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12500502 No.12500502 [Reply] [Original]

Do unattractive people who date other unattractive people actually find each other attractive or are they just settling?

>> No.12500506
File: 1.74 MB, 256x192, bill gates being pied.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump because i'd also like to know

>> No.12500542

good question

>> No.12500544

i was literally just watching this
pretty much yes

>> No.12500550

i meant yes they are settling

>> No.12500573

Awesome video anon

>> No.12500578

Holy shit I didn't know other pictures of this girl existed. The dating profile screencap always ruined my day

>> No.12500704

Settling. Attractiveness indicates good fitness. The more attractive, the better fitness. Organisms will always seek out mates with greatest possible fitness to ensure greatest health of offspring. Note that fitness in this case doesnt necessarily mean physical competence, but most "fit" to survive and reproduce. Of course, reproducing is the first and foremost priority, so its better to reproduce with an ugly, or unfit, person than to not reproduce at all. Hence settling

>> No.12500708

Attractiveness does not at all always mean better fitness anon. That's a pretty shallow understanding of sexual selection

>> No.12500740

Of course there are exceptions, and for humans it is certainly not the only factor for mate selection. But attractiveness is literally as close to a "mate indicator" as you can get, as well as fitness since ugliness or sickness are associated with disgust, the opposite of attraction. An attractive person is a person who is physically strong, free of any apparent skin or muscle afflictions, and good facial build/symmetry.

>that person is attractive
>I want to have sex with them
>I want to reproduce with them

>> No.12500752

>But attractiveness is literally as close to a "mate indicator" as you can get, as well as fitness since ugliness or sickness are associated with disgust, the opposite of attraction.
You're still wrong. Yes, attractiveness is a good indicator of mate selection, but no, attractiveness is not solely based on fitness. There are many factors that would make one assume that attractiveness is related to fitness, but that doesn't mean it is always the case. Since it is not always the case, your sweeping statement that it was is wrong. Also the most apparent indicator for attractiveness cross social barriers is facial symmetry (which is based on individual fitness in early development) but, again, that isn't the only factor.

>> No.12500761

Ugly virgin, here. I have observed that I have much lower standards than some friends of mine. I find women attractive that they do not find attractive.
Paradoxically some beautiful women seem kind of non-sexual to me. They're so far out of my range that I wouldn't even beat off to them.
I think I could lose my virginity at this point but the women available to me are not worth the effort.
I wish I had been less of a nut in high school, it would have been easier then. I got approached by a couple of 4s, a 5-6 and I think I may have been able to get a 7 at one point.

>> No.12501079

yes it is numbnut. people like looking at attractive people. fuck even it the name implies already what happens. people get attracted to attractive people.

>> No.12501094

you can clearly see that this girls suffers from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. my cousin has the same disorder and she has the similar facial features, even though she is not THAT ugly.

by the background on the picture you can even see that this girl is from eastern europe (where it's rough alcohol culture)

her mother probably drank during pregnancy and she looks also like a fucking child of incest

so this girl is probably not only really fucking ugly, but also really stupid, her parents are fucked up and she 100% got bullied

i feel bad for her

>> No.12501108

relationships come in all types
but generally, most average people are dating people that look similar to them. on the basis of psychology, when you look in the mirror, you either like the way you look or you don't. if you don't hate yourself, your attractions will be based on someone that either looks similar to you are shares some similar facial qualities that you have.

in any case, being attracted to similar, different, or better is the key point.

>> No.12501110

>most average people are dating people that look similar to them
That's just because most people fall within a standard deviation of attractiveness. However, if you observe couples somewhere for even an hour, you'll notice plenty of disparities in physical attractiveness. The reason for this is, obviously, that more than physical attractiveness goes into choosing a partner.

>> No.12501122

Do mid-tier people find mid-tier people attractive or are they just settling? Do high-tier people find high-tier people attractive or are they just settling when they can't find very-high-tier people?

Humans date within a hierarchy. Men date across and down, women across and up, consistently across every attractive facet. It stands to reason that ugly people are settling no more than mid-tier or high-tier are

>> No.12501127

No, attractiveness is a general indicator of good genes or good nourishment.

>> No.12501138

did this girl ever get a bf? she seemed nice ;__;

>> No.12501183

modern relationships are a spook. the modern woman is too aware of the dominance hierarchy on a global scale so they all just shoot for the highest value men in our society.

If you are a man in the top 20% then fuck as many women as you want, if not then go MGTOW. Hopefully after western society falls something better rises.

>> No.12501187

Don't tell me you actually believe in that kneejerk nu-MRA bullshit.

>> No.12501195


did your dad ever give you "the talk"? When you grow up, you will see these patterns in society betwen men and women. Try talking to women friends, if you even have any, abouth these things. They will spill red pills left and right because women are more acutely conscious of society. And I'm not saying it as in a rep pill kind of guy who hates women and thinks men are any better. But most adults have already figured out these things and are jaded to these things. The only problem is that modern technology has improved the status of women and made it so much harder for men that a lot of times it's not worth it.

>> No.12501197


There's an amusing/frightening anecdote about that in this article.
A woman tells how she has caught herself a Chad and she sees packs of 30-somethings coming to his lectures just to scope him out and try and get him.

>> No.12501198

The fact that well-adjusted men that are good with women don't cry and talk about MRA/MGTOW talking points does not make those talking points wrong.
Seems like you guys see a strong horse and a weak horse and assume they have different beliefs.

I think it's more that they have the same beliefs only the healthy, non-jaded man was taught them in a constructive way by his dad and his bros.
The MRA/MGTOW guy learned those lessons in a non-constructive way and he learned it late.

You can not follow the advice of women and the tenets of feminism and have a good time, as a man, unless you lucked out and you're 9/10.

>> No.12501256

u have to feel bad for so many people, anon. everyone of us got fucked by destiny, just in different degrees. feeling bad is just a waste of time, time which is better spent in anger

>> No.12501268

Poor girl, I imagine she's been constantly shat on her entire life and barely knows what love would feel like, honestly it might be better to be born handsome in an impoverished country than hideous in a relatively prosperous one.

>> No.12501296


yikes lmao when will you bitter virgins get some self awareness

>> No.12501325

We settle. We give up on finding someone physically attractive and just settle for the best personality we can get.

>> No.12501326

you ugly or something?

>> No.12501345 [DELETED] 

I admire how people are able to settle. I just have crazy specific requirements and can't feel any romantic attraction towards anyone who doesn't fulfill them. Even if the person is objectively beautiful. Maybe it's a defense mechanism.

>> No.12501367
File: 237 KB, 615x506, asdfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think when you're horny enough and lonely enough your brain is able to find fragments of beauty in unattractive people

when i used to be fat this was the case

>> No.12501442

lol you mgtow dorks are emotionally handicapped

>> No.12501508

It's a blissful feeling really. Just having someone that likes you past your ugly mug is just really blissful. It's a one in a million

>> No.12501573


Plenty of men date "up", too. If you're talking about 4channers perhaps not, but in the real world they do.

>> No.12501744

Shitty link.

Here's a ycombinator thread on the article:

These posters are pretty reasonable desu senpai

>> No.12501953

nice pseudo-science anon. how is high school biology class treating you?

>> No.12501988
File: 119 KB, 650x654, birkin-gainsbourg-couple-mythique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

escpecially if you are in someway interesting or talented, a quality 4channer generally lack

>> No.12502002

I'm pretty sure Gainsbourg wasn't human.

>> No.12502029

I think there was some study that showed that less attractive people generally have lower standards (wouldn't have guessed judging by what you see on 4chan).

>> No.12502092

ITT : Ugly and sad truths being posted.

>> No.12502335

There's always plastic surgery for you ugly folks out there.

>> No.12502605

Sorry I should've been more clear, the hierarchy is not just about looks, but education, power, wealth, intelligence etc. There's a lot of really interesting research out there if you're into the kind of thing

>> No.12502612

9.5/10 on today's quiz I see anon

Now do you agree that we should put ugly people to death?

>> No.12502652

Oh golly, another pseud shitting up the board

>> No.12503501
File: 319 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nj8096WyiT1siipgno1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man. I always thought I'm somehow broken for thinking the "traditionally beautiful" women all my friends chased after looked boring, and preferring slightly homely looking girls with interesting flaws or quirks.

Turns out I'm just ugly as fuck and my brain is compensating.

>> No.12503738

she actually killed herself, and she's russian

>> No.12503763

I feel sorry for her

>> No.12503766


>> No.12503781

Am I meant to believe this thing is actually a human female?

>> No.12503808
File: 18 KB, 320x510, jbll8KO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey come on man she's got it rough enough as it is

>> No.12503833

thats so sad

>> No.12503841

shit i feel terrible for laughing at first

>> No.12503845

fucking hell 25/10 would poke

>> No.12503866
File: 47 KB, 400x400, svroaugkx8r6i777lc5y_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the daughter of the Norwegian king of christmas soda?

>> No.12503891

God i hope thats fake. if not, first time ive ever felt empathy for a woman

>> No.12503896

>first time ive ever felt empathy for a woman
Well I guess that's a start

>> No.12504039

is she still alive?

>> No.12504102

Allegedly she killed herself, but 4chan rumors are not to be trusted.

>> No.12504106
File: 35 KB, 590x435, uglygirlrussian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translate pls

>> No.12504122

good body and hair she deserves at least nonbald skelly guy

>> No.12504127

You're literally me anon. I find homely and average girls really attractive.

>> No.12504158

something along the lines of leave her alone/ she was born that way/ don't mock her because of her looks, put yourselves in her position etc

>> No.12504182
