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File: 72 KB, 680x611, IMG_2930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12611314 No.12611314 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on skinhead fashion? Love the clothes and hair but does the ideology make the style to risky to work?

>> No.12611319

National Socialist, here. We actually discourage each other from dressing like that and most of us hate skinheads.
Sometimes the term "Hollywood Nazi" is used. Meaning you shouldn't act like a guy in American History X or Romper Stomper because those are MOVIES, not real life, and made to paint a negative picture of us.

>> No.12611321

Some of us in the USA have made their uniform a pair of khakis and a white polo shirt.
Others say we shouldn't really have a uniform and aspire to a sort of business casual/prep kind of thing.
If you look up "Richard Spencer" in google images that is sort of the idealized 21st century Nazi look.

>> No.12611322

I'm not talking about the agreeabuility of the ideology (which I would mostly agree with myself) but rather just the clothes. They synergies very well.
Also skinheads weren't socialist, just working class. They believed that if you wanted something you work hard and you get it yourself, that's where their fashion involves expensive brands like doc martins and Fred perry, it's like a medal to show off their abuility to work hard to get what they wanted

>> No.12611323

Care to explain your beliefs in detail to a guy who has no strong political beliefs one way or the other?

>> No.12611324

skinheads used to be just a subculture of punk. IIRC it had nothing to do with racism and hate.
over time it got warped

>> No.12611325
File: 64 KB, 467x478, sharpep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National Socialism isn't based on Marxist Socialism, it's Prussian Socialism.
As for wearing skinhead looks safely you can stick a SHARPs patch on your shit.

>> No.12611328

Yep, it originally was a subculture that formed around Jamaican culture I believe. Then there was a large surge of Pakistanis and Indians into Britain, a large portion of the skinhead subculture split off and became more about politics than culture, music and art.

>> No.12611330

Thought about that, but concluded it seemed like SJW virtue signaling.

>> No.12611333

I want white people to have their own ethnostates, protected from demographic replacement. Like what Israel and Japan and many other people of the world have.
I want white people to be happy and healthy and looking out for their own ethnic interests, like everyone else does.

>> No.12611335

Yeah, I don't see another way around it, though. Not all skinheads were racists but many people today won't know that or believe it when you tell them, right?
If it's right there on the patch you have credibility.

>> No.12611338

Totally irrelevant question here, I am only asking out of curiosity, but do you think you'd have the same sentiments if all the immigrants who came to America were upstanding, intelligent citizens who immediately assimilated into the culture?

>> No.12611341

I don't really see the point in that, the only reason to ostracise a race would be if they largely hold similar toxic beliefs, such as Muslims from the Middle East. But i see no problem with say Chinese people immergrating, they're very agreeable people, hard working and willing to assimilate for the most part.

>> No.12611348

It's not about hating other races, it's about us having our own countries for our own people.
As for the Chinese: they don't really assimilate. What they do is colonize.
In many white countries at the moment there is a lot of Chinese money buying up property. See, high-ranking communist party guys want to sneak their money out of China so they buy stuff in white countries.
That is actually driving up property prices to where young whites are being priced out of the market and can't afford to have kids.
Our birth rates are being suppressed below replacement and people like Muslims are being brought in to fill in that gap .

>> No.12611353

If you want some more scholarly stuff check out what Putnam found about diversity.

>> No.12611360

But why do you view white success and Chinese success as different in importance? It's still not you being successful (or maybe you are)
Either way it's human happiness and unless you hate the people (like Islamists) I don't see an issue with them doing exactly what you would do in their situation, trying to be happy.

>> No.12611364

However most Muslims aren't interested in being happy, but rather through great suffering, force the rest of the world to follow their satanic religion and create a worldwide caliphate.

>> No.12611368

Do you see your sort of masochistic train of thought, here?

>White people and Chinese people deserve happiness.
>Chinese people can't be happy in China, for undisclosed reasons.
>So we have to let them come here even if it makes us less happy.

I don't want Chinese people to be unhappy. I just want white countries for white people. Their happiness is up to them, white people are not responsible for them.

>> No.12611369

>White people and Native Americans deserve happiness
>White people can't be happy in Europe, for undisclosed reasons
>So we have to let them come to America even if it makes us less happy

>> No.12611375

The Chinese people who prefer America should be able to be happy in the country they prefer.
The white people who prefer china should be able to be happy in the country they prefer.
If the people who are immigrating are causing unhappiness to the current population don't let them in.
But I like allot of the Asian people Iv met and I don't mind that they're my neighbors as long as they don't commit crime or be nuisances.
Why do you care more about racial purity than moral purity? Why not kick out all the whites who commit crimes with all the Asian who commit crime?

>> No.12611376

Do you have any idea what is going on in Europe right now?
We're indigenous to those countries, by international law we're supposed to have protections there. By UN definitions it's actually genocide to let in mass migration.
But what they do is make it so no one is legally considered to be indigenous and if you go to England, Germany etc. they say the same "We're a nation of immigrants" stuff you hear in Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

>> No.12611380

Skinhead doesn't mean nazi

>> No.12611381

No one deserves a right to just live in whatever country they like, that's nonsense.

The nation is the people, not the dirt. Every time you let in a Somali you will make the conditions in the country more like Somalia and less like the USA.

>> No.12611383

>genocide to let in mass migration.
Kind of sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, huh? Not like my people had to face near extinction for your people to migrate here or anything.

>> No.12611389

If you're a Native American or an Abo, or something, you should pray that white people are not displaced in your country.
While we're here we give you welfare and enormous opportunity for prosperity. We will hire you over our own kind.
But the people replacing us? They don't care about you and will feel no guilt making you extinct.

>> No.12611396

>thinking skinhead = nazi
kill yourself kiddo

>> No.12611398

I'm not saying anyone is entitled to live in another country, there are laws that one must follow, if they do not follow them chuck them out. If they follow the law and they came in legally they are just as valuable to society as you.
Just because statistically Asians earn more than whites doesn't mean they're doing anything illegal, they follow the same set of rules as you and me.
If you're feeling disinfranchised by immagrants out earning you, how about you do what the immagrants do? Work harder to get a promotion, work longer hours, get another job on the side, work the shitty jobs you otherwise wouldn't.
You'll earn the exact same amount as a Chinese immagrant. And if you start saying that Asians have some kinda hand up in the game then your the same as BLM and feminists. Your limit is your not willing to do what others are.

>> No.12611403

I don't think skinhead equals nazi, you obviously haven't read any of the other posts Iv made. Apology accepted.

>> No.12611408

I agree with this point, most aboriginal society's are much better off due to white colonisation in the current day.
Unfortunately it often came at the cost of killing many, but what's done is done, in the current day, natives shouldn't complain about colinisation because it's infinitely better than whatever they would've had.

>> No.12611417

Are you an Asian? You're shilling for them a lot so I suspect you're an Asian in a white country.
My values are universalized. I am happy when I see video of Japanese calling whites "waito piggu" and telling them to go home. I would not wish Africans and Muslims on any Asian country.

>if they do not follow them chuck them out. If they follow the law and they came in legally they are just as valuable to society as you.

Did you know that there are blacks in white countries that rape and murder whites and successfully argue it would be against their human rights to deport them?

Lel, there's a black guy in the UK, for instance, who says he can't remember how many people he has killed. He is a war criminal in his home country and they won't deport him because his people would execute him for war crimes.

>> No.12611423
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I prefer working class looking natural, without references to some style paradigm. Skinheads like on OP pic looks like clones, like models on stage presenting their ideological beliefs and lifestyle on a plate. Childish.

Not a nat soc, but this is the way mature people behave, radical or not.

Also, unrelated to the topic. What the fuck is wrong with jeans on guy on the second right. There is always one or two guys wearing this abomination on skinheads photos. They looks gay, like in literal fabulous poof way, and they are in contrast with everythin else, they fucking up not only his fit but entire crew fits.

>> No.12611448

Antifa skinhead reporting in ama

>> No.12611474

No I'm not Asian, I'm a a white Australian white and Italian.
Like I said before, if there's an African immigrant who's a criminal, kick them out.
But why kick out a hard working, law abiding African?
Because he's out preforming you?
Seems like you just don't want to work hard to earn more.
exact opposite of skinhead ideology.

>> No.12611478

I agree about the pants, looks like cow leather chaps that faggy stripper cowboys wear.

>> No.12611494

>working hard

Well I have to admit I have seen what those Sudanese in Australia do to make money and I am not willing to threaten shopkeepers with machetes.

The thing about migrants working harder is also sort of a canard. See, most of the time the reason they get employed instead of a white is not because they're harder workers - it's because they're cheaper. Is that just because they're willing to accept less money?
No, it's because they are willing to work ILLEGALLY. Citizens cost more money because if you legally employ someone it's more expensive.

>> No.12611502

Not the guy you're arguing with but you're completely delusional.

You can't kick people out when your politicians are forcing diversity on everyone. Maybe you should ask the Japanese why they don't allow so many immigrants in if you're not willing to hear it from a white guy.

>> No.12611517

Yes, it's better not to let them in at all.

I mean consider this. Let's say you have not one Sudanese person in your country. Australia as far as I know didn't really have black Africans until after the year 2000.
(Yes probably a couple, but you know what I mean, not really a community, right?)
So if there's no Sudanese people in your country then you can't be racist to Sudanese people.
What is the benefit of having a Sudanese person, then? Now you are in a position where you can be accused of being racist to Sudanese people and your government gets lobbied to spend more money on helping Sudanese people. Where is the benefit?

Now Sudanese were not let into Australia because they were productive, skilled people with skills Australia needed. They were let in as refugees.
ie. They were people unable to have a country worth a damn.

So if the Sudanese person rapes and kills an Australian HE CAN'T BE SENT BACK. Why? Because of his "human rights" not to be sent to a country where he might face hardship or die.
The funny thing is the war in Sudan is over, if they're refugees they should go home after the war, right?
But soft-headed white people say
>Oh well Sudan is kind of a shitty country so they can never go back, that's not fair.
Which is also a racist sentiment. It's a claim they can never do better.

>> No.12611522
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>> No.12611526


Unfortunately the well has been poisoned and white countries are completely fucked because our politicians wanted cheap labor and an opportunity to virtue signal.

>> No.12611536

You know the funny thing is, in Anglosphere countries, there are still people alive today that remember when their left-wing parties weren't pro-immigration from the third world.
Because if your party is about the working-class the last thing you want is to bring in lots of workers. Because that will drive down the wages of your working-class.

>> No.12611543

>So if there's no Sudanese people in your country then you can't be racist to Sudanese people.

this post is a rambling mess of poorly constructed arguments and inane strawmen but i want this on a shirt lol

>ie. They were people unable to have a country worth a damn.

ah yes sudan, a country in a continent thats been notoriously free of western fuckery they just must be naturally retarded lol

>So if the Sudanese person rapes and kills an Australian HE CAN'T BE SENT BACK. Why? Because of his "human rights" not to be sent to a country where he might face hardship or die.

yea its weird how australia has outlawed rape and murder with the exception of of sudanese refugees talk about privilege lol

>Which is also a racist sentiment. It's a claim they can never do better.

hey check this out this guy really cares about racism

>> No.12611547

>Trying to mock instead of refuting with actual arguments.
So typical...

>> No.12611549

That would require having beliefs based in reality

>> No.12611554

>this post is a rambling mess of poorly constructed arguments and inane strawmen

I don't think it's rambling at all, I think you've just never had this idea put to you.
If there is only one type of people in a country - the people in that country can't be racist to anyone. (Except on the internet, or something.)
So if that one type of people lets in a new type of people a massive drawback is now they can be accused of being racist to this minority that previously did not exist there.
The people in Australia can now be accused of being racist to Sudanese people. They didn't bring them to Australia 100 years ago to be slaves, they let them in as refugees about the time Buffy was still airing new episodes.

>ah yes sudan, a country in a continent thats been notoriously free of western fuckery they just must be naturally retarded lol

What did Australia do to Sudan that requires they be punished?

>yea its weird how australia has outlawed rape and murder with the exception of of sudanese refugees talk about privilege lol

In Australia's state of Victoria their police released stats showing that Sudanese commit violent crimes at about four times the average. That was some years ago, since then they have had a gang of African criminals form.
People there are waking up in their beds with Africans standing over them with golf clubs. They beat the shit out of them for their car keys, then take their cars.

>hey check this out this guy really cares about racism

I am a racist in that I believe races have innate differences. Black Africans, for instance, are mostly retarded by white people standards. Not all, but most. White people did not do that to them.

>> No.12611558

I live in New Zealand, I'm white and so is most of my family but there's some mixing. My community and my friends are very racially diverse, they've all supported me through bad periods in my life to where I am now. Why should a white ethno state appeal to me? I honestly don't think I have anything to gain from living in an all white country.

>> No.12611560

>Totally irrelevant question here, I am only asking out of curiosity, but do you think you'd have the same sentiments if all the immigrants who came to America were upstanding, intelligent citizens who immediately assimilated into the culture?

My belief is that a culture is, in part, an expression of the people.
So hypothetically let's say you have so many Chinese come to the USA that they outnumber the Americans there ten to one. All these Chinese are upstanding and they want to be American.
America won't be America anymore, they can't help it, it'll become a sort of New China. Because now it is mostly a nation of Chinese people.
The soil isn't magic. The nation is the people, not the dirt.

But you give me the opportunity to mention something else about immigration today.

Most of the time people don't move to white countries because they want to "become white." They want to stay Indian, Chinese, Somali etc. But they want to be Indian making more money and enjoying a higher quality of life.

Why should an Indian want to pretend he is not Indian but that he is Canadian, Australian etc.?

>> No.12611562

The Japanese are facing a demographic crisis and a financial meltdown if they can't stop their population shrinking, belief in the myth of Japanese exceptionalism will destroy Japan.

>> No.12611563

Check out Putnam's diversity study, he outlines why diversity is not a good thing for any people, not just whites.

But let me ask you this: do you believe that, prior to say 1960, the people of NZ, Australia, USA, Canada, UK etc. were all evil people?
Because that's how recently those countries started being enriched with non-white diversity. (excluding natives)
So what would be wrong with a British person wanting the UK to be like it was for the first 10,000 or so years of its history?

>> No.12611566

Replacing the Japanese with non-Japanese people does not save Japan. It makes Japan into New Korea, or something.
It will cease to be Japan both genetically and culturally.
A Korean person could not in good faith pretend he is Japanese, his culture is Japanese and he is rooted to the Japanese soil through his ancestors.

>> No.12611568

So what you have to do is get the Japanese people breeding again, right? So they make up their numbers.
Now if you look at European countries there are some European countries with birth rates like Japan so they are facing the same crisis.
So the solution there should be the same, right?
Get those European people making some babies again.
But because those countries now have non-white diversity it is RACIST to do something like have an ad campaign telling Swedish people they'd have a nice life and help their country if they had some babies.

>> No.12611576

You live in marjoritary white country right?! I live in Brazil and i can say that you have no ideia on what you're talking about, its the typical dumb "i have some colored friends, they're not bad at all!" argument, well i have too, but in large scales, the damage they do is irreparable, if you want to see the actual damages of ethinical diversity, move your ass here, be thankful that your country is still white, because when it's no longer, you're screwed.

>> No.12611580

In his country all the houses and land are getting bought up by China.
Young families can't have kids because the price of housing is through the roof.
He thinks looking out for your own people means you have to hate other people. That's not true at all.

>> No.12611585

But do you actually believe a Japanese person is rooted to the soil through his ancestors? Because that raises a lot of questions, am I rooted to England via my ancestors? I fucking hate the UK, the houses are too small and they constantly complain. Should everyone go back to where their ancestors are from? But then how far back do you go? How many generations does it take to become 'rooted' to soil? It kind of seems like just bullshit masturbatory backstory people give themselves because it's an easy way to look at the world.

>> No.12611589

My home town is majority Maori and it's pretty good, strong tourism sector, slightly higher than average income, pretty decent schools, highest regional growth rate outside the Auckland.

>> No.12611592

I'm an oldfag so I remember this. Things weren't perfect in the 90's but compared to now it was a lot better.

It's not just the millions of immigrants we've allowed to come into our countries in the last 20 years that's destroying us, it's liberals brainwashing these people into thinking they're oppressed that's causing the tension were seeing today.

Like lighting a match next to gasoline. We're fucked.

>> No.12611594

In what way are whites I've never met my people in a way that non white friends I've had for close to two decades aren't my people? I'd take a kiwi of any race over a Dutch or German any day.

>> No.12611600

Do you know when your people came to Britain? Assuming you are truly an ethnic Briton.
It was about 10,000 years ago. The ice retreated enough to where people could live there again.
So the people there were like the Aboriginals or Native Americans of Australia and the USA.
Over the centuries there were some invasions but through genetic testing it has been found the British people are pretty close to how they were 10,000 years ago.
You should consider that country to be yours as much as an Australian Aboriginal considers Australia to be his land.
That you don't think like that is something that was done to you. Years before you were born it was decided that Brits would be taught to accept diversity and true nationalism would be crushed out of them.
In Australia if someone wants to build a mine on the ancestral land of a particular Aboriginal tribe they have to get their permission and pay them.
If the Australian government tried to fill an Aboriginal community with non-Aboriginals it would be considered a genocidal act, under international law.

But in your country they don't want you to think of yourself as an Aboriginal because if Brits realized they were one they could legally protect themselves from diversity or from things like highways being built over the top of your sacred sites.

>> No.12611602

What hair

>> No.12611605

Kiwis are Anglo-Celtic people, that nation was built by Anglo-Celts it is the fruits of their labor and their law that Chinese go there to enjoy today.
Maoris are not really New Zealanders it wasn't their labor that built what New Zealand is.
But did you know that Maoris were very happy to be ruled by Britain?
The reason was they were tribal people, right? So you had all these tribes fighting each other to be the top tribe. No one could win and lots of people died.
But then Brits came and dominated them all, none of the tribes could really resist this new power.
Which meant none of them had to fight each other anymore! They could submit to being ruled by the British royalty.
Not to mention the fact they could enjoy the benefits of the technology, infrastructure etc.

>> No.12611610

>You should consider that country to be yours
But why though? I grew up here and I like it, I fucking hate poms. Why should I care about anything except my friends and family specifically and the community where I live generally?

>> No.12611611

its not about going back, its about standing for your own people and culture, no matter what others say, race and culture matters, only whites are forced to believe otherwise.
I'm talking about a country as whole, not some small town, even Africa has strong tourism in some parts, but still a shithole filled with poverty overall.

>> No.12611613

You really know nothing about New Zealand if you think Maori aren't New Zealanders, our national holiday is literally commemorating Maori and Pakeha signing the treaty that brought us together as a nation.

>> No.12611617

Your ancestors did not hand down to you everything you have so it could be given to Paki pedo grooming gangs raping your girls.

>> No.12611619

Were the guys they killed and ate when they arrived around... Was it 1400? Were those guys New Zealanders too?

>> No.12611638

Yeah there's still a few hundred of their descendants, mostly mixed obviously but yeah they are too.

>> No.12611850
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>not going full RASH
lmaoing at your life senpai

>> No.12612124
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You fail to take into account the post-industrial nature of most 1st world (ie white economies). The increasing degree of automation in manufacturing makes the platitude of "we need workers or the economy will break zomg" a fallacy. Fast food jobs, manufacturing, even Walmart require fewer biological workers by the year. Importing the third world to solve this non existent problem turns our potential Star Trek post-scarcity future into Elysium.

>> No.12612161
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People have become so selfish that they can only think of themselves. Its quite sad really...

>> No.12612230
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you soc cucks dress like virgins

>> No.12612234

> 18 posters
> 68 replies

why are polcucks on /fa/ annoying as fuck.

/fit/ has more pol posters there but at least they arent as autistic as the ones here.

>> No.12612251

Skinhead here and you all need to fuck off.

Being skinhead isn't a fashion thing, its not a politics thing. Its a working class culture thing, don't become a skinhead if you're not one already.

AMA if you want just to clear up some shite

>> No.12612301

just fuck off cunt.

>> No.12612316

>Sometimes the term "Hollywood Nazi" is used. Meaning you shouldn't act like a guy in American History X or Romper Stomper because those are MOVIES

Yeah, because you're underage faggots who were born after 2000 and have never seen a real skinheads bashing on the streets.

>> No.12612330

Wow this is the most articulate and thoughtful thread on an issue I've ever seen. However, to get more on topic I'll say this. As a black person, even as a black fascist and ethnonationalist, when I see skinheads I think something like this:"I bet this person would hurt me or look down on me if I did something even slightly nigger-like". Skinheads just make me very on edge.

I hope this helps.

>> No.12612350

>68 replies and nobody told OP to kill himself yet

lmao'ing @ ur imageboard

>> No.12612712


what a shit thread

>> No.12613012

That does help, I don't care if you're black, and it depends what niggerish thing you do, if it's illegal or annoying I will look down on you as I would anyone.

>> No.12613016

I am working class, so what now m8?

>> No.12613037

If your area has a skinhead scene
Go to oi/ska/2tone gigs
Talk to other skins, find out what's what
Don't try too hard because you'll just end up looking a tit of a poser

>> No.12613081


You're kinda proving his point. Asians are making it worse for white people in their own country. Asians are used to a very strict hard working lifestyle and we have to sort of compete with them in our own country with different values. The thing is, there's nothing wrong with working hard but look at Japan's suicide rates and their extremely stressful workload and tell me there isn't correlation

>> No.12613105

anti /pol/ posters are more pathetic than /pol/ posters, don't kid yourself faggot

>> No.12613173

The Sudanese problem in melbourne is horrendous. Car jacking, armed robbery, break ins and burglary every single day. They hang out in mobs of 10 in the city, gang up on one person, steal the victims wallet and phone and then scatter.

They know the cops can't identify them because they look too similar, and they all wear generic clothing ( hoodies and trackies )

They hit up a dodgy phone dealer, sell the phone for a few hundred, split the cash and repeat

>> No.12613195

You're failing to take into account the fact that workers pay taxes which support social welfare programs. A shrinking population means a population that's getting older. If you have a working age population that's shrinking then you either keep cutting welfare for old people or keep increasing taxes for working people, maybe both at the same time.

>> No.12613263

Any puesdo-skinhead-esque boots? Dms and para boots are too chunky for me

>> No.12613735

The solution for any problem that Europe has(if there's any) is just have more kids, no need to flood the country with shitskins who will turn the whole thing into a third world shithole in a few decades.

>> No.12613783

If real skinheads see you walking around with hat on, then they'll kick your head in.
But then again, there aren't too many of them out there anyway so it could work.

>> No.12613784

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.12613793
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Getting the thread back on topic.

>> No.12613795
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>> No.12613797
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>> No.12613798
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>> No.12613800
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>> No.12613801

Exactly, do what Hitler did and offer families money to have kids and give women social prestige for being mothers.
If you can convince a woman that its cool and everyone is doing it, then she won't hesitate to fall in line with what she hears.

>> No.12613809

I used to know an asian skinhead.
Ironically they were basically antifa dressed up as nazis.
Makes me wonder, do SE asian nazis have dreadlocks and piercings?

>> No.12613811
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Here's some good skinhead movies and songs to go with the thread.


Romper Stomper is one of my favorites

>> No.12613814

Here in Australia Chinese immigrants out earn locals because they run restaurants where they pay their staff under the table in cash a quarter of minimum wage, and they couldn't care less about hygiene standards or expiration dates unless it's inspection day.
Just sayin

>> No.12613819
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>mfw balding at 20 and will prob be shaving my head in the next few years
>mfw im going to look like a white supremacist to people who dont know me
>mfw im actually a huge SJW

>> No.12613822

>Over 18
Leave 4chan forever grandpa.

>> No.12613833

>implying all bald people are white supremacists

>> No.12613841
File: 117 KB, 640x640, jimmy neutron, the college years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one's gonna think you're a white supremacist unless you dress like one, a bald nu-male with a "quirky geek" style is still a nu-male

>> No.12613844

Skinhead is a (dead) working-class subculture and you'll look like a twat if you try and pull it off.

>> No.12613880

So instead of people thinking you want to kill all white people they think you want to kill all brown people?
What's the big deal?
You're still a cunt

>> No.12614973

Where are you, lookin to earn some reds you fucking faggot.

>> No.12614993

Thank you, for fucks sake

>> No.12615580

I've known lots of them, and without exception skinheads are idiots and pussies. So basically you just need a below average intelligence and some like-minded wannabe droogs to walk around with for protection. That's pretty much it, and it's the reason you NEVER see skins by themselves.

>> No.12615815

you should kill yourself and save everyone the trouble

>> No.12615837

fuck richard sp*ncer fbi spook motherfucker

>> No.12615842

>i want to be edgy and dangerous looking but safe and without offending anyone :3

>> No.12615849

not to mention that american indians were totally at war with the white colonizers and were responsible for plenty of savage killings of their own

>> No.12616019

Lmfao. You iced that nazi so hard and he doesn't even know it.

>> No.12616024

>not to mention that american indians were totally at war with the white colonizers and were responsible for plenty of savage killings of their own
Yea, because they were being fucking invaded?

>> No.12616047
File: 27 KB, 453x453, 1478583370844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12616051
File: 133 KB, 630x891, 1492248279037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this counts