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File: 120 KB, 790x843, virginwalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12493166 No.12493166 [Reply] [Original]

I'm just curious.

>> No.12493207

They lack any insight into what women actually find attractive and they think it makes them look mature regardless of the fact it fails spectacularly

>> No.12493210
File: 137 KB, 900x614, IMG_3393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12493213

>hair seems to overreact to wind
HOW do you stop this?

>> No.12493221

Product, it's a must for most modern hairstyles. Even just a little will do

>> No.12493223

>dressing according to what women find attractive

>> No.12493227

Works out pretty well for chad doesn't it :^)

>> No.12493231
File: 58 KB, 604x453, hm..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there nerd losers who are fuckless virgins in their twenties in the age of the internets? Why don't you nerds just pay a whore? Performance anxiety? Buy a viagra ffs.

>> No.12493234

Because they're putting 100% into intellect and their studies and don't care about the mediocre meaningless social world, they're studying the absolute: the natural world. Clothing and how people perceive you are just a part of the non-absolute.

Either it's that fancy explanation or the more simple one: they're way over the autism point. They're extremely intellectual but socially inept.

>> No.12493236
File: 111 KB, 590x348, krautchan (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krautchan nazi cucks, I am talking to you.

>> No.12493263

I'm in STEM and I don't dress like an old man. How are you supposed to dress? like some hypebeast fag or menswear or what

>> No.12493264
File: 88 KB, 469x629, 1477831493870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad can wear whatever the fuck he wants. It's completely irrelevant what he wears because he has the face, body, and height.

>> No.12493267

Because that's what 4chan does to people. It makes them so undesirable to be around and makes them avoid people because they're pretentious and don't want to be a "normie". It's that pretentiousness that keeps them from fucking a whore so they won't be "degenerate"

>> No.12493283
File: 40 KB, 174x174, fedora hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe these gentlemen want their first time to be special.

>> No.12493286

If they're above 20 and still a virgin then it's too fucking late, they blew it

>> No.12493300

>implying I have here

>> No.12493317

damn the long strides hit me right in the feels. i dunno why but im always super awre of my feet and legs and cant work out what sort of shapes i should be making with them. then i have the problem of how to co-ordinate my torso and head with my overly long stride pattern. it usually results in excessive arm movement which i have to concentrate on regulating. Then of course I lose track of my feet and legs and my stride pattern becomes irregular and eccentric. This is before I've even started to worry about my head and neck and posture

>> No.12493366

this feels like it was made by someone who was personally offended by OPs picture

>> No.12493579

Don't mistake intelligence for being intellectual. Western Europe might have a lot of intelligent people with heavy degrees, but ask every other STEM student what their favourite film or book is and one of the two answers will be Harry Potter.

It's a pity, really. It's difficult to get into the kind of multi-interest mindset that's required to become a half-decent intellectual later in life; if your interests in your teens and 20s were singular, chances are you're stuck with that.

(I'm not an intellectual by any means since I spend half my days on this burmese scrapbooking forum, but atleast I make an effort of understanding different fields, and ultimately I think the will to learn is what matters most)

>> No.12493736

I love this picture.

kek. this is pretty good
>tiny beetle-like stride
can confirm. i am friends with some chads who walk like this but i never really noticed it until this pic. lmao. in all honesty dudes like this are usually really chill and not preoccupied with "asserting their dominance" or whatever. get out more (still a funny pic).

been on 4chan 10 years but well adjusted. not normie but people still like me for who i am because i don't autistically condescend to them and am laid back / funny. pretty simple, honestly.

most people in general (not just STEM) have an aversion to the arts & humanities bordering on contempt and have basic af taste. then, they call anyone who likes anything even remotely alternative or intellectual a "hipster" in order to call their authenticity into question (out of insecurity because they know they are basic). good post and i agree with you, just saying it is not exclusive to STEM.

>> No.12493823

How about I ask you what your favourite area of mathematics is?
>no answer
Then you're just as trite as the people you condemn. So self absorbed to think only your interests matter

>> No.12493828

I'm a STEM major and effay af, but yes it's an exception

>> No.12493849

Because when you have no social skills and your body language screams "I'm a fucking loser," what's the point in dressing well?

>> No.12494752

He didn't say he was an intellectual. Way to confirm that stem types get huffy when you call them out on their one track focus.

>> No.12494896

Math people are usually somewhat on the spectrum. Obviously not like...Liebnitz, but your average stem undergrad is like a more depressed, uglier Big Bang theory character

>> No.12494908

The Virgin Walk dude is how I picture most of Reddit and 4Chan to dress like.

>> No.12495584

I am in STEM and since highschool I've been trying to achieve a hobo/Oldman/child molester/unclecore kinda look.

>> No.12495628

>it is not exclusive to STEM
It's not, but I'd say a lot of STEM peeps don't have basic tastes as much as no such tastes. Ask someone in STEM what their favorite book is and they'll tell you they think it's more important to read literature in their field, but most don't even do that. This holds for all media. They don't read books or watch movies and television. Admittedly, they get outside, they drink craft beer and artisanal coffee, the nerdier ones go to the latest game bar to play Settlers of Catan, and they either dress like bros or get dressed by their girlfriends and wives.

>> No.12495634

This might be true for the S, T, and M set, but the engineers are all bros.

>> No.12495742


Can you give me tips? I've been thinking of rocking that look too. Specifically tops and jackets.

>> No.12495798

choose one

>> No.12495998

w2c viagra

>> No.12496002

They mean the same thing really

>> No.12496008
File: 46 KB, 548x618, 0ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chad can wear whatever the fuck he wants

*Chad rolls into the party in this*

>inb4 it wouldn't matter

Yes, yes it would.

>> No.12496032

No it wouldn't.

>> No.12496049

because they don't care

>> No.12496068

Hey i walk like this and I'm a finance/design major, not stem, not neet, and I'm volcel (although that may be a result of being incel for so long)

>> No.12496072


unironically kind of chad here, i used to wear some pretty cringey ~avant garde~ stuff at prep school. got roasted but still pulled artsy qts. a real chad could defo pull in that, but he'd have to downgrade from what he'd pull in normal clothes.

>> No.12496080

>be chad
>roll up in this fit
>get shitfaced and lose the fedora
>drown in pussy

>> No.12496856

I don't know about you, but although 4chan made me a lot more jaded and negative, it definitely didn't make me insecure, I speak my mind a lot more and care a lot less about what others think of me compared to how I used to be

>> No.12496941

>engineers are Bros
They're the sensors of STEM. Undoubtedly the most arrogant and undoubtedly the most unintelligent of them all.

>> No.12497604

Im not a virgin but I still walk like this. Thanks low self esteem!

>> No.12497710

This. I'm way more confident now too because i get to read about people way more autistic than i am