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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 123 KB, 750x887, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12541951 No.12541951 [Reply] [Original]

how /fa/ am i?

>> No.12541954

vulgar and lame

but nice thread shill

>> No.12541956

"daddy wasn't around much and I like rough sex"-core

>> No.12541958

so the truth is vulgar and lame?

lmao someone is triggered by words on a shirt...

>> No.12541959

or he was but they just pretend their daddy left them because he worked long days

>> No.12541963

shill on Pajeet

you've totally got us all fooled

>> No.12541965

basic bitch/10

>> No.12541982

what truth

>> No.12541986

that mean dont know how to make a woman cum

>> No.12541991

nice (((thread)))

>> No.12541998
File: 70 KB, 633x629, 2girls1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha pic triggers so many anons

>> No.12541999
File: 96 KB, 750x933, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahaha /fa/ is so insecure its hillarious

>> No.12542003

well it's official, shills have finally come to /fa/


>> No.12542011

stop i dont like to think about that

>> No.12542016

please dont make threads like these, they arent funny and only kill the board

>> No.12542020

They do it on purpose. It's legitimately shills trying to get some bogus gender discord going.

>> No.12542038

>"lol you're so insecure"
>simultaneously posts a shitty picture of herself seeking compliments

>> No.12542041
File: 33 KB, 607x530, thefaceofdoubt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm 100% positive the girl in that pic did not start this thread.

>> No.12542052

timestamp of fuck off and die

>> No.12542144

Don't act like it's easy. Not my fault you have a timid clit .Takes 5 minutes of drunk mindless humping for me.

>> No.12542146

fuck off shill

>> No.12542149

you say that like it's a good thing

>> No.12542152

fuck off shill. stop talking to yourself.

>> No.12542161

Sorry im not a needy bitch is my point. It's pretty demanding

>> No.12542173

Seems like a real dissatisfied and empty person so it's clearly fashionable

>> No.12542181

still talking to yourself huh?

yeah let's see it OP (aka shill talking to themselves)

>> No.12542208

that's not the point. Girls aren't thinking "jeez this guy sure is taking a while to cum, damn he must be really needy" during sex. if you have good dick they're hoping you can last as long as possible. They're not patting themselves on the back if you blow your load 5 minutes in, they're thinking your stamina is shit and you're terrible at sex.

>> No.12542218
File: 5 KB, 205x246, index11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off shill. Fuck you. Fuck your fake thread. Fuck your stupid political agenda. And fuck the conversation you're having with yourself. You're not fooling anyone. Go away.

>> No.12542223

God I fucking hate nose rings.
Otherwise you're fine, 5/10.

>> No.12542233

You're still not fooling anyone asshole. Find honest work you dirtbag.

>> No.12542238


>> No.12542240

This is a shit bait thread but am I missing something? Why is this being called a shill thread? What is being shilled?

>> No.12542247

Fuck off already.

>> No.12542249

sex positive feminist queers are the worst at sex, i think its the lack of repression.

>> No.12542253

stop faking and communicate more

>> No.12542254

Fuck off

mods delete this garbage thread

Keep this shit offthis board

>> No.12542259

Fuck off shill

>> No.12542261

fuck off

take your bullshit (((gender studies))) bullshit elsewhere. this thread has zero to do with fashion.

>> No.12542267

Just a drive-by anon, no idea who this is nor the narrative you're weaving. She's fine, nice facial complexion tainted with acne, large emotive eyes and crappy hairdo. She's not effay incarnate, but she's not ugly. The choker is fine but the shirt is very simplistic, it doesn't add or remove anything besides being a little mouthpiece to get a thought across. Middling, average 5/10 is what I appreciate.

>> No.12542270

Fuck off loser. Find a real job. You're pathetic.

>> No.12542273

fuck off bullshit fuck off

>> No.12542277
File: 246 KB, 335x278, 1468975654764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread what a schizophrenic meltdown looks like?

>> No.12542279
File: 4 KB, 215x215, hgdtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who started this thread.

>> No.12542285

how is life in the cubicle farm Schlomo?

>> No.12542290


>> No.12542297

Gender politics and female shamelessness.

>> No.12542317

first picture was better it hid your awful chin/mouth acne

>> No.12542322

This boards needs some janitors

>> No.12542328

Bingo. Anyone who would wear that shirt IRL is a tacky asshole. But it's a staged pic, and a shill started this thread.


fuck off shill

it really does

>> No.12542356

Any girl who would wear it irl, would be 200+lbs. They just hired a cure (and very young) girl to wear it for propaganda purposes. They really are some dirty motherfuckers. Disgusting.

>> No.12542374

I don't know why is everyone getting so triggered. You're not that pretty but I would make sure you cum, it's not a socially acceptable thing to wear if you have decent friends though.

>> No.12542378

Schlomo or Pajeet?

>> No.12542380

Sorry I don't speak poltard. Too bad you can't pleasure a girl, I'll be praying for you that you find your way

>> No.12542382

>first picture in black and white to hide imperfections
>second picture same thing
what are you fucking gay?

>> No.12542402

Has /pol/ finally snapped?

>> No.12542414

*Jewing intensifies*

>> No.12542419

i smell something that echoes throughout history

>> No.12542703


>> No.12542736

Very empowering, would absolutely wear to an anti-Trump protest.

>> No.12542754

Nailed it


>> No.12542757

t. Schlomo Shillstein

>> No.12542795

are you fucking retarded

>> No.12542801

I completely fucked up hooking up with a girl due to my autism, and years later she had an IG post of herself wearing that shirt

>> No.12542899

greentext me again and ill beat you to fucking death with a lead pipe you bitch

>> No.12542908

am i the only one here that thinks op is cute?

>> No.12542978

You really can't take criticism can you.
If you're gonna get all pissy, don't ask what people think.
You're cute as hell, but you sound like a complete dick.

>> No.12543010

take a shower uggly trash

>> No.12543115

Good face shit shirt.

>> No.12543120

oh yeah also what the fuck is happening in this thread.

>> No.12543178

how come girls like this constantly complain that guys can't make them cum yet i'm positive i could make them cum and i'm left a virgin -______-

>> No.12543185

>that skin

>> No.12543188

>he fell for the girls can cum meme

>> No.12543196

cunnilingus is the name of the game

>> No.12543198

Your parents must be proud

>> No.12543229

Don't post a photo of yourself seeking compliment then get angry and try insult people because you can't your own way. Surely you have things more worthy of your time than hanging around in here waiting for responses from strangers.

>> No.12543242

pod thinks you're a degenerate

>> No.12543253

That shirt is homophobic

>> No.12543287

you look unbearable rofl

>> No.12543289


Read the bible

>> No.12543311

who the fuck even uses "rofl" anymore?

>> No.12543322

>being unironically elitist about internet acronyms


>> No.12543324

no really who the fuck still uses rolf?

>> No.12543332

Answer his question.

>> No.12543368

I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell anyone who thinks that the girl in the pic started this thread.


>> No.12543376

>ask how you look
>people respond
>they're the insecure ones


>> No.12543386
File: 3.24 MB, 387x291, 1497099149108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how /fa/ am i?
>hahahahaha /fa/ is so insecure its hillarious

>> No.12543657

grill in op looks cute
im a sucker for that kind of heavy makeup on younger grill
her skin is asa akira tier tho
my boner is confused
need more pics

>> No.12543674
File: 28 KB, 661x169, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move along, /fa/gs. Have some sips and go back to browsing Grailed.

You're posting in a shitpost thread.

>> No.12543677

sweet summer children in this thread who can't reverse image search

>> No.12543733

W2C money store tee

>> No.12543906

its funny, just look how many guys here are triggered because they cant make a girl cum

actually scratch that..its pathetic. fuck "men"

>> No.12544111

the sight of you alone is exhausting

>> No.12544137

literally deathgrips website

>> No.12544370

>impying that's a bad thing

>> No.12544407
File: 168 KB, 373x409, 1497194445100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know her name?

>> No.12544432

a c n e

>> No.12544926

Courtney Howley

>> No.12545018


>> No.12545097
File: 84 KB, 540x360, i dont want to bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wearing a shirt with a meme/text that instantly dates the piece just makes you look like a fashion victim

>> No.12545130

I only date solid 10s, so I'd date the fuck out of you.

>> No.12545149

It doesn't count when your standards for a ten are that low

>> No.12545165


Nothing you say counts since you're nothing more than a waste of space.

>> No.12545167

Op looks like her mother was a heroin addict and she got addicted from an early age because the breast milk was 90% heroin

>> No.12545181

I mean isn't everyone who browses 4chan a waste of energy and matter?

>> No.12545195

>how /fa/ am i?
You're cute so you're kinda fa. Boarder Line edgy/basic.

I'm guessing your underage or worse you try to hard, or worst the drugs are doing you.

>> No.12545473
File: 18 KB, 95x99, 1496449575527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12545536
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 1415299305933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen, little baby.
You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are, you hear me, sugar?
PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve Everything and Anything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.12545790

fucking cringe

>> No.12545809
File: 87 KB, 225x181, Screen Shot 2017-06-19 at 7.19.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12545814
File: 53 KB, 427x340, notsmart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12545820

>getting triggered by posts on an image board

>> No.12545872

idk but youre fugly lol

>> No.12545877

Wait. What's being shilled?

>> No.12545887

All /fa/ threads are shitposting threads.

>> No.12545896
File: 1.14 MB, 480x358, 1495126071177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asks for advice, knowing it will be negative
>"lemaow XD ur so insecure anon"
fuck outta her with this shit