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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 56 KB, 960x960, 18157449_449640838708367_1631963090053511084_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12425196 No.12425196 [Reply] [Original]

why the FUCK are asians so effay?

>> No.12425198

>why the FUCK is this asian so effay?


>> No.12425199 [DELETED] 


>> No.12425200
File: 53 KB, 564x704, 1489627095391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12425201

Japanese people. Because they're shallow little pests obsessed with looks. It's the only thing that keeps them from not killing themselves. Other than that they are depressed sacks of nothing.

>> No.12425209

you're thinking of koreans

>> No.12425211

Tomato potato

>> No.12425212 [DELETED] 

>those tattoos

cringe as fuck

>> No.12425214
File: 32 KB, 644x204, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have to be

>> No.12425314

They dont go bald when they reach 22.

>> No.12425329

>Tomato potato
You got the saying wrong but your first post is 100% on point. Jap/Korean/rich Chinese kids are lifeless tribalistic shitbags. Their only purpose in life is to spend their parents' money and prove how cool they are to their fellow lifeless shallow Asian friends.

>> No.12425336

>thinly veiled /pol/ bullshit in order to make the fat white children on /pol/ feel better about themselves


>> No.12425343


this is the opposite of effay

>> No.12425344 [DELETED] 

>assblasted nigger

>> No.12425354

I'm white, if it's true, then post sources fatty

>> No.12425368

I want to fugg some asian boys

>> No.12425383

They both are
>Am Korean living in Tokyo fuck u

>> No.12425411

They have extremely objective views of beauty

>> No.12425462

ahh fucking /pol/ where white people congregate to make themselves feel better about their pathetic lives.

>> No.12425470

more likely to live in non-flyover/non-bumfuck areas of the country

>> No.12425478



>> No.12425483
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>> No.12425487
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>> No.12425491


How do I get hair like this senpai?

>> No.12425494



those tattoos are disgusting

>> No.12425553

>There are people who think the average Asian looks like that

>> No.12425558
File: 89 KB, 325x300, 1488720040249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average Asian looks just as ugly as any other average person from any other race. When people talk about Asians being /fa/ that's an instant indicator that said person has never been around a large population of Asians.

>> No.12425593


What does this chart mean? Asian women rate latino men at -12%?

Women rate men of their own race green? This chart doesn't make any sense.

Like...out of 100 women....-12...what?

>> No.12425596

are u a retard cause the chart is easy to understand. positive percent correlates to likes and negative is dislike

>> No.12425597
File: 379 KB, 1404x1377, 1465749344409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. Most asians don't look like these images posted here at all. They either needed plastic surgery for that or are a genetic rarity.
Most asians at my uni look pretty uggo.

>> No.12425603

Not that anon but are YOU a retard? This chart is very poorly constructed.

>> No.12425655
File: 387 KB, 2350x1358, 1482430363633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12425660

not that guy but it was a study done by eharmony or some other dating site iirc
Asian women and white men clean up

>> No.12425665

I thought the most important thing in Japan is working 80 hour work weeks and retiring at at 100 years old. How will this guy ever get a job like that?

>> No.12425670

because he's korean not japanese you stupid fuck. he's a tattoo artist who's got a 2 year waitlist since he's overbooked. aka he nets more than you ever will.

>> No.12425793

>ugly white Bois ass blasted
>this thread

>> No.12425810

learn how to green text, you fucking retard

>> No.12425981

The chart being cited is totally valid. It's from a study done by Ok Cupid, the dating website. Link : https://theblog.okcupid.com/how-your-race-affects-the-messages-you-get-39c68771b99e

It's a really really good statistical analysis that shows unconscious racism and beauty standards, everyone should check it out. I swear this isn't typical pol bullshit.

>> No.12426178

pol is only a click away if you wanna go talk shit

>> No.12426195 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 883x837, asians2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12426198

Going to a place where I'm vastly outnumbered by autists to start an argument is not a good idea. I'm also not going to be a hypocrite and shit post on their board. How about you stay in your containment board aspie?

>> No.12426201 [DELETED] 
File: 2.08 MB, 3888x2592, Asian girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

azns are so cuties :3
please gibe more asians to canada

>> No.12426202

I've seen the study, it's not the same data

>> No.12426220



Pol memes are fucking retarded lol.

Most asians worship white culture anyways in america.

this meme is to make permavirgin neet pollack cucks to feel better about themselves for some reason

>> No.12426245

clearly he's understanding something that you aren't

>> No.12426266

They're all so fucking ugly

>> No.12426272

Koreans are the most effay

>> No.12426280
File: 63 KB, 1200x683, 1200px-Obesity_country_comparison_-_path.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think one of the biggest factors is that asians tend to be thin. Clothes look better on thin people.

>> No.12426282 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 1553x1376, asian girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for some reason

I n ever visit /pol/ also ima jew
but anyways

the reason you chinks trigger the shit out of me is because you are like insects invading our spaces. your docile attitude doesn't change shit. you are just as bad if not worse than muds.

We are sick of your cunt little eyes and y our alien faces among us. I dont want to live surrounded by non-white faces. You gooks are slowly steadily overtaking our areas, our towns, our demographics, our nations.

>> No.12426291

go back to pol you shitter.

>> No.12426296

are you in denial or something? it's pretty easy to understand

>> No.12426297

who is this?

>> No.12426308

>TFW you are so insecure about your own appearance and intelligence that you attack a model minority group out of jealously.

Not my fault you were born with a low IQ tubby.

>> No.12426329


>> No.12426365

>ugly ass motherfuckers

yep looks like reddit showed up

>> No.12426831
File: 27 KB, 696x413, 1473215494229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's bullshit because it hurts my feelings!
stay mad, nerd

>> No.12426835

good friends with one of those dudes

>> No.12426845

ugh holy fuck this is disgusting

>> No.12426849

that girl on the bottom with the square-ass face
I would smash

>> No.12426864

Mulatto here, how do I get the latinas?

>> No.12426865

where do i find his pictures? his ig is just flash art I think

>> No.12426874

more pests from /pol/, just what's needed

>> No.12426876

learn 2 salsa

>> No.12426999

Is this a canada reddit meet up?

>> No.12427008

That was the SF meetup. I was talking about how I wanted to girl with the Bape mask to stomp on me or something and she said it made her uncomfortable. If you're browsing here, I love you mask-waifu.

>> No.12427010
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>> No.12427027
File: 11 KB, 243x264, 1490676914450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 14-year-old autist drank too much pepsi i can see. try not to disrespect woman, dawg

>> No.12427032

What if general ratings of 1-5,5 are -100% to 0% and 5,5-10 are 0% to 100%?

>> No.12427044

this sentence makes no sense whatsoever you dumb fuck

>> No.12427080

which japanese person hurt u

>> No.12427098

"why are GOOD LOOKING asians so effay"
ftfy you're welcome from le reddit

>> No.12427114

Yes it does, he could have explained his point abut further but there is no need for such spergery

>> No.12427154

Hard to tell, they all look the same.

>> No.12427188

that's just friendly banter from /int/

>> No.12427212

>>thinly veiled /pol/ bullshit
you're posting in a thinly veiled /r/asianmasculinity thread, shut the fuck up cunt

>> No.12427214

You're not objective then because you both hate each other

>> No.12427229


ay lmao

>> No.12427240
File: 279 KB, 441x398, Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 2.19.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12427266


>> No.12427269

>positive percent correlates to likes and negative is dislike

no shit you retard. it needs a group size number to ATLEAST make sense

>> No.12427300

looking like bjork

>> No.12427350

how the fuck do you take a photo that looks like this? is it a specific type of camera or just digital photo editing?

>> No.12427393

use film

>> No.12427402
File: 28 KB, 466x586, 23e2ewqd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians in general are fucking ugly. But japs are consistently effay as fuck. I used to doubt the jerking off of japs here but goddamn, I've never seen a badly dressed tojo in my life(I've been to a few parts of Japan also). Koreans though are just like Chinese(90% gross) and plastic surgery is such a norm there that you can expect someone good looking to have taken it and you'd be right 90% of the time.

>> No.12427404

*Average people of any race in general is pretty ugly and unkempt

>> No.12427886

>t. never lived in an asian country or even spoken with an eastern asian

>> No.12427903

film camera, adds a layer of 'authenticity'

>> No.12428072
File: 94 KB, 500x355, check yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder 4chan would not exist without glorious nippon :^)

>> No.12428225


oh ok, thanks guys

>> No.12428404

Asian people: "white people all look the same"

literally. it's about getting used to the ethnicity

>> No.12428514

Certainly Japan and Japanese are more /fa/. The biggest thing here is that Japan industrialized about 100 years before Korea did while Korea was Africa tier until like fucking 1970. The list goes on with internationally acclaimed Japanese designers and brands. Yohji, Issey, Jun Takahashi, Rei Kawakubo, etc.

Tokyo is a world fashion capital. Seoul is kind of a wannabe and they are trying to play catch up but it's really not even close. There is some good stuff happening, like Juun.J, but for the most part Koreans are still copycats and wannabes.

>> No.12428534

a bowl hair cut?

>> No.12428542

Look at all those chubby asian manlets. They could have the most amazing clothes and they would still look like a joke.

>> No.12428549 [DELETED] 

>it's about getting used to the ethnicity

What about the fact that asians have all dark hair, dark eyes, and similar nose shapes? They don't look _the same_ but there is definitely less variety in looks.

>> No.12428601

>being privileged enough to live in an area where you can be 1/4 of what his person is and come home intact


>> No.12428642

this place has too many daddy money I want to be cool asians.

>> No.12428643

I would impregnate all of them.

>> No.12428646

half the shit i see on this board i only ever see irl on oriental foreign students

the amount of chinese ankles i see in a week

>> No.12428741

nouveaux riche Chinese kids have the shittiest hive mind taste.
And ducking terrible haircuts

>> No.12428774

Because they eat good food that doesn't make them a lardfat. Much easier to look effay when you aren't making up for your insecurities.

>> No.12428833

who is he?

>> No.12428898

They are two different people..
https://www.instagram.com/d.onk/ first guy
https://www.instagram.com/kijitattoo/ tattoo guy

>> No.12428910

it's called a "two block cut"

>> No.12428951

>dude with the skateboard
i dig

>> No.12428957

he is beautiful no doubt, but hardly the norm for an asian male

>> No.12428989
File: 114 KB, 640x640, 1476361134298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Asian girls, white guy here ;)

>> No.12428995

0% means 50% of the demographic showed interest in the specified race, higher percentage show that the given demographic contact men of the specified race more often, lower percentage show that the given demographic has less interest in the males of the specified race.

>> No.12429004

Because you're all fucking obsessed with anime

>> No.12429013

How do I get hair like this familia?

>> No.12429507

>rich white people
>salmon shorts with boat shoes

>> No.12429702

qt but honestly that fit isn't very good.

>> No.12429706

>le post candid shots of literal pubescent junior high school girls with no make up or lighting or photoshop to show '''''''''ugly''''''' asians are epic may may

>> No.12429872

Love you too

>> No.12430684


holy shit thats hilarious.

did you know about this prior?

>> No.12431225

i am half - best of both worlds :) i hope everyone stops being mean on this thread also it is sad

>> No.12431336


>> No.12431362

she a real one

>> No.12431366

This. Koreans are the shallowest most materialistic little shits on this planet. Seriously just watch any of these videos, complete lack of any personality or anything interesting. A lobotomy patient is more free spirited and expressive than your average korean.


>> No.12431694

>tfw black people could make this same comparison to white people and /pol/ would be up in arms

>> No.12432023

cheers anon, will google recipe

>> No.12432277

implying not majority of the rich parts of the world are kek go outside kid

>> No.12432292

Could someone post pic of that Asian model with a middle part?

>> No.12432296

be my gf :3

>> No.12432366
File: 4 KB, 269x273, 1491891218244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ima jew
>I dont want to live surrounded by non-white faces.


>> No.12433799

guy on right looks like a fun dude : )

>> No.12433839 [DELETED] 

nice try fucking subhuman kike

>> No.12434406

t r i g g e r e d

>> No.12434481


>> No.12435433

add noise in photo shop if you took a picture not on film. around 7-11% on the slider can closely replicate this style. also make a layer of a color and change the opacity to where it affects the hue of the overall pic.
hope this helps

>> No.12436779

good point

>> No.12436786

it's pretty much all a myth anyway desu

there's black guys with 5 inchers and Asian guys with 7 inchers, perhaps they're both outliers but there's something very odd with being so concerned about another lads cock size in the first place

>> No.12437292

because the entire definition of the construction that is 'effay' / 'effay'-ness (as in that created by this board rather than what you decide to perceive it to be / apply it to) was created from an otaku mindset. This is a Japanese cartoon image board at it's root, and from the earliest genesis of this board there has been that influence. It's not that asian men are massively more fashionable, it's that your definition of fashionable centres around styles that asian men like and look good in.
Japanese / SK are almost even more rabidly consumerist and trend driven and vain than the US or Europe too, so they tend to follow trends fast and invest a lot of money in them, this also means that a lot of advertising (e.g. nice magazines) is produced for that market too - creating a large amount of 'inspo' images for and starring that demographic.

>> No.12437342

to me it depends

japanese fashion seems a little more diverse I guess but korean isn't all that bad either, the problem is that in general it seems a little repetitive

>> No.12437417

100% this. Korea doesn't have it's own identity.

>> No.12437430

This is what happend when people married for the money / status; They have ugly kids. They should marry for the looks

>> No.12437466

Koreans are inferior. Hapa masterrace

>> No.12438065

From what I've seen /fa/ in Japan is based more on self-expression and being unique, while Korea /fa/ is based on trends and norms (like the west). It comes down to which you consider to be /fa/

>> No.12438087

I smirked a bit a that

>> No.12438096

Black hair + pale skin looks good with any color palette

Most other combinations of hair/skin tones have at least a few color combos that won't work

>> No.12439084

High IQ

>> No.12439098

They aren't
Unless they're rich
We just happen to only have rich Asians in the West
Go to Asia and they look like shit

Also I saw this chink bitch dressed like an Amish bride walking through London

Also have you seen Japanese fashion?

They have no taste unless they can afford Prada

>> No.12439143
File: 32 KB, 540x960, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm yes us asian men aren't all that good looking. We realize that.(or at least i do*)