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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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12530840 No.12530840 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>12523315

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "/fa/ friends"

New /thinspo/ tumblr:

>> No.12530851

is whole grain rice ok if I only have a peanut butter sandwich on whole grain bread in the morning?

>> No.12530860

Currently at >10% BF and if anyone think it is funny, then wait for a < 22ºC day. You feel like death coming for you.

>> No.12530884
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who cares if my blood pressure was B A D today?? i get kimchi U v U

side note, i've reduced steps to 10k now that i'm eating less than 1000cals again. is this gonna be ok?? also is kimchi a good thing

>> No.12530924

1134 calories so far today. going to bed in an hour or two.

probably have a few slices of bacon and round that out to about 1400 which am happy with

>> No.12530929

Depends what the rest of your diet looks like. What's a typical full day look like?

Nice. I'm happy for you.

>> No.12530942
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i eat one home cooked meal in a day and it feels like a huge amount of food
i feel good throughout the entire day thanks to hot tea
is weight loss really this easy?

>> No.12530947

I'm jealous of you. I've been so hungry lately, I feel like it was easier before. I'm just maintaining but it has been a bit of a struggle lately.

>> No.12530951

personally i think it's v easy when you know what youre doing

wish i could drink alcohol more often tho.

>> No.12530956
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Not that anon, but I've fallen back into my nightly beer routine and it's such a waste of calories.

>> No.12530962

Recently kicked drinking 2l of cider a night (900 calories) and feel a lot better for it, i feel the pain

It was my main escape from loneliness which has been the hardest part to deal with

>> No.12530973

That's awesome. Yeah, I have really long wageslaving work days from like 6:45am until 5pm and then I'm just exhausted and stressed so nice to have a beer at the end of the day. I need to quit it. It's stress and loneliness.

I need to just quit it. Did you find any tips or something that made it easier for you?

>> No.12530988

Honestly the biggest motivation is that i know i've slacked off into becoming skinnyfat again and that if i don't drop the cider i won't be able to trim down and look good

And i have convinced myself that losing the weight means more chance of gf

which is ashamedly always priority number one

>> No.12531006

i cant stop giving into cravings

I keep telling myself that i'll do better the next day but i never do and it makes me wanna die

>> No.12531044
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>tfw now i love the taste of water
>tfw now i prefer it to soda

>> No.12531051

Thanks. Yeah, I'd like a gf too. I'm so lonely.

Struggling with this also. I've gotten to my goal weight but now maintaining is harder than I imagined. Then I have a few bad calorie days and need to do IF23:1 for a while or something.

>> No.12531056

well good job reaching your goal weight. i still have about 10 pounds left to go.

>> No.12531059

We have each other for now anon

we're all gonna make it

>> No.12531071

Thank you. You'll get there soon! It feels really good, worth the effort.

Thanks. I hope so.

>> No.12531078

that's my full day. maybe a slice of watermelon if i get too anxious or a cup of black coffee with splenda. i also drink 3 liters of water everyday.

>> No.12531088

I don't see any problem with that then.

>> No.12531093
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>> No.12531099
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>> No.12531110
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>> No.12531112
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>> No.12531113
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>> No.12531132

i hope i'll lose some weight soon. i ate a lot today. i think i might just fast tomorrow and the next day.

>> No.12531187

BP too low or too high?

>> No.12531196

is 5 months enough time to lose 60 pounds in a some what healthy way? 'm 5'11 and 190 right now and taking half a year off school to work and focus on losing weight

>> No.12531230
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you could be 140-150 at 5'11. that would be more manageable and normal in that time frame

>> No.12531310

no subject edition then?

>> No.12531322

>food list FINALLY got updated after a decade

Thank god

>> No.12531326

Except that if I were to eat like the sticky suggests I'd be completely broke.

>> No.12531329
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I'm six foot and <120.
What do I win other than heart problems and anemia

>> No.12531353

that isnt that low lol

>> No.12531459
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>> No.12531583

im six foot too and 170 right now or so i need too start kicking my cravings but i exercise frequently too burn fat.

>> No.12531644
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I wanna lose 10kg. How long would that usually take?

Aiming to go down to 75kg from 85, though I'll look like a twig so I'm planning to hit the gym soon.

Also what food do you guys recommend to give a lot of energy throughout the day. I want to eat less heavy meals but have more energy, especially since I sleep like shit.

>> No.12531649

>75 kg
>I'll look like a twig
You must be 6'5 then.

>> No.12531650

Every lb lost is 3500 calories, so 22 lbs is 77,000 calories. If you calculate your TDEE online and stick to a constant calorie deficit you can figure out how long it'll take. 500-1000 calories under your TDEE is pretty normal, which is 1-2 lbs a week.

>> No.12531662

I'm 6'4 but pretty much the same thing.

I'll check that out, thanks anon.

>> No.12531664

meant to reply to you too.

Just sticking to a diet is proving tricky

>> No.12531724

I'm at a point where my body isn't losing any more Ibs, even though I still keep at 1500 cal a day. What can I do now in order to lose some?

>> No.12531746

relateable just ate 1.3 kg of food (mostly veggies some beans) still hungry fml well this still will be my only meal so i guess i stay hungry the whole day

>> No.12531760
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this is me at 49kg/169 cm

i go through a weight gain-weight loss cycle each year that goes something like this: winter i gain between 5 to maximum 10 kg, springtime i start restricting and i get down to 49-50 again, staying like this for an year and then repeat

i'd prefer to stay the same kilos - the lowest, obviously

can someone advice me what's going on?

>> No.12531763

I'm always "hungry" because I'm the biggest fucking foodie in existence. I love the taste of food, and it's not even unhealthy food quite the opposite actually but I can easily overeat my calorie limit because my tongue is always craving delicious shit. I think cooking my own stuff has contributed to this, the process alone is just so fun for something that will only be on my lips for a few minutes.

>> No.12531764

remember to lift weights during those 5 months

>> No.12531765

were you recalculating your tdee as you lost weight?

>> No.12531770
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>> No.12531788

retoast from last thread

I hate to ask, but how can I go from skinny fat to just skinny? Im not AS skinny fat as I was say a year ago but now I just wanna be a cute thin boi. I already have a fairly thin physique there's just a bit of soft spots.
Could I achieve what I want from just cutting more cals? Usually hit around 1300/day and i've managed to maintain for the past year


>> No.12531790

Once you've made dieting part of your routine i've found it becomes so easy to the point if I eat what i'd class as too much but is actually an average food consumption I feel like shit.

>> No.12531824

>taking half a year off school to work and focus on losing weight
I find that the busier I am, the easier it is to lose weight. Don't take a half a year off school.

>> No.12531825

I've had a bad week with eating, but the scale just hasn't reflected that. Maybe I just feel like I'm eating too much when I'm actually not.

I count calories on MFP, but, maybe I'm just over estimating. I also eat pretty good food, not sweets and junk, which helps.

>> No.12531862

Yeah, I started at 2000, after some time I dropped to 1700 and then to 1500. I just can't go any less since I work manual labour.>>12531764

>> No.12531885

did anyone turn from fatso to thinspo?

bit gutted about the scars and skin, but there's not much I can do

>> No.12531890

That's why people eat a lot. Because of the taste. You aren't special.

>> No.12531892

Hey guys have you ever seen a before-after pic here in thinspo??
Please /fa/m show your transformations, coz ive noticed that usually before and after pics dont have effay body on the after part

>> No.12531895

Yeah but after a while fatties become numb to the taste and just eat out of habit to their bad lifestyle + addiction.

>> No.12531896

that's what turned me
a cake can be really nice, but not if you eat them every day

>> No.12531899
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>> No.12531902
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>> No.12531905
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>> No.12531907
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>> No.12531911
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I did. I have some lose skin, but I went pretty slow and got lucky I guess. I only really notice it if I get on all fours and look at my tummy.

What scars do you have? I have a big one on my stomach from surgery but, nothing from weight loss. Do you mean stretch marks?

>> No.12531912

Should have done that a long time ago mate. But you probably just got off puberty

>> No.12531916

>bmi 12.5
holy shit. I remember bonganon had a bmi of like 14 and that was extreme to me. She eventually went into recovery.

>> No.12531973

So should I lose weight if I'm 5'11 160 lbs?

>> No.12531975

gender? age? body-type?

>> No.12531977

we need to see pics first but i'd usually tell you to lose like 30 lbs or so

>> No.12531986

Yeah pics probably help the most, but also depends on gender, build, and age. We probably should have a FAQ about this.

For example a young women should just be rail thin, but an old guy looks awful when too thin - only young guys look great ultra-thin.

>> No.12531994

Male/20/Probably skinnyfat, not sure if I'm skinnyfat where weight loss would be worth it

>> No.12532007

Go to 140 and see how you feel. Get some exercise for general health, it won't help much with the weight loss though as you probably know.

>> No.12532027
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>feel happy since I've lost a few pounds (mostly water weight probably but still)
>but then feel sad because I remember that no matter how much weight I lose it wont fix my wide ass shoulders and fucked up lopsided jaw

>> No.12532029
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Sounds good. I'll post a photo anyways if that helps things.

>> No.12532031

yeah, definitely go to 130-140 and exercise for some muscle definition. you would look really good.

>> No.12532034

You look thinner than 160 5'11" which means 140 or so will look stellar. Do some bodyweight exercises and you'll be in ottermode in addition to the health benefits.

>> No.12532042
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Friendly reminder that as thin as you girls get, you'll still be ugly.

>> No.12532066
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is my body /fa/ yet

>> No.12532077


>> No.12532114

> currently 170cm, 59kg

is it possible to get to 50kg by the end of july eating something like 600~1000kcal(OMAD)? In the last 4 days I have lost 2kg, drinking 3l water/day, but it's just the beginning..

Also interested in >>12531760

>> No.12532123

Feel like dying right now, why is that happening? I ate a lot yesterday and about 600cals at least today. Why do I feel like passing out and my whole body hurts?

>> No.12532130

same here. i just ride it out. make sure you drink plenty of water.

>> No.12532137

I had about two litres of water so far and another litre of coffee. Might drink a beer later cause I hope it's just withdrawal, but the shakes in the morning haven't been as intense as they used to be so these symptoms are lacking.

>> No.12532205

>another litre of coffee.

>> No.12532212
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>> No.12532224

pls fuck me

>> No.12532234

How can you drink so much coffee? I get so loose stomach after drinking more than 3-4 cups

>> No.12532244

I miss stay hidrated froggo :(

>> No.12532252

me too :o(

are you an oldfag? I was wondering how bonganon, easter, and germanon were doing.

>> No.12532283

Rather easy when you get used to it

What ma g

>> No.12532388
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>tfw can't drink coffee on empty stomach or I get a tummy ache.

>> No.12532448

nice pic mate, where did u get it from?

>> No.12532466

So is hydration particularly important if you have an eating disorder or is this more like an inside joke, like mom telling you to eat enough?

My ex insisted that I don't drink enough. Stupid girl.

>> No.12532529

It's important for all kinds of reasons, but the main two applicable to /thinspo/ is thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger, and when eating less you get less water through food so need to compensate.

>> No.12532547

>tfw u can see he's poor by his bathroom kek

>> No.12532570

also great for the skin

>> No.12532573

I wish I had a gf that wanted me to cum on her so I could make her skin better.

>> No.12532637

it became a meme on /thinspo/ after people reminded each other daily thats essential to drink water.
Staying hydrated while eating little helps to keep you body "safe" and healthy,its also essential for nice skin.
Also this >>12532529
If you drink enough water you won't mistake your thirst for hunger and eat less
also drinking a glass of water before a meal helps with the illusion that your stomach is full so you will eat less.

>> No.12532652
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fucking retards

>> No.12532658
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>when the camera focuses on her face

>> No.12532742

I see. Still you should lift, it's good for you.

>> No.12532816


>> No.12532825

is it bad that i drink apple vinegar?

>> No.12532831

>comfortably 110lbs
>never have to worry about what I eat
>never hungry

good genes provide good feels

>> No.12533014

Congratz anon <3
What's your calorie intake like?

>> No.12533023
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Is this ok?

>> No.12533025
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Do you just take like hour long works or are those steps accumulated throughtout the day? I'm jealous, I'm NEET and can never find an excuse to leave the house.

>> No.12533030
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Oh shit, is this a skeleton general?

>> No.12533033
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>> No.12533146

You need to make sure you're getting high intensity exercise and/or doing resistance training, to make sure your metabolism isnt dropping like a rock. Look into HIIT (high intensity interval training).

>> No.12533326

but would that make my legs fat?

>> No.12533337

all the cum you keep guzzling is what is going to make your legs fat.

>> No.12533399


>> No.12533407

Who is this model?

>> No.12533450

cry more into your waifu pillow, you bitter robot fuck

>> No.12533466

>ass hurts whenever i sit because there's no cushioning left
i never asked for this feel

>> No.12533500

>get real thin
>start having heart problems
>doc makes me gain weight
>still having heart problems
>they just worsen if I try to restrict
i really want this heart thing to kill me in my sleep. tho they insist it's not fatal, just uncomfortable
anyone else get pvc's and know how to manage them while being thinspo?

>> No.12533555

It's stretched out a bit. Aleksei Suhanov isn't that tall lol.

>> No.12533567

You're literally as bad as those morbidly obese fuckers who use that excuse for why they're heavier than an elephant

>$2 carton of eggs
>2 eggs for breakfast
>breakfast for 6 days

>$10 kg of chicken
>$2 for a whole cauliflower
>dinner for a week

>> No.12533594

yes well done. i gotta get my shit together.

>> No.12533668
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I love you guys. I know some days can be really tough but I'm right here with you.
If you need to talk about anything I'll be keeping this tab open for a while and I usually check back in the thinspo thread a couple times a day.


>> No.12533771

I was referring more-so to the extra advice, not the basics.

The three first recommended sources of protein are kangaroo, tuna and chicken lol

For fats, they recommend salmon and avocados... The salmon was on sale this week but it was still 10$/lb.
Avocados are at least 1$/Avocado right now.

Then they recommend to avoid fruit and only eat non-starchy vegetables, which are incredibly low in calories.

If I roughly your meal plan (but I double the amounts & spend 28$)
Two cartons of eggs: 1990
2 kg chicken: 4462
2 heads cauliflower: 420
That's only 982 calories per day (Enough for some short people but not for most).

Also personally prefer starches & fruits in my diet. I hate ketogenic diets. The keto flu I get is so bad that I'm bedridden (no exaggerations...) and I want to be able to go to work obviously.

>> No.12533772

Sorry, canned tuna is very affordable, for some reason I thought they were referring exclusively to fresh tuna.

>> No.12533785

if you get chicken thighs, pork chops, or 8:2 beef you don't have to worry about eating fatty foods

i literally spent less than 20 bucks on food for the last week. $4 for a box of pasta, $10 bucks on chicken breast, $4 bucks on broccoli.

and i eat a decent amount too since I go to the gym.

>> No.12533788

Can anyone post some progression photos?
I'm having trouble finding anything on google.

>> No.12533799

You had pasta though. I eat really cheaply too because I also have grains.

>> No.12533816 [DELETED] 

Assuming you bought 4kg pasta, 1kg chicken and four bunches of broccoli that's still only ~8915 calories for the entire grocery order.

>> No.12533820

Assuming you bought 4kg pasta, 1kg chicken and four bunches of broccoli that's still only ~8915 calories for the entire grocery order.

That's a perfect amount of food for me but I feel like it's a bit low for a grown man, and especially low for an active one.

>> No.12533829

box of pasta 450g
chicken breast 2 lbs (3 breasts halved and quartered)
3-4 bunches of broccoli

i still buy eggs and eat maybe 2-3 post workout when im in the mood with broccoli and some chicken. also can make protein shakes if I feel extra hungry.

>> No.12533838

what the fuck omg

>> No.12533841

What's ideal for a 5'9" - 5'10" male who wants to be thin (not slim). Muscles don't really matter to me, would rather be skinny than broad/large.

>> No.12533883

it's just different for everyone man
figure out what works for you
don't like wait for "the right" mode just keep improving every day

>> No.12533896

How do you deal with fatties hitting on you? Do you call them disgusting or do you stay polite?

>> No.12533898

looks disgustingly unsanitary

I wouldn't eat that ever.

>> No.12533933
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>> No.12534071

uh ok

>> No.12534076

something wrong with nico?

>> No.12534078

well she's dead and she was kind of homely. just kind of a random post.

>> No.12534080

have something else in mind you'd like to post?

>> No.12534096

Whats your thinspo plan for today, /fa/?
>wake up
>drink 2 cups of water
>45 mins cardio
>maybe lift a little if im not too tired
>go home
>banana strawberry peanutbutter smoothie

>> No.12534101

I really want to lose a ton of weight over the summer but I'm afraid of loose skin.
Wat do?

>> No.12534104


>> No.12534135

Damn that's an expensive box of pasta!

>> No.12534193

anyone have experience doing intermittent fasting? I'm going to try it, also going to go running everyday

>> No.12534196
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seems a nice plan, do you already know what to eat for dinner?

as for me,
> wake up, 59kg
> badly dehydrated even if I drunk 4l water yesterday :o|
> 244kcal peanut, 166kcal snack(but why), 2l water
> 300g fish in bag w 1 potato, tomato, lemon, coffee
> multivit, pot/mag, calcium
> 60.1 kg
> "studying"
> will do some cardio evening
> hopefully will do better tomorrow :o)

>> No.12534201

I think it's great.
Black coffee and lots of water are big helps with that.
I recommend doing paleo on top of that but do that works for you.

>> No.12534218

Doesn't really help or work. I've looked into it and a lot of the buzz is based on poorly made studies stating the actual opposite.

>> No.12534227

>go on date
>cute girl makes you finish their food because they think you're too skinny
kill me pls

>> No.12534230

boo hoo
just do some cardio/pushups and drink some water
enjoy the extra calories and make the most out of them
personally i dance!

>> No.12534239

why is drinking so much water important? doesnt water make you look bloated/soft?

>> No.12534242

the bloating is temporarywater helps fill your stomach and curb appetite and aids in digestion
make your skin look good too!

>> No.12534245


decent explanation earlier in the thread >>12532637

>> No.12534257

also, it is essential for the body, especially during summer

>> No.12534263

fair enough. good advice anon, thanks.

>> No.12534363

after my draw it was 82/60.

it depends. i'm doing some summer classes and i make myself walk the half hour to and from campus at least once a day (~7000 steps round) but sometimes twice. if i do it once i'll pace during my lunch break or go out on walks. i don't have a car and uber is expensive so if i want to go anywhere i just walk unless it is awful.

>> No.12534371

Flirt back. I love flirting. Doesn't hurt anyone and at the end of the day I don't have to date them

>> No.12534603
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Will taking sudaphed curb my appetite? Not planning on taking it all the time, but I have a bit of a cold and was wondering if this is going to help or not. I think I was maybe a bit less hungry at lunch..maybe..

>> No.12534605

I know. My car has bucket seats and they used to never bother me, now if I drive for a long time my ass feels like it is on a bench.

>> No.12534635

This. Its fun to do, I can't help it.

>> No.12534640

can you anonkin flirt with me pls? I think you both are really cute. :o)

>> No.12534712
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>tfw skinnyfat
>losing weight will make me look like shit because I don't have any muscle
>bulking up will make me fatter

>> No.12534831

You should start losing weight anyway. Do bodyweight exercises while you are eating at a calorie deficit. Just do something.

Besides, I'm not sure what your goals are but plenty of people look cute being thin with low muscle and even better in clothes. Whenever you have doubts, just think of how great your face would look with a lower bf% and how people would see you 95% of the time.

>> No.12534897
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Pic related is me

I don't know. I started going to the gym, that would be pointless if I eat at a deficit.
I would like to look something like >>12533023 , but to achieve that I need to build muscle first. At the same time I don't want my belly to grow even more. My plan is to eat at maintenance right now. As a noob hopefully I'll gain some muscle but not gain much fat.
My face is fine, a much bigger problem are my massive thighs.

>> No.12534911

how to force myself to eat 600 calories instead of 1000?

>> No.12534915

tfw 6'3 176 pounds with a goal weight of 146 pounds

>> No.12534919

>chicken and brown rice

>> No.12535060

You probably almost have enough muscle already, I'm guy from pic you mentioned (thanks btw) and my only strength exercise is 200 pushups every two days, pullups every day and abs once a week, though I have been doing that for a couple years I don't think it's difficult since I started from utter skelly and found it ok. Main thing is to lose the fat and since I'm a lucky bastard who's always been skinny I can't really help with that. Best of luck though

>> No.12535127
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When should I stop?

>> No.12535129

Same height as you. 122 was pretty good for me, but I went as low as 118. If you're not satisfied where you're at, maybe try closer to 125.

>> No.12535131

Gin and soda in a pint glass

>> No.12535151

>tfw fucked up my calorie count for the day because my dumb alcoholic ass picked up alcohol

hopefully gonna hover around 2500 still because i havent ate much but v disappointed in myself

>> No.12535153

I take aspirin fairly regularly since I've started dieting which I try not to take with an empty stomach. Dunno about sudafed.

>> No.12535177
File: 354 KB, 1061x919, 317bn7n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad of an idea is this?

>> No.12535184

good if you want constipation and deficiencies

>> No.12535186

What if I take supplements?

>> No.12535190

you will die, mate. please don't

>> No.12535193

still not a good idea, just stick to eating like 800-1200 calories in a day

>> No.12535200

Depends. It might be doable if you're overweight or obese but otherwise the fatigue will render you useless at your job & you also risk passing out.

>> No.12535204

>be me
>natural sportlich build
>5'4" and 120 lbs naturally
>shorter means i should be thinner
>try to lose weight through exercise
>just lose curves or get bulkier
>try to lose weight by not eating
>just lose a couple lbs and get skinnyfat
dear god help me

>> No.12535232
File: 229 KB, 627x720, 1480493740068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally ingesting nothing but high-fructose sugar while fasting

Yeah enjoy literally dying

>> No.12535318

Or you know use a weight loss calculator.

>> No.12535324

Stick to a deficit that works and get exercise.
Don't think about things in the short term and always keep improving.

>> No.12535325

which will tell you to eat less calories

>> No.12535327

I exercise and I have a toned body type but it's just not t h i n

>> No.12535367

stick to the deficit
or go whine to someone in real life that probably burns more calories than typing

>> No.12535373

ew lol

>> No.12535378

wow I can't believe you just owned me on the internet

>> No.12535383

i'm just saying
these things take time
getting discouraged doesn't do much to help
I bewiebe in you!

>> No.12535387

thanks anon uwuwuwu

>> No.12535506

Careful. My sister took too much on an empty stomach and ended up in the hospital. Not sure if one daily will do it, but I think it was more she was doing it on an empty stomach over time. Just be aware of that. I love you and don't want you to get hurt. :o)

>> No.12535510


>> No.12535549

Has anyone dealt with family concern? With some convinced that I'm anorexic and driving me up a wall making sure I eat more large meals constantly. How do I convince them that everything is all right.

>> No.12535556

i wouldn't worry mine is usually 85/30

>> No.12535566

Do intermittent fasting and just eat dinner with them. So your one meal of the day can be fairly sizable.

Another thing is just not losing weight too quickly. That's where people get concerned. The other thing that can raise concern isn't your family, but rather when they see other peoples reactions to you that haven't seen you for a long time. When you lose pretty slow, your family doesn't notice. But when Aunt Vagina comes to visit after not seeing you for 6 months and makes a big deal out of your weight loss, that can be an issue.

I mostly just denied losing much weight combined with eating when people are around, and not eating when they aren't.

>> No.12535889

Fatshit here, does fruit only diet works?

>> No.12535898

gonna meet LDR gf soon, anyway to lose 10kg in 1 month?

>> No.12535917

No, scroll up in the thread. You'll crash. Just maintain a low calorie deficit without loading up on sugar or too many carbs/sat fats

>> No.12535962

can you get used to being empty? ive been following the same diet but i stopped feeling starved and im worried its not enough.

>> No.12536099

how is this an english word?

>> No.12536257

Fasting and cardio . Don't fuck up fatass

>> No.12536314

No shit. You can lose weight without risking passing out, don't be a retard anon.

>> No.12536410
File: 16 KB, 237x300, 1490744990503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no thinspo gf

>> No.12536417

holy fuck
from a fat whale to a 10/10 body

>> No.12536428
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>> No.12536429
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>> No.12536433
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>> No.12536439

Is la croix gonna make me fat?
It has 0 calories but I still don't know much about this

>> No.12536479

La croix is the best for cutting, makes you feel full and essentially just water

>> No.12536532

How do i get my thighs to go down?

>> No.12536554

How to effectively cut? I have such little self-control and I'm sick so my body being rundown makes me hungry cause I'm still working 40 a week.

>> No.12536559

eat at a calorie deficit

that is it

>> No.12536566
File: 419 KB, 719x1011, IMG_5279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no thinspo bf

>> No.12536574

>tfw only fat girls dig my skinny body

>> No.12536575

I am not a fat girl, and I like skinny guys tho

>> No.12536576

It depends on the person. I start to get low blood pressure symptoms as high as 95/70, and once I'm at 85/60 they're pretty bad.

Do you work?? How do you stand? Or do you just not feel it?

>> No.12536601
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please be in _______

>> No.12536620
File: 41 KB, 612x612, animoeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls b gf

>> No.12536624

hmm, where do you live?

>> No.12536628

uuuhhh Midwest usa

>> No.12536630

:((( I am from the uk

>> No.12536635
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>> No.12536637



>> No.12536641

Male but doing that involuntary, at 300cal a day and unemployed it's not only possible but necessary

>> No.12536644

oi luv lemme av a go at that gash

>> No.12536649

aha, I may be english- but I am the posh kind

>> No.12536676

What's your day gonna look like, /fa/?
Heres mine

>wake up
>2 cups of water
>wait for gym partners
>go to gym/track (maybe even blacksket ball if my partners want to and im in the mood) and do cardio
>premiere protein shake (140 calories)
>go home
>2 cups of water
>banana and peanut butter smoothie (~300-350 calories)
>whatever I eat for dinner
Normally turns out to be around 1000 calories to 1300 calories at most at the end of the day

>> No.12536718

> try and not listen to the same handful of albums today
>eat nothing
>drink lots of water
>maybe a cup of black coffee

>> No.12536723

my bf is 6'3 at 130lbs he's skinny fat and has zero ass and child bearing hips

looks kinda odd naked. he would benefit from lifting a bit

i thought having a thinspo bf would be nice but ehhh i miss my ex's swimmers otter mode body a lot

>> No.12536760

On my second day of a water fast. Trying to go until Saturday afternoon when my family is having a cookout for fathers day and posting here to give myself a sense of accountability to internet strangers. Any tips?

>> No.12536794
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>> No.12536921

come to me bby

>> No.12537068
File: 349 KB, 1280x960, 354302592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate my fat thighs :/

i feel like they will never be thin

>> No.12537069
File: 736 KB, 756x960, IMG_2206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you're a gook its either

1. thin

2. faat whale

>> No.12537073

Both muscles and fat only accumulate if you provide excess nutrients for them. So if you're still achieving a caloric deficit then you shouldn't see any gains of any kind.

>> No.12537080

fat, or thicc?

>> No.12537100
File: 1016 KB, 1800x2500, 1472125982623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting cramps around my period schedule, but my period is late. Is this normal when you're restricting?

>> No.12537148
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>> No.12537163

what app is that? It looks way better than MFP and it's on the google play store so win win.

>> No.12537176
File: 50 KB, 159x383, Screenshot_2017-06-15-14-48-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lifesum. I find it better than MFP personally, has less useless shit thrown in too.

>> No.12537205

Mine look pretty thin at a BMI of 15.5 because I have wide hips so the thigh gap makes them look smaller, but at that weight the health problems start to get overwhelming and I have zero tits.

>> No.12537217

>zero tits
muh dick ~nnn

>> No.12537221

sorry for being so thirsty lel

>> No.12537265
File: 523 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what to do, been working out for months and eating well

>> No.12537290

I'm 5'7" and used to be a bit overweight (heaviest ~160, maybe pound or 2 under). I got down to like 130 but still had man noticeable man-boobs and stomach fat. And my thighs have always been fairly sizeable but I think thats just my build and it doesn't look too bad--not all fat, some muscle. Not sure what I am now, but probably around 135. My therapist thinks I have a bit of dysmorphia but idk I don't think so. Ik I look fine with a shirt on, just not shirt off. I feel like I wasnt overweight enough to get much loose skin and it doesn't really look like that. Thoughts?

>> No.12537297

post a photo my dude

>> No.12537317

>be 1.70cm (5'7),70kg (154lbs)
>decide to lose some weight
>go down to 67kg (147lbs) in 2 days
>stuck at this weight for 3 days

I mostly eat an apple/banana both for lunch and dinner, what am I missing?

>> No.12537319 [DELETED] 

These threads aren't related to fashion at all.

Remember to sage

>> No.12537359

>go down to 67kg (147lbs) in 2 days

water weight

>> No.12537362

silhouette is related to fashion. and /fit/ doesnt like these threads

>> No.12537363

that's unfortunate

i really want to get back to a size 26

right now i am a 28 @ 125lbs 5'6"

i weighed 114 about 3 years ago and have been increasing in weight ever since

>> No.12537420

you're lucky, 10lbs is nothing

>> No.12537458
File: 1.06 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i able to get to this or did the gens fuck me?

>> No.12537569
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>ITT: retards who think eating 500 a calories a day to actually lose weight is a good idea


>> No.12537570

>drink a shit load of alcohol
>ate only like 500 calories of actual food as a result
i don't like this feel

>> No.12537576
File: 59 KB, 750x810, f2ad5b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking jokes on you my sub-1000 kcal diet is working wonders.

>> No.12537578

>does fruit only diet works?

Absolutely not, you're ingesting nothing but fucking sugar, read the recommended food pastebin

>> No.12537583

you need to start lifting

especially shoulders/traps

>> No.12537584

Enjoy bottoming out your metabolism, losing all LMM and turning skinnyfat before your body kicks into binge-mode and you gain all your weight back and then sum

>> No.12537612

I only have 7 lbs to go till my goal weight, but for some reason I can't stop thinking about food all of the sudden and I've binged/purged every day so far this week... how fucked am I

>> No.12537635
File: 422 KB, 1440x2560, orca-image-1497566104720.jpg_1497566105038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>132 5'8"
How much further should I go? Also what would you estimate my BF% to be?

>> No.12537636

You anons have to go for the superior 1300 kcal diet and just burn off 500 kcal with cardio.

>> No.12537646

do you have any links to articles that say why eating at -750 defecit is better than -1500?

genuinely interested

>> No.12537658

Is this a male or female?

>> No.12537667

Depends what look you're going for. For 5'8 I personally think 115 is usually good, but if you just want normie thin work out a bit and maybe 5 lbs more. BF% 20? You should actually test it though.

>> No.12537673

wait what? seriously?

what about fasting?

>Enjoy bottoming out your metabolism


>> No.12537674

Ty. How do I reliably test it?

>> No.12537709

That's the shitty fast test I use, but I don't know that it's super accurate. There's a more reliable way to do it that involves using calipers and your waist measurement, but I'm not sure of the details. I'm sure it's online somewhere though.

>> No.12537717

>falling for the metabolism meme

>> No.12537740

I wish i weighed that much. I'm male, 6'0", 125lbs. Cant gain wait for the life of me but eat anything and everything.

>> No.12537747

Sounds like love to me.

>> No.12537795

Binging only happens when you're a pussy with no self control. I've already lost 10 pounds on 300 calories a day and I don't even crave food anymore. Keep telling people their methods ~will never work~ though

>> No.12537802

Going to London in a few weeks. Have a few days off from the work, any recommendations of things to do?

>> No.12537814

how can your bmi 20 while still looking pretty fat

>> No.12537819

Bmi 20 with no muscle is fat

>> No.12537883
File: 188 KB, 1002x1449, tumblr_orhm45pFum1qcvru5o1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going for this body. should i work out or just deficit?

>> No.12537887

That's the body I have now. My advice is to see a therapist.

>> No.12537899

kek'd good one bruv did you workout or just didnt eat?

>> No.12537948

i'm lazy as fuck. are sit-ups enough to get rid of the fat on my belly?

>> No.12537951


>> No.12537958

that guy said eating at a calorie deficit is a meme

so should i break my water fast and eat some chips since fasting apparently will fuck up my metabolism

>> No.12537962

fat can't be spot-treated bro

>> No.12537971

just in case you're serious, that guy was wrong

>> No.12537980

Until what BMI should you be able to fit into jeans size 32?

I am trying to stop looking skinnyfat, so am bulkin and am already BMI 24 and developed bitch tits and huge ass and gut overhang. Of course, all this only matters shirtless. In clothes i still look puny, just less than before.

But i can barely fit into size 32 pants and also showing little second chin.

tldr; my genetics are shit as fuck. I hate my parents.

>> No.12537983

The opposite is true. Metabolism doesn't have nearly as much of an effect as people make it out to be, if starving caused you to gain weight it would break the laws of thermodynamics and anorexics would all be fat. Lowering calories too much might stimulate appetite and make it harder mentally to diet, but it won't cause some magical function to make you produce fat out of nothing.

>> No.12537993

Go to /fit/ dude. Also this question is worthless without providing height/measurements.

>> No.12537994

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.12538001
File: 335 KB, 1600x1066, tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

177cm barefoot, 70 kg normally, now 72 kg.

>> No.12538002

can whoever runs the thinspo tumblr make the theme so it allows an archive :) pls

>> No.12538006

did you workout or did you just not eat

>> No.12538009

nvm found it on the side

>> No.12538013
File: 58 KB, 1120x625, 69 kg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*am now 73.5 kg

usually am just under 70 kg

>> No.12538017

I eat 1200-1600 calories when I'm not working and 1900-2300 on work days. That's me trying to eat as much as I possibly can. I work hard and expend a lot of energy 4 days a week.

5'8" 117 lbs.

>> No.12538030

Idk if this is just a problem only seem to run into, but all my jeans I own have different sizes. At a BMI of 18.7, most jeans I own are size 32. Some are even 34. Could be because the clothing I wear is just cheap, or it might be the fit or because I am female.

>> No.12538033

McGregor seriously doesn't look 5'9. Looks barely 5'8

In shoes I am 1m80 and I don't look like a midget.

>> No.12538142

How do i become anorexic?

>> No.12538149

I'm 135 at 5'5 and trying to drop down. I'm fine eating around 600 calories a day but my problem is smoking weed. Do I really have to give it up to lose more weight and stop being hungry? When I don't smoke I don't eat untill like 4:30pm but my back hurts and I get massive migraines. Help me /fa/

>> No.12538154
File: 150 KB, 591x1182, jason-statham-out-la-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should BMI be discarded as trash by people who are working out?

Here's casual in clothes Jason Statham at 5'9 (some say 5'10 but i doubt it. Maybe in shoes, sure). So anyhow, why does this look so much healthier that Conor McGregor who is also 5'9 but looks waay too sinewy and almost unhealthy fit.

But! McGregor's BMI is perfect, where as Statham would be normal but closer to 25.

>> No.12538161
File: 72 KB, 543x848, 616bd864416d35f79fa1c77bcf48fb16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you start hating yourself enough

>> No.12538166

Drink lots of water, exercise, and spend the day doing something that heavily distracts you. For me, it's painting. I forget to eat until dinner sometimes

>> No.12538210
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McNigger please

>> No.12538217
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> been eating 600/1000kcal for a week
shouldn't I be sleepy? yesterday i slept for 4h, today 0

>> No.12538232


>> No.12538279

Idk man looking pretty good honestly

>> No.12538302

keep it up! looking good
very if you continue to binge

>> No.12538304

That person is an idiot.

>> No.12538306
File: 370 KB, 1470x2242, 1497134894602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gone through two huge periods of weight loss, and the first one I was getting high every day. What helped was just drinking a shitload of water, preferably with ice cubes to suck and chew on, and repeatedly telling myself "Food and weed both deliver highs. I don't need both. I'll just enjoy the high from the weed, and eat when I'm legitimately hungry". I was doing IF and it worked pretty well.

I've since become str8edge and found God, and losing weight has been much easier this time around. You could try that, too! Good luck either way

>> No.12538307
File: 9 KB, 581x83, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post those calorie counters bros

>the red cells are rough estimates from when I'm drunk and start binge eating

>> No.12538310
File: 108 KB, 1080x1628, Screenshot_20170615-214831~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cheated a little too hard earlier in the week

>> No.12538319
File: 49 KB, 775x837, 1478223023100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those carb levels
>those protein levels

Jesus christ anon sort your fucking shit out holy fuck

>> No.12538348
File: 511 KB, 1473x2031, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i /thinspo/ or am i genetically fucked..? eating 800 calories most days with cardio.

>> No.12538356

dude eat something, anything

>> No.12538412

Jesus dude, that's not nearly enough food. You're going to fucking die if you keep that up.

>> No.12538420

new thread: >>12538418

>> No.12538428

you're retarded lol

>> No.12538482


>> No.12538680

How do you still have hair

>> No.12538724

Just tell her your not hungry

>> No.12539681

hell yeah anon looks sick as fuck go get laid

>> No.12539723

please seek help you're too thin