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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 130 KB, 1001x1001, taxation-is-theft-3001-gold-flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12435949 No.12435949 [Reply] [Original]

I went full blown autistic and bought a gold "taxation is theft" t-shirt. What can I wear that will go with it? Thinking Navy blue chinos, but I'd also thinking of wearing an open button-up shirt to go over it. Not sure what would work if anything though. If I can't get any good suggestions I'll just go full autist and don a fedora and jeans+new balance.

>> No.12435960

go back to tumblr you cringe lord

>> No.12435988

a gold shirt on it's own would've been hard enough

>> No.12435992

Cargo shorts and flip flops.

I'd suggest returning it and instead get a Bill Clinton is a Rapist Shirt

>> No.12436470

Tuck in
Cuffed light wash denim
Alien sunglasses
That super long off white belt that looks like crime scene tape

>> No.12436476

Why is the shirt yellow (liberalism) and not red (socialism)?

>> No.12438318
File: 448 KB, 482x918, IMG_0956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace the autist fellow road hater

Nah that's gonna be pretty hard to work with but maybe you can go with that whole indie kid crowd that's on the rise atm, tucked into light blue rolled jeans with vans and a black leather belt, that sort of thing maybe ?

>> No.12438625
File: 9 KB, 209x216, 1486984478682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denim fedora, brown leather finger-less gloves, worn m81 cargo shorts with brown belt, and red or black adidas sambas.

Also saged.

>> No.12438982

Because in socialism everyone pays 100% tax then receives an equal portion of the accumulated collective wealth at the end of each month.
And commies see nothing wrong or inefficient about this whatsoever.

>> No.12439047
File: 251 KB, 2048x832, C-Y0rc1XkAAodRN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12439345

Socialism is one of the biggest forms of taxation theft imaginable. This is a lot more of a libertarian/ancap message.

That said, the commies would probably wear this shit too, since they're retarded.

>> No.12440551

Good job anon i kekd

>> No.12441413

Cut sleeves off and use it at gym. KEK

>> No.12441802

Just throw it away dumbass

>> No.12441849
File: 51 KB, 441x280, IMG_4344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yikes, so this is what happens when people get their idea of Socialism from shitty /pol/ infographics and Steven Moleneux videos

Open a book sometime, lads

>> No.12441949

Literally not even.

>> No.12441963

navy pants, wool is nice
brown belt n shoes
tuck in shirt
gray blazer

>> No.12441970

A noose.

Or do you not like having paved roads that can handle your "Is lard with a side of ranch a meal?" ass?
Dudeweedlolbertarians are Redditors.

>> No.12441983

is this what americans are told socialism is?

>> No.12442012
File: 14 KB, 255x255, 2090f3f6a08f9eed1d21371c688163934793d19131e39c82a02acf3eceb324f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this level of comprehension is so diluted and utterly wrong I actually cringed when I read this

>> No.12442033

Y'all say this because y'all are europoors that don't get the same amount of tax as people above your bracket. (As in progressive)

>> No.12442041

black skinnies and docs

literally the only thing you can wear that monstrosity with. btw its better that the state take a little than that actual violent thugs take it all

>> No.12442044

tumblr is pretty leftie, that shirt is pretty /pol/ to be honest

>> No.12442562

Someone spending money on this is evidence taxes aren't high enough