

>you will never suck her roid clit like a dick.

>> No.12658746


>> No.12659256

>miss reef
wena nido

>> No.12659348

literally perfect

>> No.12660243

I eat pears now and shit like that


>> No.12660246

Photoshoped as fuck.

>> No.12660249

You mean Zionist 'culture'.

>> No.12660271

Too bad her torso is absolutely disgusting and she has terrible breast implants.

>> No.12660280

I swear people here can't distinguish thick from fat.

>> No.12660289


>> No.12661250

How fucking sad it must be to get fat and still have small breasts.

>> No.12661753

Her fat is all going into her waist and butt cheeks.

Still I'd bust them cheeks.

>> No.12662738
File: 15 KB, 192x263, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stuff

>> No.12662824

thought she was hot until you pointed out rupi

>> No.12662892

Whats this from?

>> No.12663989

Google says Met Gala 2017

>> No.12664002

Breast surgeries are easy to detect just by looking, butts are harder to detect just by looking if they don't exaggerate too much, but you'll be able to tell if the butt is fake up close or by touching it.