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/fa/ - Fashion

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12420425 No.12420425 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most effay endz in London?

Sidenote: posh endz are NOT effay

>> No.12420711


>> No.12420823

Doesn't even have a tube station you poomplex.

>> No.12420849

Why do you middle class white folk want to be like us degenerates so bad? The way we dress isn't even fashionable it's just cheap

But yeah Camden, Canning town, Shoreditch and Stratford are easily the most /fa/ ends

>> No.12420945


>> No.12420948

>tfw live in stratford

>> No.12420973

lol fuck no soho is the only area for fashion hackney and stratford are just full of fucking roadmen

>> No.12420981

lol fuck no soho is the only area for fashion, hackney and stratford are just full of fucking roadmen

>> No.12420982

>live in Enfield
>fucking absurd amount of fit girls
why is this allowed?

>> No.12420985

>hackney and stratford are just full of fucking roadmen
It's not fucking 2009 anymore, it's been gentrified.

It's full of hipsters, art students, and overpriced coffee shops.

It's a shame really. The charm of most of these places has been completely destroyed in favour of some dickhead posh shit that rich kids from the country flock to and think represents London.

>> No.12420987

All such shitholes. Terrible for fashion unless you consider roadmen fashionable. I live in Beckton and I can't wait until I have enough money to leave the shithole that is east London.

>> No.12420988

Full of weirdos.

>Canning Town
50% boring, 50% gentrified.


There should be a new word to describe how much this fucking place has been gentrified.

>> No.12420991 [DELETED] 

yes goyim living with uneducated niggers who will stab you for your iphone 4 at 9pm is charm

import more niggers goyim, you don't want to live in a nice safe area full of whites in which the only thing you have to complain about is the jobs being created by posh coffee shops

>> No.12421003

You're not gonna get mugged in London unless you go into the middle of a rough council estate in the middle of the night while carrying expensive shit/looking like you're carrying expensive shit/looking lost/looking like you don't know what you're doing. It's not that rough. Unless you get caught up in the trouble it's easy to stay away from.

There's nothing wrong with making places nicer but destroying local businesses and displacing people who won't be able to afford the new housing is not the way to go about it. It just creates more unrest and destroys an area.

>> No.12421011 [DELETED] 

>destroying local businesses
oh no raj can't run the local corner shop now because we have a tesco express that's way cheaper and nicer to use ;___;
>displacing people who won't be able to afford the new housing
so people that already live their end up leaving the homes they live in.... why?
rent doesn't go up three fold because there's more white people in an area, overnight and if they already have a place to live then they don't need a 'new' one do they?
>Unless you get caught up in the trouble it's easy to stay away from.
This is true but it doesn't mean undesirables aren't always lurking around. You can go to any club in London and there's always a chance some nog is going to fuck with you because roadman mentality has spread far and wide, it's even rampant up north now and prevalent in the minds of stupid posh cunts like yourself who i'm sure would love to shot a bit of something to feel hard until you get rushed by 10 niggers

If you love niggers so much go live in wood green/tottenham for a year and tell me how much you enjoy the 'charm' and culture of the place

>> No.12421016
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>oh no raj can't run the local corner shop now because we have a tesco express that's way cheaper and nicer to use ;___;

>> No.12421018

yeah i'm the jew because I don't give a fuck about the local paki corner shop
haha you got me anon

>> No.12421026

>just accept our big business, goy

nice try, schlomo

>> No.12421029

Not true anon. There are some parts of London especially east London where I've seen people get mugged in broad daylight. Most of the time the muggings during the day that I've Seen/heard of are done by school students.

I went to a catholic secondary boys school in east London which was full of blacks and they would all steal from each other and from regular people on the street. Absolute savages. There were barely any non black people in my school. My year group had approximately 200 people in it and these are the approximate race statistics:

Blacks about 70% (140)
Filipinos 20% (40)
Whites including Eastern Europeans 7.5% (15)
Indians/Sri lankans 2.5% (5) - including me

Permanent exclusions were always black kids and a good portion of them were thieves.

I guess what I'm trying to say is niggers ruin everything...

>> No.12421114

big business > minorities
>not supporting big business
sorry you're intimidated by other people's success m8, you should sort out that self loathing about your lack of achievement instead of virtue signalling about pakis who can't fulfill their dream of selling booze and fags to 14 year olds

>> No.12421144
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>London is perfectly safe, you won't get mugged
>unless you stray from main roads in central London

>> No.12421147

>sorry you're intimidated by other people's success m8, you should sort out that self loathing about your lack of achievement instead of virtue signalling about pakis who can't fulfill their dream of selling booze and fags to 14 year olds

we're reaching levels of projection that shouldnt even be possible.

>> No.12421149

Not him, and not /pol/, but why would you support people who would literally have you killed if they could make a profit from it

>> No.12421151

You're actually retarded

>being this afraid of a minority people

>> No.12421152

That's not what I stay.

Just don't be an idiot and go into rough estates at night.

>> No.12421156

none of them you bellend
london is a shit city full of shit people like you

t. lived in stratford for a year

>> No.12421165

Lambeth North has gone up significantly in the /fa/ stakes since I moved there desu. I've not bought an item of fashionable clothing for about 3 years and instead wear the same sort of shit casual clothes my mum bought me when I was 14, because they still fit. That look is VERY in right now.

>> No.12421167

Anyone know a good Millinery in london?


Turtlemong. WHERE YOU AT?

>> No.12421170

out of towner runts detected

walworth, leytonstone, lewisham, those are the best endz

>> No.12421174

>oh look a /brit/ /fa/ thread
>people start typing like /fa/ fuccbois
>my sort of thread
>turns into a /pol/ thread within 20 posts

why can't /pol/ fuck off?

>> No.12421176

I live in walworth it's literally one huge council estate

>> No.12421180

Ignore him, don't even THINK about dignifying him with a response.

>> No.12421183

Knightsbridge used to be nice before it became little Qatar

>> No.12421186

>Oh no, 2 or 3 posts in a thread with 30 posts are slightly /pol/-related!
>I'd better make a massive deal out of it rather than actually contributing to the thread!
Stupid tripcancer. Why can't you fuck off?

>> No.12421187

>tfw bellend is really the most effay of all endz

>> No.12421189

mayfair or soho

>> No.12421192

not even sure why the posts would be considered "pol-related"
not wanting to live in the third world or de-gentrified third-world neighborhoods is a perfectly normal human desire
>b-but muh vibrant multiculturalsm. w-where will I get good ethiopian food
not worth the stabbings, rape, littering, smell, filth and identity politics temptation that comes with it.
If foreign cultures are so great, the people born in such cultures should have no problem living in the nation states they engender

>> No.12421193

You fuck off you retard. No one wants to hear about your shit political opinions. Every time you open your mouth about it, it's "niggers do this, niggers do that". You faggots are obsessed with and afraid of what a minority population is doing and like it or not, on the wrong side of history too. Fuck off.

>> No.12421198

>thread is full of kids using the following terms unironically: goyim, ni**er, paki, gentrified, anti-semitic jpgs, thieves

>thinking this is acceptable


>> No.12421208

>oh look a child!
>gets nonced within 20 feet of 190kg
why cant /nonce/ fuck off?

>> No.12421216
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>thread is full of kids using the following terms unironically: goyim, ni**er, paki, gentrified, anti-semitic jpgs, thieves
which one of you pranksters linked this thread on reddit?

>> No.12421220

Guys! Stop talking about how shitty London is!!!! J-just give me the directions to Uniqlo!

>> No.12421227

>tumblr ->

>> No.12421233




>> No.12421246

you're such a sissy

>> No.12421258

west london is shit too though. roadmen are everywhere.

>> No.12421260
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>> No.12421263
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>> No.12421329

I can't believe all the plebs saying Stratford and Camden. I bet you all live in Essex don't you?

Fashionable areas are:
>A few areas of Shoreditch (Brewer street, Hackney Road)
>Dalston (at Night)
>Angel (for food)
>To an extent Stoke Newington

London isn't great for "fashionable areas" but it's good for fashion.. know what I mean?

>> No.12421343

The only correct answer is Tower Hamlets, you can disregard every other response in this thread.

t. lifelong Londoner

>> No.12421354

If you call an abundance of ugly/angry Muslims /fa/.. sure?

>> No.12421358

>tesco is going to snipe me if I decide to become a sainsburys lad instead
born and bred in north london
tower hamlets is literally baghdad at this point

>> No.12421361

Avoid Croydon for fucks sakes, I'm just warning you faggots of how shit and boring this place is.

>> No.12421365

reminder there is literally NOTHING wrong with gentrification

in fact, it is a wholly good phenomenon

>> No.12421373

hello nigger

>> No.12421382

My bellend.

>> No.12421397

Thank you.

>> No.12421407 [DELETED] 

Is there anywhere in London not full of filthy pakis and dindus from africa?

>> No.12421423

It's either one or the other unfortunately

>> No.12421431


>> No.12421433

going for a week in may

been before, but i was 13 and 18 both previous times, and with family

what should i do/see? seen all the touristy shit before

coming from canada

>> No.12421435

UK anons, does anyone know a good alternative to Laundress for cleaning suits at home? For some reason they don't sell their wool and cashmere bar in their UK range.

>> No.12421442

>what should I do/see
just look up all the art exhibitions, walk around central, go to one of our huge parks like trent park or something
london might be full of dindus but it's a 8 million+ city so there's always shit to do

may will be nice aswell, go out and chirpse a hot spice

>> No.12421467

thx anon!

i assume that means hit up a female

>> No.12421470
File: 490 KB, 1280x960, 2006-10-15-125012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


some links for you. Also yeah, might wanna immerse yourself in some grime to pick up the local slang although I doubt anyone will say anything you wont understand through context to you and I also doubt you will jam with roadmen. If you do though, around blacks never relax...


>> No.12421493


>> No.12421500


>> No.12421564

london is not a european city

>> No.12421790

isle of dogs

>> No.12421862

Simmer down fatty

Did the swans lose again

>> No.12422125

>posh endz are NOT effay
Kek, pov

>> No.12422394

>why can't /pol/ fuck off?

because the world is in turmoil, faggot.
and Britain is turning into a caliphate.

it's concerning if people make these observations:

>> No.12422395


You know nothing about London.

>> No.12422397

that wouldn't make them a profit you fucking idiot

>> No.12422449

buying stuff from their rival is indirectly making them lose money aka stopping them from making a profit you low iq nigger

>> No.12422508

wigga go away

>> No.12422514

Ye boi, SW best London

>> No.12422536

Ok I got it copy
20/20 but I can see nobody
One eye open illuminati

>> No.12422933

That is a Travis Scott lyric, not a London borough.

>> No.12422959
File: 910 KB, 1437x1806, thinking_easter_egg_7_big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triggered by /pol/

it's like people are forgetting they're on 4chan... wait a minute

>> No.12422967

daily reminder that you have higher chances of being robbed in london if you look like an easy prey (i.e twink, dressing like a roadman but you aint one, acting like a batty etc)

>> No.12422996

This might not be the most relevant place to ask, but.
What venues/areas should I go to for a proper underground grime rave/dance?
2008-2012, before the grime boom, I went to a few with my english friends, and had a very good time. I recently was in London and it seems like it's been taken over by white students due to it's popularity. I prefer the rougher/higher energy (local, black) crowd.
I've heard I should look out for Footsie's King original, but can't really find anything.

>> No.12423188

>I prefer the rougher/higher energy (local, black) crowd.


>> No.12423202

No homo

>> No.12423215


hurrrr fug drumpf and fuq white ppl :(

>> No.12423231

I don't think there's anything wrong with improving rough areas, but that can be done in ways that doesn't completely displace and destroy the communities and businesses already there and making it a boring commercial shithole completely bare of culture and personality where only rich people can live.

You're not just forcing out roadmen, you're forcing out normal fucking people. Only rich people can live in these fancy gentrified new build estates.

>> No.12423311

go see fashion shit since you're on /fa/

>> No.12423314

btw dover street market (heavily recommended) is in the wrong place on this map

>> No.12423321

all of london is now posh. thanks, middle classes

>> No.12423344

The roadmen in Stratford are just going westies and then getting the tube home lol

>> No.12423386

Stratford isn't really gentrified if that's your definition. Get away from the shopping centre you Starbucks faggot.

>> No.12423725

well if you dont like it you can always fuck off to reddit and tumblr my nigger friend

>> No.12423739

jeepers, thanks anon

>> No.12423775

I literally came here to post this, Croydon is devoid of any life. I live and work there and it's fucking terrible.

>> No.12423808

Holy shit beckton? Grew up in horse leaze and attended Gallion's reach till I moved to Stratford.
The place is like a forest, only reason I ever go is for Gallion's reach