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/fa/ - Fashion

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12608271 No.12608271 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you get the balls to dress like you do? Do comments affect you? Has anyone ever laughed at you or mocked you face to face?

>> No.12608425

I eat ass with my tongue

>> No.12608428

/fa/ people are more critical than anyone I've ever met in person.

>> No.12608430
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there aren't that many styles that will turn heads in a big city, but my experience in the more flamboyant jfashion stuff has been all positive. i only get compliments to my face, if people think badly of it they never say so. if i'm wearing a pirate hat or something ridiculous i'll get the occasional ARR or something like that but it's always light hearted.

my only worries have been when wearing more 'out there' stuff in small towns with ignorant people, but even that turned out fine. confidence plays a huge role, stand tall with good posture and a steady voice, look like you belong in whatever you're wearing and not like you're afraid of being seen in it.

>> No.12608431

Once a friend of mine saw me in streetwear for the first time (had only seen me in school uniform) and giggled
Then two years later he dressed the same way

>> No.12608480


>> No.12608485

nice JOKA bro

>> No.12608719

i legitimately dont give a fuck what anyone thinks about me
i only conform to the extent that it is necessary to advance in my professional life

>> No.12608737

I don't dress over-the-top, yet still wear unique pieces that are unique and represent my personality.
If needed I switch up for formal clothes.

>> No.12608755
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Well put

>> No.12608757



-- R Y 2017

>> No.12608815

i have severe social paranoia so i dress in ways which will make people want to stay away from me

>> No.12608818

Most people out in the real world have shit to do that is more important than telling a stranger their negative opinions on that strangers choice in clothing.

You like it? cool. I wore it for you.

You don't like it? that is alright, I didn't wear it for you.

>> No.12608822

I'll be the only person who will legit answer your questions.
>Where do I get the balls?
You just have to stop caring what people think. But what makes it even more fun for me is knowing people are gawking at me, and whether or not they like it doesn't matter because I sucked up all the attention.

>Do comments affect me?
Not really. Only rarely has someone pointed out something wrong with my outfit, but that's it.

>Has anyone ever laughed at you or mocked you face to face?
No. People are very intimidated by someone who dresses very well. Half of the value in clothes is the intimidation.
nice meme

>> No.12608885


>> No.12608933

Just wear your clothes and go out, sheesh.

I may get an occasional comment if I wear something thats a bit "out there" e.g. wide cropped pants, hakamas, etc. but then so what? Have fun and just roll with it

>> No.12608949

another thing i want to talk about is receiving compliments from strangers. i think a lot of people are delusional and think the kind of basic and vague compliments (hey i like your shirt/you look nice) they get on a semi-regular basis make them /fa/. that's why so many faggots brag about how many compliments they get in public. if you are not a 0/10 troglodyte with just a tiny sense of how to dress you will receive the occasional compliment, please don't let it get to your head you're most likely not fashionable. speaking from experience and being a non-effay dude

>> No.12608970

I like your thinking. Nicely phrased.

>> No.12610350

I know you may not believe this, and you may even hate to hear this, but nobody gives a shit what you're wearing. 95% of people will pay no attention to your clothes EVER, and the other 5% will not think much of you for wearing a certain style.

Unless you're actively trying to look like a clown in public, nobody cares.

>> No.12610441
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If I think I look more professional and well-groomed, that's how I end up feeling. I've almost never felt overdressed. I guess it does unfortunately sometimes end up taking ballsy-ness just to dress for yourself, not for others.

>Do comments affect you?
Unless it's actual constructive criticism, not very strongly, no.

>Has anyone ever laughed at you or mocked you face to face?
Aside from the occasional "LOL GOTH" comment, not really. I sometimes also get the "How do you walk in those shoes?" shit but that's not particularly mean.

>> No.12610482

What sorta shoes? My first impression would be heels or wedges. Post pics of your fits, anon. :3c

>> No.12610486

Either heels or platform boots usually. Even casually sometimes.

>> No.12610497

I just wear what I want, feels good man
Most people at my school are pretty conservative, so if they make a joke I joke with them
>laughed at you
Yeah usually 2-3 times a week. Just laugh with them and keep it moving

>> No.12610519

Most people are idiots, why should I care what they think

>> No.12611110
File: 83 KB, 300x300, BrokeBack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy how being crosseyed can bump you down from a 9 to a 6.

Crosseyed people look so fucking clueless.

>> No.12611142

Calm your tits. Humans cross their eyes all the time when focusing on a close object. Only thing is, you don't really realize it, unless it's a permanent condition.

>> No.12611162

Your point?

Doesnt really change what i said does it.

>> No.12611166
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Also wtf are those

>> No.12611213

>live near Tokyo
>get 'mired when I'm in full Yohji

Moving back to my home country soon, though. I just won't give a shit - it's not like I'm wearing a costume or anything. It's just cool clothes.

>> No.12611220

She's not cross eyed. I get that eye thing when i look to close at the camera lens taking pictures

>> No.12611224

>No. People are very intimidated by someone who dresses very well. Half of the value in clothes is the intimidation.

Could we see one of your fits?

>> No.12611251
File: 91 KB, 500x750, 1349473326771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossing your eyes is completely natural. Rating down attractiveness based on this phenomenon is retarded and proofs you`re a basement dweller devoid of any real human interaction.

>> No.12611259

This pls

>> No.12612132
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You're not the brightest, are you?

Read my original comment dumbass, its about crosseyed people, not people crossing their eyes, get it?

Wether or not the bitch is crosseyed doesnt change what i said.

>> No.12612146
File: 57 KB, 680x680, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't stop the intimidation you feel from upvoting and liking my comment boys

>> No.12612203

How well do you have to know Japanese to live in Japan?

>> No.12612208

I dress depending on the occasion. Misplaced flamboyance is pure autism, I'm not gonna dress like a fucking peacock to go to the library.

>> No.12612239

I dress differently than most/all people I know irl but not in a garish or stupid way. I'm told pretty often that people like the way I dress

>> No.12613467


>> No.12613634

Depends on what you're here for. I'm a student (graduating soon) in a biology program in English so I initially started with nothing but reached a relatively competent level eventually. Didn't need too much at first. Thing is, there was a clear difference in the success rate of those who learnt how to speak the language vs those who didn't and just stuck with foreigners. The former, once they had conversational level Japanese, would love the country hard and the latter would spend all day complaining about how shitty the culture is.

So you'd do well with conversational level Japanese - try reaching N4-3 at the very least. If you're looking for full-time work though? People want to see you with at least an N2.

>> No.12613871


Hurr durr I'm merely pretending to be retarded

We all know you meant the female in the image. Faggot

>> No.12613883

>Read my original comment dumbass, its about crosseyed people, not people crossing their eyes, get it?

>> No.12613888

And your point is?

Her eyes are crossed in the picture, She looks retarded because of it

Please tell me where i've said shes permanently crosseyed, i'll wait.

Just admit your dumbass misunderstood my comment.

>> No.12614248

her eyes arent crossed retard

>> No.12614265

Good post.

>> No.12614352

I can't stand you but today I have only agreed with your posts. Fuck you for making sense, tripfags should all act retarded so I can justify my hate.

>> No.12614507

Cool thanks mane

>> No.12614510

I wear clothes that doesnt look too weird. I have weird inspos, but I turn them into some sort of less offensive normiecore that is fitting for the weather, environment, job, etc I'm in. It also really helps that I have friends who are into more weirder looks. For example, I have this KPOP friend who makes me look even more normal.
>has anyone mocked you
My closest friends did as a joke/helpful criticism when I was just learning the ropes. They'd shit on my shit fits that looked like clown clothes, but always just let me did my thing and always helped me take care of my clothes.
>"anon, is raining. Watch out for ur jacket"
>"anon, tuck in ur clothes"
>"anon, is muddy here, walk other way"
Truly my friends.

>> No.12614533

Whoops, I meant to write more. How did you like it there? What fun things did you do outside of school? Could you see yourself living there permanently?

I love the fashion and love a lot of Japanese music, think Asian girls are cute, borderline weeb shit like that. I've never really been abroad and think living somewhere completely new would be really cool. But maybe I'm just delusional about my perception of the culture and should study a bit more Spanish or something since I already know a lot.

>> No.12614615

Same things as what you said. I studied in University of Tsukuba, so I could only hit up Tokyo every other weekend or so because any more would drain the shit out of my wallet. Did a lot, though - Shimokitazawa for watching concerts at live houses, Ura-Harajuku for fashion vibes, Roppongi for a lot of art exhibitions or sometimes just cycling through the Japanese countryside. Food's great, art scene's great and honestly, so are the people as long as you're willing to be the one crossing the culture and language barrier. They'll do the same in return after. And yes, girls are cute. Bonus points if you're white.

I'm moving out of Japan, though. Work culture seems to be seriously fucked - it's the kind of place where people get good at looking busy than actually working efficiently. It's far better if you work in non-Japanese organizations or firms but the big Japanese behemoths? I'd rather not.

If I managed to make myself a good passive income to support the lifestyle I want, though? Fuck yeah I'd come back and live in Tokyo. It's an incredible place to be. I mean, the last five years have been great.

>> No.12614618
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the patriarchy.

>> No.12614641

only people who aren't into fashion make fun of my outfits
looking back though, a lot of my outfits were kinda gay lol

>> No.12614657

smash it

>> No.12614686

It's pretty hard to care what the average person thinks about fashion. The only time I've been given shit is in douchey drinking strips. I'm 30 now and it's been fun to watch things that once made you a weirdo become mainstream. To all the youngsters, just remember that there's a good chance the people who talk shit are just 5-10 years behind you. By the time they catch up, you'll be onto something else.

>> No.12614754
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I stare the haters down until they become chalk drawings. I've only gotten negative comments rarely in strip clubs (I'm a dancer) but that's typical. 7 year old girls are my biggest admirers. My grandma hates my hair.

>> No.12614805

>tfw in lithuania and many people truly are 10 years behind

>> No.12614847

Target mermaid

>> No.12615000

If you dont think shes crossing her eyes in that picture there's something very wrong with you.

>> No.12615045

My friends are plebcore so it hardly matters what they think.
That said I dress very tamely.

>> No.12615102

Very cool. Did you find it isolating at all? I imagine you'd have your fellow international students to hang with / fall back on, but were you able to meet a lot of Japanese people as well? Through concerts, etc. Was conversational Japanese enough to have meaningful friends/relationships?

>> No.12615295

when you have no friends or social life you dont give a fuck what others will think of your style bud

>> No.12615970
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>> No.12615977

Why are you so quotable?

>> No.12615980


ugly and average people attempting to dress well is legit laughable tho, and I don't blame others for ridiculing them