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File: 35 KB, 720x540, IMG_4321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12437528 No.12437528 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop being a chinlet? My front view is pretty good but my side view makes me looks like a sub human. My jaw isn't rven that bad, its just my chin fucking it up. How fix????????

>> No.12437541
File: 60 KB, 640x772, uhoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12437548

so fake beard can save him?

>> No.12437568
File: 313 KB, 512x382, 1491636494247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start mewing and save up for surgery

>> No.12437569

alright, that's surgery tier

>> No.12437590

Thats not me I just found a guy with similar facial structure. Im not at that tier yet. Still though its bad.

>> No.12437593

And mewing is?

>> No.12437600

I mean, I'm not a fan of plastic surgery, but what this guy has is serious disablity tier
you could try to grow a beard or maybe train correct oral posture, though that's unlikely to make a big difference in an adult

>> No.12437683


>> No.12437728
File: 26 KB, 361x330, tumblr_inline_n5jzjo6QMh1r2why6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy is fucked for life unless he gets surgery. Damn. Its a sad thing to be this fucked for your one and only life.

>> No.12437877
File: 810 KB, 2304x3072, You_Doodle_2017-05-01T23_15_37Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The front view. Not that bad.

>> No.12437879
File: 543 KB, 2304x3072, You_Doodle_2017-05-01T23_16_38Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angled view. Again not terrible

>> No.12437886
File: 393 KB, 2304x3072, You_Doodle_2017-05-01T23_19_09Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12437900

Lose weight?

>> No.12437912

wew, i think its a lost cause unless you find a chin fairy. dude

>> No.12437919

its your genetics. Nothing you can do to help it. Maybe try the beard suggestion, or surgery if it REALLY bothers you.

Everyone has something about themselves thats imperfect. Could be a crooked nose, or a wide mouth, or thin lips, or eyes that are too close. Its nbd if you just accept it.

>> No.12437945

Ok man you have two options
1. Grow a beard
2. Get surgery
Ok end of thread bye

>> No.12437985

Bruh it's a lost cause. Now you have to own it. Nobody is perfect.

>> No.12437997

is it caused by an overbite or just a weak chin?

if its overbite some dental stuff can fix it but if its just chin then you can try implants

>> No.12438120
File: 99 KB, 640x480, 20170502_093405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I still make it? I've been mewing for months and trying to lose weight. Help a fellow chinlet :(((

>> No.12438127


>> No.12438184

Typical mouthbreather face

It's over for you boyo

>> No.12438193

Yours isn't bad at all desu.

>> No.12438240
File: 1.49 MB, 4122x3092, DSCN12153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not that bad, dude. Is it a bit unfortunate? Sure. But it's purely superficial, and if you're a cool dude then people won't even notice, just don't act insecure about it, even if you secretly are.

Think of the people you encounter everyday, or your friends, or family. Tell me about each of their chins. You might be able to describe, with certainty, like 2, because your chin does not fucking matter bro.

One of my best homies has a chin like yours, and still gets tons of pussy. Does he get too aggressive at times to attain it? Yes. Do I judge him because of that? Absolutely. Is it because of his chin? Maybe. Lotta dudes with that chin get into trouble. Don't be a troublemaker, OP.

>> No.12438518

holy shit looks like you have pudge making a second fake chin under your sloped one are you a bigben?

>> No.12438561

It is really bad so jaw surgery should be covered by insurance

>> No.12438569

Only if medically necessary
Being ugly af isn't a medical condition

>> No.12438576

Your only hope is jaw surgery.

>> No.12438580

He doesn't have an imperfection. He has a dentofacial deformity that can cause serious issues like sleep apnea.

>> No.12439167

start mewing
might help

>> No.12439196

you are the only one noticing it

>> No.12439355

Your chin is totally fine, your almost chad mode nigger

>> No.12439377

Even worse than me, and that's saying something. Don't let it get to you anon. No one actually cares that much.

>> No.12439383

Gavin Mcinnes

>> No.12439387


If you need any orthodontic work at all go fucking do it.
If your teeth are as good as they can be and you're still a chinlet: start mewing and pray it works.
Grow a beard. Chinlets with beards is a meme but you have to just fucking do it. I don't think it's an accident that they came back into fashion at this point in history.

>> No.12439439

It's receded a bit but it looks fine

Just a little weak

>> No.12439494


first step is to learn how to crop a photo

congrats on your first computer

>> No.12439586

Ortho work won't improve your jaw, and mewing is stupid meme. Chinlets needs save up for jaw surgery instead of praying for a miracle.

>> No.12440390

Keep working on, anon, I believe in you!

>> No.12440554
File: 39 KB, 640x391, 4642498350_d8d2f869ed_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12440592

Mine was worse than yours. I started Mewing at 18, and now I'm almost 21 and have a decent chin. It takes time, boyo.

>> No.12440630
File: 39 KB, 383x428, 438483768946784659872346572348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it to me straight, how fucked is my chin?

i know i have a weak fat jawline, loosing weight to fix that

>> No.12440773

Thanks, Anon-kun. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.12440796

That surgery was part of what I meant by Ortho.

>> No.12440811

Its fine. You have no problem

>> No.12440827

This kid is still very recessed and needs jaw surgery with counterclockeise rotation. Obviously an improvement tho since he had no jaw.

>> No.12440905

if it's any consolation, you have 2 chins

>> No.12440909
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>> No.12441343
File: 115 KB, 474x503, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I hold up? Ain't too bad in my opinion and I'm having the beard to cover it up, guess that helps a little.

>> No.12441345

it is very bad

>> No.12441406
File: 38 KB, 980x490, wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12441476

Basically no jaw. Save up for jaw surgery.

>> No.12441485

put your tongue on the roof of your mouth. smile with your teeth showing and try to swallow without moving your lips together. in that position keep making a nnnnnnnnnnn sound like youre trying to say nice.

this has helped me a shitload and i always try to move my bottom teeth closer to the front, pushing out my chin. try not to stack your teeth on top of each other

>> No.12441489

your chin is absolutely fine fuck off

>> No.12441491


also keep your head up straight and neck back, always try to breathe through your nose. imma keep doing this every day until i can afford surgery or die

>> No.12441494

>keep making a nnnnnnnnnnn sound like youre trying to say nice.
>like youre trying to say nice.
why did you add this?
Every word with an N at the beginning is pronounced the same.



>> No.12441502

just repeating what the article said, suck my dick fggt

>> No.12441546

Lol the sweat drops

>> No.12441550

desu with some of you it might just be overbite which is less of a pain to get fixed

>> No.12441610

kidney is up for auction.

>> No.12442480

Relax dude, he was just trying to help

>> No.12442682

Hey, buddy, no need to get all heated up. We're all on the same boat here.

>> No.12443135

>tfw chad jaw
>start mewing in my mid teens hardcore like an autist
>slightly even more chad jaw


>> No.12443175

its okay. just drop some fat and chew some stale dubble bubble and you'll be

>> No.12443322

i might need that in the future

>> No.12443496

what the hell is mewing?

>> No.12443504
File: 122 KB, 1106x525, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i a chinlet /fa/? jawlet?

>> No.12443932

no fok off

>> No.12444099

i know a girl who got a huge neck tat that extended up to her chin
totally made her bang-able

>> No.12444152

Do my teeth have to be together for mewing?
How do i mew if i have an overbite?

>> No.12444975 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 621x761, CHin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I lost cause /fa?

>> No.12444995
File: 43 KB, 449x732, CHin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any hope for me?

>> No.12445002

when you are this nerdy looking only option is to lift

>> No.12445004

rude but thanks

>> No.12445087

Yes, jaw surgery.

>> No.12445705
File: 726 KB, 813x749, chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinlets when will they ever learn?

>> No.12446406

with chewing lots of gum.
but surgery is the best option.

>> No.12446414
File: 973 KB, 300x196, 1480552171968.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12446689

Get fit

>> No.12446731

You're fucking stupid if you think that. Where's your sources? Are you really going to say that ortho work and try to get proper jaw structure won't improve your jawline at all?

>> No.12447019
File: 213 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-1811665996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast me

>> No.12447022

It may save the jawline but it'll make them look like someone from whoville

>> No.12447059

kill yourself

>> No.12447132

angry chinlet?

>> No.12447298

Lol are you fucking stupid? Braces move teeth and won't improve your jaw structure if you are an adult. If you are a chinlet mouth-breather, braces won't give you a Chad jaw (it may even make it worse since orthos love to extract teeth). Jaw surgery is for correcting dentofacial deformities.

>> No.12447301


>> No.12447311

No, it's a stupid meme, but it may work if you're a kid. You have a shitty jaw because of your ugly parents and your subhuman genetics and only jaw surgery can help you.

>> No.12447312

did you squish the image from 1280x1280 to 720x1280?

>> No.12447408

not yet, not yet

>> No.12447586

Forget the chin, go get spinal surgery

>> No.12447801

I have a slight overbite and consequently a slightly chinlet profile. Just try and make sure your teeth are somewhat on top of each-other whenever you're conscious that you're over-biting. Soon, you'll do it unconsciously and look a little better. Obviously if you're like this guy it's hopeless.

>> No.12447950
File: 58 KB, 966x768, SGo52cK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"don't get surgery, just work on your confidence and be an interesting person instead! :)"

>> No.12448008

Nicely un-jew'd.

>> No.12448012

That's my shoulder blade lol

>> No.12448547
File: 34 KB, 301x332, WIN_20170506_20_16_37_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw balls big chin
end me

>> No.12448566


>> No.12448653
File: 42 KB, 540x382, WIN_20170501_21_15_03_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat how

>> No.12448891

mike mew - growing the face

>> No.12448921
File: 35 KB, 136x534, 20170507_002015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw italian nose

>> No.12448925

I don't think everyone need a strong jaw or chin, but, people with receding chin seriously disgust me. They look subhuman.

>> No.12448957


>> No.12449346

Your head is 80% hair

>> No.12450387

maybe change your posture?
that really helped on my overbite+weak chin combo

>> No.12451499

I'm more impressed on his hairline.

>> No.12451517

get plastic surgery, shoot yourself, or stop caring

>> No.12451728

Is this the same person responding in every chin based thread? If so, how do you know all of this? Did you go to school for this?
Its really fascinating and I'd want to know your opinion on things like mewing.